All Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Coralys f Spanish (Caribbean, Rare)
Elaboration of Coral using the suffix lys, found in names such as Odalys, Idalys, Yarelys, etc.
Coramae f English
Combination of Cora and Mae.
Coran m Popular Culture
This is the name of an Altean man who serves as Princess Allura's right-hand man in the 2016 series "Voltron: Legendary Defender."
Corastella f English
Combination of Cora and Stella 1.
Corauni f Romani
From Romani corauni "crown".
Coray f & m Spanish
It means a goat that has been skinned in the milk of it's ancestors. Or It mean in or from hollow.
Corazón f Spanish (Rare)
Means "heart" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Inmaculado Corazón de María meaning "Immaculate Heart of Mary".
Corazon f Spanish (Philippines)
Variant of Corazón used in the Philippines. A famous bearer is Corazon Aquino, the first female president of the Philippines, from 1986-1992 and widow to assassinated senator Benigno Aquino, Jr.
Corb m English (Rare)
Diminutive of Corbin or Corbett. Noted bearer is Canadian musician Corb Lund.
Corbett m English
Transferred use of the surname Corbett.
Corbijn m Dutch
Dutch form of Corbin. As a first name, it is very rare; Corbijn is far more common as a surname in The Netherlands.
Corbiniaan m Dutch (Archaic)
Archaic Dutch form of Corbinianus (see Korbinian).
Corbiniano m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Corbinianus (see Korbinian).
Corbitant m Wampanoag
Name of a leader under Massasoit from the Pocasset tribe who may have attempted to influence the people in a revolt against the English settlers.
Corbmac m Irish
Variant spelling of Cormac
Corbyn m English
Variant of Corbin.
Corc m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of George.
Corc m Irish
Means "heart" in Irish.
Corcan m Manx
Derived from Old Irish corc "heart", combined with a diminutive suffix.
Corceca f Arthurian Cycle
Corceca is an old woman in Book 1 of "The Faerie Queene". She practices Catholic rituals and prays the rosary.
Corda f English
Either a diminutive of Cordelia or from the Latin corda meaning "hearts."
Cordae m African American
Invented name, blending the initial sound found in names such as Cordell, Cordero and Cortez with the popular phonetic element day.
Cordarius m African American (Rare)
Likely a combination of the phonetic element cor with Darius.
Cordelius m English
Masculine form of Cordelia.
Corden m English, English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Corden. Corden was given to 10 boys in 2017.
Cordero m English (American, Modern), African American
From Spanish cordero meaning "lamb", perhaps via the Spanish surname Cordero (which originally denoted either a shepherd or someone thought to resemble a lamb)... [more]
Cordia f Ancient Roman, English (Rare)
Feminine form of Cordius. In the English-speaking world, this name can sometimes be a short form of Cordelia... [more]
Cordie f English
Diminutive of Cordelia.
Cordius m Ancient Roman
Fairly obscure Roman nomen gentile that originated with a plebeian family that was native to the city of Tusculum, which was an important center of worship for the Dioscuri. Only one member of this family is known to history, namely Manius Cordius Rufus (1st century BC)... [more]
Cordiya f Filipino
Diminutive of Concordia.
Cordo m Spanish
Spanish form of Cordus.
Cordus m Late Roman
From a Roman cognomen that was probably derived from Latin cordus, which is a variant form of Latin chordus meaning "late-born" as well as "late in the season". Another possibility is that the name was derived from Latin corda, which is a variant form of chorda, the latinized form of Greek khorda or khorde meaning "cord, string".... [more]
Cordy f English
Diminutive of Cordelia.
Core m Biblical Italian
Italian form of Korah.
Corean f English
Possibly a combination of names like Corry and Anne 1 or an elaboratization of Corinne.
Corélia f French
French form of Corelia.
Corella f English
Diminutive of Cora.
Corelle f English
Variant of Coral.
Corene f English, Walloon
Walloon form and English variant of Corinne.
Corentyn m Cornish
Cornish form of Corentin.
Coressa f English (Rare)
Elaborated form of Cora.
Coretha f American (Rare)
This name was given to 19 girls born in the USA in the year 1925
Corflambo m Arthurian Cycle
Corflambo is the powerful giant who captures Amyas in Book 4, Canto 8 of "The Faerie Queene". He is killed by Arthur.
Corgan m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Corgan. Its usage was inspired by American guitarist and singer Billy Corgan (1967-).
Corge m Medieval Spanish
Medieval form of Jorge.
Coria f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κοριη (Koriê), an epithet of the goddess Athena which was derived from κορη (korê) "maiden" (compare Korë, Corinna).
Coria f Gaulish
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Corianne f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Corrie and Anne 1, perhaps influenced by Corinne.
Corianton m Mormon
In The Book of Mormon, Corianton was the third son of Alma the Younger and the brother of Helaman and Shiblon... [more]
Coriantor m Mormon
Late Jaredite, son of Moron, father of Ether. Although his father had been king, Coriantor "dwelt in captivity all his days".
Coriantum m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Coriantumr m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Coridon m Literature, Theatre
Variant of Corydon used by Edmund Spenser for a shepherd in his poem The Faerie Queene (1590).
Coriel f American
From the main character in 'Summers At Castle Auburn' Copyright Sharon Shinn, 2002. Similar to Kore greek "maiden"
Corien f Dutch
Dutch form of Corine.
Corihor m Mormon
The name of various Book of Mormon characters.
Çorîn f Kurdish
From the Kurdish name of a type of mountain herb.
Corinda f English, Dutch (Rare)
Elaboration of Cora influenced by names ending in -inda such as Clarinda and Dorinda.
Coring f Filipino
Diminutive of Socorro.
Corinius m Literature
Corinius is a warrior leader in the novel "The Worm Ouroboros" by Eric Rücker Eddison.
Corinth f English (American)
Named after the Greek city of Corinth mentioned prominently in the bible.
Corinthian m & f English (Rare), Popular Culture
Corinthian is the most ornate of the classical orders (columns) of Greek and Roman architecture, characterized by fluted columns and elaborate capitals with intricate carvings. It has taken on the meaning of "ornate, luxurious" because of the typical traits of the namesake order... [more]
Coriolan m Romanian
Romanian form of Coriolanus.
Coriolana f Italian (Tuscan, Rare)
Italian feminine form of Coriolanus.
Coriolanu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Coriolano.
Coriolanus m Ancient Roman, History, Theatre
Roman cognomen which was derived from Corioli, the name of an ancient but now lost Volscian city. Although derived from the Volscian language, it is not known what the meaning of the city's name was in Volscian... [more]
Corisande f Literature, Theatre, French (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, from the name of a character in medieval legend, possibly first recorded by Spanish writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo. Perhaps it was derived from an older form of Spanish corazón "heart" (e.g., Old Spanish coraçon; ultimately from Latin cor "heart", with the hypothetic Vulgar Latin root *coratione, *coraceone) or the Greek name Chrysanthe... [more]
Corissa f English (American)
Possibly a blend of Corinna and Carissa.
Corius m Gaulish
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Corke f & m Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Cor as well as of the related names Cornelis and Cornelius (for men) and Cornelia (for women).... [more]
Corky m & f Irish, American
Nickname used for descendents of Cork, Ireland.... [more]
Corley m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Corley.
Corlia f Afrikaans
Contracted form of Cornelia.
Corlieke f Dutch (Rare)
Apparently a fairly recent creation, most likely a blend of the names Cornelia or Cora with Lieke... [more]
Corliss f & m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Corliss.
Corlys m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the upcoming television adaptation "House of the Dragon". In the series, Corlys Velaryon is the head of House Velaryon and the most famous seafarer in the history of Westeros.
Corman m English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Corman.
Còrme m Gascon
Gascon form of Cosmas.
Cormic m English
Variant of Cormac.
Cormick m English
Anglicized form of Cormac.
Cormoran m Folklore, Literature
Name of a legendary giant in Cornish folklore; he appears in the fairy tale 'Jack the Giant Killer'. The name was also used for the main character, Cormoran Strike, in 'The Cuckoo's Calling' (2013) by Robert Galbraith (J... [more]
Cormorant m Arthurian Cycle
Cormorant is a giant in Book 6 of "The Faerie Queene". He will take back Bruin's kingdom unless Bruin produces an heir.
Cornald m Dutch
The first element of this name is possibly derived from Latin cornu "horn" (see Cornelius). The second element is derived from Gothic valdan "to reign." A known bearer of this name is Dutch television presenter and writer Cornald Maas (b... [more]
Corneel m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish
Short form of both Cornelis and Cornelius (for men) and Cornelia (for women), but the name is most often encountered on men... [more]
Corneelke m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Diminutive of Corneel as well as of the related names Cornelis and Cornelius (for men) and Cornelia (for women).... [more]
Corneeltje f & m Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Corneel as well as of the related names Cornelis and Cornelius (for men) and Cornelia (for women).... [more]
Cornelh m Lengadocian
Languedocian form of Cornelius.
Corneli m Catalan
Catalan form of Cornelius.
Cornelian m & f English (Rare)
Named for the deep red gemstone which is also known as a carnelian. The word comes from the Latin cornum, meaning "cornel cherry" - a flowering dogwood tree with small, dark red fruit.... [more]
Corneliana f Late Roman
Feminine form of Cornelianus.
Cornelianus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from Cornelius. A bearer of this name was the Roman rhetorician Sulpicius Cornelianus, who lived in the 2nd century AD.
Cornelie f Dutch, Danish (Rare), German (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Cornelia, which was probably influenced by its French form Cornélie.
Cornelieke f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Cornelie, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke.
Cornéline f French (Archaic), French (African, Rare)
Diminutive of Cornélie, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ine.
Cornelis f East Frisian
Variation of Cornelia and feminine version of Cornelius.
Cornelisje f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cornelis, which was created by adding the Dutch and Frisian diminutive suffix -je to it. This particular way of feminizing masculine names is typically Dutch as well as Frisian, and originated in medieval times.
Corneliske f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cornelis, which was created by adding the Dutch and Frisian diminutive suffix -ke to it. This particular way of feminizing masculine names is typically Dutch as well as Frisian, and originated in medieval times.
Cornice m & f American (South, Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname.
Corniels m Dutch
Derived from Cornelius or a blend of the name Cor with Niels 2, this name is quite, quite rare in The Netherlands and had only 5 bearers in the 2006 statistics for Dutch names.
Cornificia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Cornificius. This name was borne by a Roman female poet and writer from the 1st century BC.
Cornificio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Cornificius.
Cornificius m Ancient Roman
From a Roman nomen gentile, which was derived from Latin cornificus "making horns", which itself was derived from Latin cornu "horn" and Latin facere "to make, to do". This name was borne by a Roman consul and a Roman poet, both of whom lived in the 1st century BC.
Cornutus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from the Latin adjective cornutus meaning "horned", itself ultimately derived from the Latin noun cornu meaning "horn".... [more]
Cornwallis m English
Transferred use of the surname Cornwallis.
Corny m English
Diminutive of Cornelius.
Coro f Spanish (European)
Means "choir" in Spanish, taken from the title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora del Coro (meaning "Our Lady of the Choir"). She is the patroness of the city of Donostia/San Sebastián in the Basque province of Gipuzkoa.
Coroebus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Koroibos. A known bearer of this name was the Olympic victor Coroebus of Elis, who won the stadion race at the 1st Olympiad in 776 BC.
Corom m Mormon
A middle Jaredite king, son of Levi.
Coromoto f Spanish
Taken from the Venezuelan Spanish title of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de Coromoto, meaning "Our Lady of Coromoto," the name taken from the cacique (chief) of a local Indian tribe, known as the Cosmes, who, legend says, twice witnessed the Virgin Mary.... [more]
Coronacion f Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Derived from Spanish coronación, meaning "coronation", referring to the idea that the Virgin Mother of God was physically crowned as Queen of Heaven after her Assumption.
Coronada f Spanish
Means "crowned" in Spanish, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary Nuestra Señora de la Coronada and Virgen de la Coronada, meaning "Our Lady of the Crowned" and "The Virgin of the Crowned", respectively... [more]
Coronda f African American (Rare)
Likely an invented name, possibly a combination of Corinna and Rhonda. Also compare Sharonda.
Corong f & m Filipino
Diminutive of Socorro, Dioscoro, and other names containing a similar sound.
Coronita f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish diminutive of Corona.
Coronus m Late Roman
Masculine form of Corona.
Coroy f & m Filipino
Diminutive of Socorro, Dioscoro, and other names containing a similar sound.
Corpus f & m Spanish, American (Hispanic, Rare), English (American, Rare)
Borrowed from Latin corpus meaning "body," more specifically referring, in this case, to the Body of Christ (Corpus Christi). This name, sometimes used with the full name Corpus Christi, is usually given to children born on or around the feast day of Corpus Christi.
Corrada f Italian
Feminine form of Corrado.
Corràdu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Conrad.
Corraduccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Corrado, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Corraduzza f Sicilian
Diminutive of Corrada.
Corre m & f Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Cornelis and Cornelius (for men) and Cornelia (for women).... [more]
Correa f English (Australian)
A small Australian shrub whose leaves give off a fruity smell when crushed. Named in honour of the Portuguese botanist José Correia da Serra; Correia is a common Portuguese surname meaning “leather strap”, originally given to those who worked in the leather trade.
Correke f & m Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Cor and Corre as well as of the related names Cornelis and Cornelius (for men) and Cornelia (for women).... [more]
Corresta f English (American, Rare)
Meaning uncertain, possibly an elaboration of Corrie using the suffix esta (found in Celesta). This was borne by American physician Corresta Thisba Canfield (1833-1920).
Correy m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Corey.
Corrieke f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Corrie, as it contains the Dutch diminutive suffix -ke. This essentially makes the name a double diminutive of Cornelia and other feminine names that start with Cor-.... [more]
Corrigan m & f English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Corrigan.
Corrinne f English
Variant of Corinne.
Corry m English
Variant of Cory.
Cors m Dutch (Archaic, ?)
This is for my original known ancestor, a sailor-trader in New Amsterdam, in the 1630s-1650s, who was born around 1612, in/around a hamlet called Langeraar (or Langeraer) near Leiden, Suid Holland. ... [more]
Corsa f Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Accorsa, itself derived from Latin accursia "aided; helped". The name coincides with the Italian word corsa "a run; a race (the competition)" as well as with corsa, the feminine form of corso, "Corsican; woman from Corsica".
Corsen f & m Welsh
Means "reed" in Welsh.
Corsin m Romansh
Of uncertain origin and meaning. This name is traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Corsina f Romansh
Feminine form of Corsin.
Corsina f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Corso.
Corson m Biblical Hebrew
Has Hebrew origins, as the name is mentioned in the bible as one of the 4demon kings reigning over 72 demons.
Corstiaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Christiaan.
Corstian m Dutch
Variant form of Corstiaan.
Cort m Low German (Archaic)
Archaic Low German form of Cord, recorded between the 15th and the 18th centuries.
Cortana f English (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Variant of Curtana, from the Latin curtus, meaning "short", the name of the ceremonial sword used at the Coronation of British royalty. It is borne by an artificial intelligence creature in the Halo video game franchise, as well as Microsoft's virtual assistant, which was named for the character in the game.
Cortes f Spanish (European, Rare)
From the titles of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Cortes and La Virgen de Cortes, meaning "Our Lady of Cortes" and "The Virgin of Cortes" respectively (coincides with the words meaning "cut; style, type" or "courts").... [more]
Cortez m African American
Transferred use of the surname Cortez.
Cortijo f Spanish (European, Rare)
From the Marian title Virgen del Cortijo, which gives its name to a chapel in Murillo de Río Leza (La Rioja).... [more]
Corto m French (Rare), Popular Culture
Means "short" in Italian and Spanish, from Latin curtus.
Corv m Catalan
Catalan form of Corvus.
Corvette f English (American, Rare)
Either taken from the English word corvette meaning "a small warship" or the car Chevrolet Corvette.
Corvin m English, German (Swiss, Rare), Romanian
English,German and Romanian form of Corvinus.
Corvino m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Corvinus.
Corvinus m Late Roman, German, German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Corvus. A bearer of this name was Marcus Valerius Messalla Corvinus, a Roman general from the 1st century AD.
Corvo m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Corvus. Corvo Attano is the name of the lead protagonist in Bethesda studio's popular video game 'Dishonored'.
Corvus m Ancient Roman
Derived from Latin corvus "raven." Marcus Valerius Corvus was a Roman hero of the 4th century BC.
Corwyn m Welsh
Variant of Corwynn.
Cory f Filipino
Diminutive of Corazon, Socorro, and other names containing cor. Corazon "Cory" Aquino was the 11th president of the Philippines.
Corydon m Literature, English (American)
Probably related to Greek κορυδός (korydos) meaning "lark". This was a stock name for a shepherd in ancient Greek pastoral poems and fables.
Corymbia f English (Australian)
Rare Australian name derived from the name of the tree.
Corymbus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From Greek Κορυμβος (Korymbos) meaning "(a bunch of) ivy berries". He was the Greek demigod of the fruit of the ivy.
Coryphe f Greek Mythology
Probably taken directly from the Ancient Greek word κορυφή (koryphe) meaning "top of the head, crown; top, apex; mountain peak", or figuratively "excellence". This was the name of one of the Oceanids in Greek mythology... [more]
Corypheus m Popular Culture
Derived from coryphaeus, which is the latinized form of the Greek word κορυφαῖος (koryphaios) meaning "head man, chief, leader". The word itself is ultimately derived from the Greek noun κορυφή (koruphe) meaning "head, top"... [more]
Cosain m Maranao
Maranao form of Husayn.
Cosam m Biblical Latin
One of Jesus' ancestors in Luke 3:28.
Cosetta f Italian
Italian form of Cosette.
Cósima f Galician (Rare)
Feminine form of Cosme and Galician cognate of Cosima.
Cosimina f Italian
Diminutive of Cosima.
Còsimu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Cosimo.
Cosimu m Corsican, Sardinian
Corsican and Campidanese Sardinian form of Cosmas.
Cosimuccio m Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of Cosimo, as -uccio is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.
Cosmael m Medieval Italian
Probably derived from Cosmo by adding the at that time popular name ending -aele (e.g., from the name Raffaele).
Còsme m Provençal, Gascon
Provençal and Gascon form of Cosmas.
Cosmia f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek (Latinized, Rare), Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare), English (Rare)
Latinized form of the Greek name Κοσμία (Kosmia), which meant "orderly, decent".
Coşqun m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Coşkun.
Cossinia f Ancient Roman
Feminine form of Cossinius. Cossinia was one of the Vestal Virgins.
Cossutia f Ancient Roman
Femenine form of the roman gens Cossutius. It was the name of a Roman woman who became engaged to Julius Caesar prior to his reaching adulthood.
Costa m Greek
Variant of Kosta.
Costabile m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Constabilis. A famous bearer is Italian-American mobster Costabile Farace (1960-1989).
Costansa f Piedmontese
Piedmontese form of Costanza.
Costante m Italian
Italian form of Constans. It is also a common-used adjective in Italian with the same meaning of the name.
Costantín m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Constantine.
Costantin m Ligurian
Ligurian form of Constantine.
Costantìnu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Constantine.
Costantinu m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Constantinus (see Constantine).
Costanzio m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Constantius.
Costeen f Greek (Anglicized, Rare, Expatriate)
English contracted form of the Greek name Konstantina. It is borne by Costeen Hatzipourganis, an Australian interior designer of Greek descent who is the girlfriend of tennis player Nick Kyrgios.
Costela f Romanian
Feminine form of Costel.
Costella f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Probably a feminine form of Costa.
Costello m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Transferred from the originally Irish surname Costello.
Costeluș m Romanian
Diminutive of Constantin.