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Gender Masculine
Pronounced Pron. FLO-rens(Dutch)  [key]

Meaning & History

Roman cognomen which was derived from Latin florens meaning "prosperous, flourishing" (see Florence).

In the Dutch-speaking world, this name is the Dutch form of Florentius, whereas in the German-speaking world, it is a variant spelling of Florenz.

Notable bearers of this name include the 3rd-century Christian author Tertullian (whose full name was Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus), the German politician Florens von Bockum-Dolffs (1802-1899) and the 14th-century Dutchman Florens Radewyns, who co-founded the religious community of the Brethren of the Common Life.
Added 2/19/2012 by Lucille
Edited 1/13/2019 by Lucille

Florens 2
Gender Masculine & Feminine

Meaning & History

Latin word meaning "blooming". This is a Cognomen foundd to be used by one woman and by eight men.
Added 11/22/2022 by thomasp3864

Florens 3
Gender Feminine
Usage English

Meaning & History

Spelling variation of Florence. The main character in Toni Morrison's novella A Mercy is named Florens.
Added 5/30/2023 by Belexius