Submitted Names with "-rose" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword -rose.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Fretr m Old Norse
Old Norse byname meaning "fart".
Fretterat m Sami
Sami form of Frederick.
Fretteret m Sami
Sami form of Frederick.
Freude f Yiddish
See Freyde (Yiddish for “joy”). ... [more]
Freugen f German (Rare, Archaic)
German diminutive of Frowe.
Fréwisse f French
French form of Frideswide and variant of Frésende and Frévisse
Freya f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φρέγια (see Fregia).
Freybiǫrn m Old Norse
Ancient Scandinavian variant form of Frøybiǫrn.
Freybjörn m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Freybjǫrn.
Freyda f Yiddish
Variant of Freyde.
Freydís f Old Norse, Icelandic
The first element of this name is derived from Old Norse freyja, which means "lady" but can also refer to the goddess Freya. The second element is derived from Old Norse dís "goddess, priestess."
Freydoon m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدون (see Fereydoun).
Freydoun m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدون (see Fereydoun).
Freygerðr f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Frøygærðr.
Freygerður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Freygerðr.
Freyhiwot f Ethiopian, Amharic
Means "the seed that gave life" or "the fruit of life" in Amharic.
Freyia f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φρέγια (see Fregia).
Freyleif f Literature
Derived from Old Norse freyja, which means "lady" but can also refer to the goddess Freya, combined with Old Norse leif meaning "inheritance, legacy"... [more]
Freymann m Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Icelandic combination of Freyr and maðr "man".
Freysteinn m Old Norse, Icelandic
Icelandic and Old Norse variant of Frøystæinn.
Freyþór m Icelandic (Rare)
The first element Frey- in part means "lord" (it is derived from Primitive Scandinavian *fraujaR "lord") but also refers to the Norse god Freyr. The second element refers to the Norse god Þórr (see Þór).
Freyvald m Norwegian (Rare, Archaic)
Combination of Frey (see Freyr) and Old Norse valdr "ruler".
Frezer f Amharic
Means "fertile" in Amharic.
Frézia f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Late 1990s coinage, a direct derivation from Hungarian frézia "freesia".
Frezya f Turkish
Means Freesia flower
Fria f Danish (Rare)
Variant of Frida 2; in some cases the name might be asscociated with Danish fri "free".
Frial f Arabic
Means disease
Friam m Arthurian Cycle
A duke and an ally or vassal of Gawaine’s wife, Orgeluse (Orguelleuse).
Frians m Arthurian Cycle
A boorish and treacherous prince of Punterteis (Punturteis) in Der Pleier’s Garel von dem blühenden Tal.... [more]
Fric m Silesian
Short form of Fryderyk (via German Fritz).
Frid f & m Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Variant of Fride, Frida 2, or any other name containing the Germanic element frid "peace"... [more]
Frida f Greek
Variant transcription of Φρείδα (see Freida) and Φρίντα (see Frinta), both diminutives of Afroditi.
Fridbjørg f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Archaic)
Danish and Norwegian variant of Fridborg.
Fride m Swedish
Diminutive form of Fridolf, but could also be interpreted as a masculine form of Frida 2.
Fride f Norwegian
Variant of Frida 2.
Fridebad m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with badu "battle."
Fridebald m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Fridebern m Germanic
Derived from the Old High German elements fridu meaning "peace" and beren "man, warrior". Although linguistic or scribal ambiguities mean that some forms of Fridebern and Fridebert have been confused for each other.
Fridebert m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Fridebod m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Gothic biutan "to offer" or Old High German boto "bid, offer."
Frideborg f Swedish
Swedish cognate of Frideburg.
Fridebrand m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
Frideburg f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from Old High German fridu "peace." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Fridegar m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Old High German fridu "peace." The second element is derived from Gothic gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear", or from garva (garo in Old High German, and gearu in Anglo-Saxon) "ready, prepared."
Fridegern m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Gothic gairns "eager, desiring."
Fridegund f Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German gund "war."
Fridehard m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Fridek m Silesian
Diminutive of Fryderyk via German Friedrich.
Frideman m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with man "man."
Fridemar m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Fridemund m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Fridenand m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Gothic nand "bravery" (or Gothic nanthjan "to venture, to risk, to dare").
Frider m Alsatian
Short form of Friedrich.
Friderad m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
Frideric m Germanic, Romansh
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Fridericus m Germanic (Latinized)
Latinized form of Friduric. Also compare Fredericus.
Friderika f Hungarian, Slovene (Rare), Slovak, Banat Swabian
Slovene feminine form of Friderik, Hungarian feminine form of Frigyes (via Friedrich) and Slovak feminine form of Fridrich.
Friderun f Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Gothic rûna "secret."
Fridewald m Medieval English
Derived from Old English friþ "peace" and weald "power". This name was borne by a 6th-century king of Bernicia and a 7th-century sub-king of Surrey.
Frideward m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German wart "guard."
Fridewin m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Old High German wini "friend."
Fridhi m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Friði.
Fridhkil m Old Swedish
Old Swedish name with the combination of friðr "love", "peace" and kætil "cauldron".
Fridhlef m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Friðlæifr.
Fridlef m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Fridhlef.
Fridleivur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Friðlæifr.
Fridlev m Danish
Modern form of Frithlef.
Frido m Dutch (Rare), German, Sorbian
Short form of masculine names that contain the Germanic element fridu meaning "peace", such as Fridolf and Friedrich... [more]
Fridogitha f Anglo-Saxon (Latinized)
Latinized form of Friðugyth (see Frithugyth).
Fridolí m Catalan
Catalan form of Fridolin.
Fridolín m Czech, Slovak
Czech and Slovak form of Fridolin.
Fridolin m Medieval German, German, Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Archaic), Romansh
Diminutive of Frid or Frido, which are both a short form of masculine names that contain the Germanic element frid or fridu meaning "peace", such as Friedrich and Gottfried... [more]
Fridolina f German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Romansh
Feminine form of Fridolin. This name is borne by Swedish soccer player Fridolina Rolfö (b. 1993).
Fridrëszk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Fridrich.
Fridrich m Slovak, Kashubian
Slovak and Kashubian form of Friedrich.
Fridrih m Russian, Serbian
Russian and Serbian form of Frederick.
Fridrik m Croatian
Croatian form of Frederick.
Fridrisza f Kashubian
Feminine form of Fridrich.
Fridsert m West Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian form of Fridehard.
Fridulf m Germanic
Derived from Old High German fridu "peace" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Fried m Dutch, German, Limburgish
Short form of Godfried (Dutch, Limburgish) and Friedrich (German, Limburgish).
Friedbert m German (Rare)
A dithematic name formed from the name elements fridu "peace" and beraht "bright".
Friedburg f German (Rare)
Containing name elements fridu and burg.
Friede m & f German
Variation of names with the name element Fried.
Friedel m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), German, Yiddish
Dutch, Flemish and German short form of Fridolin and its feminine forms Fridolina and Fridoline.... [more]
Friedelinde f German
Derived from the Germanic name elements fridu meaning "peace" and lind meaning "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".
Frieder m German
Means "the peaceful". See also Friedrich.... [more]
Friedeswind f German
Containing name elements Fried and Swind.
Friedgard f German (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from Old High German Fridu meaning "peace" and Gart meaning "enclosure"
Friedhard m German
Modern German form of Fridehard.
Friedhilde f German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements fridu "peace" and hilt "battle".
Friedjo m German (Rare)
Short Form of names containing the Name element frid "peace".
Friedl m & f German (Austrian)
Austrian German and Bavarian German diminutive of names that contain the Germanic element frid meaning "peace", such as Friedrich (for men) and Friederike (for women)... [more]
Friedlieb m German (Archaic)
German form of the ancient Germanic name Friduleib, which consists of the Germanic elements frid meaning "peace" and leub meaning "dear, beloved" (see Gottlieb).... [more]
Friedmann m Yiddish (Archaic), Medieval Jewish
Medieval Judeo-German vernacular form of Schalom (See Shalom). Compare also the German given name Friedemann.
Friedmar m German
Originally an Old High German name, derived from the elements frid "peace" and mari "famous".
Friedmund m German
Modern German form of Fridemund.
Friedo m German, Dutch (Rare)
Short form of masculine names that contain the Germanic element fridu meaning "peace", such as Friedhelm and Friedrich.... [more]
Friedolf m German
Variant of Fridolf.
Friedrun f German
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements fridu "peace" and runa "rune".
Friedwolf m German (Modern, Rare)
Modern coinage from the name element Fried- "peace" with the name Wolf "wolf". The name is formed in the same way as the traditional name Friedolf.
Friend m English (American, Rare)
From the English word friend meaning "a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection".
Friendly m English (American)
Derived from either the English word friendly or the English surname Friendly.
Frieza m Popular Culture
Frieza is one of the main villains in the Dragon Ball manga series. His name comes from freezer, due to this cold-bloodedness. It also matches the trend of some of the characters having food-related names.
Frigga f Norse Mythology
Anglicized form of Frigg. It has occasionally been used as a Swedish given name (first documented in 1834), sometimes as a diminutive of Fredrika (compare Fricke).
Friida f Finnish
Finnish variant of Frida 2.
Frija f Frisian
Frisian form of Freya.
Frijn m Medieval Dutch
Medieval short form of Severijn, which is nowadays almost exclusively found as a surname in The Netherlands.
Frikk m Norwegian
Norwegian diminutive of Fredrik.
Frikkie m Afrikaans
Diminutive of Frederik.
Friksas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Phrixos (see Phrixus).
Frima f Jewish, Yiddish
Variant of Fruma.
Frimann m Norwegian (Rare)
From a Danish family name, itself taken from the by-name Frimand "noble man" or "free man" (compare Freeman). It could also be a form of the German name Friedemann.
Frimcha f Yiddish
Diminutive of Fruma.
Frimet f Yiddish
Presumably a (Polish?) Yiddish name related to Frima, found in documents from the early 1800s regarding contemporary Yiddish-speakers in Poland.
Frimetta f Yiddish
Yiddish diminutive of Frima.
Frimmy f Yiddish
Diminutive of Fruma.
Frimy f Yiddish
Diminutive of Fruma.
Frin m Limburgish
Limburgish short form of Severinus, see also Frijn.
Frina f Russian
Russian form of Phryne.
Frine f Italian, Basque, Catalan
Italian, Basque and Catalan form of Phryne.
Frini f Greek
Alternate transcription of Greek Φρύνη (see Fryni).
Frínico m Spanish
Spanish form of Phrynichus.
Frinico m Italian
Italian form of Phrynichus.
Frinta f Greek
Diminutive of Afroditi and Freideriki.
Fris m Occitan
Occitan form of Friso.
Frisa f Indonesian
Probably a feminine form of Friso.
Frisia f Occitan
Feminine form of Fris.
Frisk f & m Popular Culture (Modern)
This is the name of the main character of the video game Undertale by Toby Fox.
Frisso m Italian
Italian form of Phrixos (see Phrixus).
Frister m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant of Fritser, which probably came into being through metathesis.
Frith m English
Variant of FRIÞ.
Friðælfr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements friðr "love", "peace" and ælfR "elf".
Fríðálvur m Faroese
Faroese younger masculine form of Friðælfr.
Friþareiks m Germanic
Combination of fridu "peace" and reiks "chieftain, ruler".
Friðbergur m Icelandic
Masculine form of Friðbjörg.
Friðbjörg f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Fridbjørg.
Fríðborg f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements fríðr "beautiful, beloved" and bjǫrg "help, salvation".
Friðborg f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Fridborg or Fríðborg.
Friðdís f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Old Norse friðr meaning "love, peace" and dís meaning "goddess".
Friðdóra f Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Friðþóra.
Frithestan m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements friþ "peace, sanctuary" and stan "stone". This was the name of an Anglo-Saxon Bishop of Winchester from 909 until his resignation in 931.
Friðfinna f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Friðfinnur.
Fríðfinnur m Faroese
Faroese form of Friðfinnur.
Friðfinnur m Icelandic
From Old Norse friðr "peace, protection" and finnr "Finn, Sámi" (compare Finnur).
Fríðhild f Faroese
Faroese combination of fríðr "beautiful, beloved" hildr "battle".
Fríði m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Friði.
Friði m Old Norse
Short form of name elements containing the name element friðr meaning "love, peace".
Friðjón m Icelandic
Combination of Old Norse friðr "peace, love" and the name Jón.
Friðlæifr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse friðr "beautiful, beloved" and leifr "heir, descendant".
Frithlef m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Friðlæifr.
Friðleif f Icelandic
Feminine form of Friðleifur.
Friðleifur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Friðlæifr.
Friðlín f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements friðr "love, peace" and lín "flax, linen". Alternatively the second element could be derived from Hlín (which occurs in many Old Norse poetic compounds meaning "woman") or Lína.
Friðmar m Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic form of Friedmar, from the Old Norse elements friðr "love, peace" and mærr "famous"... [more]
Friðmey f Icelandic
Derived from the Old Norse elements friðr meaning "love, peace" and mey meaning "maid, girl" (poetic for "daughter", an alternative form of mær).
Friðný f Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse friðr "love, peace" and nýr "new".
Fríðr f Old Norse
From Old Norse fríðr meaning "beautiful" originally meaning "loved".
Friðríkr m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Frederick.
Fríðrikur m Faroese
Faroese form of Friedrich.
Friðsemd f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Frideswide.
Friðsteinn m Icelandic (Rare), Old Norse (?)
Derived from Old Norse friðr meaning "love, peace" and steinn meaning "stone".
Friðþór m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse friðr meaning "love, peace" and the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Þór).
Friðþóra f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Friðþór.
Friðubeorht m Anglo-Saxon
Cognate to Germanic Fridebert, using the Old English elements friþ "peace" and beorht "bright"... [more]
Friðugar m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements friþ "peace" and gar "spear".
Frithugyth f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements friþ "peace" and guð "battle", making it a cognate of Fredegund... [more]
Friðulaf m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements friþ "peace" and lāf "legacy, remainder" (from laibō).
Friðúlfr m Old Norse
Ancient Scandinavian form of Fridulf.
Fríðunn f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements fríðr "'beautiful, beloved" and either unnr "wave" or unna "to love".
Fríður f & m Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic younger form of Fríðr and Faroese short form of names the element friðr meaning "peace".
Friður m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Friði.
Friðuric m Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Friduric.
Friðustan m Anglo-Saxon, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from the Old English elements friþ "peace" and stan 1 "stone". This name was borne by the Anglo-Saxon Bishop of Winchester from 909 until his resignation in 931.
Frithuwald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English friþ "peace" and weald "powerful, mighty" or "leader, authority".
Friðuwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Fridolf.
Friðvin m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Old Norse elements friðr "love, peace" and vinr "friend".
Fríðvør f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements fríðr "beautiful, beloved" and vǫr "aware, vigilant, cautious".
Fritigern m Germanic, History
Variant spelling of Fridegern. Fritigern, who died circa 380 AD, was a leader of the Thervingi, a Germanic tribe.
Fritigerno m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Fritigern.
Fritigil f Germanic
Fritigil who was the Queen of the Marcomanni is a famous bearer.
Fritser m West Frisian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Fridser, which itself is a variant of Fridsert.
Fritza f Various (Rare)
Probably a feminine form of Fritz.
Fritze f Danish
Feminine form of Fritz.
Fritzi m German (Modern, Rare)
Can be use a diminutive of Frederick or a variant of Fritz
Frixo m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Phrixos (see Phrixus).
Frixos m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phrixos.
Friza m & f Indonesian
Possibly a short form of Afrizal (masculine usage) and a variant of Fariza (feminine usage).
Frö m & f Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Old Swedish form of Freyr. It coincides with modern Swedish frö "seed, grain", which might explain it's modern unisex usage.
Froda m Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Fróði.
Froder m Norwegian (Archaic), Danish (Rare)
Variant of Frode, possibly combined with the Old Norse name element herr "army".
Froderick m Popular Culture
The name comes from the Mel Brooks movie 'Young Frankenstein.'
Frodhe m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Fróði.
Frodobert m Germanic
Variant of Frotbert. Used by a saint.
Frodoberto m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Frodobert.
Frodolf m Germanic
Variant of Frodulf.
Frodulf m Germanic
Derived from Old High German frôd "prudent, cautious" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Frodulfo m Italian
Italian form of Frodulf.
Froe f Frisian
East Frisian variant of Frowe.
Frögärd f Medieval Scandinavian
Potentially from frö meaning "seed" and the Old Norse garðr meaning "enclosure".
Frögärdh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Frøygærðr.
Frøgeir m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Frøygæirr.
Fröger m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Frøygæirr.
Frøger m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Frøygæirr.
Frøgerth f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Frøygærðr.
Frogertha f Old Danish
Latinized form of Frøygærðr.
Frohgemut m German (Modern, Rare)
frohgemut is a German word meaning "cheerful, in good spirits".
Frohmut f & m German (Rare)
The name is formed from the German word froh "glad; happy, merry" and the name element MUT "courage; valour; boldness". The name element MUT can be used both for masculine names (like Hartmut) and feminine names (like Almut).
Frohsina f German (Rare, Archaic)
Spelling variant of Frosina. The spelling shows a contamination from the German word Frohsinn "cheerfulness".
Froila m Medieval Spanish, Gothic
Visigothic name, probably derived from the Germanic root *fraujô "lord" and the Germanic diminutive suffix *ila (compare Wulfila).
Froilán m Spanish, Galician
Spanish derivative of Froila, a Visigothic name probably derived from Germanic *frau "lord" (Gothic frauja "lord"; compare Freyr) and the Gothic name suffix *ila... [more]
Froim m Yiddish
Variant of Efroim.
Frol m Russian (Rare)
Russian vernacular form of Florus.
From-above m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to something coming from God.
Fromaro m Italian
Italian form of Frumar.
Fromental m French (Archaic)
Derived from the French adjective fromental meaning "of wheat", which ultimately comes from the Latin adjective frumentalis meaning "of corn, of grain".... [more]
Frommet f Yiddish
Variant of Frumet and Fromut. Alternately, this Yiddish name is derived from old provincial French, and refers to "a species of grape".