South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
RossyfSpanish Diminutive of Rosa 1 and Rosana. Rosa Elena García Echave (born 16 September 1964), better known as Rossy de Palma, is a Spanish actress, singer and model.
RougnedmSouth American (Rare) In the case of Venezuelan baseball player Rougned Odor, his first name is a combination of his grandfather's name, Douglas, and his grandmother's name, Nedia; in keeping with the family custom of giving boys names that begin with the letter "R", the "D" in Douglas was changed to an "R", yielding Rougned.
RutsímIndigenous American, South American, New World Mythology Meaning unknown. It is the name of both a Peruvian children’s storybook character and an antagonistic owl inspired spirit in the indigenous Peruvian Yanesha people’s mythology.
Sacramentof & mSpanish, Portuguese From the word meaning "sacrament," which is defined in Roman Catholic theology as either "an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace" or "outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace."
Sagrado Corazónf & mSpanish (Rare) Means "sacred heart" in Spanish, referring to the sacret heart of Jesus (hence de Jesús is often suffixed in the full name).
SaionarafPortuguese (Brazilian) Probably from the Japanese phrase sayonara meaning "goodbye; farewell". It is not used as a given name in Japan.
Sairyf & mEnglish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare) As an English name, it is sometimes used as a nickname for Sarah, which is the case for Sarah Bush Lincoln, the stepmother of Abraham Lincoln. It is also the case for Sarah Gamp, one of the characters in the novel Martin Chuzzlewit, whose nickname is Sairey (Sairy in the 1994 TV miniseries).
SalesmGerman (Rare, Archaic), Spanish (Rare) From the surname Sales, borne by the Roman Catholic saint Francis de Sales. Used mostly as a second name to Franz in Germany and Austria, deprecated in Germany in the 20th century because of its surname nature.
SameirofPortuguese From the Portuguese title of the Virgin Mary, Nossa Senhora do Sameiro, meaning "Our Lady of Sameiro," venerated at the sanctuary in Espinho in the municipality of Braga in northern Portugal.
Santannaf & mSpanish (Latin American), English From a contraction of the surname Santa Anna meaning "Saint Anne", derived from Spanish santa "saint" combined with Anna, the name traditionally assigned to the mother of the Virgin Mary (see also Santana)... [more]
Sarayañim & fAymara Possibly from the Aymara sarayaña meaning "lead, govern".
SaraymafSpanish (Modern) In the case of Spanish flamenco singer Sarayma (1991-) who helped popularise the name within the last several years, it originated from her full given name SarayMacarena.
SarcomSpanish (Rare) This first name is predominantly found in South America, although it is not very common there: one is much more likely to encounter the name as a surname there instead. Because of that, it is possible that the bearers' parents were inspired to give their sons the surname as a first name, just like it is done in English-speaking countries these days... [more]
SaulomSpanish, Portuguese, Italian (Rare) Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of Saul. Known bearers of this name include the Spanish poet Saulo Torón Navarro (1885-1974), the Brazilian pop singer Saulo Roston (b... [more]
SeberinafSpanish (Latin American), Spanish (Philippines, Rare) Variant of Severina. This name was borne by Seberina Candelaria, a young woman who lived in colonial Philippines in the early 19th century who in 1808, at age 22 years, was arraigned before an ecclesiastical court for 'associating with the devil'.
SeltonmPortuguese (Brazilian) Name of brazilian actor Selton Mello (Passos, Minas Gerais, 30/12/1972). Selton played Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, in the soap novel Nos Tempos do Imperador.
Sepulvedaf & mSpanish Derived from the name of the Sepulveda valley in the mountains of Segovia. It is possibly derived from Spanish sepultar "to bury".
ServandomSpanish, Galician Spanish and Galician form of Servandus. A known bearer of this name is the American professional soccer player Servando Carrasco (b. 1988).
SestinafEnglish (American), Franco-Provençal, Spanish Comes from the American surname Sestina. A sestina is “a type of poem that originated in France in the 12th century. The poem is credited to Arnaut Daniel, a Provençal troubadour who lived from 1180-1200... [more]
SetefillafSpanish From the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de Setefilla and Nuestra Señora de Setefilla, meaning "The Virgin of Setefilla" and "Our Lady of Setefilla," venerated at the hermitage in Lora del Río in the Andalusian province of Seville... [more]