Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords snake-like or and or electric.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Tsitseka f Greek (Rare, ?)
A form of Tzitzak or Çiçek. Empress Tzitzak was an 8th-century Khazar princess who converted to Christianity and was baptized Irene upon marrying the Byzantine emperor Constantine V.
Tsitsi f Shona
Means "mercy, compassion" in Shona.... [more]
Tsivery m & f Malagasy
From the Malagasy tsy meaning "not" and very meaning "lost".
Tsi-Zak-Gay f Indigenous American, Snohomish
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Snohomish woman known for her skill in basket-weaving, and for introducing basket-weaving to the Snohomish people.
Tsizaraina m & f Malagasy
From the Malagasy tsy meaning "not" and zaraina meaning "divided".
Tsoede m African Mythology
A culture hero of the Nupe people (west-central Nigeria). He seized the throne by killing his uncle and extended the frontiers of his kingdom. He introduced his subjects to the rudiments of technology, showing them how to build canoes and how to work metals... [more]
Tsogbaatar m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Tsogbadrakh m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, embers, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and бадрах (badrakh) meaning "thrive, grow, prosper" or "blaze, shine".
Tsogbayar m & f Mongolian
Derived from цог (tsog) meaning "embers, glowing coals" or "splendour, glory" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, happiness".
Tsogdelger m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "splendour, glory" and дэлгэр (delger) meaning "vast, wide" or "prosperous, abundant".
Tsog-erdene m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, embers, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure".
Tsoghanush f Armenian
From the Armenian ցող (cʿoł) meaning "dew" and անուշ (anush) meaning "sweet".
Tsogmaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and the feminine suffix маа (maa).
Tsogmagnai m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and магнай (magnai) meaning "front, foremost" or "forehead, brow".
Tsogmandakh m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Tsognemekh m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, embers, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and нэмэх (nemekh) meaning "to add, increase, enhance".
Tsogsaikhan m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tsogtbaatar m Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Tsogtbayar m Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Tsogtbuyan m Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "good luck, fortune, blessing".
Tsogtchimeg f Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "ornament, decoration".
Tsogt-erdene m Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" or "precious".
Tsogtgerel m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "ardent, energetic, brilliant" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
Tsogt-itgel m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and итгэл (itgel) meaning "trust, faith, belief".
Tsogtkhishig m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and хишиг (khishig) meaning "grace, blessing, favour".
Tsogtkhuyag m Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and хуяг (khuyag) meaning "armour".
Tsogtmagnai m Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and магнай (magnai) meaning "front, foremost" or "forehead".
Tsogtmönkh m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and мөнх (mönkh) meaning "forever, eternal".
Tsogtsaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tsogtzhargal m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Tsogzayaa f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "future, fortune, fate".
Tsogzolboo m & f Mongolian
Means "spirited, trouble" in Mongolian, from цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and золбоо (zolboo) meaning "character, disposition".
Tsokala f Georgian (Archaic)
Derived from Old Georgian ცხო (tskho) meaning "other, foreign" and Old Georgian ქალი (kali) meaning "woman, wife". The literal meaning of this name is thus "foreign woman", but its figurative meaning is the actual intended meaning... [more]
Tsolmonbaatar m Mongolian
From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Tsolmonbayar m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Tsolmonmandakh m & f Mongolian (Rare)
From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Tsolmontsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Tsolmontuyaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian цолмон (tsolmon) meaning "Venus, morning star" and уяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
Tsotne m Georgian
Either derived from Georgian ცოტა (tsota) meaning "a little, few" or from Georgian მცოდნე (mtsodne) meaning "able, adept".... [more]
Tsovinar f Armenian, Armenian Mythology
Means "siren" from the Armenian word Ծովինար (tsovinar), ultimately linked to the word ծով (tsov) meaning "sea". Tsovinar was the Armenian goddess of rain, water and the sea.
Tsovoosergelen m & f Mongolian (Rare)
From Mongolian цовоо (tsovoo) meaning "alert, intelligent, vivacious, dexterous" and сэргэлэн (sergelen) meaning "alert, adroit, bright".
Tsozhavkhlan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian цог (tsog) meaning "energy, ember, glowing coals" or "glory, splendour" and жавхлан (javklan) meaning "dignity, majesty".
Tsubura f & m Japanese
This name can be used as 円 (en, mado, mado.ka, maru, maru.i, maro.yaka, tsubura) meaning "circle, round" or it can be combined with 良 (ryou, i.i, yo.i, ra) meaning "good." As a word, it (円ら) refers to something round and cute, especially the eyes.... [more]
Tsudzumi f Japanese
This name can be used as 鼓 (ko, tsudzumi) meaning "beat, drum, muster, rouse" or it can be combined with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty", 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makoto, makotoni, mi) meaning "reality, truth" and 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea."... [more]
Tsudzuna f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (tsu) meaning "moon" duplicated and combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tsudzuri f Japanese (Rare)
From 綴り (tsudzuri) meaning "spelling; patching, binding."... [more]
Tsuguko f Japanese
Fron Japanese 承 (tsugu) meaning "acquiescent" and 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tsugumi f Japanese
This name combines 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" or 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, order, sequence" with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty", 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makoto, makotoni, mi) meaning "reality, truth", 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly" or 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea."... [more]
Tsugumichi m Japanese
Tsugu means "next, after" and michi means "road, path".
Tsuguo m Japanese
Japanese masculine name derived from 次 (tsugu), meaning "next" and 男 (o) meaning "male".`
Tsugutaro m Japanese (Rare)
From 承 (tsugu, sho) meaning "acquiesce, consent" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 () meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tsui m Khoekhoe, African Mythology
The Khoikhoi god of rain and thunder.
Tsukane f & m Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 束 (soku, taba, taba.neru, tsuka, tsuka.neru, tsukane) meaning "bundle."... [more]
Tsukashi m Japanese (Rare)
From 司 (tsukasa) meaning "office," modelled on other names ending with -shi, like Hiroshi, Kiyoshi and Takashi.... [more]
Tsukie f Japanese
From Japanese 月 (tsuki, getsu) meaning "moon, month" and 恵 (e, megumi) meaning "favour, benefit" or 絵 (e) meaning "picture, painting". Other combinations of kanji are possible.
Tsukihi f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
From 月日 (tsukihi), literally meaning "moon and sun," though it can also refer to time, years or days.... [more]
Tsukitarou m Japanese
From Japanese 月 (tsuki) meaning "moon", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" and 郎 (rou) meaning "son". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Tsukushi f Japanese (Modern), Popular Culture
Means "horsetail (plant)" in Japanese from 土筆 (tsukushi). Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Tsume f & m Japanese (Rare), Popular Culture
Means "claw" in Japanese.... [more]
Tsumiki f Japanese (Rare)
Tsumi means "pluck" and ki means "hope".
Tsunami f & m Various
From Japanese 津波 (tsunami) meaning "a tsunami, a tidal wave", which is a compound 津 (tsu) meaning "harbor" and 波 (nami) meaning "wave". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Tsuneha m Japanese (Rare)
Tsune means multiple things in Japanese: (1)Ordinary,(2)Endless,always,forever within time(sempiternity),forever outside of time(eternity),and (3)adopting to training as a habit. Ha could mean "feather","needle,blade,or leaf of plant","stretch,open,spread","spring season","nipples,Poland,wave" and more... [more]
Tsuneko f Japanese
Japanese feminine name derived from the kanji meaning "constant" and meaning "child".
Tsunesaburou m Japanese
From 恆 or 恒 (tsune) meaning "constant, persistent" or 常 (tsune, hisa, jo, tsura) meaning "eternal, unchanging, ordinary, usual" combined with 珊 (sabu) meaning "coral", and 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, melodious, serene."
Tsuruko f Japanese
From Japanese 絃 (tsuru) meaning "string, cord, samisen music", 津 (tsu) meaning "haven, port, harbor, ferry", 鶴 (tsuru) meaning "crane, stork" or 都 (tsu) meaning "metropolis, capital, all, everything", 留 (ru) meaning "detain, fasten, halt, stop" or 瑠 (ru) meaning "lapis lazuli" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child"... [more]
Tsuruo m Japanese
Japanese masculine name derived from 鶴 (tsuru) meaning "crane" and 雄 (o) meaning "man, manly".
Tsuruzo m Japanese
From つ (tsu), “two”, る (ru), a possessive particle, and ぞ (zo), a sound that is used to make a statement more serious. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Tsuta f & m Japanese
From either 蔦 (tsuta), referring to the Boston ivy, or the stem of verb 伝う/傳う (tsutau) meaning "to go/walk along, to follow​," the former likely related to that verb. It can also be written with a combination of a tsu kanji, e.g. 津 meaning "harbour, haven," and a ta kanji, e.g. 多 meaning "many."... [more]
Tsutomu m Japanese
From classical verbs 勤む (tsutomu) meaning "to work (for), serve (in)," 務む (tsutomu) meaning "to serve/act (as), play the role (of)" or 努む/勉む/力む (tsutomu) meaning "to endeavour, try, strive, make an effort," all of these verbs rendered today as tsutomeru... [more]
Tsuyuho f Japanese (Rare)
Tsuyu literally means "plum rain",rain that occurs between Late May and early June and causes many plums to ripen. Ho means "grain" and "gaurentee" with different kanji.
Tsuyuno f Japanese
From 露 (tsuyu) meaning "dew, dewdrops" and 乃 (no), a possessive particle.
Tsuzune f Japanese (Rare)
From 鼓 (tsuzu, ko) meaning "hand drum" and 音 (ne) meaning "sound, noise". Other character combinations can spell this name.
Tsvetle f Yiddish
Slavicised form of Bluma, compare Russian цвето́к (cvetók) "flower" and Bulgarian Tsvetan.
Tsvetomir m Bulgarian
The first element of this name is either derived from Bulgarian tsvete "flower" or from Bulgarian tsvyat "color". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace". As such, the meaning of this name is either "flower of peace" or "color of peace"... [more]
Tsyrendashi m Buryat
Combination of Tsyren and Dashi.
Tubal m Hebrew
Means "thou shalt be brought" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Tubal-Cain was the son of Lamech and Zillah, and brother to Naamah. He was the first blacksmith.
Tubaloth m Mormon
Lamanite king (c. 51 BC), son of Ammoron, the previous king. He appointed Coriantumr, a mighty man and Nephite dissenter, to lead his armies.
Tubeec m Somali
Meaning: Tubeec is associated with "melodious" or "musical", reflecting a connection to singing or music.... [more]
Tubkawm m Hmong
Means "student, learner", from the Hmong kawm which means "study, learn" and tub which can mean "son", but in this instance is likely a linguistic device preceding a word to designate someone who is engaged in an action.
Tubtsheej m Hmong
Means "one who completes", from the Hmong tub which can mean "son", but in this instance is likely a linguistic device preceding a word to designate someone who is engaged in an action, and tsheej meaning "complete".
Tuccio m Medieval Italian
Short form of Albertuccio, Donatuccio, Renatuccio, Vituccio and other pet forms that end in -tuccio.
Tudhaliya m Hittite
Of uncertain etymology, although possibly of Anatolian origin. This name was borne by several Hittite kings, and was possibly given in honour of a deified mountain of the same name.
Tudno m Medieval Breton, Welsh (Rare)
Possibly a combination of Welsh tut "people" and -no "knowing"
Tudorache m Romanian (Archaic)
Romanian form of Theodorakis. This name has fallen out of use and now only survives as a patronymic surname.
Tuff m & f Popular Culture
Tuff (Bun in the original Japanese version) is one of the main characters in the anime, Kirby: Right Back at Ya! (Hoshi no Kaabii in the original japanese, which translates to Kirby of the Stars). Tuff is an ally of Kirby and often plays a large role... [more]
Tug m English (Rare)
From the naval expression. Famous bearers include: Tug Dumbly (1965-), the pseudonym of Australian performance poet and musician Geoff Forrester and Tug McGraw (1944-2004), a Major League Baseball pitcher.
Tuga f Croatian (Rare), Slavic Mythology
Means "sadness" in Croatian. According to a folk tradition, she and her sister Buga, together with their five brothers Klukas, Lobel, Kosenc, Muhlo and Hrvat, led the Croats into the ancient Roman province of Dalmatia in the 7th century.
Tugalmurod m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tugal meaning "complete, whole" and murod meaning "aim, wish, desire".
Tugbaatar m Mongolian
Means "flag hero" in Mongolian, from туг (tug) meaning "flag, banner, tuft" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Tug'boy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tug', an obsolete word meaning "banner, flag" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Tugdual m Breton (Rare)
Derived from Breton tut "people" and uual "brave; bold; noble; exalted" or tad "father".
Tugmandakh m & f Mongolian
Means "rising flag" in Mongolian, from туг (tug) meaning "flag, banner, tuft" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Tugmaoy f Uzbek
Derived from tugma meaning "button" and oy meaning "moon".
Tugomil m Croatian (Rare)
From the Slavic elements togo "strong, mighty, potent" and milu meaning "gracious, dear".
Tugomir m Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovenian form of the Old Slavic name Togomir, which is derived from Slavic togo "strong, mighty, potent" combined with Slavic mir "peace". Known bearers of this name were Croatian poet and storyteller Tugomir Alaupović (1870-1958) and Tugomir Franc (1932-1983), a Croatian opera singer.
Tuguzhuko m Circassian (Rare), History
Meaning unknown. A known bearer was Tuguzhuko Kyzbech (1777-1840), a Circassian nobleman and leader during the Russian-Circassian War.
Tuire f Finnish
Derived from the archaic Finnish word tuiretuinen, which means both "unwise, uncomprehending" and "darling".
Tujen m Breton
Derived from Breton tut "people" and gen "birth".
Tukaale m Somali
Meaning: Tukaale generally means "noble" or "honorable."... [more]
Tukúmínguaĸ f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name with the combination of Tukúmeĸ and suffix -nnguaq meaning "sweet, dear".
Tulan m & f Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Tu and Lan 1.
Tulia f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Polish
Spanish feminine form of Tulio and Polish feminine form Tuliusz.
Tulippa f Finnish (Rare), Literature, Polish
Tulippa is a name worn by a minor character in the Moomin series. It was created by Tove Jansson and probably is derived from tulippaani, "tulip" in Finnish... [more]
Tulisa f English (British, Modern)
Usage of this name is most likely adapted from British singer-songwriter Tula Paulinea Contostavlos (1988), who performs under the mononym Tulisa and has Greek ancestry. It is likely Tulisa is an elaboration or diminutive of her given name, Tula, a variant transcription of Toula.
Tulkiboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tulki meaning "fox" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Tulla f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
From Swedish tulta and Norwegian tulle, both meaning "little girl".
Tulsa f English (American, Rare)
From the name of the city and county in the US state of Oklahoma which comes from Tallasi, meaning "old town" in the Creek.
Tulsi f & m Hinduism, Indian, Bengali, Hindi, Nepali
From Sanskrit तुलसी (tulasī) meaning "holy basil (a type of plant)". The plant is considered sacred in Hinduism, and it is sometimes personified as an avatar of Lakshmi.
Tuluykhan m Yakut
Combination of Tuluy and the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler".
Tuman m Armenian (Archaic), Kazakh (Rare), Kyrgyz (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Armenian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek form of the Mongol name Tümen, probably via its Old Turkic form Tümän. Also compare the Kazakh, Kyrgyz and Uzbek word tuman meaning "fog", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Turkic *tuman meaning "mist, fog".... [more]
Tumanoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek tuman meaning "mist, haze" and oy meaning "moon".
Tumar f & m Kazakh, Kyrgyz
Derived from the Kazakh and Kyrgyz noun tumar meaning "amulet". This name is unisex in both countries, but more often given to females than to males.
Tumas m Maltese, Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Maltese and Icelandic form of Thomas.
Tumasch m Romansh
Romansh form of Thomas, traditionally found in the Engadine valley and in central Grisons.
Tümen m & f Mongolian, Yakut
Means "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" in Mongolian and Yakut, the attributive form of Mongolian түм (tüm). Among the Mongol and Turkic peoples, a tümen (tumen in English) was historically also a social and military unit of 10,000 households and soldiers.... [more]
Tümen-amgalan m Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and амгалан (amgalan) meaning "peace, calm".
Tümenbaatar m Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Tümenbayar m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and баяр (bayar)# meaning "celebration, joy".
Tümenbileg f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and билэг (bileg) meaning "gift, talent, aptitude".
Tümendemberel f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and дэмбэрэл (demberel) meaning "herald, (good) omen".
Tümennasan m & f Mongolian
Means "eternity" or "ten thousand years old" in Mongolian, from түм (tüm) meaning "myriad, ten thousand" and нас (nas) meaning "age, life".
Tümenölzii m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and өлзий (ölzii) meaning "luck, blessing".
Tümensaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tümensanaa m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and санаа (sanaa) meaning "thought, idea, plan".
Tümentsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Tümentsogt m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and цогт (tsogt) meaning "spirited, ardent".
Tümenzhargal m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian түмэн (tümen) meaning "ten thousand, multitude, myriad" or "people, nation" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Tumi m Old Danish, Icelandic
Old Danish and Icelandic form of Túmi.
Tumu-te-ana-oa f Polynesian Mythology
The personfication of echoes in Cook Islands mythology. Her name means "the cause of the call or voice heard from caves", from tumu meaning "cause", oa meaning "voice" and ana meaning "caves".
Tuna m & f Croatian (Rare)
Male variant and female form of Tuno.
Tunahan m Turkish
Turkish name with the combination of Tuna and han meaning "khan".
Tunbeorht m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements tun "enclosure, garden" and beorht "bright".
Tuncbörü m Azerbaijani
From the Azerbaijani tunc meaning "bronze" and Turkish börü meaning "wolf".
Tuncer m Turkish
Composed from Turkish tunç ''bronze'' and er "brave; man".
Tunga m Turkish
Mostly known as a name of Alp Er Tunga who is is a mythical hero and one of the great leader in old Turkish history and Turkic literature. He is mentioned as a khan of Saka (Scythia)... [more]
Tungalagchimeg f Mongolian
From Mongolian тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "decoration, ornament".
Tungalagchuluun f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent" and чулуун (chuluun) meaning "stone".
Tungalaggerel f Mongolian
From Mongolian тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
Tungalagsaikhan f Mongolian
From Mongolian тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tungalagtamir f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent" and тамир (tamir) meaning "energy, health, strength".
Tungalagtuyaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)"
Tungigul f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek tungi meaning "night" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
Tuni m & f African
Meaning different and gifted in east Africa, specifically Kenya
Tunn m Luxembourgish
Vernacular short form of Anton and Antoine.
Tupelo f Obscure
From the name of a type of tree, derived from Creek ito meaning "tree" and opilwa meaning "swamp", for which the city of Tupelo, Mississippi, was named. This is borne by American author Tupelo Hassman... [more]
Tura f American
Noted bearer is American actress Tura Satana (1938-2011), born Suvaki to a Japanese-Filipino father and Cheyenne-Scots-Irish mother. She said of her names: 'Suvaki means "white chameleon" or "white flower" in Japanese, but in Cheyenne it's Tura'... [more]
Turan f Etruscan Mythology
Turan was the Etruscan goddess of love, fertility and vitality and patroness of the city of Velch. She was commonly associated with birds such as the dove, goose and above all the swan. Her name is the pre-Hellenic root of Turannos (absolute ruler, see tyrant), so Turan can be viewed as “Mistress".
Turandokht f Iranian (Rare), Literature
Means "daughter of Turan", composed of Persian توران (Tūrān), a region of Central Asia that was part of the Persian Empire, allegedly meaning "land of Tur" (said to have been named for the legendary Persian prince Tur, a son of King Fereydoun who reigned around 750 BC), and دخت (dokht) "daughter".... [more]
Turg'unbibi f Uzbek
Derived from turg'un meaning "unchanging" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Turg'unbuvish f Uzbek
Derived from turg'un meaning "unchanging" and buvish meaning "lady".
Turg'unpo'lat m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek turg'un meaning "permanent, unchanging" and po'lat meaning "steel, sword".
Turibe m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Turibius (see Toribio) and variant of Thuribe.
Turíbio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Turibius (see Toribio). A known bearer of this name is the Brazilian classical guitarist and composer Turíbio Santos (b. 1943).
Turing m & f Filipino
Diminutive of Arturo, Victoria, and other names containing -tur- or -tor-.
Turishboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek turish meaning "standing, waking up" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Turismundo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Thorismund.
Turkentals m Arthurian Cycle
A prince and vassal of Queen Herzeloyde of Wales (Herselojde).... [more]
Turlan m Kazakh
Means "Turkish lion" from Kazakh түрік (türik) meaning "Turkish, Turk" and the given name Aslan.
Turnaxol f Uzbek
Derived from turna which can mean "heron" or a refer to a decoration for lace, and xol meaning "mole, dot, beauty mark".
Turon m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Tajik and Uzbek form of Turan.
Turpal-ali m Chechen
Combination of Turpal and Ali 1.
Turpiliano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Turpilianus.
Turpilianus m Late Roman
This Roman cognomen is an extended form of Turpilius. A bearer of this name was Publius Petronius Turpilianus, a Roman politician, general and consul from the 1st century AD.
Turpilio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Turpilius.
Turstin m Old Norman, History
Norman form of Þórsteinn. Turstin fitz Rou (known as Turstin FitzRolf in English) played a prominent role in the Norman conquest of England and is regarded as one of the few proven companions of William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Turukáno m Literature
Meaning uncertain; contains the Quenya word káno, meaning "commander". In The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien, this is the original name of King Turgon of Gondolin... [more]
Turzhan m Kazakh
From Kazakh тұру (turu) meaning "to rise, to stand" and жан (zhan) meaning "soul".
Tuscaloosa m Creek, Choctaw
Derived from the western Muskogean elements tashka meaning "warrior" and losa meaning "black". This was the name of a 16th-century Mississippian chief who in 1540 led the Battle of Mabila against Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto... [more]
Tusholi f Caucasian Mythology
Meaning unknown, possibly means "hoopoe" in Ingush (referring to a type of bird). In Vainakh mythology, Tusholi was the goddess of spring and fertility, protector of mankind, and daughter of the supreme god Dela... [more]
Tuskaloosa m Indigenous American
Means "black warrior", from the western Muskogean language elements taska and losa.... [more]
Tusnelda f Latvian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Latvian, Spanish and (Brazilian) Portuguese form of Thusnelda.
Tutta f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish
Variant of Tutti, a diminutive of Dorothea. Swedish usage could possibly be from Swedish tutta "little girl" (compare Tulla and Stinta)... [more]
Tutti f & m German, Norwegian (Archaic), Popular Culture, Italian
German diminutive of Gertrude and other names containing the Germanic element thrud meaning "strength". This was used for one of Barbie's little sisters, now discontinued.
Tutu m Ancient Egyptian, Egyptian Mythology
From Egyptian twtw, derived from twt "image, picture, likeness". Tutu (or Tithoes in Greek) was an Egyptian god worshipped during the Late Period, associated with protection from demons and nightmares... [more]
Tutyr m Ossetian Mythology
Meaning unknown. Tutyr was the Ossetian lord of wolves and the enemy of Fælværa, protector of sheep. He is identified with Saint Theodore of Tyre.
Tuulaikhüü m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian туулай (tuulai) meaning "hare, rabbit" and хүү (khüü) meaning "son, boy" or "dear, beloved".
Tuulo m & f Finnish, Estonian
Variant or masculine form of Tuuli and Tuulikki.
Tuvali f Swedish (Modern)
Combination of Tuva and the popular name suffix li.
Tüvshinbayar m Mongolian
Means "level of happiness" in Mongolian, from түвшин (tüvshin) meaning "level, degree" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, happiness".
Tüvshinjargal m & f Mongolian
Means "level of happiness" in Mongolian, from түвшин (tüvshin) meaning "level, degree" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Tuya f Ancient Egyptian
Tuya was the wife of Pharaoh Seti I of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt (1292-1189). She was mother of Tia, Ramesses II, Nebchasetnebet, and perhaps Henutmire.... [more]
Tuyaabaatar m Mongolian
From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
Tuyaabadrakh m Mongolian
From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and бадрах (badrakh) meaning "thrive, grow" or "blaze, shine".
Tuyaagerel f & m Mongolian
Means "ray of light" in Mongolian, from туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
Tuyaamandakh f Mongolian
From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Tuyaasaikhan f Mongolian
From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Tuyaatsetseg f Mongolian
From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Tuyaazhargal f Mongolian
From Mongolian туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Tuyaboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tuya meaning "camel" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Tuya-Nebettawy f Ancient Egyptian
Combination of Tuya and Nebettawy. This was the name given to one of the several daughters of pharaoh Ramesses II (ca 1303-1213 BC), third pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty of Egypt (from 1292 to 1189 BC ca).
Tuybikä f Bashkir
From Bashkir туй (tuy) meaning "wedding" or "feast" and feminine name element бикә (bikä).
Tuyếtnhi f Vietnamese
Combonation of Tuyết and Nhi.
Tuyg'unjon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek tuyg'un meaning "sharp, alert" or "hawk" and jon meaning "spirit, soul".
Tűzvirág f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Modern coinage from the elements tűz, meaning "fire" and virág meaning "flower".
Tvalchina f Georgian (Rare)
The meaning of the name as a whole is uncertain. The first element should be derived from the Georgian noun თვალი (tvali) meaning "eye" (also compare Mamistval and Mzistvala), whilst the second element is uncertain... [more]
Twain m English
Transferred use of the surname and pseudonym, Twain. Twain is an archaic term for "two", as in "The veil of the temple was rent in twain."
Twan m Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish form of Toine, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Twardomir m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish twardy "hard, tough, firm", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic tvьrdъ "hard". Compare Croatian tvrd and Czech/Slovak tvrdý, all of which mean "hard, tough, firm"... [more]
Twardosław m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish twardy "hard, tough, firm", which is ultimately derived from Proto-Slavic tvьrdъ "hard". Compare Croatian tvrd and Czech/Slovak tvrdý, all of which mean "hard, tough, firm"... [more]
Tweedy m English (Rare)
Transferred from the surname Tweedy. Some famous bearers of this name are American rapper Tweedy Bird Loc (1967-2020) and English doctor Tweedy John Todd (1789-1840).
Tweety m & f Popular Culture, Various (Rare)
Wordplay on the words sweetie and tweet, the onomatopoeia of birds. This is the name of Warner Bros. character Tweety, a yellow canary who began to appear in Looney Tunes (1930) and Merrie Melodies (1931) series of animated cartoons... [more]
Ṭwesha f Mizo, Bodo
Means "bright" in Bodo and Mizo.
Twosret f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian tꜣ-wsr.t meaning "mighty lady", derived from tꜣ "the; she of" combined with wsr "mighty, powerful" and the feminine suffix -t. This was the name of the last known ruler and the final pharaoh of the Nineteenth Dynasty (c.1191 BCE – c.1189 BCE), who inherited the position after the death of her husband Seti II... [more]
Txabi m Basque
Diminutive of Txabier and variant of Xabi.
Txillardegi m Basque
Pseudonym for José Luis Álvarez Enparantza (1929-2012), a Basque linguist, politician, and writer.
Txori f Basque (Rare)
Derived directly from txori, the Basque word for "bird", and the name of a Marian statue in Gares / Puente la Reina.
Txu f English (American)
Short from and diminutive of Txunamy
Tyanna f African American (Modern)
Combination of the popular phonetic elements ty, ya and na, probably modelled on Ayanna and influenced by Tiana.
Tyano m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Graciano, Luciano, Sebastián and similar names.
Tyasia f African American (Modern)
Combination of the popular phonetic prefix ty and Asia 1. Also compare Tyesha and Tasia.
Tyburcja f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Tyburcjusz and Tyburcy.
Tychandros m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun τύχη (tyche) meaning "fortune, chance" (see Tyche) combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".... [more]
Tychanor m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun τύχη (tyche) meaning "fortune, chance" (see Tyche) combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
Tycharete f Ancient Greek
Probably derived from Greek τύχη (tyche) meaning "fortune, chance, fate" and ἀρετή (arete) meaning "goodness, excellence" as well as "virtue, skill".
Tychippos m Ancient Greek
Probably derived from Greek τύχη (tyche) meaning "fortune, chance, fate" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Tyderreon m African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic element ty and the name Derreon.
Tydomie f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
The Queen of Karmerie (Kamerie) who married Meleranz, Arthur’s nephew. The two met and fell in love when Meleranz was on his way to Arthur’s court. When he had been knighted, she sent him tokens of a belt, a wreath and a clasp.... [more]
Tyeler m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Tyler. Tyeler was given to 5 girls and 10 boys in 2005 according to the SSA.
Tyelkormo m Literature
Means "hasty riser" in Quenya. In Tolkien's Legendarium this is the mother-name of Celegorm, the third son of Fëanor and Nerdanel.
Tyene f Literature
Tyene Sand is a fictional character in the book series 'A song of Ice and Fire' by George R R Martin. Tyene is a 'sand snake', one of the eight bastard daughters of Prince Oberyn Martell. Tyene comes across as very sweet and innocent, but however she is very deadly, taking poisons as her weapon of choice.
Tyesha f African American (Modern)
An invented name, blending the popular phonetic prefix ty and the name Iesha.
Tyjae m & f African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements ty and jay. It can be spelled Tyjae or with a capitalized third letter as TyJae.
Tyjah m & f African, African American (Modern)
Apparently means "smart" in one of the languages on the African continent. However, the name can also be derived from the name abbreviation (or initials) T.J., which is typically pronounced as "tee-jay" and its pronunciation henceforth developed into a first name of its own right (Teejay).
Tyjuan m African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic prefix ty and Juan 1.
Tykarra f African American (Modern, Rare)
Blend of the popular phonetic prefix ty and Toccara.
Tyland m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the upcoming television adaptation "House of the Dragon". In the series, Tyland Lannister is a politician of Westeros and the identical twin brother of Jason Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock.
Tylda f Czech, Polish
Czech and Polish form of Tilda influenced by Czech and Polish Matylda
Tyltyl m Theatre
Meaning unknown. This is the name of a character from the 1908 play 'The Blue Bird' (French: 'L'Oiseau bleu') by Belgian playwright and poet Maurice Maeterlinck.
Tylynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ty and Lynn.
Tymarion m African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular prefix Ty- and Marion 2.
Tymish m Ukrainian
Ukrainian diminutive or folk form of Tymofiy. Tymish Khmelnytskyi was hetman Bohdan Khmelnytskyi's eldest son and projected successor, who was killed at the age of 20 in one of his Moldovan campaigns.
Tynchtykbek m Kyrgyz
From тынчтык (tınctık) meaning "peace, quiet" and бек (bek) meaning "master, prince, nobleman."
Tynetta f African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular prefix Ty- and Netta 1.
Tynise f African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements ty and nees.
Tynyshbay m Kazakh
From Kazakh тыныш (tynysh) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" and бай (bay) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Tyomkigi m Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Timothy.
Tyonisho f Asháninka
Possibly from the Ashaninka toniro meaning "moriche palm" and the diminutive suffix -sho.
Tyonkiro f Asháninka
From the Ashaninka name for a species of yucca, or tyonki meaning "thin bone" and the feminine suffix -ro.
Tyquanna f African American (Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of Tyquan, or a combination of the popular phonetic prefix ty and Quanna.
Tyquasia f African American (Rare)
An invented name, probably based on the sounds found in names such as Tyasia, Tyquan and Takisha.
Tyquavius m African American (Modern, Rare)
Invented name, probably based on Tyquan and Octavius.
Týra f Icelandic, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Tyra.
Tyrande f Popular Culture
Created by video game developer Blizzard Entertainment for a character in the "Warcraft" video game series. In the series, Tyrande Whisperwind is the High Priestess of Elune and the leader of the night elves.
Tyrann f English
Blend of Tyra and Ann.
Tyre m Various (Rare)
From the city of Tyre in modern day Lebanon. It could derive also from the surnames Tyre and possibly McIntyre.
Tyrgrim m Old Norse, Anglo-Saxon
Combination of the names Tyr and Grim.
Tyrhonda f African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Tyronda, a combination of the popular phonetic prefix ty and the name Rhonda... [more]
Tyrisha f African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the phonetic elements ty, ree and sha.
Tyrius m African American (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, blending the popular phonetic prefix ty and the name Darius (or blending Tyree with Darius).
Tyro f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek τυρός (tyrôs) meaning "cheese". In Greek myth she was a Thessalian princess, daughter of Salmoneus and Alcidice, whose name was allegedly given in reference to her complexion, which was "as fair as white goat's cheese"... [more]
Tyronica f African American (Modern, Rare)
An invented name, blending the popular phonetic prefix ty and the name Veronica.
Tyrus m English, African American, Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Tyrus, or modern blend of Tyrone and Cyrus... [more]
Tysha f African American (Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic elements ty and sha, possibly modelled on Tasha... [more]
Tyshae f African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the popular phonetic elements ty and shay.
Tysilio m Medieval Welsh
Saint Tysilio (died 640) was a Welsh bishop, prince and scholar, son of the reigning King of Powys, Brochwel Ysgithrog.
Tyt m Ukrainian, Belarusian
Ukrainian and Belarusian form of Titus.
Tytiana f African American (Modern)
An invented name, blending the popular phonetic prefix ty and the name Tatiana.
Tytos m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Tytos Lannister is the patriarch of House Lannister during the later years of the Targaryen dynasty and the father of Tywin and Kevan.
Tyvon m African American (Rare)
An invented name based on the popular name syllables Ty and von.
Tywayne m African American (Rare)
An invented name, blending the popular phonetic prefix ty and the name Dewayne.
Tywin m Literature, Popular Culture
The name of a character in George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels. He is the patriarch of House Lannister, and father of Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion.
Tzarina f Russian (Rare)
Derived from the notable wife of the Tzar and popularized in the newer 21st century due to it's exotic pronunciation. It means "wife of the great Tzar"
Tzesare m Sardinian
Logudorese and Nuorese form of Caesar.
Tzihuactlatonal m Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from Nahuatl tzihuactlah "place of prickly shrubs" (from tzicuactli, a kind of agave plant) and tonalli "day, sun, heat" or "soul, animating force", combined with the diminutive or reverential suffix -tzin.
Tzihuacxilotl f & m Nahuatl
Means "young prickly corn cob" or "edible part of the tzihuactli cactus" in Nahuatl, from tzihuactli, a kind of small agave, and xilotl "green ear of maize, young corncob".
Tzihuacxochitl f Nahuatl
Means "agave flower" in Nahuatl, from tzihuactli, a kind of small agave plant, and xōchitl "flower".
Tziltai m Biblical
Variant transcription of Zillethai.... [more]
Tziquin f & m Classic Mayan
Means "bird" in the Tzeltal and Quiche-Kaqchikel languages. Also the 15th day in the Tzental and Quiche-Cakchiquel calendars in ancient Maya.
Tzitzimitl f Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Etymology uncertain; the second element is probably mitl, meaning "arrow" in Nahuatl. In Aztec mythology, this was the name of a number of skeletal deities linked to stars, eclipses, and fertility.
Tziuhcoatl m Nahuatl
Probably derived from Nahuatl tziuhtli "turquoise-browed motmot (bird)" and cōātl "snake, serpent; twin".
Tzviad m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Tzvi and the word עַד (ʿaḏ) "an eternity". The illustration of the gazelle, along with the value of eternity, creates a meaning that represents the beauty and existence of the Land of Israel... [more]
Tzviel m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Tzvi and El means "Gazelle of God" in Hebrew.
Tzvior m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Tzvi and Or meaning "gazelle of light" or "bright gazelle" in Hebrew.
Uaichai m & f Thai
From Thai อวย (uai) meaning "grant, give" and ชัย (chai) meaning "victory".
Ualgharg m Old Irish
Derived from Old Irish úall "vanity, pride" and garg "fierce, rough".
Uallach f Medieval Irish
Derived from Irish uall meaning "pride". Uallach ingen Muinechain (died 934) was an Irish woman poet and Chief Ollam of Ireland.
Uarkhag m Ossetian Mythology
Means "like a wolf" in Ossetian, derived from Scythian varka "wolf". His name comes from the fact that wolves were seen as a totemic symbol to the Ossetian people. This is the name of the ancestor of the Narts in the Ossetian Nart epic... [more]
Uastyrdzhi m Ossetian Mythology
From an Ossetian form of the name George. In Ossetian mythology, this is the name of a patron god and the father of Satanaya... [more]
Uathach f Irish Mythology
From Irish úathach meaning "terrible, dreadful". In Irish legend she was the daughter of Scáthach and fellow teacher at her school for warriors.
Uatsilla m Ossetian Mythology
From the name of Saint Elijah of the Bible. Uatsilla was the God of rain, lightning, and thunder, and the protector of the harvest. If one was struck by lightning, they were considered to be chosen by this God, and if they survived, they would receive a sheep sacrifice in their honor... [more]
Ub m Dutch
Short form of Ubbe. ... [more]
Ubald m History (Ecclesiastical)
English and Polish form of Hugbald and French variant of Ubalde.
Ubaldesca f Medieval Italian
Feminine form of Ubaldo. Saint Ubaldesca Taccini (1136–1205) was an Italian Roman Catholic nun and member of the Order of Saint John. Among the miracles attributed to her the most famous is the ability to turn water from the water well in the Church of the Santo Sepolcro in Pisa into wine... [more]
Ubaldina f Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Italian
Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, and Italian diminutive of Ubalda.
Ubaldo m Spanish, Galician, Portuguese, Italian
Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and Italian form of Hugbald.
Ubaydullo m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Ubaidullah.
Ubbe m Old Swedish, Danish, Swedish
Old Swedish and modern form of Ubbi or diminutive of Urban.
Ubbi m Norse Mythology, Old Danish, Old Norse (Hypothetical)
Old Danish byname and given name, which might be derived from Úlfr or from Old Norse úfr (Proto-Norse *ūƀ-) meaning "unfriendly".
Ubèrt m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon form of Hubert.
Ubonphan f Thai
From Thai อุบล (ubon) meaning "lotus" and พรรณ (phan) meaning "colour, complexion, kind, type".
Ubonrat f Thai
From Thai อุบล (ubon) meaning "lotus" and รัตน์ (rat) meaning "gem, jewel".
Ubonwan f Thai
From Thai อุบล (ubon) meaning "lotus" and วรรณ (wan) meaning "colour, tint".
Ucal m Biblical
An obscure biblical name possibly derived from Hebrew יכל (yakol) meaning "to be able, to prevail". It is mentioned only in Proverbs 30:1, in which it is apparently the name of a person to whom Agur's words are addressed... [more]