Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords snake-like or and or electric.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ucharboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek uchar meaning "flying", "fleet", or "clever", and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Uchechukwu m & f Igbo, African
Based on the IGBO belief in a Supreme deity, Chukwu whose decision or will is final in the determination of human fate or destiny. It is a combination of two words of the Igbo (IBO), language, UCHE (WISH,WILL,THOUGHT) and CHUKWU (GOD)... [more]
Uchi m African, Literature
Uchi is of African-Igbo origin. Uchi is a derivative of the African and Igbo Uchechi. This is the name of Uchi Akimbo, a character in the "Harry Potter" series written by J.K. Rowling.
Uchralsaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian учрал (uchral) meaning "chance, fate" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Uchraltsaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian учралт (uchralt) meaning "fated, predestined" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Uda f German
Probably a feminine form of Udo 1; cf. other feminine forms Uta, Ute, and Oda... [more]
Udalrich m Medieval German
Udalrich or Uodalrich is a German personal name derived from Old High German word elements uodal ("allodium") and richi ("mighty", "ruler"). The modern form of the name is Ulrich.
Udamdemberel m & f Mongolian (Rare)
From Mongolian удам (udam) meaning "lineage, heritage, ancestry" and дэмбэрэл (demberel) meaning "herald, (good) omen".
Udanda m Odia
Means "against evil and vice" in Odia.
Udayaditya m Indian
Means "rising sun", from Sanskrit उदय (udaya) "going up, rising" and आदित्य (aditya) "sun; relating to the god of the sun".
Udder m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Oddr and Old Danish form of Otr.
Uddulfr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse oddr "point of a weapon" and ulfr "wolf".
Uddvarr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements oddr "spear" and varr "attentive".
Udea f Folklore
This is the name of the protagonist of the North African fairy tale "Udea and her Seven Brothers".... [more]
Udeera f Swahili
Udeera was a baby born in the covenant of kings in africa she went through trials and tribulations growing up , stories told that god helped her throughout hard times and starvation.... [more]
Udelgard f German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name, from Old High German uodil "heritage, homestead" and Old Saxon gard, Old High German gart "enclosure, protection; yard, garden", compare Odelgarde.
Udomchai m Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and ชัย (chai) meaning "victory".
Udomphon m Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and พล (phon) meaning "force, strength, power".
Udomphon f Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Udomrat f & m Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Udomsak m Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power, honour".
Udomwit m Thai
From Thai อุดม (udom) meaning "plentiful, abundant, highest, best" and วิทย์ (wit) meaning "knowledge, science".
Uduakabasi m & f Ibibio, Efik
Means "will of God" in Ibibio and Efik.
Üdvöske f Hungarian
19th-century coinage from Hungarian üdvös "salutary, wholesome". The name coincides with Hungarian üdvöske "mascot, amulet, pride and joy".
Udzuki f & m Japanese (Rare)
This rarely used name can be used as 卯月 (unisex), 宇月 or 右月 (both feminine) with 卯 (bou, mou, u) meaning "east, sign of the hare/rabbit (4th sign of the Chinese zodiac)", 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof", 右 (u, yuu, migi) meaning "right" and 月 (gatsu, getsu, tsuki) meaning "month, moon."... [more]
Uel m Biblical
In Ezra 10:34 : "Of the sons of Bani; Maadai, Amram, and Uel."
Uemon m Japanese
Derived from 右衛門府 (Uemonfu), referring to a governmental department responsible for guarding, opening and closing the right gate to the royal palace. The name was classified as a hyakkanna (百官名), a court rank-style name that samurai used to announce oneself and give himself authority.
Uercassiuellaunos m Gaulish
Latinization of a Gaulish name. The name of a general of the Averni and cousin of Vercingetorix.
Úfeigr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ú "un-" (negative prefix) and feigr "fey", "doomed to die" or from Old Norse úfeigr "not fey, not doomed to die, one who will live a long life".
Uffa m Anglo-Saxon
Variant of Offa and Wuffa.
Ugénie f Jèrriais, Picard
Jèrriais and Picard form of Eugénie.
Uggi m Old Norse, Faroese, Icelandic, Danish (Rare)
Variant and modern form of Uggr.
Ugi m & f Korean (Americanized, Modern, Rare, Archaic)
The literal translation in Hangul (Koreas modern written language) for Ugi (우기) is Monsoon or Rainy season. Ugi (우기) is derived from the Hanja character 雨 (Yǔ meaning rain). Although it is possible that 雨 (Yǔ) was first used/ invented by a Korean during the Gojoseon period (likely established somewhere between 2333bce - 1101bce) as certain regions of modern china were technically considered parts of Ancient Korea (control of these regions switched and evolved over many years many times), it is still most likely the first use of 雨 was in a Chinese dynasty during the use of Old Chinese (Roughly 1766BCE - 256BCE)... [more]
Uglúk m Literature
Uglúk was the captain of Saruman's Uruk-hai who attacked the Fellowship at Amon Hen and captured Merry and Pippin.
Ugluspegill m Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Literally means "owl mirror", derived from Icelandic ugla "owl" combined with spegill "mirror, looking glass".... [more]
Ugolino m Medieval Italian
Diminutive of Ugolo, as -ino is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix. So, in other words, this name is a double diminutive of Ugo.... [more]
Ugtakhbayar m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian угтах (ugtakh) meaning "receive, greet, welcome" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Ugtakhzhargal m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian угтах (ugtakh) meaning "receive, greet, welcome" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Ugu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Hugo.
Uğuray f Turkish
From the Turkish uğur meaning "good luck" and ay meaning "moon".
Uğurcan m & f Turkish
Derived from uğur meaning "luck" and can meaning "soul".
Ugutz m Basque
Derived from Basque ugutz "baptism" and used as a Basque equivalent of Bautista.
Uhtbrand m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements uhta "before dawn" and brand "firebrand, torch; sword".
Uhtræd m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements uhta "pre-dawn" and ræd "counsel".
Uhwudong f Korean
Derived from the sino-korean 於 (o, eo) meaning "in, at, on", 宇 (u) meaning "house, eaves, universe" and 同 (dong) meaning "same, similar, with".
U-hyeok m Korean
From Sino-Korean 佑 "help, protect, bless" and 赫 "bright, radiant, glowing".
Uika f Japanese
Commonly spelled as 初 (ui) meaning "initial, first, beginning, fresh" and 花 (ka) meaning "flower, blossom". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Uilke m West Frisian
Variant form of Oelke via its variant form Ulke. This particular form is strictly masculine in West Frisia... [more]
Uilleamina f Scottish (Rare, Archaic)
Feminine form of Uilleam and a Scottish form of Wilhelmina.
Uilúnguaĸ m Greenlandic
Combination of Uiloĸ and the suffix -nnguaq meaning "sweet, dear".
Uilyam m Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Turkish
Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Turkish form of William (following phonetic rendering of the English pronunciation).
Üitümen m & f Mongolian
Means "million" or "innumerable, multitude" in Mongolian, from үй (üi) "many" and түм (tüm) meaning "ten thousand, myriad, multitude", or "people, nation".
Ujaratsiaĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic combination of Ujarak and -tsiaκ "beautiful, precious".
Ujk m Albanian (Rare)
Derived from Albanian ujk "wolf" and, figuratively, "very strong person; extremely able person".
Ukalîna f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name with the combination of Ukaleĸ and suffix -na.
Ukkiboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ukki meaning "eagle owl" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Ukon m & f Japanese
This name is used as 右近 with 右 (u, yuu, migi) meaning "right" and 近 (kin, kon, chika.i) meaning "akin, early, near, tantamount."... [more]
Uksáhkká f Sami, Sami Mythology
Means "door goddess", from Sami uksa "door" and áhkká "wife, woman, mother". In Sami mythology Uksáhkká lived under the door sill and protected the home against all evil. She watched over children during their first year, especially when they learned to walk.
Uku m Estonian, Baltic Mythology
Estonian cognate of Finnish Ukko. This name is borne by the god of weather and lightning in Estonian mythology.
Ukyō m & f Japanese
This name can be used as 右京, 右恭, 侑京, 宇京, 宇郷, 宇恭, 宇響, 羽京, 羽恭 or 羽響 with 右 (u, yuu, migi) meaning "right", 侑 (u, yuu, susu.meru, tasu.keru) meaning "urge to eat", 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof", 羽 (u, ha, hane, wa) meaning "feathers", 京 (kyou, kin, kei, miyako) meaning "capital", 恭 (kyou, uyauya.shii) meaning "respect, reverent", 郷 (kyou, gou, sato) meaning "district, home town, native place, village" and 響 (kyou, hibi.ku) meaning "echo, resound, ring, sound, vibrate."... [more]
Ūla f Lithuanian
Derived from Ūla, which is the name of a river in Dzūkija National Park (located near the villages of Marcinkonys and Merkinė) in southern Lithuania. In turn, the river derives its name from the Baltic root aul-, which comes from Proto-Indo-European *aulo-s or *h₂eulos meaning "tube, pipe"... [more]
Ulaanbaatar m & f Mongolian
Means "red hero" in Mongolian, from улаан (ulaan) meaning "red" and bat (baatar) meaning "hero". This is also the name of the capital city of Mongolia.
Ulaankhüü m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian улаан (ulaan) meaning "red" and хүү (khüü) meaning "son, boy" or "dear, beloved".
Ulaankhüükhen f Mongolian
Means "red girl" in Mongolian, from улаан (ulaan) meaning "red" and хүүхэн (khüükhen) meaning "girl".
Ulaantömör m & f Mongolian
Means "red iron" in Mongolian, from улаан (ulaan) meaning "red" and төмөр (tömör) meaning "iron".
Ulaantsetseg f Mongolian
Means "red flower" in Mongolian, from улаан (ulaan) meaning "red" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Ulaavarsuaq m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name with the combination of Ulaavi and suffix -rsuaq "big, great".
Ulaboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ula- meaning "to join, connect, tie together" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Ulambayar m & f Mongolian
Means "still more happiness" in Mongolian, from улам (ulam) meaning "more, further" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy".
Ulanbek m Kyrgyz
From Kyrgyz улан (ulan) meaning "young man, soldier" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
Ulbobek f Kazakh (Rare)
Means "baby boy" from Kazakh ұл (ul) "son, boy" and бөбек (böbek) "baby, newborn". This name was traditionally given to girls when her family was expecting a boy in hopes that the next child of the family would be male.
Ulbolsyn f Kazakh
Means "let it be a son" from Kazakh ұл (ul) meaning "boy, son" and болсын (bolsyn) "let (it be)". This name was traditionally given to daughters whose families were expecting a boy, in hopes that the next child of the family would be male.
Uldin m Medieval Hungarian, Medieval Turkic
the first ruler of the Huns whose historicity is undisputed.... [more]
Uldis m Latvian
Originally a short form of Ulrihs, now used as a given name in its own right. Latvian poet and playwright Rainis used this name on a character in his play Pūt, vējini! (1913).
Uldız m Medieval Turkic, Medieval Hungarian
The first ruler of the Huns whose historicity is undisputed.... [more]
Ülemzhbayan m & f Mongolian
Means "very rich, exceedingly rich" in Mongolian, from үлэмж (ülemj) meaning "very, exceeding, largely" and баян (bayan) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Ülemzhbayar m & f Mongolian
Means "great celebration, much joy" in Mongolian, from үлэмж (ülemj) meaning "very, exceeding, largely" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Ülemzhbuyan m & f Mongolian
Means "great virtue, excessive good luck" in Mongolian, from үлэмж (ülemj) meaning "very, exceeding, largely" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
Úlfarna f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ulfr "wolf" and ǫrn "eagle".
Ulfarr m Old Norse
Variant form of Ulfgæirr and a combination of ulfr "wolf" and herr "army".
Úlfey f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Formed from Úlfur and Old Norse ey "island" or ey "good fortune"... [more]
Ulfgæirr m Old Norse
Combination of ulfr "wolf" and geirr "spear".
Ulfhard m Medieval German, Medieval Scandinavian
Variant form of Wulfhard and in some cases also of Odalfrid. For the latter, also compare the Frisian cognates Olfert and Ulfert.
Ulfheðinn m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ulfr "wolf" and heðinn "jacket of fur or skin".
Úlfhildr f Old Norse
Derived from the Old Norse elements ulfr meaning "wolf" and hildr meaning "battle". An 11th-century Norwegian princess bore this name.
Ulfkætill m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ulfr "wolf" and ketill "cauldron hat, helmet".
Úlfkell m Old Norse, Icelandic
Old Norse and Icelandic variant of Ulfkæll.
Ulfliútr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements ulfr "wolf" and -ljótr "shining, bright".
Ulfric m English (Rare), Popular Culture
Derived from the Germanic elements wulf "wolf" and rik "power; ruler".... [more]
Ulfrik m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Ulfríkr.
Ulfríkr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of ulfr "wolf" and ríkr "mighty, distinguished, rich".
Úlftýr m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse ulfr meaning "wolf" and týr meaning "god" (or the name of the Norse god Týr, which is identical).
Ülgen m Medieval Turkic, Medieval Mongolian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "magnificent" in Old Turkic. ... [more]
Ülger m & f Turkish, Medieval Turkic, Near Eastern Mythology, Medieval Mongolian
Derived from "Ülker", the Pleiades; and "Ülgen", a Turkic creator-deity from Tengrism, an ethnic Turkic, Yeniseian, Mongolic religion.... [more]
Ulgiboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ulgi meaning "example, model" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Uli m & f Hawaiian
Masculine form and feminine short form of Uliuli.
Uliks m Croatian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Croatian and Serbian form of Ulysses.
Uliliyašši f Hittite Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Deriving in part from the Hittite element ulili ("field"). Name borne by a goddess of vegetation and fertility, known from Hittite ritual and oracle texts.
Uljon f Uzbek (Rare)
The first element of this name is as of yet uncertain. The second element should be derived from the Uzbek noun жон (jon) meaning "soul". It ultimately comes from the Persian noun جان (jan) meaning "soul, being, spirit" as well as "life"... [more]
Ulkannazar m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ulkan meaning "great, grand" and nazar meaning "look, glance".
Ulke m & f West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare)
West Frisian variant form of Oelke and North Frisian cognate of Oelke, although it should be noted that it is strictly masculine in North Frisia.
Ullabella f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Ulla and Bella.
Ullabeth f Swedish (Rare)
Rare combination of Ulla and Elisabeth.
Ullabritt f Swedish
Combination of Ulla and Britt.
Ullagreta f Obscure
Combination of Ulla and Greta.
Ullakarin f Swedish (Rare)
Rare Swedish combination of Ulla and Karin.
Ulla-Maj f Swedish (Rare)
Combination of Ulla and Maj 2.
Ullavi f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish combination of Ulla and 'home, temple, sanctuary'.
Üllo m Estonian, Medieval Baltic
Derived from Livonian ilo "joy", this name was mentioned in the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia in its Latinized form Ylo. The form Üllo was eventually revived through 19th-century literature; folk etymology has associated the name with Estonian ülev "exalted" and üllas "noble" ever since.
Ullr m Germanic Mythology
Ullr is the name of an old Norse god. In the Edda, he's a son of Sif and a stepson of Thor.... [more]
Ulmeken f Kazakh
Derived from Kazakh ұл (ul) meaning "son, boy" and мекен (meken) meaning "home, abode".
Uloqboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek uloq meaning "baby goat" or "knot" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Ulphia f Frankish (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Proto-Germanic *wulfaz "wolf". Saint Ulphia of Amiens was said to be a young girl living on the banks of the Noye who became a hermit at what would become Saint-Acheul, near Amiens in the Kingdom of the Franks, under the spiritual direction of Saint Domitius... [more]
Ulpiano m Italian, Spanish, Spanish (Caribbean)
Italian and Spanish form of Ulpianus.
Ulqo'zi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ul meaning "son" and qo'zi meaning "lamb".
Ulrico m Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Galician
Spanish, Portuguese, Galician and Italian form of Ulrich.
Ulrihs m Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Ulrich and older form of Ulriks.
Ultrogotha f Frankish
Queen Ultrogotha (510 - after 566/67) was a Frankish Merovingian queen and the wife of Childebert I.
Ultus m Obscure, Popular Culture
From Latin ultimūs meaning "final". This is the name of a Tarzan inspired character who appears in about 14 novels written by film industry veteran Julián Amich and drawn by Enrique Pertegás... [more]
Ulugbek m Kyrgyz
From Turkic ulug meaning "great, big" combined with the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master". This was the moniker of Mirza Muhammad Taraghay bin Shahrukh, a 15th-century Timurid mathematician and astronomer, who was better known as Ulugh Beg.
Ulug'berdi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ulug' meaning "great, grand" and berdi meaning "gave".
Ulug'murod m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ulug' meaning "great, grand" and murod meaning "aim, wish, desire".
Ulug'nazar m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ulug' meaning "great, grand" and nazar meaning "look, glance".
Ulug'qo'zi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek ulug' meaning "great, grand" and qo'zi meaning "lamb".
Ululani f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly inspiration" from Hawaiian ulu "to grow, be inspired" and lani "heaven, sky". This was the name of a ruler of Hilo.
Ululik m & f Greenlandic
Greenlandic combination of Ulo and -lik (suffix that denotes that the the root word is a form of amulet or helper spirit).
Uluthando m Ndebele, Zulu
Means "he is love" in Ndebele and Zulu.
Uluwehi f Hawaiian
From the Hawaiian uluwehi, "a lush and beautiful verdure; a place where beautiful plants live".
Ulva f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Swedish and Norwegian form of Ulfva, an Old Swedish byname meaning "she-wolf".... [more]
Ulvar m Old Swedish, Norwegian
Old Swedish and Norwegian younger form of Ulfarr.
Ulvhild f Medieval Scandinavian
Composed of the elements ulv ("wolf") and hild ("battle")... [more]
Ulzhan f Kazakh
From Kazakh ұл (ul) meaning "son, boy" and жан (zhan) meaning "soul". This name was traditionally given to girls in hopes that the family's next child would be a boy.
Ulziisukh m Mongolian
From Mongolian өлзий (ölzii) meaning "good luck, blessing" and сүх (sükh) meaning "axe".
Umahoshi m & f Japanese
Depending on the kanji can mean 'horse star' or 'star horse'. Uma meaning horse and hoshi meaning star.
Umaiza f Arabic (Rare)
The meaning of Umaiza is : Bright, Beautiful and soft hearted.
Umako f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (u) meaning "love, affection" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality and 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji is possible.
Umama f Arabic
Means "little mother" in Arabic, being a diminutive of the word أُمّ (ʾumm) "mother; origin, source". Umama bint Abi al-As, also called Umama bint Zaynab (died c. 685 AD), was a granddaughter of the Prophet Muhammad... [more]
Umanosuke m Japanese
Umanosuke means "horse" (uma, 馬), a possessive article which is the equivalent of "of" (no, 之), and "to concern oneself with" (suke, 介)
Umaphon f Thai
Means "blessing of Uma" from Thai อุมา (uma) referring to the Hindu goddess Parvati and พร (phon) meaning "blessing".
Umataro m Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
Derived from Japanese 馬 (uma) "horse", 太 (ta) "thick, big, great", and 郎 (ro) "son". A notable fictional bearer of the name is Dr. Umataro Tenma, a character in the manga Astro Boy and its subsequent anime adaptations... [more]
Umay f Turkish
Umay is ancient turkic mentioned in the first written documents of turkic languages, that is, orkhon inscriptions. Umay is a female spirit that protects babies and baby animals in Turkic mythology. It also means bringer of luck and abundance.
Umbelina f Portuguese, Italian (Rare)
Portuguese and Italian form of Ombeline.
Umecho f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 梅 (ume) meaning "plum" and 蝶 (cho) meaning "butterfly". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Umeha f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 梅 (ume) meaning "plum" and 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf".
Umehisa f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 梅 (ume) meaning "plum", 比 (hi) meaning "compare" and 沙 (sa) meaning "sand". This was the name of a geiko of Kamishichiken.
Umeji m Japanese
Combination of Japanese 梅, meaning plum, and じ, meaning character. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Umetaro m Japanese
Ume means "Plum" and Taro means "Big Son". Notable bearers are Umetaro Nozaki, a fictional character from "Weekly Girl's Nozaki-kun",a shoujo anime. Umetaro Azechi is an artist and mountaineer who lived up until his 90's and has his publications all over the world... [more]
Umeyu f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from 梅 (ume) meaning "plum" and 柚 (yu) meaning "citron". This is the name of a number of geikos.
Umi f Indonesian, Malay
Means "mother" in Indonesian and Malay, ultimately from Arabic أم ('umm).
Umidjon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek umid meaning "hope" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Umihana f Bosnian
Bosnian feminine name possibly derived from the Arabic name Umm Hani or Umm-i-Hani, meaning "mother of Hani". In Islamic tradition this was an epithet of Fakhitah bint Abi Talib, a sister of Ali and cousin of Muhammad.... [more]
Umina f Japanese
From Japanese 海 (umi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "Nara(?)" or 那 (na), meaning "what" or 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, roof, house; heaven" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" and 菜 (na), meaning "vegetable, greens; side dish" . Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Ummagulsun f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek umma refering to the global community of Muslims, and gulsun, a kind of jewellery with a hammered design.
Ummatoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek ummat refering to the community of Muslims and oy meaning "moon".
Umme f Arabic
Umme is an Indian name meaning “mother of sons”. Related names include Ummi and Umm.
Ummidius m Ancient Roman
The name of a Roman gens.... [more]
Ümmügülsüm f Azerbaijani, Ottoman Turkish, Turkish
Azerbaijani and Turkish form of Umm Kulthum.
Ümmühan f Turkish
Derived from the Arabic أم ('umm) meaning "mother" and خان‎ (khan) meaning "khan, ruler".
Umon m Japanese
This name combines 右 (u, yuu, migi) meaning "right" or 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, heaven, house, roof" with 門 (mon, kado, to) meaning "gate."... [more]
Umrgulsun f Uzbek
Derived from umr meaning "life" and gulsun, a kind of jewellery with a hammered design.
Umrqo'zi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek umr meaning "life" and qo'zi meaning "lamb".
Umrsuyun m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek umr meaning "life" and suyun- meaning "to be delighted".
Umrtoj m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek umr meaning "life" and toj meaning "crown".
Umrtoy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek umr meaning "life" and toy meaning "colt".
Una f Croatian
Either inspired by the name of the river Una (bordering Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina), whose meaning is uncertain but could be from Latin una "(female) one", or directly from Latin. It's a modern name, used since the 20th century.
Una f Manx
Manx cognate of Úna and Ùna.
Una f Filipino, Tagalog, Cebuano
From Tagalog and Cebuano una meaning "first, foremost, original"
Unadean f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Una and Dean or Deen, possibly influenced by Undine.
Unâkasik m Greenlandic
Means "poor harpoon" in Greenlandic, from a combination of Unâĸ and -kasik "poor".
Unalaq m Popular Culture
Name of Korra's uncle and main antagonist of Book 2 of Legend of Korra, an American animated television series that aired on the Nickelodeon television network from 2012 to 2014.
Unas m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian wnjs, possibly meaning "who exists indeed", derived from wnn "to exist" and js, an intensifying particle. This was the throne name of the last ruler of the Fifth Dynasty of Egypt during the Old Kingdom.
Unatsiaĸ m Greenlandic
Greenlandic name meaning "beautiful, precious harpoon". Combination of Unâĸ and suffix -tsiaq "beautiful, precious".
Unax m Basque
This name is of unknown meaning.... [more]
Uncas m Algonquian, Literature, Popular Culture
Derived from the Mohegan word wonkus meaning "fox". This was a character in 'The Last of the Mohicans' book and film.
Unella f Literature, Popular Culture
Unella is a Septa of the Faith of the Seven and a devoted follower of the High Sparrow from Game Of Thrones.
Ünenbat m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian үнэн (ünen) meaning "true, truth" and бат (batu) meaning "firm, strong".
Ünenbayar m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian үнэн (ünen) meaning "true, truth" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Ünenbuyan f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian үнэн (ünen) meaning "true, truth" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
Ünensaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian үнэн (ünen) meaning "true, truth" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Üneterdene f & m Mongolian
Means "precious jewel" in Mongolian, from үнэт (ünet) meaning "precious, valuable" and эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Unferð m English
Unferth's name can be understood in a number of ways. A common reading, by Morton W. Bloomfield is to see it as un + frith, "mar peace": similarly, J. R. R. Tolkien considered the name to mean Unpeace/Quarrel, or perhaps 'Unfriend'... [more]
Ungnyeo f Korean Mythology
The name of a goddess involved in the Korean creation myth. Her name is derived from the hanja 熊 (ung) meaning "bear" and 女 (nyeo) meaning "woman".
Unhuan m & f Lao
Etymology uncertain, perhaps from ອຸ່ນ (un) meaning "warm, tranquil" and ເຮືອນ (hɨ́aːn) meaning "home, abode".
Uni f Etruscan Mythology
Uni is the ancient goddess of marriage, fertility, family, and women in Etruscan religion and myth, and the patron goddess of Perugia. The name itself is of uncertain etymology, it may, however, be related to an Indo-European root iuni "young", connecting to her association with fertility, love, and marriage.
Unica f Popular Culture
This was the pseudonym of German writer and painter Unica Zürn (1916-1970), who was born Nora Berta Ruth Zürn.... [more]
Uniesława f Polish
Derived from unie meaning "united, combined" and sława meaning "fame, glory".
Ünige f Hungarian
Coined by Sándor Makkai, a Reformed bishop from Transylvania, for a character in his novel 'Sárga vihar' (1934) and subsequently used among the Hungarians of Transylvania and the Unitarian Church... [more]
Unnbjörn m Icelandic
Combination of Icelandic unnr "wave" and bjǫrn "bear".
Unndís f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements unnr "wave" or unna "to love; not to grudge; to grant, to allow, to bestow" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Unnþór m Icelandic
Combination of Icelandic unnr "wave" and þórr "thunder".
Unnveig f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian combination of unnr "to wave, to billow" or unna "to love" and veig "power, strength".
Unruean f Thai
From Thai อุ่น (un) meaning "warm" and เรือน (ruean) meaning "house".
Unruoch m Medieval German
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements UN related to unnr "to wave, to billow" or unna "to love" and hrok "rest"... [more]
Ünsal f Turkish
Etymology uncertain, it may be from the Turkish ün meaning "reputation, fame" and salmak meaning "set free, release, dispatch, send".
Untary m Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Andrei.
Unulf m Germanic
Either derived from Old High German unnan "to grant, to allow, to yield" and combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf", or variant of Hunulf.
Unuratu m Sicilian, Quechua, Corsican (Archaic)
Corsican and Sicilian form of Onorato, Quechua form of Honorato.
Ünver m & f Turkish
Derived from ün meaning "reputation, fame" and ver meaning "truth".
Unwan m Medieval German
A dithematic name created from a name element un related to unnr "to wave, to billow" or unna "to love" and wini "friend".... [more]
Uosis m Lithuanian, Folklore, Popular Culture
Derived from the Lithuanian noun uosis meaning "ash tree". In Lithuanian folklore and popular culture, Uosis is the name of one of the three sons of the titular character of the folk tale Eglė žalčių karalienė, which translates to English as Eglė, the Queen of Serpents.
Uote f Medieval German
Old and Middle High German name, mentioned in the 'Nibelungenlied' and 'Kudrun'.
Upeng f Filipino
Diminitive of Cleofe, Eufemia, and other names containing a similar sound.
Upik Abu f Indonesian (?), Folklore
Indonesian form of Cinderella. Etymologically, Upik is a term of endearment to call a young girl, and Abu is an Indonesian word meaning "cinder, ash"... [more]
Upokoʻina m & f Cook Islands Maori
Derived from upoko meaning "head" and ʻina meaning "grey hair(ed)"
Upsilon m English (Rare)
The 20th letter of the Greek alphabet (Y, υ). Only used by Upsilon Phi Lockhart (1908-88), of Texas. His father Thomas had come into possession of a Greek alphabet bible, and decided, on a whim, to name his children after Greek letters... [more]
Uraatua m & f Tahitian
Derived from ura meaning "red" and atua meaning "god".
Urairat f Thai
From Thai อุไร (urai) meaning "gold" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Uraiwan f Thai
From Thai อุไร (urai) meaning "gold" and วรรณ (wan) meaning "colour, tint".
Urako f Japanese (Rare)
From 浦 (ura) meaning "bay, seacoast" and 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)". Other kanji combinations can be used.
Uramoe m & f Tahitian
Derived form ura meaning "red" and moe meaning "sleep, dream".
Uranbaatar m Mongolian
Means "skilled hero" in Mongolian, from уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Uranbayan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and баян (bayan) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Uranbayar m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Uranchimeg f Mongolian
Means "artistic decoration" in Mongolian, from уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "ornament".
Urangoo f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and гоо (goo) meaning "beautiful, attractive".
Urankhas f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and хас (khas) meaning "jade, jasper" or "swastika (religious symbol)".
Uransaikhan f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Uransolongo f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and солонго (solongo) meaning "rainbow".
Urantögs f & m Mongolian
Means "perfect art" in Mongolian, from уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous"and төгс (tögs) meaning "perfect".
Urantsetseg f Mongolian
Derived from yран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Urantsog m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and цог (tsog) meaning "energy, embers, glowing coals" or "splendour, glory".
Urantülkhüür f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and түлхүүр (tülkhüür) meaning "key".
Urantungalag f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "serene, clear, unclouded, transparent".
Urantuyaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
Uranui m & f Tahitian
Derived from ura meaning "red" and nui meaning "big".
Uranzayaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "future, fortune, fate".
Uranzhargal f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian уран (uran) meaning "adept, skillful, dexterous" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Uraraka f Japanese
Uraraka(麗) means beautiful and lovely, and ka(日) day
Uravini m Tahitian
Combination of Tahitian 'ura meaning "red" or "purple" and vini meaning "black-fronted parakeet" (a type of bird found on Tahiti).
Urazbike f Tatar
Derived from ураз (uraz) meaning "happy" and бикэ (bike) meaning "princess".
Urazgöl f Bashkir
From Bashkir ураз (uraz) meaning "good luck" and гөл (göl ) meaning "flower".
Urbán m Aragonese, Galician, Hungarian
Aragonese, Hungarian and Galician form of Urban.
Urbing f & m Filipino
Diminutive of Urbana and Urbano.
Ürdü f Karachay-Balkar
Possibly from the Turkic name element ür meaning "long (time, lived)" and the Karachay-Balkar suffix дю (dü)
Urea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ourea. According to Hesiod and Hyginus, the nymph Urea or Ourea was a daughter of Poseidon and the mother by Apollo of Ileus, a Trojan lord.
Urgamalmaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian ургамал (urgamal) meaning "plant" and the feminine suffix маа (maa).
Urgamaltsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian ургамал (urgamal) meaning "plant" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Uria m Dutch (Rare), Italian, Norwegian, Swedish
Dutch, Italian, Norwegian and Swedish form of 'Uriyah (see Uriah) via its latinized form Urias.
Urie m Biblical French, Biblical Romanian
French and Romanian form of 'Uriyah (see Uriah) via its latinized form Urias.
Urilla f American (Rare)
Extremely rare feminine variant of Uri and contracted form of Uriella.
Urith f English (British, Archaic)
Of uncertain origin, borne by an obscure early saint and martyr who was venerated in Chittlehampton, Devon, England.
Urizen m Literature
This name was invented by the English mystic poet William Blake, who intended it to be a pun on your reason and perhaps also based it on Greek horizein (root of the English word horizon) meaning "bound, limit, divide, separate"... [more]
Urko m Basque (Modern)
From the name of a mountain in Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia. The origin of the name is uncertain: it could derive from urki "birch" or, more unlikely, from urkamendi "gallows".
Urmil f & m Indian, Hindi, Bengali, Odia
Variant and masculine form of Urmila.
Urmila f Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Odia, Bengali, Assamese
From Sanskrit ऊर्मि (ūrmí) meaning "wave, billow". In the Hindu epic Ramayana, Urmila is the wife of Lakshmana and the younger sister of Sita.
Urne f Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Irina.
Uroda f Slavic Mythology
Uroda was the Slovakian goddess of agriculture, the fields and the harvest. Her name is certainly linked to the Slovakian word úroda "harvest", however it doesn't seem to be quite so clear what came first, the goddess or the word.
Urpikusi f Quechua
Means "cheerful dove" in Quechua from the words urpi meaning "dove, pigeon" and kusiy meaning "cheerful, content".
Urraca f Medieval Spanish, Medieval Basque, Medieval Galician, Medieval Portuguese
Derived from Spanish urraca "magpie", ultimately from Latin furax "thievish". Several queens of medieval Spain and Portugal bore this name.
Urschla f Romansh
Romansh form of Ursula, traditionally found in central Grisons and in the Surselva region.
Urseline f French (Archaic), Antillean Creole
Archaic French variant of Ursuline recorded up until the 1700s. In modern times, this name seems to have survived, and barely so, in the Netherlands Antilles.
Urshita f Indian, Hindi
Derived from Hindi उर्शिता (urshita) meaning "firm" and "determined". Translates to "spiritual" and "intuitive" in English.
Ursicinus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen and diminutive of Ursus used by a number of saints.
Ursijn m Dutch (Archaic)
Dutch form of Ursinus, which was chiefly used in older times and is now no longer in use.
Ursin m French (Archaic), Romansh
French and Romansh form of Ursinus.
Ursino m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Ursinus.
Urso m Medieval German, Medieval French, Medieval Italian, Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish, Medieval English (Rare), Swiss (Archaic)
Form of Urs in several languages. It was borne by a martyr in the 3rd century and two French and Italian saints in the 6th century.
Ùrsula f Sicilian, Sardinian
Sicilian and Sardinian form of Ursula.
Ursulina f German (Swiss, Rare), Romansh, Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical), Medieval Latin
Diminutive or extended form of Ursula, as -ina is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix (from Latin -īna meaning "belonging to"). This essentially makes the name a double diminutive of Ursa... [more]
Ursulo m Italian
The name Ursulo is the Italian translation of Ursulus and Úrsulo.
Ursyn m Polish
Polish form of Ursinus. This name was borne by Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz (1757-1841), Polish playwright, poet and novelist.
Urta f Dutch (Surinamese, Rare), German (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. This name can be a short form of Dorothea (compare Urtė), but it can also be a more modern form of the ancient Scandinavian name Urðr.... [more]
Urtbayar m & f Mongolian
Means "long celebration" in Mongolian, from урт (urt) meaning "long" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Urte f German
Of debated origin and meaning.
Urtnasan f & m Mongolian
Means "long life" in Mongolian, from урт (urt) meaning "long" and нас (nas) meaning "age, life"
Uruzbek m Ossetian
From уруз (uruz) meaning "happy" and the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieften, master"
Urvashi f Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Marathi
Means "she who can control the hearts of others" in Sanskrit, from उर (ur) meaning "chest" or "heart" and वश् (vaś) meaning "to will, to command". This is the name of an apsara (a type of female spirit) in Hindu mythology.
Urwen f Literature
The name means "Fire Maiden", it comes from the Sindarin words ur "fire" and -wen "maiden". ... [more]
Ury m Medieval English, Medieval German
Medieval English and medieval German form of Uriah.
Uryū m Japanese
From Japanese 瓜 (u) meaning "gourd, melon" and 生 (ryuu) meaning "raw" or "life". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Urzage m Sumerian
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Sumerian elements 𒌨 ur ("servant, warrior"), and zàg ("to choose, chosen").
Urzula f Latvian (Rare), Hungarian
Latvian form of Ursula and Hungarian variant of Orsolya via German Ursula.
Usako f Japanese
from usa mean rabbit and ko meaning child its first possible usage is in "Sailor Moon"
Usaman m Thai (Muslim), Indian (Muslim)
Thai and Indian form of Uthman.
Usdi m Cherokee
From the Cherokee word ᎤᏍᏗ (usdi) which is both a noun meaning "baby" and an adjective meaning "little, small". Wil Usdi ("little Will") was the Cherokee name of William Holland Thomas (1805-1893), an American lawyer, politician and soldier who had been adopted into the Cherokee tribe as a teenager.
Usebio m Asturian, Aragonese
Asturian and Aragonese form of Eusebius.
U-seok m Korean
Combination of an u hanja, like 雨 meaning "rain," 佑 meaning "help, assist," 祐 meaning "help, aid; luck, good fortune," 禹 meaning "wage" or 宇 meaning "house," and a seok hanja, such as 錫 meaning "tin; copper," 碩 meaning "big, large, great; full; faithful, devoted" or 奭 meaning "big, large, great; thriving, flourishing."
U-seong f Korean (Rare)
From Sino-Korean 雨 (u) meaning "rain" and 成 (seong) meaning "to succeed, to finish, to complete". Other hanja can be used.
Userkaf m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian wsr-kꜣ.f meaning "his life-force is strong", derived from wsr "powerful, strong, mighty" combined with ka "soul, life-force" and the suffix .f "he, him, his"... [more]
Usermaatre m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian wsr-mꜣꜥt-rꜥ meaning "the justice of Ra is powerful", derived from wsr "mighty, powerful" combined with mꜣꜥt "truth, virtue, justice" and the name of the god Ra (literally "the sun")... [more]
Usermontu m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian wsr-mnṯw meaning "powerful is Montu", derived from wsr "powerful, strong, mighty" and the name of the god Montu.
Ushiwakamaru m Japanese Mythology
Ushiwakamaru is a combination of 牛 (ushi), meaning "cow, bull"; 若 (waka), meaning "young"; and 丸 (maru), meaning "round". Maru was also a common ending for young boys' names in feudal Japan. Thus "young bull", with maru denoting it's a young child... [more]
U-sik m Korean
From Sino-Korean 宇 "house; building, structure; eaves" and 植 "plant, trees, plants; grow".
Usmail m Spanish (Caribbean)
Commonly used by Cubans and Cuban-American immigrants, this name is inspired by the U.S. Mail service.
Usmon m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Uthman.
Usnavi m Popular Culture (Rare)
Created name, likely a pun or misunderstanding on U.S. Navy. The name is most notably borne by the main character of the musical In The Heights, Usnavi De La Vega, by Lin-Manuel Miranda and Quiara Alegría Hudes.
Usorọ m & f Ibibio, Efik
Means "festival" in Ibibio and Efik.
Ùssula f Sardinian
Sassarese and Gallurese form of Ursula.
Ustaaziz m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek usta meaning "expert, master" and aziz meaning "dear, beloved, precious" or "holy, sacred".
Ustabola m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek usta meaning "expert, master" and bola meaning "child, boy".
Ustaniyoz m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek usta meaning "expert, master" and niyoz meaning "entreaty, alms".
Ustapo'lat m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek usta meaning "expert, master" and po'lat meaning "steel, sword".
Ustaqurbon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek usta meaning "expert, master" and qurbon meaning "offering".
Ustashirin m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek usta meaning "expert, master" and shirin meaning "sweet, pleasant, nice".
Utaba f Japanese
From Japanese 唄 (uta) meaning "song, ballad", or 詩 (uta) meaning "poetry, poem" and 羽 (ba) meaning "feathers". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Utah m & f English (American, Rare), English (African, Rare), South African
Taken from the name of the US State of Utah. While a masculine name in the USA, in Nigeria and South Africa, it is sometimes used as a feminine name.
Utako f Japanese
From Japanese 歌 (uta) "song" and 子 (ko) "child".