FlorabelfEnglish (Rare), Filipino Variant of Florabelle, a combination of Flora and Belle. A well-known bearer was the American reporter, newspaper columnist and author Florabel Muir (1889-1970), who covered both Hollywood celebrities and underworld gangsters from the 1920s through the 1960s.
FlordespinafCarolingian Cycle, Literature This name is borne by a character in Francisco de Barahona's Flor de caballerías (1599). The name is thought to be derived from Spanish flor de espina "thorn flower; hawthorn flower"... [more]
FlordibelfArthurian Cycle Heroine of Der Pleier’s Tandareis and Flordibel. The daughter of the King of India, she was sent to Arthur’s court as a child to serve Guenevere.
FloréalmFrench Derived from the name of the eighth month in the French Republican calendar. The month was named after the Latin word floreus, meaning "flowery".
FlorealmSpanish (Rare) Spanish form of Floréal. This name was brought to public attention by the novel 'Sembrando Flores' (1906) by Catalan anarchist Juan Montseny Carret, whose main characters are named Floreal and Armonía, and thus it came to be used by anarchist parents who were eager to reject traditional names during the Second Spanish Republic (1931-1939).
FloreatfEnglish (Rare, Archaic) Means "let (it) flourish, may (it) prosper, long live" in Latin. This is often used as a motto, or as part of a motto, which may help explain its use as a personal name; for example, a common scholastic motto is floreat nostra schola meaning "may our school flourish"... [more]
FlorentianmEnglish (Archaic), German (Archaic) English and German form of Florentianus. This name was borne by saint Florentian, a 5th-century bishop from North Africa who was forced into exile by the Vandal king Gaiseric (also known as Geiseric and Genseric) for continuing to adhere to Orthodox Christianity.
Florentijnm & fDutch (Rare) Dutch form of Florentinus (for men) and Florentina (for women), but the name is most often encountered on men. It is unisex in the Netherlands, but strictly masculine in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium.... [more]
FlorestafPortuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Rare) Transferred use of the surname Floresta. It may also occasionally be given in reference to Dionísia Gonçalves Pinto (1810-1885), better known as Nísia Floresta Brasileira Augusta or simply Nísia Floresta, a Brazilian educator, translator, writer, poet, philosopher, and feminist.
FloricemMedieval English, Medieval French Medieval English and French variant of Floris, from the name of a male character in the medieval romance Floris (or Florice) and Blancheflour, apparently derived from floris, Latin meaning "of flowers" or "belonging to flowers".
Florijnm & fDutch (Rare) Dutch form of Florinus (for men) and Florina (for women), but the name is most often encountered on men. It is unisex in the Netherlands, but strictly masculine in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium.... [more]
FlorimmAlbanian Derived from Albanian flori "gold; gold coin, florin; golden thread; (term of affectionate address to a child) dear, honey".
FlorimelfLiterature, Theatre Combination of Latin flos meaning "flower" (genitive floris) and mel "honey". This name was first used by Edmund Spenser in his poem The Faerie Queene (1590; in the form Florimell)... [more]
FlorimellfLiterature Form of Florimel used by Edmund Spenser in his poem The Faerie Queene (1590-1596), in which she was a lady in love with the knight Marinell, who initially rejected her... [more]
FlorisdelfafArthurian Cycle It's origins are unknown but presumably a coinage from of the Latin flos "flower" and the Greek adelphe "sister".... [more]
FloryncefEnglish Variant form of Florence. A well-known bearer of this name was the American civil rights advocate and feminist Florynce Kennedy (1916-2000).
FloscellusmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Derived from Latin floscellus, a diminutive of flosculus (which itself is a diminutive of flos "flower, blossom"), meaning "small flower". Saint Floscellus was a young man who was martyred in the persecutions of Marcus Aurelius... [more]
FlourdelisfArthurian Cycle Flourdelis is Burbon's lover. She represents the disloyal citizens of France in Book 5, Canto 11 of "The Faerie Queene". Artegall rebukes her for letting Grantorto tempt her.
FlourefRomani A bona fide cognate of Flora, this name is derived from the Romani adjective floure "flowery".
FloweymPopular Culture Variant of Flower. In the RPG Undertale, Flowey is a sentient golden flower, the soulless reincarnation of Asriel, who tricks the player by calling his attacks "friendliness pellets".
FluffymPet, Literature In Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Fluffy was the monstrous guard dog.
FluoniafRoman Mythology Derives from fluo, fluere, "to flow," is a form of Juno who retains the nourishing blood within the womb. Women attended to the cult of Juno Fluonia "because she held back the flow of blood (i.e., menstruation) in the act of conception" and pregnancy... [more]
Fly-fornicationmEnglish (Puritan) Puritan name given after the first two words of 1 Corinthians 6:18 "Fly fornication", i.e. "avoid sexual immorality".