Algonquian Submitted Names

Algonquian names are used by the Algonquian peoples of Canada and the United States (not to be confused with Algonquin, a subgroup).
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aanakwadikwe f Ojibwe
Derived from the Ojibwe word aanakwad meaning "cloud" and ikwe meaning "woman".
Aanakwadinini m Ojibwe
Derived from the Ojibwe word aanakwad meaning "cloud" and inini meaning "man".
Aanakwadmeskwa m & f Ojibwe
Derived from the Ojibwe word aanakwad meaning "cloud" and meskwa meaning "red".
Aapistsisskitsi f Siksika
Meaning "flower blossom" in Siksika (Blackfoot).
Aawohkitopi m Siksika
Means "rode the enemy's horse" in Siksika.
Aazhawigiizhigokwe f Ojibwe (Anglicized)
Meaning, "goes across the sky woman" or "the hanging cloud."
Abedabun f Ojibwe
Possibly means "she/he sees in the distance" in Ojibwe, from Ojibwe waabi "she/he has vision, sees" and debaabam "see at a distance". It also means "seen at dawn; dawn" in Chippewa.
Abequa f Ojibwe
Variant of Abeque.
Abeque f Ojibwe
Possibly means "she stays at home" in Ojibwe, from Ojibwe abi "s/he is at home, sits in a certain place" and ishkwii "s/he stays behind" or nazhikewabi/anzhikewabi "s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone".
Abooksigun m Algonquin
Means "wildcat" in Algonquin.
Abukcheech m Algonquin
Means "mouse" in Algonquin.
Achachak m Siksika, Algonquin
Means "spirit" in Siksika.
Achahkos f Cree
Means "Star" in Cree.
Aénohe m Cheyenne
Means "hawk, winter hawk" in Cheyenne.
Aénȯhea'eotse m Cheyenne
Means "attacking/charging hawk", from the Cheyenne aénohe 'hawk' and -a'eotse 'attack/charge'.
Aénȯhéévé'hȧhtse m Cheyenne
Means "flying hawk" in Cheyenne.
Aénȯheméóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "hawk trail woman" in Cheyenne.
Aénȯhenéhovóhe m Cheyenne
Means "chasing hawk" in Cheyenne.
Ahanu m Algonquin
Means "he laughs" in Algonquin.
Ahchuchhwahauhhatohapit m Cree
Means "one who has stars for a blanket" in Cree.
Ah-shah-way-gee-she-go-qua f Ojibwe
Meaning, "hanging cloud."
Ahtunowhiho m New World Mythology, Cheyenne
Derived from Cheyenne ȧhtóno'e "under, below" and vé'ho'e "trickster, spider, white man". This is the name of a Cheyenne god who lives under the ground.
Akask m Cree
Means 'Bow' in Cree.
Akkompoin m Wampanoag
A brother of Massasoit.
Akomimm f & m Siksika
Means love in Sisiká (Blackfeet) language.
Alawa f Cree
Means "Pea" in Cree.
Alsoomse f Siksika
Means "independent" in Siksika.
Ámé'há'e f Cheyenne
Means "flying woman" in Cheyenne.
Ámeohtséhé'e f Cheyenne
Means "going woman, walking woman" in Cheyenne.
Áméó'o f Cheyenne
According to some sources means "sacred path woman" or "Milky Way woman", or from the Cheyenne ame meaning "pemmican" or meo'o meaning "path, road, way".
Amonute f Algonquin, Powhatan
Of unknown meaning. This was one of Pocahontas's 'secret' names.
Amow m & f Cree
Means 'Bee' in Cree.
Anang f & m Ojibwe
Means "star" in Ojibwe.
Anangokaa f & m Ojibwe
Meaning: Plenty of Stars; There are many stars; Many Stars; There is an abundance of Stars; Star Abundance
Anėstaešévá'e f Cheyenne
Means "misty woman" in Cheyenne.
Anetȧhéveóéso m Cheyenne
Means "stands different" in Cheyenne.
Ao'ėseto m Cheyenne
Means "hailstone" in Cheyenne.
Apani f Siksika
From the Blackfoot word apaniiwa "butterfly", with the animate noun suffix -wa omitted.
Apikuni m Siksika
Means "spotted robe" in Blackfeet. This name was given to the American fur trader and historian James Willard Schultz (1859-1947), who lived among the Pikuni tribe of Blackfeet Indians from 1880-82.
Apisi m Siksika
Means "coyote, wolf" in Blackfoot.
Aponi f Siksika
Variant of Apani.
Aquinnah f Wampanoag
From Wampanoag Âhqunah meaning "the end of the island". This is also the name of a town on the island of Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts. American actor Michael J. Fox gave this name to his daughter Aquinnah Kathleen born in 1995.
Aranck m Siksika
Means "stars" in Siksika.
Ashwiyaa f Ojibwe
Means "arms oneself"in Ojibwe.
Asinii m Cree
Means 'Stone' in Cree.
Asiniiwin m Ojibwe
Meaning, "rocky boy" or "stone child."
Avo-naco m Cheyenne (Anglicized)
From the Cheyenne name Ávoonenáhkohe meaning "starving bear" or "lean bear".
Áwákaasomaahkaa m Siksika
Means "running antelope" in Siksika.
Awashonks f Sakonnet, Algonquian
The name of a 17th-century female sachem (chief) of the Sakonnet (also spelled Saconet) tribe in Rhode Island.
Ayapîhkêsiw m Cree
Means "A Large Spider" in Cree.
Ayashe f Cheyenne
Means "little one" in Cheyenne.
Ayi f Cree
Means "One" in Cree.
Ayik m Cree
Cree for "Frog".
Ayoskan f Cree
Means 'Raspberry' in Cree.
Bamewawagezhikaquay f Ojibwe
Meaning, "woman of the sound (the stars make) rushing through the sky" in Ojibwe.
Biidaaban f Ojibwe
Loosely translated from Anishinaabemowin (the Ojibwe language) it is a name meaning "daybreak," "the approach of dawn," "dawn is coming." ... [more]
Biyen m Ojibwe
Ojibwe variant of Peter.
Catecahassa m Shawnee
Means "black hoof" in Shawnee.
Chepi f & m Algonquin, New World Mythology, Wampanoag, Narragansett
Means "ghost" in Wampanoag and Narragansett. It was another name for Hobomock.
Chibenashi m Ojibwe
Meaning, "big little bird."
Chogan m Siksika
Means "blackbird" in Siksika.
Cholena f Lenape
Derived from Lenape chulëns meaning "bird".
Cockacoeske f Powhatan
The name of a 17th-century leader of the Pamunkey tribe (Powhatan Confederacy) in what is now the U.S. state of Virginia.
Corbitant m Wampanoag
Name of a leader under Massasoit from the Pocasset tribe who may have attempted to influence the people in a revolt against the English settlers.
Damashkawizii f Ojibwe
Means "lady of strength" in Ojibwe.
Danis f Cree
From Cree otânisimâw meaning "daughter".
Delsin m Popular Culture, Lenape (Modern, Rare)
Meaning "he is so, he does so". ... [more]
Éehē'e f Cheyenne
Means "Camps All Over Woman" from the Cheyenne -eehe meaning "move camp".
Éestséóhtsé'e f Cheyenne
Means "talks while going woman" in Cheyenne.
Ehepik m & f Cree
Means 'Spider' in Cree.
Ehyophsta f Cheyenne
Means "yellow-haired woman". Name borne by a Cheyenne woman who fought in the Battle of Beecher Island.
Éšeevá'késo f Cheyenne
Means "Little Day Woman" in Cheyenne.
Éše'héméóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "sun road woman" in Cheyenne.
Éše'héméó'o m Cheyenne
Means "sun trail, sun road" in Cheyenne.
Éše'hénȧhkohe m Cheyenne
Means "Sun Bear" in Cheyenne.
Éše'he Ȯhmé'éhnėstse m Cheyenne
Means "rising sun" in Cheyenne.
Éše'he Ȯhmo'ȯhtávaestse m Cheyenne
Means "black moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'he Ȯhnéšesėstse m Cheyenne
Means "two moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'he Ȯhvó'komaestse m Cheyenne
Means "white moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'hȯhma'aestse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Moon" in Cheyenne.
Éše'hȯhmé'éhne m Cheyenne
Means "Rising Sun" in Cheyenne.
Éše'hȯxháahketa m Cheyenne
Means "Little Sun" in Cheyenne.
Ésévóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Buffalo Cow Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ésevonemé'ėhné'e f Cheyenne
Means "buffalo appearing woman" in Cheyenne.
Éve'háoohe m Cheyenne
Means "Flies About" in Cheyenne.
Gaa-binagwiiyaas m Ojibwe
Means "which the flesh peels off" or "sloughing flesh" or "wrinkle meat" or "old wrinkled meat" in Ojibwe.
Habbamock m Wampanoag
Borne by a Wampanoag Native American who served as a guide, interpreter, and aide to the Pilgrims of Plymouth, Massachusetts. The name may have been a pseudonym, as it means "mischievous".
Háeohe'hāme m Cheyenne
Means "Fast Horse" in Cheyenne.
Háeohémó'ėsá'e m Cheyenne
Means "Fast Runner Calf" in Cheyenne.
Háestȯhé'háme f Cheyenne
Means "Owns Many Horses" in Cheyenne.
Háestȯheméóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Many Trails Woman" in Cheyenne.
Háhnomȧhé'héhe f Cheyenne
Means "Bee Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hahpėhe'onáhe m Cheyenne
Means "closed hand, clenched fist" in Cheyenne.
Hassun m Cree
Means "Stone" in Cree.
Hausis f Cree
Means "Old Woman" in Cree.
He'ámȧhnéé'ėstse m Cheyenne
Means "stands above" in Cheyenne.
He'énȧhkȯhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "she-bear" in Cheyenne.
He'heēno m Cheyenne
Means "Blackbird" in Cheyenne.
He'heenóhká'e f Cheyenne
Means "Blackbird Woman" in Cheyenne.
He'heenóhkéso m Cheyenne
Means "Little Blackbird" in Cheyenne.
Hémaneóhtsé'e f Cheyenne
Means "Fetching Water Woman, Going to Get Water Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hena'é'héhe f Cheyenne
Means "Goose Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hē'ȯhma'aestse f Cheyenne
Means "Red Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hé'ȯhnéménėstse f Cheyenne
Means "Singing Woman" in Cheyenne.
Heóvá'é'e f Cheyenne
Means "Yellow Hair Woman" in Cheyenne.
Heóva'éhe m Cheyenne
Means "Yellow Hair" in Cheyenne.
Heóvȧhéso f Cheyenne
Means "Little Yellow" in Cheyenne.
Heóveaénohe m Cheyenne
Means "Yellow Hawk" in Cheyenne.
Heóve'haméhe m Cheyenne
Means "Yellow Horse" in Cheyenne.
Heóvema'ėhóóhe m Cheyenne
Means "Yellow Fox" in Cheyenne.
Heóvenáhkohe m Cheyenne
Means "Yellow Bear" in Cheyenne.
Heséeotá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Woman, Herb Woman" in Cheyenne.
Heškóvema'taa'e m Cheyenne
Means "Thorny Bushes, Briar" in Cheyenne.
Heškóvétséso m Cheyenne
Means "Little Porcupine" in Cheyenne.
Hesó'xemehne m Cheyenne
Means "Blue Racer", a type of snake, in Cheyenne.
Héstahke m Cheyenne
Means "twin (male)" in Cheyenne.
Hestȧhkėhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "twin (female)" in Cheyenne.
Hestȧhké'héhe f Cheyenne
Means "Twin Woman" in Cheyenne.
Héstáné'e f Cheyenne
Means "Nation Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hestó'tonȯhevéséhe m Cheyenne
Means "Braided Hair Person" in Cheyenne.
Hestóxéhnėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Walks Last" in Cheyenne.
Hestóxėhotóá'e m Cheyenne
Means "Last Bull" in Cheyenne.
Hestóxena'hané'e f Cheyenne
Means "Kills Last Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hestóxenáhkohe m Cheyenne
Means "Last Bear" in Cheyenne.
Hetiwa f Arapaho
This name was given to my grandmother in 1912 when she was born in Hammon Oklahoma. She was named by an Arapaho or Cheyenne Indian Chief. I was hoping to find out what it means and if anyone which tribe it was?
Hetóévá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Evening Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hevovetāso m Cheyenne
Means "Whirlwind" in Cheyenne.
Hexovóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Shell Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hobomock m & f Algonquin, Wampanoag, Narragansett, New World Mythology
In Algonquin legends (mainly Wampanoag and Narragansett) Hobomock is the manito the spirit of death: a destructive, often evil, being. He is subject of many Wampanoag 'bogeyman' stories, warning children away from dangerous or naughty behavior... [more]
Ho'etoestȯtse m Cheyenne
Means "Safe from Arrows" in Cheyenne.
Ho'étseóó'e f Cheyenne
Means "Lightning Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hohnóhka'héhe f Cheyenne
Means "Contrary Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ho'honáá'ȯhtaamēhnėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Walking Rock" in Cheyenne.
Hohtȧhéaénohe m Cheyenne
Means "Spotted Hawk" in Cheyenne.
Hohtȧhévóto m Cheyenne
Means "Spotted Tailfeathers" in Cheyenne.
Hokoleskwa m Shawnee
Means "corn stalk" in Shawnee.
Ho'néeho'ēsta m Cheyenne
Means "Fire Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néemé'éhne m Cheyenne
Means "Rising Wolf" or "Appearing Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Hó'nehe m Cheyenne
Means "Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néheameōhtse m Cheyenne
Means "Wolf Walking" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néheeohtsé'héhe f Cheyenne
Means "Wandering Wolf Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néheevȧhtóohe m Cheyenne
Means "Howling Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néheevȧhtóohé'e f Cheyenne
Means "Howling Wolf Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ho'nehešeeše m Cheyenne
Means "Lying (down) Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néhéso m Cheyenne
Means "Little Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néhevotoomáhe m Cheyenne
Means "wolf robe" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néohma'aestse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néohma'heónevėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néohnéstooestse m Cheyenne
Means "Howling Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néohtséóhtsėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Wandering Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néohvovó'haestse m Cheyenne
Means "Spotted Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Ho'néoxháaestse m Cheyenne
Means "Brave Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Honiahaka m Cheyenne
Means “little wolf” in Cheyenne.
Ho'ótseotsėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Lightning" in Cheyenne.
Hosa m Arapaho (Anglicized)
From the Arapaho name Hóuusóó meaning "young crow" or "young raven". Chief Hosa or Little Raven was a 19th-century Southern Arapaho leader who oversaw the resettlement of his people into Oklahoma.
Hotóama'hēō'o m Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Bull" in Cheyenne.
Hotóa'ȯhma'aestse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Buffalo" in Cheyenne.
Hotóá'ȯhnéé'ėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Standing Bull" in Cheyenne.
Hotóá'ȯhpėhévaestse m Cheyenne
Means "Good Bull" in Cheyenne.
Hotóa'ȯhtsévéhnėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Wandering Buffalo" in Cheyenne.
Hotóa'ôxháa'êstaestse m Cheyenne
Means "tall bull" in Cheyenne.
Hotóhké'e f Cheyenne
Means "Star Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hotóhkema'aestse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Star" in Cheyenne.
Hotóhkeméóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Star Road Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hotóhketanā'ȯhtse m Cheyenne
Means "Falling Star" in Cheyenne.
Hotómanéé'e f Cheyenne
From the Cheyenne hotómá'e énéé'e meaning "Inside she is standing".
Hotóomeē'e f Cheyenne
Means "Shelter Woman" in Cheyenne.
Hurit m & f Siksika, Algonquin
Means "good, fine, beautiful, handsome" in Unami, an extinct Algonquian language formerly spoken by Lenape people. This is not used as a name by the Lenape.
Huritt m Siksika
means "handsome" in Niitsitapi
Iinisskimmaakii f Siksika
Means "buffalo stone woman" in Siksika.
Iitsstsinnimaakii f Siksika
Means "captures down woman" in Siksika.
Ipiso-waahsa f Siksika
Means "Morning Star" in Siksika.
Iskotewapoy m Cree
Means 'Fire water' in Cree. Fire Water was slang for Alcohol.
Ítoomaawayaakii f Siksika
Means "first strike woman" in Siksika.
Iyannough m Wampanoag
Means "Captain" or "One who intimidates" in Wampanoag. It is the name of the chief sachem of the Mattakeeset tribe who helped the Pilgrims find a lost boy, John Billington.
Ká'ėstȧhé'héhe f Cheyenne
Means "Short Woman" in Cheyenne.
Kâhamâxéveóhtáhe m Cheyenne
Means "wooden leg" in Cheyenne.
Kahenta f Algonquian
Unknown meaning. This was the name of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha's mother.
Kah-ge-ga-gah-bowh m Ojibwe
Means "he who stands forever" in Ojibwe.
Kahkewāquonāby m Ojibwe
Meaning, "sacred waving feathers."
Kahkewistahaw m Cree
Means "he who flies around" in Cree.
Káínaikoan m Siksika
From the Siksika káínaa meaning "blood" and the suffix –ikoan meaning "male person".
Kaistosinikyi f Siksika
Means "kill for nothing" in the Kainai (Blood) dialect of Blackfoot.
Kakeesheway m Cree
Means "loud voice" in Cree.
Kamdyistowesit m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "beardy" in Cree.
Kamiokisihkwew m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "fine day" in Cree.
Kanti f Siksika, Algonquin
Means "sings" in Siksika and Algonquin.
Kapapamahchakwew m Cree
Means "wandering spirit" in Cree.
Kaskawan f Cree
Means 'Fog' in Cree.
Katonah m Lenape, History
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from a Munsee cognate of Unami kitahtëne meaning "big mountain". This was the name of a 17th-century Native American leader, the sachem (chief) of the Munsee-speaking Ramapo people in present-day western Connecticut... [more]
Ka-wa-zauce m Ojibwe
Ojibwe word for "little child".
Keasik f Cree
From Cree ka wâsekwahk "sky blue".
Kechewaishke m Ojibwe
Means "great renewer" in Ojibwe.
Kee-a-kee-ka-sa-coo-way m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "the man who gives the war whoop" in Cree.
Keegsquaw f Cree
Means "Virgin" in Cree.
Kėhemé'éhne m Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Appearing" in Cheyenne.
Kekek f Cree
Means "Hawk" in Cree.
Keme m Algonquin
Means "secret" in Algonquin, derived from the Algonquin kiim.
Kesegowaase m Algonquin
Means "fast; speedy; rapid" in Algonquin.
Keskayiwew m Cree
Means "bobtail" in Cree.
Kestejoo m Algonquin
Means "slave" in Algonquin.
Kiiwedinaashik m & f Ojibwe
I know Kiiwedin, or Giiwedin means North, or North wind, but I do not know the meaning of aashik.
Kisikawasan m Cree
Means "flash in the sky" in Cree.
Kitchi m Algonquin
Means "brave" in Algonquin.
Kiwisünce m Cree
Means "little child" in Cree.
Kohkahycumest m Cheyenne
Means "white raven" or "white antilope" in Cheyenne.
Kȯhóméhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Coyote Woman" in Cheyenne.
Kon m Cree
Variant of Kuun.
Kona f Cree
Variation of Kon. Means "Snow" in Cree.
Ksiksínopa m Siksika
Derived from Siksika ksikk meaning "white" and possibly o(n)nopa, a theoretical root word for "quiver" or "arrows".
Ksísskstakiaakii f Siksika
Means "beaver woman" in Siksika.
Kuckunniwi m Cheyenne
Means "little wolf" in Cheyenne.
Kun m & f Cree
Variant of Kuun.
Küpeyakwüskonam m Indigenous American, Cree
Means "one arrow" in Cree.
Kuun f Cree
Means 'Snow' in Cree.
Lutiant f Ojibwe
Lutiant LaVoy was an Ojibwe woman who worked as a nurse in Washington, D.C., during the 1918 pandemic. She was the only person in the United States with this name according to the 1910 census. Perhaps this is an Anglicized or Americanized version of a native Ojibwe name.
Ma'aataéestse'henáhe m Cheyenne
Means "Iron Shirt" in Cheyenne.
Maahe m Cheyenne
Means "arrow" in Cheyenne.
Machk m Algonquin
Means "bear" in Algonquin.
Maehkiwkasic m Menominee
Means "red sky" in Menominee.
Ma'ėhóóhe m Cheyenne
Means "fox, red fox" in Cheyenne.
Maemaengwahn f Ojibwe
Means "butterfly" in Ojibwe, from the Ojibwe memengwaa "butterfly".
Ma'eméstahke m Cheyenne
Means "Red Owl" in Cheyenne.
Ma'enáhkȯhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Red Bear Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'enetse m Cheyenne
Means "Red Eagle" in Cheyenne.
Ma'etomoná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Red Paint Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'eváhkotsévá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Red Fawn Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'eve'ėse m & f Cheyenne
Means "Red Bird" in Cheyenne.
Ma'evoto m Cheyenne
Means "Red Tailfeather" in Cheyenne.
Ma'hahko'e m Cheyenne
Means "Badger" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heóná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Woman, Holy Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heóneámėhné'e f Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Walking Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heónema'óhkeená'e f Cheyenne
Means "Holy Tassel Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heónenáhkohe m Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Bear" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heónenémené'e f Cheyenne
Means "Holy Singing Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heónevé'késo m Cheyenne
Means "Medicine Bird" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heónoó'ȯhtá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Holy Corn Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'heóno'sóó'e f Cheyenne
Means "Holy Dancer Woman" in Cheyenne.
Mahigan m Algonquin (Rare)
Derived from Algonquin mahigan "wolf".
Mahihikan m Cree
Cree for 'The Wolf'
Mahikan m Cree
Means "wolf" in Cree, from the Cree mahihkan "wolf; grey wolf; timber wolf".
Mȧhpévȧhnéé'ėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Stands in Water" in Cheyenne.
Mȧhpévamé'ėhné'e f Cheyenne
Means "Appears on the Water Woman" in Cheyenne.
Mȧhpevatameōhtsėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Goes on the Water" in Cheyenne.
Maiagizis m Ojibwe
Means "right/correct sun", deriving from the Ojibwe giizis ("sun, moon, a month"). This was the Ojibwe name of Ignace Tonené, a chief of the Teme-Augama Anishnabai people.
Makataimeshekiakiak m Algonquian
Name means Black Hawk. This was the name of a Sauk leader who lived from 1767 to 1838 in the Midwestern United States.
Makdébki m Algonquian
Means "black partridge" in the Potawatomi language. This was the name of a chief of the Illinois River.
Ma'kėháne'e m Cheyenne
Means "red nape, red neck" in Cheyenne.
Makkapitew m Algonquin
Means "he has large teeth" in Algonquin, from Algonquin mamàngàbide "to have large teeth".
Makoyepuk m Siksika
Means "wolf child" in the Kainai (Blood) dialect of Blackfoot, from Blackfoot mahkúyiwa "wolf" and poka "child".
Makoyi-koh-kin m Siksika
Means "wolf thin legs" in Siksika.
Ma'méhá'e f Cheyenne
Means "Red Woman" in Cheyenne.
Manabozho m Algonquian
Menominee variant of Nanabozho.
Manabush m Algonquian
Menominee variant of Nanabush.
Mantotohpa m Cheyenne
Means "four bears" in Cheyenne.
Ma'óhkééná'e f Cheyenne
Means "Red Tassel Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'o'néhe m Cheyenne
Means "Red Wolf" in Cheyenne.
Mȧsėhávoo'xénéhe m Cheyenne
Means "crazy Roman nose" or "crazy hook nose" in Cheyenne.
Maskepetoon m Cree
Means "broken arm" or "crooked arm" in Cree.
Maskwa m Cree
The name comes from the Cree word for ''bear'' maskwa.
Massasoit m Wampanoag
Meaning, "Great Sachem."
Ma'taa'é'e f Cheyenne
Means "Forest Woman" in Cheyenne.
Ma'táá'ȯhnéé'ėstse m Cheyenne
Means "Stands in Timber" in Cheyenne.
Matchitehew m Algonquian
Means "one who has an evil heart" in Algonquian.
Matchitisiw m Algonquian
Means "one who has a bad temper" in Algonquian.
Matoaka f Algonquin
Of unknown meaning. This was one of Pocahontas's 'secret' names. At the time Pocahontas was born, it was common for Powhatan Native Americans to be given several personal names, to have more than one name at the same time, to have secret names that only a select few knew, and to change their names on important occasions... [more]
Matsináámayaakíí f Siksika
Means "fine gun woman" in Siksika.
Matsipi’kssííaakii f Siksika
Means "beautiful bird woman" in Siksika.
Matunaaga m Algonquin
Means "fighting; battle" in Algonquin.
Matwau m Algonquin
Means "enemy" in Algonquin.
Ma'xėhó'nehe m Cheyenne
Means "Big Wolf" in Cheyenne.