South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Jesuítaf & mPortuguese (Brazilian) From the Jesuits, a religious order of the Catholic Church named after Jesus Christ. A notable bearer is Brazilian actor Jesuíta Barbosa.
JesulinmSpanish The professional name of Spanish bullfighter, Jesulin de Ubrique. Apparently, a form of his given name Jesus.
Jorbym & fSpanish (Latin American) Probably a diminutive of (usually invented) given names that start with Jorb-. Also compare Yorbe and even the Catalan name Jordi and its variant spelling Jordy.
JosemaríamSpanish (Rare) Variant of José María. Josemaría Escrivá was a Spanish Catholic priest who founded the religious institution Opus Dei. He is considered a saint by the Catholic Church.
JosilinafSpanish (Latin American) Most common among the Hispanic / Latino populations. Name originated from two separate names “Josi” “Lina” , “Jose” “Lina”, and “Joce” “Lina”.
JosmarmPortuguese (Brazilian) Contraction of JoséMaria, a compound name traditionally given in honour of the parents of Jesus. However, the initial syllable can also be taken from Josué; in such cases it is often formed from the names of the bearer's parents (i.e., Josué and Maria).