South American Submitted Names

South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Bernabe m Spanish (Latin American, Americanized, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Filipino (Hispanicized, Rare)
Unaccented form of Bernabé used mainly in America and the Philippines. It's also used in Brazil.... [more]
Bernabea f Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Bernabé.
Bernabela f Spanish
Feminine form of Bernabe.
Bérnar m Spanish
Diminutive of Bernardino and Bernardo.
Bernardete f Albanian, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Albanian and Brazilian form of Bernardette.
Bernardito m Spanish
Diminutive of Bernardo.
Bernas m Portuguese
Diminutive of Bernardo.
Bernón m Spanish
Spanish form of Berno.
Bernwardo m Italian, Spanish
Spanish form of Bernward and italian variant Bernoardo.
Bernye m & f Spanish, English
Form of Bernie.
Berta f Spanish, Spanish (Philippines)
Short form of Alberta, Roberta and other names ending in berta.
Bertilia f Dutch, German, English, Spanish, Portuguese
Form of Berthild. Bertilia was the name of a 7th-century saint from Mareuil (France).
Bertín m Spanish (Rare)
In the case of Spanish singer Bertín Osborne (1954-), it is a diminutive of Norberto.
Bertinho m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of names ending in -berto, such as Alberto and Roberto. Also compare Betinho.
Bertolino m Medieval Italian, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Bertolo. In the case of the Brazilian Portuguese name, it is more likely a transferred use of the Italian surname.
Bertrán m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Bertrand.
Bertuino m Spanish
Spanish form of Bertwin via Latinized form Bertuinus
Bertulfo m Spanish, Italian
Spanish form of Bertulf and Italian variant of Bertolfo.
Beta f Slovak, Portuguese (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Romansh
Slovak diminutive of Alžbeta (not used as a given name in its own right), Portuguese diminutive of Elisabete, Alberta ou Roberta and Romansh variant of Betta.
Bethzy f Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Latin American variant of Betsy. This name was brought to public attention by Bethzy Zamorano, a contestant on the Mexican reality television series Bailando por un Sueño... [more]
Beti f Spanish
Diminutive of Beatriz.
Betiana f Spanish (Latin American)
First made known and popularised by Argentine actress Betiana Blum (1939-), in this case being a mix of her given names Betty and Ana.
Betico m Spanish, Papiamento
Diminutive of Beto, as it contains the Spanish masculine diminutive suffix -ico.... [more]
Betina f Spanish
Diminutive of Beatriz.
Betinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Elisabete.
Betinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Roberto.
Betino m Brazilian (Rare)
Masculine form of Betina.
Betita f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Diminutive of Elizabeth and other names containing a similar sound. Also compare Beta and the masculine equivalent Betito.... [more]
Betito m Spanish
Diminutive of Beto.
Beto m Portuguese
Diminutive of Alberto, Adalberto, Roberto and names ending with "-berto". People who use this form includes brazilian singer Roberto Pereira dos Santos, better known by his stage name Beto Jamaica and portuguese footballer António Alberto Bastos Pimparel, known as Beto.
Beto m Spanish
Diminutive of Alberto and Roberto.
Betsabé f Spanish, Catalan, Hungarian
Spanish, Catalan and Hungarian form of Bathsheba.
Betsaida f Biblical (Hispanicized), Spanish (Latin American)
Derived from Betsaida, which is the Spanish form of Bethsaida, the name of two places in the New Testament. For both places, the name is either of Aramaic or Hebrew origin and means either "house of hunting" or "house of fishing"... [more]
Bettânia f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Variant of Betânia, the Portuguese form of Bethania.
Bety f Spanish (Latin American), English (Rare)
Variant of Betty, also used in Latin American countries as a short form of names containing Be- (or -be-) and -t-, like Beatriz and Alberta.
Betzaida f Spanish (Latin American)
Variant spelling of Betsaida. This name is the most popular out of the two.... [more]
Betzaidy f South American (Modern, Rare)
A derivation from Bethsaida, used in Venezuela.
Bibi f Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of Beatriz. In Brazilian Portuguese this can also function as a diminutive of Gabriela, Fabiana, Bianca and other names containing a similar sound... [more]
Bibi m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese diminutive of Fábio or Fabiano.
Bibiano m Spanish
Spanish form of Vivian.
Bibo m Portuguese
Diminutive of Gabriel.
Bíbulo m Spanish
Spanish form of Bibulus.
Bictoria f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Variant of Victoria reflecting the Spanish pronunciation.
Bienvenido m Spanish
Masculine form of Bienvenida.
Bishnud m Tupi
A popular name among Tupi communities in Formosa (Argentina), this name may also be a Guarani mythological god.
Bizas m Bosnian, Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Rare)
Bosnian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Byzas.
Blasa f Spanish
Feminine form of Blas.
Blasina f Spanish
Feminine variant of Blasius.
Boemundo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Bohemond via Latinized form Boemundus.
Bofo m Spanish
Diminutive of Rodolfo.
Bohemundo m Spanish
Spanish form of Bohemond via Latinized form Boemundus.
Boltaire m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish variant of Voltaire. A famous bearer is ecuadorian president Lenín Moreno.
Boni m & f Spanish
Diminutive of Bonifacio and Bonifacia.
Bonito m Italian, Spanish
Italian English and Spanish forms of Bonitus.
Bóris m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Boris.
Borquita f Spanish (Rare)
Feminine diminutive of Borja in the case of Marie Delphine Borja "Borquita" López y Angula de la Candelaria, daughter of New Orleans serial killer Delphine LaLaurie.
Botánica f Spanish
From the Spanish word botánica which translates to “botany” or “plant store”.
Botulfo m Spanish
Spanish form of Botulf.
Braitón m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Likely a Hispanicised form of Brighton.
Branco m Portuguese (Rare, Archaic)
Portuguese masculine form of Branca.
Brandano m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Brendan via its medieval Latin form Brandanus.
Brandão m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Brendan.
Brandina f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Blandine.
Brandino m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Blandinus.
Brando m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Blandus
Brandón m Spanish
Spanish form of Brando.
Brandye f Spanish
Spanish form of Brandy.
Brasil m Spanish
Brasília f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Feminine form of place name Brasil.
Brasílio m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Masculine form of Brasília. A notable bearer was Brazilian composer Brasílio Itiberê da Cunha (1846-1911).
Bráulia f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Braulia.
Bráulio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Braulio. Known bearers of this name include former Brazilian soccer player Bráulio Barbosa de Lima (b. 1948) and Bráulio Tavares (b... [more]
Braulio m Spanish, Galician
Apparently derived from Germanic brahuila meaning "bright, radiant" - with one source saying that it is etymologically related to Old High German brand or brant "sword". However, I am not sure how much stock should be put into that, since it seems like its pronunciation would be akin to brilla (BREEL-lah), which makes it look suspiciously close to the Italian verb brillare "to shine, to sparkle" and ultimately comes from berillus, a latinized form of Greek beryllos... [more]
Brazos m Spanish (Rare)
Either transferred use of the surname Brazos or from a Spanish word meaning "arms".
Brendán m Irish, Spanish (Rare)
Irish variant of Brendan as well as one of the Spanish forms of the name.
Brendano m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Italian and Spanish form of Brendan via its medieval Latin form Brendanus.
Brendo m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Meaning uncertain, could be a masculine form of Brenda, a variant of Brendan or a variant of Breno.
Brício m Brazilian
Brazilian form of Brice.
Bricio m Spanish, American (Hispanic)
Spanish form of Bricius. It can also be a short form of Fabricio.
Brillante m Spanish, Filipino
Means "brilliant, sparkly, gemstone" in Spanish. A notable bearer was Brillante Mendoza (1960-), a Filipino independent film director.
Brisa f Spanish
Previously a short form of Briseida, though it is now regarded as an independent name directly from the Spanish word brisa "breeze". In Mexico this name was popularized by a character named Brisa (played by actress Margarita Magaña) on the telenovela "Por tu amor" (1999).
Briseo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Briseus.
Briseu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Briseus.
Brithany f Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish variant of Brittany. This name ranked #8 in Ecuador in 2014.
Bronislao m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Bronisław via Latinized form Bronislaus.
Bru m & f Portuguese
Diminutive of Bruno and Bruna.
Brucelí m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish variant of Brucelee, mainly used in Peru.
Brugués f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Bruguers.
Bruslee m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Brucelee, mainly used in Nicaragua (particularly the North Caribbean Autonomous Region) and Peru.
Bruto m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Brutus.
Buena f Jewish, Spanish, Judeo-Spanish
Means "good" in Judeo-Spanish.
Buensuceso f & m Spanish (Rare), Filipino (Rare)
From a Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora del Buen Suceso, meaning "Our Lady of the Good Event," referring to the Purification of Mary and the Presentation of Jesus.... [more]
Bueyo f Spanish (Rare)
From the Marian title Virgen de Bueyo, patron saint of Albelda de Iregua (La Rioja). The name Bueyo comes from a small settlement in the vicinity where oxherding was common (cf. Spanish buey "ox").
Burcardo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian Spanish and Portuguese form of Burchard.
Burgo f Spanish (Rare)
From the Marian titles Virgen del Burgo and Nuestra Señora del Burgo, venerated in Alfaro (La Rioja). The original church was erected outside the walls, and later reconstructed within them... [more]
Ca f Portuguese
Diminutive of Camila and Carla.
Caamanha f Tupi, New World Mythology
Derived from caamania meaning “forest mother” in the Classical Tupi and Nheengatu languages.
Caca f Portuguese
Diminutive of Camila and Carla.
Cacá m & f Portuguese
Diminutive of Carlos and Carolina.
Caçapava f Tupi
Derived from Tupi ka'a asapaba meaning "stroll through the forest".
Cacau f Portuguese
Diminutive of Claudia.
Cacho m Spanish
Diminutive of Carlos.
Cacilda f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Casilda.
Caco m Portuguese
Diminutive of Marcos.
Cadinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Ricardo.
Cado m Portuguese
Diminutive of Ricardo.
Cadu m Portuguese
Diminutive of Carlos Eduardo.
Cafu m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Famous bearer of this name is Cafu (Born as Marcos Evangelista de Morais).
Caian m Quechua
Means "Down", "Son of the Sun". It can also have a meaning of "the tomorrow that will always come" - for the ancient Quechua had a circular-time notion.
Caim m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Cain.
Caín m Spanish, Gascon
Spanish and Gascon form of Cain.
Caique m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Folk etymology likes to consider this name to be of Tupi origin and assigns it the meaning "water bird". Since no etymology or evidence of use by the Tupi people has ever been provided, it is likely that this is a faux-indigenous name... [more]
Caito m & f Spanish
Possibly derived from Cayetano.
Cajó m Portuguese
Diminutive of Carlos Jorge.
Calasanz m German (Austrian, Rare, Archaic), Spanish (Rare)
Derived from the surname Calasanz. Joseph Calasanz (known in Spanish as José de Calasanz; September 11, 1557 – August 25, 1648) was a Spanish Catholic priest, educator and the founder of the Pious Schools, providing free education to the sons of the poor, and the Religious Order that ran them, commonly known as the Piarists... [more]
Calhandra f Portuguese (Brazilian, Modern, Rare)
Portuguese cognate of Alondra, occasionally used in Brazil.
Caliandra f Portuguese
Caliandra is the name of a flower, whose scientific name is Calliandra harrisii, and its denomination derives from the combination of the Greek elements Kallio (beautiful) and Andros (man), probably meaning "beautiful and masculine" or "beautiful and manlike".
Calímaco m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Callimachus.
Calín m Spanish
Dininutive of Carlos.
Calínico m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Callinicus.
Calino m Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Callinus.
Calipo m Spanish
Spanish form of Kallippos via its latinized form Callippus.
Calipso f Catalan, Galician, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Catalan, Galician, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Calypso.
Calístrato m Spanish
Spanish form of Callistratus (see Kallistrate).
Calline f English (Modern, Rare), Brazilian (Modern, Rare)
Feminized variant of Callen or a variant of Calleen or Coline (See also Colline and Callyn).
Calo m Spanish
Diminutive of Carlos.
Calócero m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Calocaerus and Calocerus, which are both latinizations of the Greek given name Kalokairos.
Calpurniano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Calpurnianus.
Calpúrnio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Calpurnius.
Calpurnio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Calpurnius.
Calu m Portuguese
Diminutive of Carlos.
Camané m Portuguese
Short form of the compound name Carlos Manuel, composed of Ca- and Mané... [more]
Cambuci f Tupi, Guarani
Derived from Tupi-Guarani cambucy meaning "pot; vase".
Cámeron m & f Spanish
Spanish variant of Cameron.
Camile f & m Picard, Gascon, Provençal, Walloon, French (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Picard and Walloon masculine and feminine form, Gascon and Provençal masculine form and French masculine variant of Camille as well as a Brazilian Portuguese variant of Camila.
Camilinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Camila.
Camilita f Spanish, Filipino
Diminutive of Camila.
Camino f & m Spanish
Means "way, route; road; path" in Spanish, taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen del Camino, meaning "The Virgin of the Way." She is the patroness of the region of León and the city of Pamplona in Navarra, forming part of the French Way to Santiago de Compostela.
Camocim f Tupi, Guarani
Means "pot; vase" in Tupi and Guarani.
Campo Elías m Spanish
Given in honour of Colonel Juan Vicente Campo Elías (1759-1814), regarded as a hero of Venezuelan Independence.... [more]
Can f Spanish
Diminutive of Candela.
Cancianila f Spanish
Spanish form of Cantianilla.
Canciano m Spanish
Spanish form of Cantianus.
Candelita f Spanish
Diminutive of Candela.
Candelito m Spanish
Diminutive of Candelo.
Candelo m Spanish
Short form of Candelario.
Candi f & m Spanish
Diminutive of Cándida, Cándido and Candela.
Candidiano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Candidianus.
Cando m Spanish
Diminutive of Alejandro
Canela f Spanish (Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare)
Derived from the Spanish noun canela meaning "cinnamon". It coincides with a Spanish surname (see Canela).
Canelo m Spanish (Rare)
Derived from the Spanish noun canelo, which can mean "winter's bark tree" as well as "cinnamon tree". Also compare Canela.... [more]
Caninio m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Caninius.
Canio m Italian, Spanish (Latin American)
Italian and Spanish form of Canius.
Cano m Spanish
Diminutive of Alejandro.
Cantidiano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Cantidianus.
Cantidio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Cantidius.
Canuto m Spanish, Portuguese, History (Ecclesiastical, Hispanicized)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Knut. There are two Catholic saints by this name.
Capaneo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Capaneus.
Capaneu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Capaneus.
Caprasio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Caprasius.
Caralampio m Galician, Spanish
Galician form of Charalampos via Charalampus and Spanish variant of Caralampo.
Caralampo m Italian, Spanish
Italian form of Charalampos via Charalampus and Spanish variant of Caralampio.
Carelia f Afrikaans, Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Latin American), Danish (Archaic)
Afrikaans feminine form of Carel and Spanish and Danish variant of Karelia.
Cari f Spanish
Diminutive of Caridad.
Cariberto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Charibert.
Caridade f Portuguese
Portuguese cognate of Charity.
Caridemo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Charidemus.
Carilau m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Charilaos via Charilaus.
Carino m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Carinus.
Cario m English (Modern, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Rhyming variant of Mario/Dario influenced by Cairo and the English word car.
Caristo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Carystus.
Carita f Spanish
Diminutive of Caridad.
Caritão m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Chariton.
Caritina f Spanish, Spanish (Mexican), Filipino (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Charitine. This name is mostly used in Mexico.
Carito f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Carolina, via its short form Caro 2.
Caritón m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Chariton.
Carlão m Portuguese
Diminutive form of Carlos.
Carlean m & f Brazilian (Rare), American (Rare)
In Brazil, this name could possibly be an elaboration of Carl.... [more]
Carliana f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), American (Modern, Rare)
Either an elaborated form of Carlia (a double elaboration of Carly) or a combination of Carly/Carla and Liana.
Carlinda f Portuguese (Brazilian), English (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, possibly a contraction of Carla and Linda.
Carlines m Spanish
Diminutive of Carlos.
Carlinha f Portuguese
Diminutive of Carla.
Carlini f Brazilian (Rare)
Brazilian phonetic variant of Carline.
Carlino m Portuguese (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Variant of Carlinhos or an elaboration of Carlo/Carlos.
Carlis m & f English (American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Meaning unknown. Most likely an elaboration of Carl or a variant of Carlisle, Carlise or Carlisa.
Carlise f American (Rare), Brazilian (Rare)
Variant of Carlisa in the style of Annelise and Elise (See also Charlize).
Carlomagno m History (Hispanicized), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Spanish form of Charlemagne. This is borne by Carlomagno Pedro Martínez (1965-), a Mexican ceramic artist and artisan, and Carlomagno Chacón Gómez (1985-), a Peruvian lawyer and politician.
Carlomán m Spanish
Spanish form of Carloman.
Carlosito m Spanish
Diminutive of Carlos.
Carmencha f Spanish
Diminutive of Carmen.
Carmenchu f Spanish
Diminutive of Carmen.
Carminio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Carminius.
Carmita f Spanish
Diminutive of Carmen.
Carmosina f Portuguese (Brazilian), Theatre
Diminutive of Carmosa. This is the name of a comedy play written by Alfred de Musset and premiered in 1865 in Paris.
Caro m Medieval Italian, Galician, Spanish, Venetian
Galician, Italian, Spanish and Venetian form of Carus.
Caro f Spanish, English, German
Short form of Caroline or other names that begin with caro, commonly used in Great Britain (England).
Carô f Portuguese
Diminutive of Carolina.