GirnarafTheatre Girnara is the eponymous character in 'Die Prinzessin Girnara' (The Princess Girnara) an opera in two acts by Egon Wellesz based on an Indian legend.
GirofléefLiterature Means "wallflower" in French, referring to the flower Erysimum cheiri. This is the name of a character in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale The White Doe (also known as The Hind in the Wood). Giroflée is the faithful lady-in-waiting of the protagonist Désirée... [more]
GirshelmGeorgian (Rare), Literature Meaning uncertain. According to a Russian source, the name comes from the Yiddish name Hershel, which seems unlikely in the Georgian context. Instead, it is more likely that the name is either Turco-Persian in origin, or fully Persian.... [more]
GisakumJapanese From 義 (gi) meaning "righteous" and 朔 (saku) meaning "conjunction (astronomy), first day of the month". Other kanji combinations are possible.
GiselaicmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
GiselbaldmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element gisel "hostage" (or "pledge") combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
GiselbrandmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element gisel "hostage" (or "pledge") combined with Old Norse brand "sword."
GiselfridmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element gisel "hostage" (or "pledge") combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
GiselhardmGermanic Derived from the Germanic element gisel "hostage" (or "pledge") combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
GiselheidfOld High German Derived from the Germanic name elements gisel "shaft (of an arrow)" and heit "kind, sort, appearance".
GiselhildfGermanic Derived from the Germanic element gisel "hostage" (or "pledge") combined with Old Norse hildr "battle".
Giselijnm & fDutch (Rare) Variant form of Gislein. Although never a common name, it was more often seen on men than on women in older times. These days, however, it is more often seen on women - though it is still an extremely rare name.
GiskenfNorwegian Diminutive of Giske, a Norwegian variant of the Low German name Geseke, itself a diminutive of Gesa. This was common in Norway in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries... [more]
GislainefPortuguese Portuguese form of Ghislaine. This name was rarely used during the 18th century. A famous bearer is Gislaine Ferreira, brazilian model and journalist.
GislaugfNorwegian (Rare) Modern form of Old Norse Gíslaug composed of the elements gisl "hostage, pledge" or gísl "arrow, shaft (of a weapon)" and laug "vowed, promised".
Gisleenm & fDutch (Rare) Dutch form of Gislenus. Never a very common name, it has been around since medieval times, but was predominantly masculine in older times. In more modern times, the name has become more common on women than on men, but it is still quite rare.
GisleinmDutch (Archaic) More modern form of Gisleyn, but the name is still archaic: it has not been used in the last 100 years.
GísleyfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements gísl "pledge; hostage" and ey "island; flat land along a coast" (which is also often related to the Old Norse name element auja "(gift of) luck; fortune").
GismirantemArthurian Cycle Hero of Antonio Pucci’s romance, from the fourteenth century, bearing his name, Gismirante, the son of a former Knight of the Round Table, left his home in Rome for Arthur’s court after his father, on his deathbed, bade him to make the journey... [more]
GisomFrankish, German (Rare), Medieval English Derived from Proto-Germanic *gaisa, *gaiza meaning "arrow". It is also used in modern German as a short form of names that begin with Gis- such as Gisbert... [more]
GisulfmGermanic, History The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
GiswaldmGermanic The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from gis (the original form was possibly gîs), but we don't exactly know where gis itself comes from... [more]
GitafYiddish A Polish-Yiddish spelling of Guta, sometimes it is slavicized to Dobra
Gitam & fJapanese From 岐 (gi) meaning “high, majestic”, and 太 (ta) meaning “thick, big, great”, 田 (ta) meaning “field, rice paddy”, 多 (ta) meaning “many”, or 大 (ta) meaning “big, great, vast, high”.
GithikafSinhalese, Indian Southern Indian variant of Gitika, which means "a little song" from Sanskrit गीता (gītā) "song" (see Gita 1) and the diminutive suffix क (ka) "little".
GitomJavanese From Javanese gita meaning "song, poem, story", ultimately from Sanskrit गीत (gīta).
GitongamMeru, Embu, Gikuyu This name is commonly used in Meru, Embu and Gikuyu regions in Kenya. The name means a rich man. The name has been passed from generation to generation since time in memorial. The cultures which usually name their male children after their grandparents-dead or alive intentionally do this to ensure the character or personality of the grandpa can be carried to the grandchildren.
Giulif & mGeorgian For women, this name is the Georgian form of the Turkish name Gül. For men, this name might possibly be a variant of Zhiuli.... [more]
Givenf & mEnglish (Puritan), African From the English word given, meaning "A condition that is assumed to be true without further evaluation.".... [more]
GizanefBasque Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde who based the name on Basque giza "human". This name was intended as a Basque equivalent of Encarnación.
GizomGeorgian Although it has occasionally been used as a short form of Gaioz and Tengiz, this name is typically used as an independent name, of which the meaning and linguistic origin is uncertain... [more]
GjendinefNorwegian (Rare) Derived from the name of the lake Gjende in Innlandet county, Norway. The name of the lake is taken from Old Norse gandr meaning "staff, stick". A notable bearer is Gjendine Slålien (1871-1972), a Norwegian shepherdess whose singing inspired Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg... [more]