FilitmTurkish Name meaning uncertain. Name had more significant popularity during the reign of the Ottomans, but has dipped in popularity over the years. Name more prevalent in Southern Turkey.
FillysfMedieval English Of debated origin. Some academics consider this name a variant of Felis and Phelis, the medieval English form of Old French Felise, while others see Fillys as an early variant of Phyllis.
FilosofmRussian (Archaic) Russian form of Philosophus. This name was borne by the Russian archpriest and hieromartyr Filosof Ornatskiy (1860-1918), whose feast day is on June 13 (which was May 31 in the old Russian calendar).
FiloumenosmGreek Modern Greek form of Philoumenos. A notable bearer of this name is the Greek Cypriot saint Filoumenos of Jacob's Well (1913-1979), whose birth name was Sofoklis Chasapis (also written as Hasapis)... [more]
FimmilenafGermanic Mythology Fimmilena was a goddes known from inscriptions in Northern England. Her functions are unclear; there have, however, been efforts to link her name to the Fimelthing, a kind of court held in early medieval times.
FinarfinmLiterature Originally the name was Arafinwë, meaning "noble Finwë" in Quenya. Finarfin is the Sindarin translation, with Finwë added to the front of the name.... [more]
Finchleyf & mEnglish The baby girl or baby boy name Finchley means “finch’s clearing” or “finches’ clearing”. Finchley is also the name of a district in London in the UK.
FindabhairfIrish, Irish Mythology Popularly claimed to be an Irish cognate of Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere), it may actually mean "fair-browed" from Old Irish find "white, fair" and abair "a brow" (or "eyelash")... [more]
FindekánomLiterature Derived from Quenya findë ("hair") and káno ("commander"). In The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien this is the original name of Fingon, the oldest son of Fingolfin.
FindesiegfObscure Name given to a foundling in Siegen, Germany, in 1918. The baby was found near the bank of river Sieg.... [more]
FindisfLiterature Probably a combination of Finwë and Indis. This is the name of the older daughter and first child of Finwë and Indis in Tolkien's legendarium... [more]
FinduilasfLiterature A character in J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings. Finduilas was the wife of Denethor (Steward of Gondor) and the mother of Boromir and Faramir. The name comes from the Sindarin (Grey-elven) language and means "leaf-flow hair," from the elements "fin" (hair), "dui" (flow), and "las" (leaf).... [more]
FindusmLiterature, German (Modern, Rare), Swedish (Modern, Rare) Findus is a tomcat in the children's book series 'Pettson and Findus' by the Swedish writer and illustrator Sven Nordqvist. The cat is named after a cardbox with the printing "Findus green peas". Findus is a trademark by Nestlé for frozen food and the name is derived from Swedish fruktindustri "fruit industry".
FíneamhainfMedieval Irish Probably derived from Middle Irish fínemain which meant "vine" or "vineyard", a derivative of Latin vindemia (making it a cognate of the English vocabulary word vintage). This name was recorded in three instances in 14th- and 15th-century Irish annals.
FinettefLiterature, Folklore, Haitian Creole This is the main character in the French fairy tale Finette Cendron by Madame d'Aulnoy, about a clever girl named Fine-Oreille, which means "sharp ear" or "delicate ear", who is called Finette... [more]
FingarmHistory (Ecclesiastical) The name of an obscure Irish saint. According to legend, Fingar and his sister Piala were children of an Irish king. They were converted by Saint Patrick, driven into exile by their father, and landed first in Brittany, where they were well received, before moving on to Cornwall where they died at the hand of Tewdrick, king of Dumnonia... [more]
FinglasmLiterature A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Finglas (Sindarin for 'hair-leaf'), known in Westron as Leaflock, was an Ent of Fangorn Forest.... [more]
FingolfinmLiterature Originally the name was Nolofinwë, meaning "wise Finwë" in Quenya. Fingolfin is the Sindarin translation, with Finwë added to the front of the name.... [more]
FínínmIrish From Old Irish Fíngin (literally “wine-born”), from fín (“wine”) + gein (“birth”).
FinismAmerican (South) Means "end" in Latin. This was the middle name of Jefferson Davis (1808-1889), leader of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, who was the last of his parents' ten children. It was first used as a given name in his honour, in the American South.
FinlandmEnglish In reference to the country of Finland. The first known written appearance of the name Finland is thought to be on three rune-stones. Two were found in the Swedish province of Uppland and have the inscription finlonti... [more]
FinlughmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Derived from Gaelic fionn "white, fair" and lug "light, brightness". The second element may refer to the pagan sun god Lugh, in which case it means "fair Lugh"... [more]
FinndísfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements finnr "a Finn; a Lapp" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
FinneyfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements finnr "a Finn; a Lapp" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
FinrodmLiterature Sindarin form of the Quenya name Findaráto, meaning "golden-haired champion". Finrod was an Elf in 'The Silmarillion'. He was the oldest son of Finarfin and Eärwen and the brother of Galadriel.
Fintym & fEnglish (Rare) Diminutive of Fintan and other names beginning with a similar sound. A known bearer of the nickname is English actress Finty Williams (1972-).
FinvarramIrish Mythology Finvarra, also called Finvara, Finn Bheara,Finbeara or Fionnbharr, is the king of the Daoine Sidhe of western Ireland in Irish folklore. In some legends, he is also the ruler of the dead. Finvarra is a benevolent figure, associated with horses, who ensures good harvests and rewards mortals with riches
FinwëmLiterature Quenya name; the meaning is unclear, but is most likely derived from the element fin "hair". Finwë was the original High King of the Noldor Elves in the works of J. R. R. Tolkien.... [more]
FionellafScottish The Italian Fiorella (little flower) + Fiona (the princess). Cinderella + Fiona. I created it, but also found it was supposedly a Scottish name as well according to google.
FionnabhairfIrish Mythology From the Old Irish finn "bright, fair" and siabhre "phantom, fairy", making it a cognate of Guinevere. Alternatively, it could derive from find "white, fair" and abair "brow; eyelash".... [more]
FionnúirfIrish (Modern) Usual modern Irish form of Finnabhair (see Findabhair) in which "the b is altogether suppressed, on account of aspiration" (Joyce, 1873)... [more]
FionnulafIrish, Irish Mythology Variant of Fionnghuala (see Fionnuala). A known bearer of this name is the Irish actress Fionnula Flanagan (b. 1941).
FiordalisafItalian (Rare) Derived from Italian fiordaliso "cornflower". In heraldry, however, fiordaliso is the Italian term for Fleur-de-lis; as such, Fiordalisa is also an adoption and adaption of French Fleurdelys.
Fiordalisof & mItalian (Rare) Italian form of Fleurdelys. Fiordaliso is also used as translation of Fleur-de-Lys (de Gondelaurier), character of Notre Dame de Paris by Victor Hugo
FiordelisafLiterature Variant of Fiordalisa. This name is borne by the protagonist of Andrew Lang's translation of The Blue Bird by Madame d'Aulnoy. She is known as Florine in the original version.
FiordespinafLiterature Likely derived from Italian fiore meaning "flower" combined with either Italian spina meaning "thorn" or ancient Greek δέσποινα (despoina) meaning "mistress, lady" (see Despina)... [more]
FiordiligifCarolingian Cycle, Literature, Theatre, Italian (Archaic) Means "flower of the lily", derived from Italian fiore di giglio, a loan-translation of French fleur de lys. It was used by the Italian poet Ludovico Ariosto in his epic poem Orlando furioso (16th century), where it belongs to the wife of Brandimarte... [more]
FiordispinafCarolingian Cycle, Literature Derived from Italian fiore meaning "flower" combined with Italian di meaning "of" and either Italian spina meaning "thorn" or spino meaning "briar, thornbush".... [more]
FiorimondefLiterature A feminine form of Florimond. This was used by English writer Mary de Morgan for a wicked young princess in her fairy tale 'The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde' (1880).