Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords snake-like or and or electric.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Yongli f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful".
Yonglian f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, waterlily".
Yonglin f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" or 雍 (yōng) meaning "harmony, union, harmonious" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade, gem".
Yongluan f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" or 咏 (yǒng) meaning "sing song" and 鸾 (luán), the name of a mythological bird, or 娈 (luán) meaning "lovely, beautiful, docile".
Yongni f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 霓 (ní) meaning "rainbow".
Yongqiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, clever, skillful".
Yongsak m Thai
From Thai ยง (yong) meaning "firm, stable, steady" and ศักดิ์ (sak) meaning "power".
Yongshan f Chinese
From the Chinese 泳 (yǒng) meaning "dive, swim" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Yongshu f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle".
Yongtian f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, tranquil, peaceful".
Yongxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
Yongxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 咏 (yǒng) meaning "sing song" or 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined" or 仙 (xiān) meaning "transcendent, immortal".
Yongxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance".
Yongxing f Chinese
From the Chinese 咏 (yǒng) meaning "sing song or poem" and 幸 (xìng)# meaning "luck, favour, fortunately".
Yongxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade, star".
Yongya f Chinese
From the Chinese 雍 (yōng) meaning "harmony, union, harmonious" and 雅 (yǎ) meaning "correct, elegant, graceful, refined".
Yongyan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" or 勇 (yǒng) meaning "brave, courageous, valiant, fierce" and 妍 (yán) meaning "beautiful, handsome" or 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Yongyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 雍 (yōng) meaning "harmony, union, harmonious" and 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Yongzhen f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 永 (yǒng) meaning "long, eternal, forever" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Yono f Japanese (Rare)
Combination of a yo kanji, e.g. 与 meaning "gift, award," and a no kanji, e.g. 野 meaning "field."... [more]
Yooncheol m Korean
From Sino-Korean 允 "allow, consent" or 潤 "soft, sleek" (yun) and 哲 "wise, sagacious".
Yoonmin f Korean
From Sino-Korean 允 "allow, consent" or 潤 "soft, sleek" (yun) and Sino-Korean 珉 "stone resembling jade" or 敏 "fast, quick, clever, smart" (min)
Yootha f English
Possibly means "joy" in an Australian Aborigine language. A well known bearer of this name was the British actress Yootha Joyce (1927-1980), star of the British sitcom "George and Mildred".
Yoqub m Uzbek (Rare), Tajik (Rare)
Uzbek and Tajik form of Yaqub.
Yorahmad m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and the given name Ahmad.
Yoran m & f Shipibo-Conibo
From the Shipibo yora meaning "body" and the genitive suffix -n.
Yorbaxt m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and baxt meaning "happiness, luck, good fortune".
Yorbe m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
This given name is strictly masculine in Flanders and the Netherlands, where it is a variant form of Yorben.... [more]
Yorben m Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. This name looks like it should be a modern form of the Old Norse name Iǫfurbiǫrn (also compare names like Torben), but since the name is predominantly found in Flanders and the Netherlands, it is probably more likely that it is a combination of a name that starts with Yor- (such as Yorick) with Ben 1 or Ben 2.
Yorboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Yoriha f Japanese
The words 頼 (yori) meaning "reliance" and 葉 (ha) meaning "leaf".
Yoriko f Japanese
From Japanese 依 (yori) meaning "rely on, be dependent upon" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Yorimoto m Japanese (Archaic)
Name that was given during the Kamakura Period to "源 頼朝" MINAMOTONOYORIMOTO who was the Founder and the First Shōgun of the Kamakura Shogunate of Japan. His Buddhist Name was "武皇嘯原大禅門" BUKŌSHŌGENDAIZENMON... [more]
Yorke m Scottish, English
Variant of York and transferred usage of the surname Yorke.
Yorlaq m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and laq meaning "easily".
Yorliqboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yorliq meaning "order, decree" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Yormurod m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and murod meaning "aim, wish, desire".
Yornafas m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and nafas meaning "breath".
Yornazar m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and nazar meaning "look, glance".
Yorqinoy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek yorqin which can mean "bright, vivid", "clear", or "lucky, fortunate, happy"; and oy meaning "moon".
Yorquvvat m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and quvvat meaning "strength, force, power, might, energy".
Yorsaid m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and said meaning "fortunate".
Yorsoat m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and soat meaning "time, minute".
Yoruba f & m African American (Modern)
It could be derived from the Yoruba word Ori Obba "the Head King". This is the name of a West African ethnic group mainly inhabits parts of Nigeria, Benin, and Togo. Yoruba Richen (1972- ) is an American film director, screenwriter and producer.
Yoruichi f & m Japanese
Combination of "night" and "one".
Yoruko f Japanese (Rare)
This name is used as 夜子 with 夜 (ya, yo, yoru) meaning "evening, night" and 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, -ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)." Alternatively, it can be used as ヨル子 with ヨル, the phonetic characters representing Yoru, and 子.... [more]
Yoryusuf m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yor meaning "friend" and the given name Yusuf.
Yosei m Japanese
Maybe variant of Yoshi and it means "fairy"
Yo-seop m Korean
From Sino-Korean 耀 "shine, sparkle, dazzle; glory" and 燮 "harmonize, blend; adjust".
Yoshafat m Biblical
Variant transcription of Joshaphat.... [more]
Yoshavyah m Biblical
Variant transcription of Joshaviah.... [more]
Yoshchka m Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi variant and diminutive of Yoshchkigi.
Yoshchkigi m Khanty, Mansi
Khanty and Mansi form of Iosif.
Yoshiharu m & f Japanese
Derived from よし (良し in Kanji) (yoshi, "good; pleasant; agreeable") and はる (春 in Kanji) (haru, "springtime").
Yoshihiro m Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 愛 (yoshi) meaning "love, affection", 伊 (yoshi) meaning "Iraq, Iran", 允 (yoshi) meaning "to grant, to allow, to consent", 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, good", 可 (yoshi) meaning "passable", 嘉 (yoshi) meaning "praise, auspicious", 賀 (yoshi) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate", 歓 (yoshi) meaning "happy, pleased, glad", 喜 (yoshi) meaning "rejoice", 宜 (yoshi) meaning "best regards", 義 (yoshi) meaning "right conduct; righteousness; justice; morality", 圭 (yoshi) meaning "jade pointed at top", 恵 (yoshi) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (yoshi) meaning "celebrate", 厳 (yoshi) meaning "strict, rigorous, rigid, stern", 垢 (yoshi) meaning "grime", 好 (yoshi) meaning "fondness; what one likes", 孔 (yoshi) meaning "hole, aperture, opening", 克 (yoshi) meaning "gram, gramme", 善 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, charitable, kind", 禎 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, auspicious, good omen", 美 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful", 芳 (yoshi) meaning "fragrant", 由 (yoshi) meaning "cause, reason", 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" or 贇 (yoshi) meaning "affable, agreeable, pleasant" combined with 洋 (hiro) meaning "ocean"... [more]
Yoshihisa m Japanese
From Japanese 可 (yoshi) meaning "permitted, allowed, licensed" combined with 常 (hisa) meaning "always, constantly, consistently". Other kanji combinations are also possible. ... [more]
Yoshihito m Japanese
From the Japanese 義 (yoshi) "morality," "importance" and 人 (hito) "person." Can also be written as 良仁 ("good" and "nucleolus"), 与人 ("together with" and "person") to name but a few.
Yoshikage m Japanese (Rare)
This name can combine 義 (gi, yoshi) meaning "morality, righteousness, justice, honour," 吉 (kichi, kitsu, yoshi) meaning "good luck," 佳 (ka, yoshi) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 良 (ryou, (-)yo.i, (-)i.i, yoshi) or 好 (kou, i.i,, su.ku, yo.i, yoshi), both meaning "good," or 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii, yoshi) meaning "beauty" with 景 (kei, kage) or 影 (ei, kage), both meaning "shadow, figure."... [more]
Yoshikatsu m Japanese
From Japanese 能 (yoshi) meaning "ability, talent, skill" combined with 活 (katsu) meaning "life". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Yoshikazu m Japanese
This name is used as 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" and 一 (kazu) meaning "one" or 和 (kazu) meaning "harmony, peace".
Yoshikuni m Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and 邦 (kuni) meaning "nation, state".
Yoshima f Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable", combined with 真 (ma) meaning “real, genuine, true”, 麻 (ma) meaning “flax”, 満 (ma) meaning “full”, 馬 (ma) meaning “horse”, and 間 (ma) meaning “among, between”... [more]
Yoshimame f Japanese
Japanese feminine given name derived from 芳 (yoshi) meaning "perfume, fragrant" and 豆 (mame) meaning "bean". This is the name of a geiko from Gion Kobu.
Yoshimasa m Japanese
From Japanese 悦 (yoshi) meaning "ecstacy" combined with 将 (masa) meaning "commander, leader, general". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Yoshimi m & f Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 好 (yoshi) meaning "fondness" or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beauty; beautiful". It can also derive from 嘉 (yoshi) meaning "praise; auspicious" and 実 (mi) meaning "seed; fruit", used mainly for males.... [more]
Yoshimichi m Japanese
From Japanese 義 (yoi) meaning "righteousness, morality, justice" and 通 (michi) meaning "way, road, path".
Yoshinari m Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, good" and 成# meaning "completed".
Yoshine f Japanese
This name could be made of 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 芳 (yoshi) meaning "fragrance" combined with 根 (kon, ne, -ne) meaning "head (pimple), radical, root," 音 (in, on, -non, oto, ne) meaning "sound, noise," 子 (shi, su, tsu, ko, -ko, ne) meaning "child, sign of the rat (1st sign of the Chinese zodiac)" and 眠 (min, nemu.i,, ne) meaning "die, sleep(y)".... [more]
Yoshino f Japanese
This name can be used to combine 吉 (kichi, kitsu, yoshi) meaning "good luck," 芳 (hou, kanba.shii, yoshi) meaning "fragrant, aromatic," 好 (kou, i.i,, su.ku, yo.i, yoshi) or 良 (ryou, (-)yo.i, (-)i.i, yoshi), both meaning "good," 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii, yoshi) meaning "beauty," 佳 (ka, yoshi) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 嘉 (ka, yomi.suru, yoi, yoshi) meaning "auspicious" or 由 (yu, yuu, yui, yoshi, meaning "reason, cause" with 野 (ya, sho, no(-)) meaning "plain, field" or 乃 (nai, dai, ai, no, sunawa.chi, nanji), a possessive particle.... [more]
Yoshinobu m Japanese
From Japanese 由 (yoshi) meaning "cause, reason", 栄 (yoshi) meaning "glory, honor", 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, good", 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 圭 (yoshi) meaning "jade pointed at top" or 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous" combined with 伸 (nobu) meaning "extend, stretch"... [more]
Yoshinobu m Japanese
Name that was given during the Hēan Period, to a Court Noble, "藤原 能信" FUJIWARANOYOSHINOBU, married to "源倫子" MINAMOTONORINSHI the Japanese Empress Rinshi, and married to "源 彬子". The Kanji Character "能信" meaning "Ability" with the Kanji Character "信" meaning "Believe".
Yoshishige f Japanese
From Japanese "吉" (yoshi) meaning "good luck" and "繁" (shige) "flourishing, luxuriant". Other kanji can be used.
Yoshitaka m Japanese
Famous bearers of this name is former Japanese baseball player Yoshitaka Mizuo, Japanese video game composer Yoshitaka Nishimura, better known as DJ YOSHITAKA, Japanese artist Yoshitaka Amano and Japanese businessman Yoshitaka Fukuda.
Yoshitake m Japanese
From Japanese meaning "good, fine, best" and "hard, tough, strong" or meaning "right conduct, morality" and meaning "mountain peak".
Yoshitsugu m Japanese
From Japanese 禎 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, auspicious, good omen" combined with 丞 (tsugu) meaning "to help, to rescue". Other kanji combinations are also possible.... [more]
Yoshitsune m History
From Japanese 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous" and 経 (tsune) meaning "elapse, pass through". Minamoto no Yoshitsune (1159–1188), or simply Minamoto Yoshitsune, was a military commander of the Minamoto clan of Japan in the late Heian and early Kamakura periods.
Yoshiya m Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" combined with 也 (ya) meaning "also" or 哉 (ya), an exclamation... [more]
Yoshiyasu m Japanese
This name could be made of 吉 (yoshi) meaning "fortune, good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 芳 (yoshi) meaning "fragrance", and 安 (yasu) meaning "inexpensive, peaceful, relax, cheap, quiet"... [more]
Yoshiyuki m Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 義 (yoshi) meaning "righteous", or 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" and combined 幸 (yuki) meaning "happiness" or 雪 (yuki) meaning "snow"... [more]
Yoshizo m Japanese (Rare)
This name can be formed with 吉 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, fortunate, auspicious", 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, excellent", or 好 (yoshi) meaning "fond, like", and 三 (zo) meaning "three"... [more]
Yoshyurak m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yosh meaning "age" or "young" and yurak meaning "heart, soul, mind".
Yosia m Nyoro, Ganda
Nyoro and Ganda form of Josiah.
Yosip m Assyrian
Eastern Aramaic and Assyrian Christian form of Joseph.
Yosua m Indonesian, Spanish (Modern)
Indonesian and Spanish form of Joshua reflecting the English pronunciation.
Yosuga m & f Japanese (Rare)
From 縁 (yosuga) meaning "clue, way, means; relative; reminder, memento," derived, via a sound shift, from a combination of archaic verb 寄す (yosu) meaning "to bring near, put close, let come near" and 処 (ka) meaning "place, spot."... [more]
Yotsakon m Thai
From Thai ยศ (yotsa) meaning "rank, title, prestige" and กร (kon) meaning "doer, performer, creator".
Yotsaphat m Thai
From Thai ยศ (yotsa) meaning "rank, title, prestige" and พัทธ์ (phat) meaning "tie, bind".
Yotsaphon m Thai
From Thai ยศ (yotsa) meaning "rank, title, prestige" and พล (phon) meaning "force, strength, power".
Yotsawat m Thai
From Thai ยศ (yotsa) meaning "rank, title, prestige" and วัฒน์ (wat) meaning "prosperity, culture, development".
Yotsuba f Japanese (Modern, Rare)
This name can be used as 四葉, 四つ葉 or よつ葉 with 四 (shi, yo, yo'.tsu, yo.tsu, yon) meaning "four" and 葉 (you, ha) meaning "blade, fragment, leaf, lobe, needle, piece, plane, spear."... [more]
Yotuel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Mainly seen in Cuba, where there is a clear trend for parents to be creative with names. One might think one element of this name is derived from Hebrew el "God", but that is not so: rather, this name is made up of the Spanish pronouns yo "I", "you" and el "he"... [more]
Yotvat f Hebrew (Modern, Rare, Archaic)
Used as a female name in modern Hebrew, Yotvat is derived of the Hebrew root TOV, meaning good. ... [more]
Youbei f Chinese
From the Chinese 佑 (yòu) meaning "help, protect" or 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 蓓 (bèi) meaning "bud".
Yougnkyeong f Korean
From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal","fine, excellent", 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor", 永 (young) meaning "eternal", or "flourish, prosper" and 敬 (gyeong) "respect, honor" or 慶 (gyeong) "congratulate, celebrate".
Youhan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 焓 (hán) meaning "the sound of a fiercely-burning fire".
Youhuan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy".
Youhui f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent".
Youichi m Japanese
From Japanese 陽 (you) "sun, sunlight" and 一 (ichi) "one".
Youji m & f Chinese
Depending on the characters used to spell it, it can have different meanings. ... [more]
Youji m Japanese
From Japanese 陽 (you) "sun, sunlight" and 二 (ji) "two".
Youjiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 姣 (jiāo) meaning "handsome, beautiful".
Youju f Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum".
Youlan f Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".
Youli f Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 莉 (lì) meaning "white jasmine".
Youmei f Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 美 (měi) meaning "beauty, beautiful".
Youna f Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 娜 (nà) meaning "elegant, graceful".
Younan m Chinese
From the Chinese 祐 (yòu) meaning "divine intervention, protection" or 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend" and 南 (nán) meaning "south".
Younès m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Form of Yunus used in Northern Africa and other French-influenced regions of the continent.
Young-ah f Korean
From Sino-Korean 永 (yeong) meaning "eternal" and 雅 (ah) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined". Other hanja combinations are also possible.
Young-nam m Korean
From Sino-Korean 永 (young) meaning "eternal" combined with 男 (nam) meaning "male". Other Hanja combinations are possible. ... [more]
Youngseok m Korean
From Sino-Korean 英 (yeong) meaning "flower, petal","fine, excellent", 榮 (yeong) meaning "glory, honor", 永 (young) meaning "eternal", or "flourish, prosper" and 碩 (seok) meaning "large, big, great", 錫 (seok) meaning "tin", or 石 (seok) meaning "stone, rock".
Youning f Chinese
From the Chinese 幽 (yōu) meaning "quiet, secluded, tranquil, dark" and 宁 (níng) meaning "peaceful, calm".
Youran f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly, pledge, promise".
Youshan f Chinese
From the Chinese 侑 (yòu) meaning "help" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Yousuf m Arabic, Urdu, Bengali
Arabic variant transcription and Urdu and Bengali form of Yusuf.
Youtab f Old Persian
Means "bright and unique" in Persian. ... [more]
Youxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 夏 (xià) meaning "summer".
Youxian f Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 纤 (xiān) meaning "fine, delicate, graceful".
Youxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful star, jade".
Youxue f Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Youyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" and 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Youyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman".
Youzhen f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly" or 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Youzhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, precious stone".
Yovqaytar m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yov meaning "enemy" and qaytar meaning "to repulse, undo, refuse, avert, prevent, stave off".
Yozakura f Japanese (Rare, ?)
means "night cherry blossom" or "cherry blossoms at evening" in Japanese. Combining 夜 (yoru) meaning "night" and 桜 (sakura) meaning "cherry blossom".... [more]
Yozberdi m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and berdi meaning "gave".
Yozboy m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and boy meaning "rich, wealthy".
Yozchechak f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and chechak meaning "flower".
Yozdavlat m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and davlat meaning "country" or "wealth, fortune, happiness".
Yozjamol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and jamol meaning "beauty".
Yozjon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and jon meaning "soul, spirit".
Yozjuma m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and juma meaning "Friday".
Yozmurod m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and murod meaning "aim, wish, desire".
Yoznur m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and nur meaning "ray, beam, light".
Yozpo'lat m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and po'lat meaning "steel, sword".
Yozqurbon m Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek yoz meaning "summer" and qurbon meaning "offering".
Ypapanti f Greek
From the name used in the Eastern Orthodox Church for the festival of Candlemas or Purification (February 2), which commemorates the meeting of the infant Jesus and his mother with Simeon and Anna in the temple... [more]
Ypomoni f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
A name meaning "patience" in Greek. This was the name that Helen Dragaš, the wife of Byzantine Emperor Manuel II Palaiologos, took when she became a nun at the Monastery of Lady Martha. Two of her eight children became emperors: John VIII and Constantine XI, that latter of whom was the legendary final Byzantine emperor... [more]
Ypres m English (Rare)
From the name of the town and municipality in Belgium's West Flanders province (see Ieper), the name first used and peaked during the Battles of Ypres in 1914 and 1915.
Ýrar m Icelandic (Rare)
Derived from the Germanic name elements œrr "mad, furious, wild" and herr "army".
Yrchard m Scottish, History
Borne by a 7th-century Scottish saint who was a disciple of Saint Ternan and a bishop to the Picts.
Yrieix m French (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Possibly a Gallicized form of Aredius. This was the name of a 6th-century Catholic saint born at Limoges, France, also known as Saint Aredius, who served for a time in the court of the Franks and then founded the monastery of Atane in Limousin... [more]
Yrja f Icelandic, Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Yrjan and Yrjar as well as a variant of Irja as well as a derivation from Old Norse yrja "drizzling rain".
Yrla f Swedish (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Combination of Swedish yra and virvla, both meaning "to whirl". The name was invented by Swedish screenwriter Christina Herrström for a character in the TV series 'Ebba och Didrik' (1990).
Yrlande f Arthurian Cycle
A lady in the history of the Brown Family. She was the daughter of Brun and his wife Pamphille. Her sister was named Gialle.
Yrsa f Old Norse, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese
Of unknown meaning. Theories include a derivation from an Ancient Norse word for "she-bear" with the same roots as Latin ursa (compare Ursula, which used to be used as a Latinization of Yrsa), even though this seems rather unlikely... [more]
Yrysmamat m Kyrgyz
From Kazakh and Kyrgyz ырыс (yrys) meaning "happiness, fortune" combined with the given name Mamat.
Ysa f Spanish, Filipino
Diminutive of Ysabel, Ysabelle, and Ysabella.
Ysavel f Medieval Galician (?), Louisiana Creole (Archaic)
Medival Galician form and Louisiana Spanish variant of Isabel.
Ysbaddaden m Welsh Mythology
The name of a giant and father of Olwen in the Mabinogion, a collection of eleven prose stories collated from medieval Welsh manuscripts.... [more]
Ysoria f Medieval English (Rare), Obscure
Obscure medieval English name of uncertain etymology, though it may be related to the Latin name Isaura, which originated as an ethnic byname and derives from the place name Isauria.
Ystradwel f Welsh
Derived from the Old Welsh name Stradwel, ultimately from strat meaning “valley” and guaul meaning “rampart, boundary”.
Yuai f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade" or 嫒 (ài) meaning "daughter".
Yuan m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 源 (yuán) meaning "headspring; source; root" or 淵 (yuān) meaning "abyss; deep; deep water" or 元 (yuán) meaning "head; chief; first; primary" or 遠 (yuǎn) meaning "distant; far; remote" or 缘 (yuán) meaning "edge; to climb up; to ascend; cause"... [more]
Yuanbao f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard", 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" or 圆 (yuán) meaning "circle, round, complete" and 宝 (bǎo) meaning "treasure, jewel; precious, rare".
Yuanbin f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 缤 (bīn) meaning "flourishing, thriving".
Yuanchun f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 淳 (chún) meaning "honest, simple".
Yuanfang f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 芳 (fāng) meaning "fragrant, virtuous, beautiful".
Yuangui f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 桂 (guì) meaning "laurel, cassia".
Yuanhua f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" or 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate" and 华 (huá) meaning "flashy, prosperous, splendid, flowery, illustrious".
Yuanhuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy".
Yuanhuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 璜 (huáng) meaning "semicircular jade pendant".
Yuanhui f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" or 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate" and 辉 (huī) meaning "brightness, luster, brilliance" or 慧 (huì) meaning "bright, intelligent".
Yuanjin f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidered".
Yuanjing f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant".
Yuanjuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful".
Yuanlan f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".
Yuanli f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 元 (yuán) meaning "first, origin" and 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful".
Yuanling f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 玲 (líng) meaning "tinkling of jade".
Yuanmei f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 妹 (mèi) meaning "younger sister".
Yuanmeng f & m Chinese
Combination of the Chinese character 源 (see Yuan) and 蒙 (see Meng).... [more]
Yuanmin f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 敏 (mǐn) meaning "agile, nimble, quick, clever".
Yuann f Chinese
Common Chinese Name... [more]
Yuanna f Chinese
Combination of Yu, An 1 and Na.
Yuanni f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑗 (yuàn) meaning "large jade ring" and 霓 (ní) meaning "rainbow".
Yuanpan f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 盼 (pàn) meaning "look, gaze, expect, hope for".
Yuanping f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 娉 (pīng) meaning "beautiful, attractive, charming".
Yuanqi f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑗 (yuàn) meaning "jade ring" and 祺 (qí) meaning "good luck, good fortune".
Yuanrui f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 睿 (ruì) meaning "shrewd, astute, clever".
Yuanshan f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Yuanshao f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "park, garden" and 劭 (shào) meaning "encourage, excel, excellent".
Yuanshu f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 书 (shū) meaning "book, letter".
Yuansu f Chinese
From the Chinese 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 素 (sù) meaning "white silk, plain".
Yuanxi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 爰 (yuán) meaning "lead on to" or 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" and 希 (xī) meaning "hope, expect, rare" or 晰 (xī) meaning "clear, evident, clearly".
Yuanxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 源 (yuán) meaning "spring, source" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
Yuanxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning".
Yuanxiu f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 秀 (xiù) meaning "beautiful, elegant, excellent, luxuriant, refined".
Yuanxue f Chinese
From the Chinese 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Yuanxun f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 勋 (xūn)# meaning "meritorious deeds, merits".
Yuanyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 彦 (yàn) meaning "elegant".
Yuanyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 圆 (yuán) meaning "circle, round, complete" or 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" and 熠 (yì) meaning "bright and sparkling".
Yuanying f Chinese
From the Chinese 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" or 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gem, crystal" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous".
Yuanyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 圆 (yuán) meaning "circle, circular, complete" and 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl".
Yuanzhao f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑗 (yuàn) meaning "jade ring" and 昭 (zhāo) meaning "bright, luminous".
Yuanzhen f Chinese
From the Chinese 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Yuanzhuo f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate" and 卓 (zhuō) meaning "brilliant, profound, lofty".
Yubai f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 白 (bái) meaning "white, pure".
Yubelkis f Spanish (Caribbean)
Combination of the popular Caribbean Spanish name prefix yu and Belkis. It is mainly used in the Dominican Republic.
Yubi m & f Japanese
From Japanese 優 (yu) meaning "excellence, superiority, gentleness" and 日 (bi) meaning “day”. Other combinations of kanji can also form this name.
Yu-bin f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 幼 "infant, young child; immature" and 彬 "cultivated, well-bred".
Yubin f Chinese
From the Chinese 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair, handsome" and 斌 (bīn) meaning "refined".
Yubing f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues" and 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice".
Yucai f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 彩 (cǎi) meaning "colour".
Yuchan f Chinese
From the Chinese 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 禅 (chán) meaning "meditation, contemplation".
Yuchen f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure, valuables" or 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak".
Yu-cheon m Korean
From Sino-Korean 有 "have, own, possess; exist" and 天 "sky, heaven; god, celestial".
Yuchun f Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" and 春 (chūn) meaning "spring".
Yuci f & m Chinese (Rare)
This name is used as 宇慈 (feminine) and/or 于此 (masculine) with 宇 (yǔ) meaning "house; building, structure, eaves," 慈 (cí) meaning "kind, charitable, benevolent," 于 (yú) meaning "in, on, at, go to, surname" and 此 (cǐ) meaning "this, these, in this case, then."
Yuda m Hebrew (Rare, Archaic)
Rare Hebrew form of Judah. Predominantly used by the Jewish communities in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine.
Yudhishthira m Hinduism
Means "firm in battle" or "steady in war" in Sanskrit, from युधि (yudhi) meaning "war, battle" and ष्ठिर (shthira) meaning "firm, steady". In the Hindu epic the Mahabharata this is the name of an adoptive son of Pandu and the eldest of the five Pandavas... [more]
Yudhisthira m Hinduism
Derived from Sanskrit yudh "war" and sthira "steady".... [more]
Yudi m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 玉 (yu, meaning “jade”) and 帝 (di, meaning “emperor”). In Daoist mythology, Yudi is the supreme ruler of the cosmos who has authority over heaven, earth and hell... [more]
Yudiel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
This name is most likely a combination of two given names, such as Yudith and Daniel (or an other Hebrew name that ends in -iel)... [more]
Yue f & m Chinese
From Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 粤 (yuè) referring to Guandong province and the Cantonese people, 越 (yuè) referring to the Yue people, 跃 (yuè) meaning "jump, leap", 悦 (yuè) meaning "joy, pleased", 岳 (yuè) meaning "tall mountain" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "pearl", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
Yueai f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade".
Yuebi f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mysterious gem, mythological pearl" and 璧 (bì) meaning "piece of jade with hole".
Yuecai f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 偲 (cāi) meaning "talented".
Yuecan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 粲 (càn) meaning "polish, bright, radiant".
Yuechen f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 辰 (chén) meaning "celestial bodies, early morning" or 晨 (chén) meaning "early morning, daybreak".
Yuechun f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 纯 (chún) meaning "pure, clean, simple".
Yueci f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mysterious gem, mythological pearl", 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon, month" and 辞 (cí) meaning "words, speech, expression".
Yuecui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 翠 (cuì) meaning "green" or "kingfisher".
Yuedan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 丹 (dān) meaning "cinnabar, vermilion".
Yuefan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 帆 (fān) meaning "sail".
Yuefei f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 飞 (fēi) meaning "fly" or 斐 (fěi) meaning "graceful, elegant".
Yuefeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 枫 (fēng) meaning "maple tree".
Yuegai f Chinese
From Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 改 (gǎi) meaning "change, alter, improve". Other character combinations are possible.
Yueguan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 鹳 (guàn) meaning "stork, crane".
Yuegui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 桂 (guì) meaning "laurel" or "cassia".
Yuehai f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Yuehan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 晗 (hán) meaning "pre-dawn" or 菡 (hàn) meaning "lotus buds".
Yuehong f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 鸿 (hóng) meaning "wild swan" or 虹 (hóng) meaning "rainbow".
Yuehui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon", 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 越 (yuè) meaning "exceed, go beyond" and 惠 (huì) meaning "benefit, favour, kindness" or 晖 (huī) meaning "sunshine, light, bright, radiant".
Yuejia f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 佳 (jiā) meaning "beautiful, fine, good, auspicious".
Yuejian f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 囝 (jiǎn) meaning "baby".
Yuejuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and 鹃 (juān) meaning "cuckoo".
Yuekui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 葵 (kuí) meaning "sunflower".
Yuele f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 乐 (lè) meaning "be amused, glad, enjoy, happy, cheerful, music".
Yuelei f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 蕾 (lěi) meaning "buds, unopened flowers".
Yuelian f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 连 (lián) meaning "join, connect".
Yuelin f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade" or 霖 (lín) meaning "heavy rain".
Yueling f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 岭 (lǐng) meaning "mountain peak" or 泠 (líng) meaning "nice and cool".
Yuelong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 隆 (lóng) meaning "prosperous, plentiful" or 珑 (lóng) meaning "gem cut like a dragon".
Yueman f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 曼 (màn) meaning "extended, vast" or "beautiful".
Yuemei f Chinese
From Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 粤 (yuè) referring to Guandong province and the Cantonese people combined with 梅 (méi) meaning "plum, apricot"... [more]
Yuemeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 朦 (méng) meaning "condition or appearance of the moon".
Yuemi f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 蜜 (mì) meaning "honey, nectar".
Yuemiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Yuemin f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 敏 (mǐn) meaning "agile, nimble, fast" or "clever".
Yueming f & m Chinese
Combination of 悦 (see Yue) and 名 (see Ming).... [more]
Yuēná m Chinese
Chinese variant of Yonah, the titular character in the story of Jonah in Abrahamic religions.... [more]
Yuenan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 南 (nán) meaning "south".
Yuening f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 柠 (níng) meaning "lemon".
Yueping f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 越 (yuè) meaning "exceed, go beyond" and 平 (píng) meaning "calm, even, peaceful" and 娉 (pīng) meaning "beautiful, charming, graceful".
Yueqi f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 琪 (qí), a type of jade or 祺 (qí) meaning "good luck, good fortune".
Yueqian f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 谦 (qiān) meaning "humble, modest".
Yueqiang f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose" or 嫱 (qiáng) meaning "lady".
Yueqiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 翘 (qiào) meaning "lift, elevate".
Yueqin f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 勤 (qín) meaning "industrious, diligent".
Yueqing f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 青 (qīng) meaning "blue, green" or 清 (qīng) meaning "clear, pure, clean".
Yueqiong f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade" or "rare, precious".
Yueqiu f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn".
Yueran f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Yuerao f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 娆 (ráo) meaning "graceful, charming, fascinating".
Yuerong f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl, gem" and 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Yuerui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious" or 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower bud".
Yuesheng f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 昇 (shēng) meaning "rise, ascent, peace".
Yueshu f Chinese
From the Chinese 越 (yuè) meaning "exceed, go beyond" and 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl".
Yueshui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Yueshuo f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 朔 (shuò) meaning "the first day of the lunar month" or "north"
Yuesu f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl, mysterious gem" and 素 (sù) meaning "white silk" or "plain" or 夙 (sù) meaning "early morning, dawn".
Yuetang f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 棠 (táng) meaning "wild plums".
Yuetian f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water".
Yuewa f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl, mysterious gem" and 娃 (wá) meaning "doll, pretty girl".
Yuewan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial".
Yuewen f Chinese
From the Chinese 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns".
Yuewu f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 舞 (wǔ) meaning "dance".
Yuexi f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 希 (xī) meaning "hope, hope for" or "rare", 曦 (xī) meaning "sunlight, sunshine, early dawn" or 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious".
Yuexia f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 侠 (xiá) meaning "chivalrous person".
Yuexian f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Yuexin f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic" or "distant fragrance", 新 (xīn) meaning "new, fresh" or 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous".
Yuexing f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 杏 (xìng) meaning "apricot, almond".
Yuexue f Chinese
From the Chinese 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
Yueyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 岳 (yuè) meaning "mountain peak" and 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Yueyang f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 杨 (yáng) meaning "willow, poplar".
Yueyao f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 谣 (yáo) meaning "folksong, ballad", 珧 (yáo) meaning "mother-of-pearl", or 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Yueyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 翊 (yì) meaning "flying" or "assist, help, respect".
Yueyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 银 (yín) meaning "silver" or "money, wealth".
Yueying f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 越 (yuè) meaning "exceed, go beyond" and 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch" or 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gem, crystal".
Yueyu f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 玉 (yù) meaning "jade", 羽 (yǔ) meaning "feather, wing" or 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, flawless gem, virtues.
Yueyuan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" and 元 (yuán) meaning "first, origin" or 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden".
Yueyun f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 芸 (yún) meaning "rue" or "ability, art, talent".
Yuezhen f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, valuable, rare".
Yuezhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, precious stone, gem".
Yugi m & f Japanese, Popular Culture
Means "game" in Japanese. This name has been used in several animes, including Yu-Gi-Oh! and Shin Tenchi Muyo! (English: 'Tenchi in Tokyo').
Yuguan f Chinese
From the Chinese 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 鹳 (guàn) meaning "stork, crane".
Yu-gyeom m Korean
From Sino-Korean 有 "have, own, possess; exist" and 謙 "humble, modest".