Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
GaudrimasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
GaudvilasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
GaudvydasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing"... [more]
GauekomBasque Mythology In Basque mythology, Gaueko is a spirit/personification of the dark. Literally meaning ”of the night” in Basque. Said to be a malevolent spirit that comes out at dark to terrorize and humble people that boast of their bravery of it.
GaumetmSpanish (Canarian, Rare) Name of a king of the island of La Gomera in the 15th century, according to historian Pedro Agustín del Castillo (1669-1741). This name has been revived in modern times.
GaurielmArthurian Cycle A knight who married a fairy ruler, but lost her (and his own handsome features) when he revealed her existence to others. To reclaim her, he had to journey to Arthur’s court, defeat three knights, and take them to her land of Fluratrone... [more]
GaurikafNepali The name of the Nepalese swimmer Gaurika Singh, youngest participant of the 2016 Olympic Games.
GauthildrfOld Norse Derived from the Germanic name elements gautr "Goth, Geat, from Gautland (= Götaland, Gothia in southern Sweden)" and hildr "battle, fight".
GautrmNorse Mythology, Old Norse From Old Norse gautr meaning "Goth, Geat". The Geats were a Germanic tribe that inhabited the present-day Götaland in Sweden. This is a by-name for Odin in Norse mythology.
GavrochemLiterature Used by Victor Hugo in his novel 'Les Misérables' (1862) for a son of the Thénardiers. Due to the character, who adopts Gavroche as his name, this has become a French slang word meaning "street urchin" or "mischievous child".
GavvingmLiterature Gavving is a corruption of Gavin. He is a character from Larry Niven's INTEGRAL TREES and SMOKE RING, first in Quinn Tuft, and later in Citizen's Tree.
GayelettefLiterature From the name of an ancient princess that is mentioned in the children's novel Dorothy of Oz by L. Frank Baum (1989). Her name might be the feminization of the name Gaylord.
Ga-yeonfKorean From Sino-Korean 佳 "good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful" and 娟 "beautiful, graceful".
Ga-yeongfKorean From Sino-Korean 佳英, meaning "beautiful flower".
GaylandmEnglish (Rare) Combination of Gay (or possibly Gayle) with the popular suffix -land. The name fell out of use after the mid 20th century, alongside similar names, when the word gay gained the additional meaning of "homosexual".
GazellefPopular Culture, Persian (Germanized, Modern) From the name of the animal gazelle which is from Arabic غزال (ghazāl). Two characters that bear this name are Gazelle, an assassin from the film "Kingsman: The Secret Service" (2014) and Gazelle, an animal popstar from Disney's "Zootopia" (2016).
GazmirafSpanish (Canarian, Rare) Derived from Guanche *gazmir meaning "reed, grass". This was the name of a place in the island of La Palma (recorded as Gasmil). It was also borne as a surname by Francisca de Gazmira, a Guanche woman who defended the rights of the Canarian aborigines during the conquest and Christianization of La Palma in the late 15th century... [more]
GealbhánmOld Irish Means "pure white" or "bright fair one", from Old Irish gel "bright, white, shining" and bán "white, fair, pure". Coincides with modern Irish gealbhan "sparrow", which is unrelated.
GealbumSami From Sami gealbu meaning "fitness, ability".
GeatflædfAnglo-Saxon Derived from the Old English elements Geat "Geat" (a North Germanic tribe living around modern day Götaland; see gautaz) and flæd, possibly meaning "beauty".
GebaricmGermanic Derived from Gothic giban "to give" (geban in Old High German) combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
GebatrudfGermanic Derived from Gothic giban "to give" (geban in Old High German) combined with þruþ "strength."
GebavultusmGermanic Derived from Gothic giban "to give" (geban in Old High German) combined with Gothic vulthus "glory, fame."
GebawinmGermanic Derived from Gothic giban "to give" (geban in Old High German) combined with Old High German wini "friend."
GebregziabhermGe'ez, Tigrinya Means "servant of God" in Ge'ez, from Ge'ez ገብረ (gäbrä) "servant" and እግዚአብሔር (ʾəgziʾäbḥer), a Ge'ez translation of God, from Ge'ez እግዚእ (ʾəgziʾ) "lord" and ብሔር (bəḥer) “world, region”
GebreselassiemGe'ez, Amharic Means "servant of the Trinity" in Ge'ez, from Ge'ez ገብረ (gäbrä) "servant" and ሥላሴ "Trinity", referencing to the Holy Trinity, from selse "threeness".
GeddielmBiblical, Biblical Latin Form of Gaddiel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
GedgailasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
GedgaudasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian verb gedauti meaning "to ask" or from the (more) modern Lithuanian verb gedėti meaning "to mourn, to grieve" as well as "to miss" and "to long, to yearn, to pine (for)"... [more]
Gediam & fGeorgian (Rare) Derived from the Georgian noun გედი (gedi) meaning "swan" (as in, the bird). This etymology applies to Gedia both as a masculine name and as a feminine name, but especially as a feminine name... [more]