Submitted Names with "-rose" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword -rose.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cleobulina f Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κλεοβουλίνη (Kleobouline), derived from the name Kleoboulos combined with the feminine adjectival suffix -ινη (-ine)... [more]
Cleóbulo m Spanish
Spanish form of Cleobulus.
Cleobulo m Italian
Italian form of Cleobulus.
Cleobulus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleoboulos. This was the name of one of the Seven Sages of Greece.
Cleocharia f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κλεοχαρεία (Kleochareia), derived from κλέος (kleos) "glory" and χάρις (charis) "grace, kindness"... [more]
Cleócrito m Spanish
Spanish form of Cleocritus.
Cleocrito m Italian
Italian form of Cleocritus.
Cleocritus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleokritos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 5th century BC.
Cleodalis m Arthurian Cycle
The seneschal of King Leodegan of Carmelide. He assisted Leodegan, and Arthur, in battles against the Saxons at Carhaix and Aneblayse, and he led a battalion in Arthur’s war against Rome.
Cleodie f English (British, Rare), Scottish (Rare)
Allegedly derived from the Scottish surname McLeod.
Cleodora f Greek Mythology (Latinized), American (South, Archaic)
Latinized form of Kleodora. In Greek mythology, Cleodora was a nymph of Mount Parnassos in Phokis. She was one of the prophetic Thriai, nymphs who divined the future by throwing stones or pebbles... [more]
Cleodoxa f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Κλεοδόξα (Kleodoxa), derived from the elements κλεος (kleos) meaning "glory" and δοξα (doxa) "notion, reputation, honour".
Cleofa m Italian
Italian form of Cleophas.
Cleofe f Italian (Rare), Galician (Rare)
From the Latin Maria Cleophae, literally "Mary of Cleophas" (and popularly interpreted as "Mary, wife of Cleophas"). This is given in reference to the saint known in Italian as Maria Cleofe (alternatively Maria di Cleofa), who is mentioned in John 19:25 as one of the women present at the crucifixion of Jesus.... [more]
Cleofina f Italian (Rare)
Feminine Italian diminutive of Cleophas.
Cleola f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
Latinized form of Kleola. In Greek mythology, Cleola is the name of a daughter of Dias, son of Pelops... [more]
Cleolaus m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Κλεόλαος (Kleolaos), which was derived from the Greek elements κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and λαός (laos) meaning "people"... [more]
Cleolind f Literature
A variation of Cleolinda. Name of a historical character in the epic fantasy "Priory of the Orange Tree" by Samantha Shannon, inspired by the legend of Saint George and the Dragon.
Cleolinda f Folklore
Possibly a contracted form of Cleodolinda, which is of uncertain meaning. This is the name of the princess in some medieval Italian versions of the legend of Saint George and the dragon. (Saint George rescues Princess Cleolinda from being sacrificed to a dragon by taming the dragon and then killing it in exchange for the kingdom's conversion to Christianity.) This is also the pen name of Cleolinda Jones (1978-), an American blogger and author.
Cléoma f French (Cajun, Rare)
Derived from French cléome "cleome, spider flowers, bee plants". Cléoma Breaux Falcon (1906-1941) was a Cajun musician from Louisiana.
Cleomachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleomachos. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 3rd century BC.
Cleombrotus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Derived from Greek κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory" and βροτός (brotos) meaning "mortal man, human being".
Cleome f English (Rare)
Derived from the name of the flowering plants cleome, commonly known as "spider flowers, spider plants, spider weeds, bee plants".
Cleomedes m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleomedes. This name was borne by an ancient Greek astronomer from the 1st century BC.
Cléomène m French
French form of Cleomenes.
Cleomene m Italian
Italian form of Cleomenes.
Cleómenes m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Cleomenes.
Cleomenes m Ancient Greek (Latinized), History
Latinized form of Kleomenes. Cleomenes was the name of a king of Sparta (Greece) from the 6th century BC.
Cleomie f English (Rare)
Variant of Cleome reflecting the pronunciation of the botanical name.
Cleona f Irish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Clíodhna.
Cleona f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology, English (Rare)
Originally a Latinization of Kleone, this name is sometimes understood as a feminine form of Cleon in the English-speaking world.... [more]
Cleonia f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Cleonius.
Cleónic m Catalan
Catalan form of Cleonicus (see Cleonice).
Cleonic m Romanian (Rare)
Romanian form of Cleonicus.
Cleonica f Romanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Cleonic.
Cleónico m Spanish
Spanish form of Kleonikos (see Kleonike).
Cleonico m Italian
Italian form of Cleonicus (see Kleonikos) and masculine of Cleonice.
Cleonicus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleonikos (see Kleonike).
Cleonides m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of both Kleonides and its rare variant Kleoneides (see the entry of the former name).... [more]
Cleonie f English (Rare)
Variant of Cleone reflecting the pronunciation of the mythological name.
Cléonise f French (Acadian)
Acadian variant of Cléonice.
Cleonymus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleonymos. Bearers of this name include the generals Cleonymus of Athens (5th century BC) and Cleonymus of Sparta (3rd century BC).
Cleopatrus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleopatros and masculine form of Cleopatra.
Cléophe m & f French (Quebec, Archaic)
Variant form of Cléophas (masculine) and Cléophée (feminine). A known bearer of this name was the Canadian political figure Cléophe Cimon (1822-1888).
Cleophea f German (Swiss, Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Cleophas. This was borne by the mother of Swiss-born Austrian painter An­gel­ica Kauff­man. Cleophea Holzhalb was painted by the Swiss painter Hans Asper in 1538 together with her cat and her dog.
Cléophée f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Cléophas, possibly via Latin Cleophae (see Cleofe).... [more]
Cleophis f Ancient Greek
Also called Kripa in Sanskrit, Cleophis was a key figure in the war between the Assacani people and Alexander the Great.
Cleophus m Ancient Greek
Variant form of Cleophas.
Cleoptolemus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleoptolemos. This name was borne by an Olympic victor from 684 BC.
Cleora f English
Possibly an elaboration of Cleo or Clara.
Cleosthenes m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleosthenes. A known bearer of this name was Cleosthenes of Epidamnus, winner of the Tethrippon (chariot race) at the 66th Olympiad in 516 BC.
Cleostrato m Italian
Italian form of Cleostratus.
Cleostratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleostratos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek astronomer from the 5th century BC.
Cleotha m & f African American (Rare)
This was borne by American singer Cleotha "Cleedy" Staples (1934-2013), a member of the Staple Singers musical group.
Cleotilde f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Clotilde influenced by names beginning with the element Cleo-.
Cleph m Lombardic
6th-century Lombard king, the father of Authari.
Clerecy f American (South)
American English regional name (Appalachian).
Cleret f Jewish (Rare), Judeo-Spanish
Judeo-Spanish diminutive of Clara.
Clergia f Romansh
Variant of Clara.
Clériadus m Literature, French (Rare, Archaic)
The hero of the 15th-century French prose romance Cleriadus et Meliadice. A known bearer was Antoine Clériadus de Choiseul-Beaupré (1707-1774), a French cardinal.
Clerina f English (American, Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Clerina of Carthage was a 3rd-century saint. She is said to have been the aunt of Saint Celerinus.
Clervie f Breton (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Klervi.
Clesek m Cornish (Archaic)
From Cornish klos, meaning "close".
Clesipus m Ancient Roman (Rare, Archaic)
An irregular Roman praenomen borne by the priest Clesipus Geganius.
Clet m French (Rare)
French form of Cletus.
Cleta f English (American, Rare), Catalan (Rare)
English feminine form of Cletus and Catalan short form of Anacleta.
Cleta f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
In Greek mythology, Cleta was one of the Charites or Graces.
Clever m English (African), Spanish (Latin American)
From the English word clever.
Clevie m & f English
Diminutive of Cleveland, Cleve, or Cleva.
Clewes f & m Anglo-Saxon (Modern)!&&p=e9b61c16f95f1970689de8a8c6a1944eeb28e2254e85f6b6fa63d67e18df6968JmltdHM9MTczODcxMzYwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=3754741b-e309-68fe-1d7d-6193e2e969c0&psq=clewes+name+definition&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaG91c2VvZm5hbWVzLmNvbS9jbGV3ZXMtZmFtaWx5LWNyZXN0&ntb=1
Cliamain m Scottish Gaelic
Scottish Gaelic form of Clement.
Clide m English
Variant of Clyde.
Clidra f Arthurian Cycle
In Ulrich’s Lanzalet, a beautiful woman from the enchanted island of Thyle.... [more]
Cliément m Jèrriais
Jèrriais form of Clément.
Cliffie m & f English (American)
A Dimunitive Form of Clifford, Clifton, Clifette, and Cliftona and also a variant of Cliffy and Cliff.
Cliffton m English
From the surname, Cliffton.
Cliffy m English
Diminutive of Clifford and Clifton.
Clim m Limburgish
Limburgish short form of Clemens.
Clímac m Catalan
Catalan form of Climacus.
Climaco m Italian
Italian form of Climacus.
Climén m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Clement.
Climence f Medieval French
Medieval French variant of Clémence.
Climene f Greek Mythology
Italian form of Clymene.
Climenti m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Clemente.
Climentina f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Clementina.
Climient m Aragonese
Aragonese variant of Climent.
Clintette f Obscure
Feminization of Clint.
Clintona f African American
Feminine form of Clinton.... [more]
Cliodhna f Irish
Anglicized form of Clíodhna.
Cliodna f Irish
Variant of Clíodhna.
Cliona f Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicization of Clíona.
Clione f Literature, American (Rare)
The name of the main protagonist in the short story 'The unforgotten hour' by Louis Arthur Cunningham.... [more]
Cliotide f French (Rare, Archaic), Spanish (Mexican, Rare, Archaic)
Local vernacular corruption of Clothilde found in the Poitou-Charentes region.
Çlirim m Albanian
Derived from Albanian çliroj "to free; to set free; to release".
Çlirime f Albanian
Feminine form of Çlirim.
Çlirimtare f Albanian (Rare), Kosovar (Rare)
Derived from Albanian çlirimtar "emancipator; liberating".
Clistene m Italian
Italian form of Cleisthenes.
Clístenes m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Cleisthenes.
Clit m Catalan
Catalan form of Kleitos via its latinized form Clitus.
Clitarchus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleitarchos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek tyrant of Eretria in Euboea (4th century BC).
Clitemnestra f Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Spanish and Portuguese form of Clytemnestra.
Clito m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Kleitos via its latinized form Clitus.
Clitomachus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Kleitomachos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek philosopher of Carthaginian descent (2nd century BC).
Clitophon m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Literature
Latinized form of Kleitophon. This name was borne by an Athenian oligarchic statesman and intellectual from the 5th century BC.... [more]
Cliupatra f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Cleopatra.
Clivia f German, Theatre
Derived from the English name of the plant (the German name for it being Klivie) which itself is a Latinization of Clive. The plant was named by botanist John Lindley (1799-1865) after Charlotte Florentina Clive (died 1866).... [more]
Clivon m Bahamian Creole
Most likely a diminutive of Clive. Could also be a variant of Clifton.
Clizia f Italian
Italian form of Clytia.
Cllâodène f Norman
Norman form of Claudine.
Cllément m Norman
Cotentinais Norman form of Clement.
Cllémentène f Norman
Feminine form of Cllément.
Cllémentin m Norman
Diminutive of Cllément.
Clo m Romansh
Truncated form of Niclo.
Cloacina f Roman Mythology
Derived from Latin cloaca, meaning "sewer", and combined with a feminine suffix. This was the name of the goddess who presided over the system of sewers in Rome, sometimes identified with Venus.
Clobes m German (Archaic)
Dialectal short form of Nikolaus found in the state of Hesse.
Clod m Romansh
Variant of Clot.
Clòdia f Catalan (Rare)
Catalan form of Clodia.
Clodia f Ancient Roman, Italian, Galician (Rare)
Feminine form of Clodius and Clodio. This name was borne by one of the Vestal Virgins.
Clodio m Galician (Archaic), Italian
Galician and Italian form of Clodius.
Clodoald m Frankish, History (Ecclesiastical)
From Clodoaldus, a latinized form of Chlodowald. This was the name of a 6th-century Frankish saint, better known as Saint Cloud. He was a grandson of King Clovis I who became a hermit and monk.
Clodolfo m Italian
Italian form of Chlodulf.
Clodomira f Italian (Rare), Spanish, Portuguese
Feminine form of Clodomiro, which is the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of the ancient Germanic name Chlodomer.... [more]
Clodomiro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Chlodomer.... [more]
Clodoswinthe f Frankish (Gallicized)
Variant of Chlodoswintha. It was the given name of two Merovingian princesses.
Clodovech m Medieval French
Non-Latinized form of Clovis.
Clodoveo m Italian (Tuscan), Emilian-Romagnol, Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Hlodwig, via a Latinized form Clodovæus or Chlodoveus. This was borne by Clodoveo Carrión Mora (1883-1957), an Ecuadorian palaeontologist and naturalist.
Clodoveu m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Clovis.
Clodualdo m Spanish (Philippines)
Spanish form of Chlodoald. Notable bearers of this name are Clodualdo del Mundo Sr., a Filipino literary figure, and Clodualdo del Mundo Jr., a director.
Clodulfo m History (Ecclesiastical)
Portuguese and Spanish form of Chlodulf.
Cloè f Catalan
Catalan form of Chloe.
Cloélia f French (Rare)
French form of Cloelia.
Clonie f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Clonie was the 'fair as a goddess' Amazon. She came with their queen, Penthesilia to the Trojan War.
Clopás m Biblical Spanish
Spanish form of Clopas.
Clopath m Romansh (Archaic)
Diminutive of Clo.
Clopin m Literature
Means "stumbler" in French. This was the first name of a character from Victor Hugo's novel, 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'. Clopin Trouillefou was considered the king of truants by the Parisian gypsies.
Clopton m English (British, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Clopton. A notable bearer was Clopton Havers (1657-1702), who became a Physician in England (via the Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians) in 1687 and wrote several books related to the study and structure of bones.
Clor m Catalan
Catalan form of Chlorus.
Clora f Italian
Variant of Clori.
Clora f English (Rare), American (South)
Possibly a short form of Clorinda or a variant of Clara influenced by Cora.
Clori f Italian
Italian form of Chloris.
Clorice f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Chloris influenced by Clarice.
Clorinda f Italian, Corsican, Galician (Rare), Literature, English (American, Rare)
Probably created by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso for a character of his poem 'Jerusalem Delivered' (1580). The name was also popular in the 19th century.
Clóris f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Chloris.
Cloris f Spanish, Catalan (Rare)
Spanish and Catalan form of Chloris.
Cloro m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Chlorus.
Cloru m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Chlorus.
Clos m Romansh
Short form of Nicolas.
Closinde f Frankish, German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic Germanic name formed from the name elements hlut "fame" and swind "strong".
Clot m Romansh
Variant of Clo.
Clota f Celtic Mythology
The Celtic goddess of the river Clyde.... [more]
Clotee f English
Perhaps a diminutive of Clotilde. This was used in the 1997 children's historical novel A Picture of Freedom: The Diary of Clotee, a Slave Girl.
Clotildi f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Clotilde.
Clotile f Walloon
Walloon form of Clothilde.
Clotin m Romansh
Diminutive of Clot.
Clotirdi f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Clotilde.
Cloud m French (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from various Germanic names beginning with the element Chlodo-, particularly Chlodowald and Chlodulf.
Cloud m Popular Culture
Derived from the English word cloud. In Popular Culture, this is the name of the main protagonist (Cloud Strife) in "Final Fantasy VII", who also makes an appearance in "Dissidia: Final Fantasy".
Cloudsley m English
Transferred use of the surname Cloudsley.... [more]
Cloustria f Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish clutso- "ear".
Cloutildo f Provençal
Provençal form of Clotilde.
Clove f Literature, English (Modern)
From the English word meaning either a slice of garlic or the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, used as a spice. This name was recently used in Suzanne Collins' popular book, The Hunger Games.
Cloves m History, Portuguese
Possibly a Portuguese variant of Clovis.
Clovia f English
Meaning unknown. Clovia is a character in the "Gasoline Alley" comic strips, first released in 1918, one of the longest running comic strips of all time in the US.
Clowance f Literature, English (British, Modern, Rare)
A character in the 'Poldark' series of historic novels by Winston Graham. The name is probably transferred from the name of an estate in Crowan , Cornwall.
Cloya f Asturian
Feminine form of Cloyo.
Cloyce m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Cloyce.... [more]
Cloyd m English
Possibly a variant of Clyde, influenced by names like Lloyd and Floyd.
Cloyo m Asturian
Asturian form of Claudio.
Cluanach m Irish
Derived from clauna "deceitful, flattering, rogue".
Clurinda f Sicilian
Sicilian form of Clorinda.
Clyda f English
Feminine form of Clyde.
Clydai f History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a Welsh saint of the 5th century, the reputed foundress of a church named Clydai, in Emlyn.
Clydene f English (American)
Feminine form of Clyde.
Clydetta f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Clyde.
Clydette f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Clyde in the image of Claudette.
Clydie f & m English (American), American (South, Archaic)
Diminutive of Clyde, also used as a feminine form.
Clydina f American (Rare, Archaic)
Presumably a feminization of Clyde.
Clydine f English
Feminine form of Clyde.
Clyi m Jèrriais
Jèrriais form of Clair.
Clyle m English (American)
Combination of Clyde and Lyle.
Clymene f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Κλυμένη (Klymene) meaning "famous" or "infamous" from κλύμενος (klymenos), a derivative of κλυτός (klytos) "famous, noble"... [more]
Clymenus m Greek Mythology
A character in Greek Mythology. (used 10 times)
Clytie f Greek Mythology (Latinized), English (Rare), American (South)
Latinized form of Klytië. It was used by British author Joseph Hatton for the heroine of his novel Clytie (1874), and borne by Australian opera singer Clytie Hine (1887-1983); it was also the birth name of Australian ceramic artist Klytie Pate (1912-2010)... [more]
Clytippe f Greek Mythology
One of the many daughters of Thespius and Megamede. She consorted with Heracles and gave birth to a son Eurycapys.
Clytodora f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek κλυτος (klytos) meaning "famous, noble" and δωρον (doron) meaning "gift". It is the name of two characters in Greek mythology.
Clyve m English
Variant of Clive.
Cẩm m & f Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 锦 (cẩm) meaning "tapestry, brocade, embroidered".