Submitted Names with "-rose" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword -rose.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cvetana f Croatian (Rare), Serbian, Bulgarian, Slovene
Cognate of Cvitana and Bulgarian variant transcription of Tsvetana.
Cvetelina f Bulgarian
Alternate transcription of Tsvetelina.
Cvetomir m Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Tsvetomir.
Cvi m Jewish (Magyarized)
Hungarian and Serbo-Croatian transcription of Tsvi.
Cvijetka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cvijetko.
Cvijetko m Croatian
Croatian alternative form of Cvetko.
Cvitana f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cvitan.
Cvitka f Croatian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cvitko.
Cvjetislav m Croatian (Rare)
Derived from Croatian cvijet meaning "blossom, flower" and slava "glory".
Cvjetko m Croatian, Serbian
Croatian variant of Cvetko.
Cwenburh f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cwen "woman, wife" and burg "fortress".
Cwengifu f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cwen "woman, wife, queen" and giefu "gift".
Cwenhild f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cwen meaning "woman, wife; queen" and hild meaning "battle".
Cwenleofu f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cwen "woman, wife; queen" and leof "dear, beloved".
Cwenþryð f Anglo-Saxon
From the Old English elements cwen "woman, wife" and þryþ "strength".
Cwi m Hebrew (Polonized)
A Polonized spelling of Zvi
Cwichelm m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cwic "alive" and helm "helmet, protection". This was the name of a 7th-century Anglo-Saxon King.
Cwyllog f Medieval Welsh
was a Christian holy woman who was active in Anglesey, Wales, in the early 6th century. The daughter, sister and niece of saints, she is said to have founded St Cwyllog's Church, Llangwyllog, in the middle of Anglesey, where a church is still dedicated to her.
Cyandria f American (Modern)
Apparently an invented name based on similar-sounding names such as Cyan, Lysandra and Andrea 2.
Cyane f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κυανη (Kyane) which was derived from κυανος (kyanos) "cyan, azure-blue" (compare Cyan). In Greek myth she was the Naiad nymph of a spring in the Sicilian town of Syracuse, who dissolved away into the spring from grief after witnessing Hades' abduction of her playmate Persephone.
Cyanea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Derived from Greek κυάνεος (kyaneos) meaning "dark blue" (also compare Cyane). This name belonged to the Naiad-nymph of the town of Miletos in Karia (Caria), south-western Anatolia... [more]
Cyann f Popular Culture
From the name of a fictional character in a French comic book called The Cycle of Cyann.
Cyanth f English (American, Modern)
Historically similar to the name Chrysanth. Derived from the word 'cyan', it means "the combination of blue and green". This generally refers to a child of parents with blue and green eyes.
Cyaxares m Old Persian (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Kyaxares, which is the hellenized form of the Old Persian male name Hvakhshathra or Uvakhšatara. The meaning of the name is uncertain. This was the name of a Median king from the 6th century BC.
Cybi m Welsh
Possibly derived from Celtic *kob(o)- "victory". This was the name of a 6th-century Welsh saint who founded Caergybi (the Welsh name for Holyhead).
Cybil f English
Variant of Sibyl.
Cybilla f English
Elaboration of Cybill.
Cyborea f Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend
Name of the mother of Judas Iscariot in apocryphal Christian scriptures, most notably in "The Golden Legend".
Cycril m American
Possibly a variant of Cyril influenced by Cicero
Cycylija f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Cecelia
Cyd m Kashubian
Diminutive of Placyd.
Cyd f English (Modern)
Short form of Cydney.
Cyda f Kashubian
Diminutive of Placëda.
Cydippe f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kydippe. This is the name of several characters from Greek mythology, one of which is a Nereid.
Cydon m Greek Mythology
Derived from κυδώνι (kydóni) meaning "quince".
Cydonia f English (Rare)
From the former name of Chania, a city on the island of Crete, Greece. It is also a poetic term for the island. In addition, it can be derived from Greek κυδωνιά (kydonia) meaning "quince tree" (itself from κυδώνι (kudoni), "quince"), ultimately from the name of the city.
Cygalle f Obscure
Variant of Sigal.
Cygnet f American (Rare)
Derived from the Anglo-French term, a diminutive of the Old French, cigne or "swan", which in turn came from the Latin cygnus, ultimately from the Greek, kyknos.
Cygnus m Astronomy
Cygnus is a northern constellation lying on the plane of the Milky Way, deriving its name from the Latinized Greek word for swan.
Cyhha m Anglo-Saxon
An unrecorded Old English name, the meaning of which is uncertain. It was perhaps a nickname derived from Proto-Germanic *kokh- "cough".
Cyl m Kashubian
Diminutive of Celestin.
Cyla f Kashubian
Diminutive of Cecyliô, Celestina and Celina.
Cyle m English (Rare)
Variant of Kyle.
Cyler m Obscure
Variant of Syler.
Cylie f English
Variant of Kylie.
Cylin f English (American)
Possibly a variant of Caelan or Kylen.
Cylinda f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Celinda, perhaps influenced by the name Cyndy or the English word cylinder referring to the shape or the barrel of a gun.
Cyllene f Greek Mythology
Alternate English form of Kyllene.
Cylon m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kylon. A known bearer of this name was the Athenian nobleman Cylon of Athens, who was one of the Olympic victors of the 35th Olympiad in 640 BC.
Cylvia f English (Rare)
Variant of Sylvia. A known bearer is an American consultant and a 'de facto' First Lady of Oregon, Cylvia Hayes.
Cyma f Jewish (Archaic)
Allegedly derived from Greek σιμός (simos), meaning "bent upwards". Alternatively, it may be a variant of Sima 1.
Cyma f Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Cima.
Cymande m American (Rare)
From the name of the eponymous band consisting of Caribbean musicians living in London.... [more]
Cymbarka f Medieval Polish
Polish form of Cyneburg. Cymbarka was the daughter of Mazovian prince Siemowit IV.
Cymochles m Literature, Arthurian Cycle
From the Greek elements κῦμα (kyma) meaning "swell of the sea, wave, billow" and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". In Edmund Spenser's poem The Faerie Queene (1590) this is the name of a knight characterized by indecision and fluctuations of the will... [more]
Cymopolea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κυμοπόλεια (Kymopoleia) meaning "wave walker", derived from κῦμα (kyma) "wave, billow" and the verb πολέω (poleô) "to go about, range over"... [more]
Cymphonique f African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Symphony using the suffix -ique (e.g., from Monique). Cymphonique Miller is a famous bearer.
Cymry f English
Means ''Welsh'', plural of Cymro ''Welshman''.
Cyn f English
Short form of Cynthia.
Cynan m Welsh
Welsh cognate of Conan.
Cynane f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
A famous bearer is Cynane, half-sister to Alexander the Great.
Çynar f Turkmen
Turkmen form of Çınar.
Cynara f Literature
A Greek "plant" name, from a genus of thistles, of which a leading member is the purple flowered artichoke.... [more]
Cynddelw m Welsh
Welsh name of uncertain origin, perhaps from an Old Celtic element meaning "high, exalted" combined with Welsh or Old Celtic delw "image, effigy".
Cyndia f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Cyndi.
Cyndie f English
Variant of Cindy.
Cyne m Anglo-Saxon
Short form of names containing the Old English element cyne meaning "royal, kingly". The surname Kinsley is derived from the name... [more]
Cynebeorht m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cyne "royal" and beorht "bright".
Cyneburh f Anglo-Saxon
Alternate spelling of Cyneburg, or Cyneburga.
Cynedyr m Arthurian Cycle, Welsh Mythology
Character that appears in Culhwch and Olwen.
Cynegar m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cynn "rank, family, kin", or possibly the related cyne "royal", and gar "spear".
Cynegifu f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cyne "royal" and giefu "gift".
Cynegils m Anglo-Saxon
From Old English cyne meaning "royal" and gisl meaning "pledge, hostage". ... [more]
Cynegyð f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and guð "battle", making it a cognate of Cunigund... [more]
Cynehelm m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the elements cyne "kingly, royal" and‎ helm "helmet". Used an Anglo-Saxon saint who was a king.
Cynelaf m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cyne meaning "royal" and lāf meaning "legacy" (from Proto-Germanic *laibō).
Cynemund m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cyne "royal" (related to cynn "rank, family, kin") and mund "protector, guardian", making it a cognate of Cunimund.
Cynesi m Anglo-Saxon
Form of Cynesige found in the Phillimore edition of Domesday Book.
Cynestan m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and stan 1 "stone".
Cyneswið f Anglo-Saxon
From Old English cyne "royal" and swiþ "strong". Saint Cyneswide was a younger sister of Saint Cyneburga.
Cyneþegn m Anglo-Saxon
An Anglo Saxon name meaning royal servant/ warrior.
Cynethryth f Anglo-Saxon, History
Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and þryþ "strength".... [more]
Cyneweald m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and weald "powerful, mighty".
Cynewig m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and wig "war, battle".
Cynewine m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cyne "royal" and wine "friend".
Cynewise f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English cyne "royal" and wīs "wise". A notable bearer of this name was the wife of King Penda of Mercia, also referred to as Kyneswitha (see Cyneswið).
Cynewulf m Anglo-Saxon
Means "royal wolf", from Old English cyne "royal" and wulf "wolf". This name was borne by an 8th-century Anglo-Saxon poet as well as a king of Wessex.
Cynewynn f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English name element cyne meaning "royal" and wynn meaning "joy, bliss".
Cynfarch m Old Welsh
Derived from Welsh cynt "chief, first" and farch "horse".
Cynfawr m Medieval Welsh
Welsh cognate of Conomor.
Cynfran m Medieval Welsh
Derived from Welsh cyn "chief" and bran "crow, raven". This was the name of an obscure 5th-century Welsh saint. He was one of the sons of Saint Brychan.
Cyngar m Medieval Welsh, History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of two 5th-century Welsh saints.
Cynimund m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements cyne "royal" and mund "protection".
Cynisca f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kyniska. Cynisca was born c. 440 BC and was a Greek princess of Sparta. She became the first woman in history to win at the ancient Olympic Games... [more]
Cynon m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s three Counselor Knights, found in the Welsh Triads and other Welsh texts. He was the son of Clydno.
Cynosura f Astronomy, Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κυνόσουρα (Kynosoura) which meant "dog's tail", a derivative of κύων (kyôn) "dog" (genitive κυνός (kynos)) and οὐρά (oura) "tail"... [more]
Cynosure f Astronomy
From the Ancient Greek elements κυνός (kunós) “dog's” and οὐρά (ourá) meaning “tail”. This is an alternate name for Ursa Minor.
Cynric m Anglo-Saxon
Old English younger form of Cyneric and Ceneric.
Cynta f Polish
Diminutive form of Hiacynta.
Cyntek m Polish
Diminutive form of Hiacynt.
Cynthiana f English (Rare)
Either an elaboration of Cynthia or a combination of Cynthia and Ana.
Cynthius m Medieval, Medieval French, Medieval Italian, Medieval Portuguese
Latin Cynthius "of Mount Cynthus", an epithet of Apollo.
Cyntia f Polish
Polish form of Cynthia.
Cynwal m Old Welsh, Brythonic
Derived from Proto-Celtic * meaning "dog" and *walos meaning "prince, chief".
Cynwy m Anglo-Saxon
Form of Cynewig found in the Phillimore edition of Domesday Book.
Cypa f Yiddish
Polish-Yiddish short form of Cypojra.
Cyparissus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kyparissos. In Greek mythology, he was a boy beloved by Apollo.
Cypek m Polish
Diminutive of Cyprian.
Cypojra f Yiddish
Polish-Yiddish form of Tziporah.
Cypora f Medieval Jewish, Medieval English
Variant of Zipporah, recorded in England between the 11th and 13th centuries.
Cyppora f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Zipporah.
Cypress f & m American (Rare)
From the English word cypress, a group of coniferous trees. Ultimately from Greek kuparissos.
Cypriaan m Dutch
Dutch form of Cyprian.
Cyprián m Slovak
Slovak form of Cyprian.
Cyprianne f Medieval French
Feminine form of Cyprian.
Cyprilla f Greek
Derived from the plant Cyperus (Κύπερος).... [more]
Cyprille f French
French form of Cyprilla.
Cyprine f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare)
Possibly a contracted form of Cypriane.
Cyprión m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Cyprian.
Cyprus m & f English (American, Modern)
Variant of Cypress influenced by the name of the country between Europe and Asia that's named Cyprus... [more]
Cypryjan m Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Cyprian.
Cypselus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kypselos. This was the name of a tyrant of Corinth from the 7th century BC.
Cyr m French (Rare)
French form of Cyrus or Cyriacus.... [more]
Cyrane f Arabic (Maghrebi, Gallicized, Archaic, ?)
Possibly derived from the name of the ancient Greek city of Cyrene, which was located in North Africa
Cyree f English (Modern, Rare)
Allegedly a feminine form of Cyrus.
Cyrek m Polish
Diminutive of Cyryl.
Cyrelle m & f English (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Cyril influenced by -elle.
Cyrena f North Frisian (Archaic)
Archaic North Frisian form of Severine, recorded on the isle of Sylt in the 1600s.
Cyrena f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a variant of Serena influenced by Cyrene. A notable bearer was American opera singer Cyrena van Gordon (1892-1964).
Cyrenia f History, Indonesian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cyrenius. This was the name of a saint from the Roman province of Cilicia in southern Anatolia, who was martyred by burning in 306 at Tarsus, in persecutions of Galerius.
Cyrenius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
From the Greek Κυρήνιος (Kyrenios) which is of unknown meaning, perhaps from the Greek place name Cyrene.... [more]
Cyriak m Czech, Polish (Rare), Slovak
Czech, Polish and Slovak form of Cyriacus.
Cyriaka f Polish
Polish form of Cyriaca.
Cyricus m Late Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Late Greek given name Kerykos (see Kirykos) via a corruption that was caused by the name's similarity to names like Kyriakos and Kyrikos.... [more]
Cyriella f English
A feminine form of Cyril and potential variant of Cyrielle
Cyrienne f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Cyrien and variant of Cyria.
Cyrill m German (Swiss), Romansh, French (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Swiss German and Romansh form of Cyril as well as a French variant and a Dutch variant of Cyriel.
Cyrina f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Cyrus.
Cyrine f French, French (Belgian)
Rare French feminine form of Cyrus.
Cyrinus m History (Ecclesiastical), Late Roman
Diminutive of Cyrus (see also Cirino). This is the name of several Christian martyrs from the 3rd and 4th centuries AD.
Cyrion m Late Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kyrion. This name was borne by at least two saints.
Cyrstal f English
Variant of Crystal.
Cyryk m Polish (Archaic)
Polish form of Cyricus.
Cyryla f Polish
Feminine form of Cyryl.
Cyrylla f Polish
Variant of Cyryla.
Cyryna f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Cyryn.
Cysa f Medieval German
Of unknown origin, maybe a hypochoristic form of names containing sigu "victory".
Cysia f Polish
Short form of Marcysia.
Cythera f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κύθηρα (Kythera), the name of an island of Greece, as well as an ancient town on the island. In Greek mythology, Cythera was the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite, being the island to which she first arrived after emerging from the sea, and the source of her epithet Kythereia (Latin: Cytherea)... [more]
Cytka f Polish
Diminutive of Placyda.
Cywair m Welsh
Derived from cywair meaning “proper order, fit state or condition”.
Cywia f Yiddish (Polonized)
Polish version of Zivia. A notable bearer was Cywia Lubetkin who was a Warsaw Ghetto underground leader.
Cyzia f Polish
Diminutive of Narcyza.
Czar m Filipino
Derived from Caesar via its Old Russian cognate tsĭsarĭ (tsar in modern Russian).
Czarek m Polish
Diminutive of Cezary.
Czarina f Filipino, English
Feminine form of Czar.
Czarlene f English (American, Rare)
Rare spelling variant of Charlene.
Czarna f Yiddish (Polonized, Rare)
Polonised spelling of Charna.
Czaruś m Polish
Diminutive of Cezary.
Czasław m Polish
Variant of Czesław.
Czcibora f Polish
Feminine form of Czcibor.
Czcimir m Polish
Polish form of Chestimir.
Czębira f Medieval Polish
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Czedomir m Polish
Polish form of Čedomir.
Czerniczsche f Medieval Jewish, Judeo-Slavic (?)
The older form of Czarna (See Charna)
Czesbor m Polish
Variant of Czcibor.
Czesia f Polish
Diminutive of Czesława.
Czesiek m Polish
Diminutive of Czesław.
Czesio m Polish
Diminutive of Czesław.
Cześka f Polish
Diminutive of Czesława.
Czesłôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Czesław.
Częstobor m Polish
Means "to fight often", derived from Slavic częs(to) "often" combined with Slavic bor "battle" or borit "to fight". Also compare Chestibor.
Częstobrona f Polish
Derived from Polish często "often" and bronić "to protect someone" or bronić się "to defend oneself".
Częstomir m Polish
Derived from Slavic częs(to) "often" combined with Slavic mir "peace".
Częstorka f Polish
Diminutive form of Częstobrona.
Częstowoj m Medieval Polish
Derived from często "often" and Old Polish woj, wojownik in modern Polish, "warrior".
Czeszka f Kashubian
Kashubian diminutive of Czesława.
Czôrk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Cezari via Cezôrk.
Czścibor m Polish
Variant of Czcibor.
Czudomir m Polish
Polish form of Čudomir.
Czylle f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Diminutive of Cäcilie, recorded in Silesia in the 14th century.
Czyne f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval Silesian German diminutive of Christine.
m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Dan 1
Daaf m Dutch
Dutch short form of David.
Da-ah f Korean (Rare)
From Sino-Korean 多 (da) meaning "much, many; more than, over" and 娥 (ah) means "Beautiful".
Daahir m Somali
Variant of Dahir.
D'aakyp m Yakut
Yakut form of Yakov.
D'aakypchaan m Yakut
Diminutive form of D'aakyp.
Daał m & f Indigenous American
Athabaskan (southern Indigenous Alaskan) name meaning sandhill crane.
Daam m Dutch (Rare)
Modern Dutch form of Daem.
Daamin m Arabic
Derived from Arabic ضامن (daamin) meaning "guarantor, guarantee", which itself is ultimately derived from Arabic أمن (amn) meaning "security, peace". Also compare Arabic تأمين (ta'min) meaning "insurance".
Daaniel m Estonian (Rare)
Estonian variant of Daniel.
Daanish m Pakistani
Possibly a variant of Danish.
Daantje f Dutch
Feminine diminutive of Daniël.
Daanyaal m Pakistani (Rare, Expatriate)
Form of Daniel used by Pakistanis living in the United Kingdom.
Daara m Persian
Variant transcription of Dara 3.
Dåårfi f Skolt Sami
Skolt Sami form of Dorotea.
Daario m Literature, Popular Culture
Daario Naharis is the name of a sellsword character from the Song of Ice and Fire books by GRR Martin and the TV show Game of Thrones based upon the former. ... [more]
Daat m Chinese (Cantonese)
Cantonese Chinese form of 達 (see Da).... [more]
Daavi m Greenlandic (Rare)
Greenlandic form of David.
Daavid m Finnish
Variant of David.
Dabaan m Yakut
Means "aspiration, yearning".
Dabareh f Biblical
Dabareh is a not entirely incorrect mode of Anglicizing (Jos 21:28) the name Daberath
Dabi m Basque
Basque form of David.
Dabi f & m Korean (Rare)
da, combinated with "bi" (비) meaning "rain"
Dabí m Medieval Galician, Aragonese
Medieval Galician variant and Aragonese form of David.
Dabııt m Yakut
Yakut form of David.