South American Submitted Names

South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Taruka f Quechua
Means "doe" in Quechua.
Tarzã m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tarzan.
Tati f English, Georgian, German, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Diminutive or short form of Tatiana, Tatiane, Tatjana and Tatyana... [more]
Tatiane f Late Greek, Greek (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
In Greece, this name can be a variant form of the Greek name Tatiana as well as the Latin name Tatiana. In Brazil, Tatiane is usually a variant form of the Latin name Tatiana.
Tatiano m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tatian.
Tatiele f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a combination of Tatiana and a name ending in -ele, such as Luciele or Gabriele 2.
Tauan m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Allegedly a masculine form of Tauane.
Távio m Portuguese
Diminutive of Octávio and Otávio.
Tawita f Quechua
Quechua form of Tabitha.
Taylene f English (Modern, Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Likely an invented name. Possibly an elaboration of Tayla/Taylor with the name suffix -lene in the style of Jaylene and Raylene (See also Tayley/Taylee).
Tayna f Aymara
Means "firstborn child" in Aymara.
Tayna f Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Tayná.
Tayná f Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Tainá.
Taynah f Brazilian, Tupi
Variant of Tayná.
Taypi m & f Aymara
Means "centre" in Aymara.
Taytira f Spanish
Variant of Thyatira.
Tchelo m Portuguese
Diminutive of Marcelo.
f Portuguese
Diminutive of Teresa.
Teak m & f Portuguese
Meaning durable wood tree.
Techy f Spanish
Diminutive of Esther.
Tefa f Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish diminutive of Estefanía.
Teín m Spanish
Diminutive of Timoteo.
Télefo m Spanish
Spanish form of Telephus.
Telémaco m Spanish
Spanish form of Telemachus.
Telésforo m Galician, Portuguese
Galician and Portuguese form of Telesphoros (see Télesphore).
Temístio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Themistios via Themistius.
Temistio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Themistios via Themistius.
Temístocles m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Themistocles (see Themistokles).
Tencha f Spanish
Diminutive of Hortensia.
Teócrito m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Theocritus.
Teodardo m Italian, Spanish
Italian, and Spanish form of Theudehard via Latinized form Theodardus.
Teodato m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theodahad.
Teodebaldo m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theudebald.
Teodeberto m Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theodebert.
Teodemundo m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theodemund.
Teodolinda f Italian, Spanish (Rare), Galician, Portuguese (Rare), Hungarian
Italian, Spanish, Galician, Portuguese and Hungarian form of Theodelind.
Teodorico m Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Galician
Italian, Portuguese, Galician and Spanish form of Theodoric.
Teodosia f Spanish, Galician (Rare), Italian, Romansh, Romanian
Spanish, Galician, Romansh, Romanian and Italian form of Theodosia.
Teódoto m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Theodotos (see Theodotus).
Teódula f Spanish
Feminine form of Teódulo.
Teodulfo m Spanish, Italian (Archaic)
Spanish and Italian form of Theudulf.
Teofania f Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish
Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish form of Theophania.
Teofilacto m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Theophylaktos.
Teofilato m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Theophylaktos.
Teofrasto m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Theophrastus.
Teógenes m Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Theogenes.
Teón m Spanish
Spanish form of Theon.
Teopista f English (African), Italian (Tuscan, Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), Portuguese (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Form of Theopista in several languages. Nowadays, this name is primarily used in Uganda and other English-speaking nations in Africa.
Teóscar m Spanish
Combination of Teodoro and Óscar.... [more]
Teotónio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Theotonius.
Teotônio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Teotónio.
Tercio m Spanish
Spanish form of Tertius.
Terelu f Spanish (Rare)
Contraction of Teresa and Lourdes.
Terência f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Terentia.
Terencia f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Terentia.
Terenciana f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish feminine form of Terentianus.
Terenciano m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Terentianus.
Terêncio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Terentius.
Terencio m Galician (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Spanish and Galician form of Terence.
Tereo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Tereus.
Teresica f Spanish
Diminutive of Teresa.
Teresina f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Catalan (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Sardinian, Romansh
Diminutive of Teresa. This name is borne by Argentine senator Teresina Luna.
Tereu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Tereus.
Terón m Spanish
Spanish form of Theron.
Terpandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Terpander.
Tersandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Thersander.
Teseo m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Theseus.
Teseu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Theseus.
Tesifón m Spanish
Spanish form of Ctesiphon (see Ktesiphon).
Tesifonte m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Ctesiphon (see Ktesiphon).
Tespia f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Thespia.
Teté f Spanish
Diminutive of Teresa and Esther.
Tétis f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tethys.
Tetis f Catalan, Galician, Spanish
Catalan, Galician and Spanish form of Tethys.
Tétrico m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Tetricus.
Teudisclo m Spanish
Spanish form of Theudigisclus.
Teudiselo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theudigisel.
Thabata f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Alternate spelling of Tabitha
Thairo m South American
Thairo Estrada, a Venezuelan professional baseball infielder for the San Francisco Giants is a notable bearer of this name.
Thaisa f Theatre, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Latinate form of Thais. This was used by Shakespeare in his play 'Pericles, Prince of Tyre' (1608), where it belongs to the wife of the title character.
Thaiz f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Thais.
Thakhi m & f Aymara
Means "traditions, customs" in Aymara.
Thalía f Spanish (Modern)
Variant of Talía. A famous bearer of this name is Mexican singer and actress Thalía Sodi (1971-), known simply as Thalía.
Thalisson m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a combination of Thales and Alisson.
Thalma f English (American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be a variant of Thelma. Alternatively, it might be a combination of Thalia with Alma 1.... [more]
Thamyres f Brazilian
One of the many Brazilian variations of Tomyris.
Thaya m Aymara
Means "cold" in Aymara.
Thelmo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Telmo.
Thereza f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Teresa.
Thomaz m Portuguese
Variant of Thomas.
Ti m Portuguese
Diminutive of Tiago.
Tiaguinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Thiago and Tiago.
Tião m Portuguese
Diminutive of Sebastião.
Tibério m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tiberius.
Tiberio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Tiberius.
Tibiriçá m Brazilian
Tibiriçá means "watchman of the land" in Tupi. He was the leader of the Tupiniquim prior to the Portuguese colonization of Brazil.
Tibisay f South American
According to the Venezuelan historian Tulio Febres Cordero, this was the name of a legendary Chibcha (or Muisca) woman at the time of the Spanish conquest, known as the Enchantress of Mérida (Spanish: La Hechicera de Mérida)... [more]
Tiburcia f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Feminine form of Tiburcio. Notable bearers include two Argentinian revolutionaries, Tiburcia Haedo (1767-1839) and María Tiburcia Rodríguez (1778-1845).
Tiça f Portuguese
Diminutive of Patrícia.
Ticha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Patrícia.
Ticia f Portuguese
Diminutive of Letícia.
Ticiana f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Titiana.
Ticiano m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tiziano.
Tico m Spanish
Diminutive of Alberto.
Ticón m Spanish
Spanish form of Tychon.
Tideo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Tydeus.
Tideu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Tydeus.
Tieta f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Tieta is a nickname for Antonieta used by Brazilian author Jorge Amado in his novel 𝘛𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘢. 𝘛𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘢 was later made into a television series and a movie.
Tifani f Hungarian (Modern), Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern), English (Rare)
Hungarian and Portuguese borrowing of Tiffany, as well as an English variant.
T’ijuri m Aymara
Means "runner" in Aymara.
Timandro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Timander.
Timbreo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Thymbraeus.
Timeu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Timaeus.
Timón m Spanish, Kashubian
Spanish and Kashubian form of Timon.
Timotea f Spanish, Italian, Galician
Feminine form of Timoteo.
Tinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Roberto.
Tininha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Cristina.
Tinita f Spanish
Diminutive of Valentina.
Tinito m Spanish
Diminutive of Valentino.
Tintin m Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Agustin.
Tiradentes m Portuguese (Brazilian)
tira (strip) + dentes (teeth)
Tirone m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Latin American Spanish borrowing of Tyrone. It was borne by the Venezuelan rapper Tirone González (1988-2015), who was best known by his stage name Canserbero.
Tirso m Spanish, Galician, Portuguese
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Thyrsus. Known bearers of this name include the Spanish Baroque dramatist, poet and monk Tirso de Molina (1579-1648) and the Spanish prince Tirso Panagiurishtski of Bulgaria (b... [more]
Tirteo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Tyrtaios via Tyrtaeus.
Tirteu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tyrtaios via Tyrtaeus.
Tisámeno m Spanish
Spanish form of Tisamenos via Tisamenus.
Tisâmeno m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tisamenos via Tisamenus.
Tisbe f Literature, Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Catalan (Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Catalan form of Thisbe, as well as an alternate Latin form. It occurs in the medieval French romance Floriant et Florete (c. 1250-75) belonging to a friend of Florete, the wife of Arthur's knight Floriant.
Tisbé f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Thisbe.
Tisífone f Spanish
Spanish form of Tisiphone.
Tisifone f Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Tisiphone.
Tita f Spanish
Diminutive of Norma.
Titanita f Brazilian
Titanite, spheno or sphene is a mineral, titanium and calcium nesosilicate, CaTiSiO5. Traces of iron and aluminum impurities are present.
Titinio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Titinius.
Tivi f Spanish
Diminutive of Natividad.
Tivo m Spanish
Diminutive of Primitivo.
Tixa f Portuguese
Diminutive of Patrícia.
Tiyuwilu m Quechua
Quechua form of Theophilos.
m Portuguese
Diminutive of António.
Toba m Spanish
Short form of Cristóbal.
Tói m Portuguese
Diminutive of António.
Tojó m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name António Jorge, formed by combining and .
Tolentino m Spanish (Archaic)
Transferred use of the surname Tolentino.
Tóli m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name António Luís.
Tomané m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name António Manuel, formed by combining and Mané.
Tomásia f Portuguese
Portuguese feminine form of Thomas.
Tomasín m Spanish
Diminutive of Tomas.
Tomasita f Spanish
Diminutive of Tomasa.
Tomasito m Spanish
Diminutive of Tomas.
Tomázia f Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African), Hungarian
Portuguese feminine form of Tomás and Hungarian feminine form of Tamás.
Tomezinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Tomé.
Tomi m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name António Maria, formed by combining and Mi.
Tona f Dutch, Scandinavian, Spanish, African American
Diminutive of Antonia. In Scandinavia it is also used as a variant of Tone (the Norwegian form of Þone).... [more]
Tóne m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonecas m Portuguese
Diminutive of António.
Tonel m Portuguese
Diminutive of the double names António Manuel or António Leonel.
Tonhão m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Tonho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Toñi f Spanish
Diminutive of Antonia.
Tonica f Portuguese
Diminutive of Antónia, a shortening of Antonica.
Tonico m Portuguese
Diminutive of Antonio.
Toñín m Spanish
Diminutive of Antonio.
Toninha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Antónia.
Topê m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name António Pedro.
Torcato m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Torquatus and variant of Torquato.
Tori m Spanish (Rare)
Short form of Toribio and Toribia.
Toribia f Spanish
Feminine form of Toribio.
Torin m Spanish
Diminutive of Hector.
Toxeo m Spanish
Spanish form of Toxeus.
Toxeu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Toxeus.
Tozé m Portuguese
Portuguese short form of the double first name António José.
Trajano m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Trajan 1.
Tranquilino m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Tranquillinus. Notable bearers of this name include Tranquilino Luna, a 19th-century American politician, and Saint Tranquilino Ubiarco Robles (1899-1928), a Mexican priest who was martyred during the persecutions of the Mexican Revolution and canonized in 2000.
Tranquilo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Tranquillus.
Trasamundo m Spanish
Spanish form of Thrasamund.
Trasíbulo m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Thrasybulus.
Trasideo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Thrasydaeus.
Trasímaco m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Thrasymachus.
Trecén m Spanish
Spanish form of Troezen.
Treicy f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Latin American form of Tracy, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Tremedal f Spanish
Means "quagmire" in Spanish, taken from the Spanish titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen del Tremedal and Nuestra Señora del Tremedal, meaning "The Virgin of the Quagmire" and "Our Lady of the Quagmire." She is venerated at the sanctuary in Orihuela del Tremedal in the Aragonese municipality of Teruel.
Trezena m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Troezen.
Trífon m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tryphon.
Trifón m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Tryphon.
Trina f Spanish, Asturian
Diminutive of Trinidad.
Trino m Spanish (Rare)
Strictly masculine diminutive of Trinidad.
Trófimo m Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Archaic)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Trophimus.
Troian m & f Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare), English (American, Modern)
Possibly a transferred use of the surname.
Troiano m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form Trojanus.
Troyano m Spanish
Spanish form of Trojanus.
Trudberto m Spanish
Spanish form of Trudbert.
Tuana f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Possibly a combination of tu ("you") and Ana.
Tuco m Spanish
Diminutive of Alberto.
Tudinha f Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive form of Gertrudes.
T’ukri m Quechua
Means "sentinel" in Quechua.
T’ula m Aymara
Means "bush used for firewood" in Aymara.
Tula f Spanish
Diminutive of Gertrudis.
Tuli m & f Spanish
Short form of Tulio or Antulio.
Tulia f Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Polish
Spanish feminine form of Tulio and Polish feminine form Tuliusz.
Tulipa f Portuguese
From Portuguese tulipa "tulip".
Tumas m Quechua
Quechua form of Thomas.
Tunu m & f Aymara
Means "offspring, lineage" in Aymara.
Tupã m Tupi
Known as the supreme god in Guarani mythology.