South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
MacedoniafSpanish (Rare) Feminine form of Macedonio. It is also part of a name of the country (officially Republic of Macedonia/The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) in south-eastern Europe.
MacedoniomSpanish (Rare), Italian (Rare) This name is derived from Latin Macedonius meaning "Macedonian," which is derived from Greek Makedones. That word literally means "highlanders" or "the tall ones," which is related to makednos meaning "long, tall" and makros "long, large."... [more]
MadeinusafSpanish (Latin American) This Peruvian-Quechua (mis)interpretation of products labeled "Made In USA" resulted in this name of the main character, a young village girl in Madeinusa, a 2005 Peruvian-Spanish drama film.
MagnetomPopular Culture, Portuguese (Brazilian) Magneto is the 'mutant' name of an antagonist, and sometimes protagonist, of Marvel's X-Men line of comics. His real name is Max Eisenhardt, and he's used the alias of Erik Lehnsherr many times, though he is more frequently known simply as Magneto... [more]
MaiconmBrazilian Maicon is a variant of Michael originally referring to, and made popular in reference to, American singer Michael Jackson in the 1980s.
MajandrafSpanish (Latin American) Contraction of María and Alejandra. A known bearer is Venezuelan-American actress María Alejandra "Majandra" Delfino (1981-), known for starring on the television series 'Roswell' (1999-2002).
MalulifSpanish Diminutive of María Luisa. This was used by Fernando Fernán Gómez for a character in his play Bicycles Are for the Summer (1977; original Spanish title Las bicicletas son para el verano).
MambomSpanish (Latin American) From The Name of a Latin dance of Cuba. Mambo was invented during the 1930s by the native Cuban musician and composer Arsenio Rodríguez, developed in Havana by Cachao and made popular by Dámaso Pérez Prado and Benny Moré.... [more]
MaravillasfSpanish Means "marvels, wonders" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas, which means "Our Lady of Wonders". A known bearer was María de las Maravillas de Jesús (1891-1974), a Spanish nun who has been canonized as a saint.
MarcelianomSpanish, Portuguese Spanish and Portuguese form of Marcellianus. Known bearers of this name were the Spanish painter Marceliano Santa María (1866-1952) and the Portuguese sculptor Marceliano de Araújo (1690-1769).
MarcolfomMedieval Italian, Spanish (Latin American, Rare) Variant form of Marculfo, which has become the modern form of the name. Also, it should be noted that given how combining names is a very common practice in Latin America, it is quite possible that there are cases there where Marcolfo is a combination of Marco with a name ending in -olfo, such as Adolfo and Rodolfo.
Marenf & mBasque, Spanish Originally the Basque form of Mariano, it is now used for both genders. As a female name, it is probably seen as a variant of Miren, the Basque form of Maria.
María de la LuzfSpanish Means "Mary of the Light", taken from the Spanish Marian title Nuestra Señora de la Luz, meaning "Our Lady of Light". Shortened forms of this name including María Luz and Luz.
María de la OfSpanish (Rare) Taken from Spanish Nuestra Señora de la O, which means "Mary of the O" in English. It is used in reference to the vesper that is read on December 18 in Spain, which commemorates the expectation of the birth of Mary and the birth of Jesus... [more]
María del RosariofSpanish Means "Mary of the Rosary", taken from the Spanish Marian title Nuestra Señora del Rosario, which means "Our Lady of the Rosary". Shortened forms of this name including María Rosario and Rosario.... [more]
MariajofSpanish Short form of María José, or sometimes María Josefa. Known bearers include Spanish soccer player María José 'Mariajo' Pons (1984-) and Colombian golfer María José 'Mariajo' Uribe (1990-).
MariángelfSpanish Combination of Maria and Ángel, mostly used in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin and Central America but occassionally used in Spain as well.
MaríliafPortuguese (Brazilian), Literature Poetic variant form of Maria. It was introduced by the Lusitan-Brazilian poet Tomás Antônio Gonzaga (1744-1810), who invented the name for his lyric poem "Marília de Dirceu", which he wrote under the pseudonym of Dirceu... [more]