Claretm & fSpanish (Rare), Catalan (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Claret, given after saint Anthony Mary Claret, a Spanish archbishop, missionary and founder of the Claretians... [more]
ClariandrafMedieval English (Rare) Combination of Claria with Greek andria, a late form of andreia, and thus a feminine form of andreios "manly; masculine".
ClaribellfArthurian Cycle Claribell is the lover Phedon kills out of rage. Her story is told in Book 2, Canto 4 of "The Faerie Queene". ... [more]
ClarimondefLiterature Variant of Claremonde. La Morte amoureuse (in English: "The Dead Woman in Love") is a short story written by Théophile Gautier and published in La Chronique de Paris in 1836... [more]
ClarinafDutch, English (Rare) Elaborated form of Clara. This name was borne by Clarina H. Nichols, a pioneer of the women's right movement in the nineteenth century.
ClaristafLiterature Perhaps a blend of Clarissa and Calista. This name appears in Robert Greene's prose work Planetomachia (1585). It is borne by a sister of English actor Nicholas Hoult.
Clarkem & fEnglish Variant of Clark. As a feminine name it came into use in the early 1990s, influenced by the character Clarke Betancourt from the 1990 film Mo' Better Blues... [more]
ClasterfairmAmerican (South), African American This name is found in generations of families. Clusters of the name can be found in Louisiana, in particular, but remains rare. It is said to be terminology to refer to royal members, similar to King or Duke would be used.
ClateusmAncient Roman Saint Clateus (died 64 AD) was an early Christian martyr. He was an early bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in Brescia, Italy and was martyred during the persecutions of Christians by Nero.
ClaudinmMedieval French Medieval French diminutive of Claude. A famous bearer of this name was Claudin de Sermisy (c. 1490-1562), a French composer of the Renaissance.
ClaustrefCatalan Means "cloister" in Catalan, taken from the Catalan title of the Virgin Mary, Mare de Déu del Claustre, meaning "Mother of God of the Cloister," the patron saint of Solsona in the comarca of Solsonès.
Claustrof & mSpanish Spanish form of Claustre. Rare masculine usage of this name is restricted to Latin America, particularly Mexico.
ClaviusmVarious (Latinized, Rare) From Latin clavis "key". The use as a given name is transferred from the humanist surname Clavius (originally Clau or Schlüssel) borne by Christopher Clavius, a 16th-century Jesuit, astronomer, and mathematician.
ClavomSpanish (Latin American) A variant of Clavio, the name is also identical to the Spanish noun for “nail.” Therefore, there is possibly a connotation of extraordinary steadfastness and solid reliability in times of trouble... [more]
CleandermAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Kleandros. Known bearers of this name include the Greek tyrant Cleander of Gela (5th century BC) and the Greek general Cleander of Macedon (4th century BC).
Cléanthem & fFrench (Rare) French form of the Greek given name Kleanthes via its latinized form Cleanthes. Although Cléanthe was originally a masculine name, it has occasionally been used as a feminine name in French, which is probably due to the name's similarity to other French feminine names, such as Acanthe and Amaranthe.
CleavemEnglish From an English origin meaning "cliff". Diminutive of Cleavon or a variant of Cleve. As an independent name can be transferred use of the surname Cleave... [more]
CleavonmAfrican American (Rare) Meaning "cliff". Adaptation from names containing the element cleav with the suffix -on.
CleitefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Variant latinization of Greek Κλείτη (Kleite) - because its proper latinized form is Clite - which means "renowned, famous" from Greek κλειτός (kleitos); also compare the masculine equivalent Kleitos... [more]
ClellanmAmerican (Rare) Variant of Clelland. It was borne by Minnesota entertainer Clellan Card (1903–1966), voice of Axel Torgeson on the children's show 'Axel and His Dog' (1954-1966).
ClementinusmLate Roman Longer form of Clementius. This name was borne by Sextus Catius Clementinus Priscillianus, a Roman consul and senator from the 3rd century AD.
CleoboeafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Κλεόβοια (Kleoboia), in which the first element is κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory". The second element, which is also found in Euboea, Meliboea and Periboea, is possibly derived from the Greek verb βοάω (boao) meaning "to shout, to proclaim" (also "to roar" and "to howl" when used of the wind)... [more]