South American Submitted Names

South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Arsénia f Portuguese
Portuguese feminine form of Arsenios.
Arsuri f Aymara
Means "talkative" in Aymara.
Ártemas m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Artemas.
Artémia f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Artemia.
Artemidoro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Artemidoros.
Artêmio m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Artemius.
Artemisa f Spanish, Albanian, Galician
Spanish, Albanian and Galician form of Artemis.
Artemísio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Artemisius via Artemisios.
Artigas m South American
Transferred use of the surname Artigas, given in honour of political leader, military general and statesman José Gervasio Artigas (1764-1850), a national hero of Uruguay and the wider Rio de la Plata region.
Arturito m Spanish
Diminutive of Arturo.
Aruma f Aymara
Means "night" in Aymara.
Asalia f Spanish (Latin American)
Variant spelling of Azalia. A known bearer of this name is Asalia Nazario, the Puerto Rican mother of American actress Zoe Saldana (b. 1978).
Asandro m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Asander.
Ascen f & m Spanish
Diminutive of Ascension.
Asclepíades m Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician
Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, and Galician form of Asklepiades via its Latinized form Asclepiades.
Asclepio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Asklepios via Asclepius.
Asela f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Asella. A notable bearer of this name is the Cuban chess player Asela de Armas Pérez (b. 1954), who won the title of Woman International Master in 1978.
Asíncrito m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Asyncritus via Asynkritos.
Aski f & m Aymara
Means "good" in Aymara.
Asly f Spanish (Modern)
Spanish form of Ashley.
Asmodeo m Spanish
Spanish form of Asmodaeus.
Asmodeu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Asmodaeus.
Aspásio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Aspasios via it's Latinized form Aspasius.
Assíria f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of the place name Assyria.
Astério m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Asterios via Asterius.
Asterio m Filipino, Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Asterius.
Asteropeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Asteropaeus.
Astianacte m Spanish
Spanish form of Astyanax.
Aston m Spanish (Modern)
Spanish form of Ashton.
Ástor m Asturian, Spanish
From the Astures, a Celtic tribe that gave name to the Spanish region of Asturias.
Astreo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Astraeus.
Astreu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Astraeus.
Astrud f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Filipino, Dutch (Rare), English (Rare)
A famous bearer is Brazilian vocalist Astrud Gilberto (1940-).
Asunta f Spanish (Rare)
Spanish form of Assunta.
Ataíde m Portuguese
Given name derived from the Ataídes surname, a noble Portuguese family whose surname derives from the Freguesia do Ataíde, currently part of Vila Meã, in Portugal... [more]
Atalarico m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Athalaric.
Atalo m Spanish
Spanish form of Attalos.
Atanagildo m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Athanagild.
Atanarico m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese and Spanish form of Athanaric.
Ataúlfo m Spanish (Rare), Galician, Portuguese (Rare)
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Athaulf.
Atenágoras m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Athenagoras.
Ateneo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Athenaios via Athenaeus.
Ateneu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Athenaios via Athenaeus.
Athos m Greek Mythology, Literature, French, Italian, Greek, Brazilian
Athos was one of the Gigantes, children of Gaia, who hurled a mountain at Zeus. Zeus knocked the mountain to the ground near Macedonia, and it became Mount Athos, or the "Holy Mountain."... [more]
Ático m Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Galician (Archaic)
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Atticus.
Átide f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Atthis.
Átila m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Attila.
Atilano m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Attilanus.
Atipa f & m Aymara
Means "victory" in Aymara.
Atipiri m Aymara
Means "winner, victor" in Aymara.
Atos m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Portuguese form of Athos.
Atreo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Atreus.
Atreu m Catalan, Portuguese, Romanian
Catalan, Portuguese and Romanian form of Atreus.
Auberto m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Aubert.
Audífaz m Spanish (Rare), Popular Culture
Spanish form of Audifax. In this day and age, the best-known bearer of this name is Audífaz Córcega, a character from the Mexican telenovela Mi marido tiene familia (2017-2019).
Aufidio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Aufidius.
Auguria f Ancient Roman, Spanish
Feminine form of Augurius (Roman) and Augurio (Spanish).
Augurio m Italian (Archaic), Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Augurius.
Aulo m Italian, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Aulus.
Aurelina f Spanish, Portuguese
Diminutive of Aurelia or variant of Aureliana.
Aurelita f Spanish
Diminutive of Aurelia.
Auremir m Brazilian
Auremir Evangelista dos Santos is a Brazilian professional footballer.
Auriele f & m Brazilian
Possibly a variant of Auriel or Ariele.
Aurinda f Portuguese, French
Possibly a variant of the Spanish name Laurinda, meaning "laurel tree".
Aurita f Spanish (Latin American)
Diminutive of names beginning with Aur-.
Aurorita f Spanish (Latin American)
Diminutive of Aurora used primarily used in Latin America.
Autberto m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Autbert
Autólico m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Autolycus.
Auxencio m Spanish
Spanish form of Auxentius.
Auxília f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Auxilia.
Auxilia f Late Roman, Spanish
Feminine form of Auxilius. In some cases, the name can also be a short form of Auxiliadora.
Auxiliadora f Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Means "aider, first-aider" in Spanish and Portuguese, from Latin auxiliator (compare the related name Auxilius). It is taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary María Auxiliadora meaning "Mary, the Helper", and from the Portuguese title Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora meaning "Our Lady, Help (of Christians)", both referring to the protection and help that the Virgin Mary offers to Christians... [more]
Auxílio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Auxilius.
Auxilio m & f Spanish
Spanish form of Auxilius. It can be ether masculine or feminine, in the latter case often as the compound name María Auxilio.
Avamar f Brazilian
Combination of "Ava" and "Mar" (meaning "Sea" in Portuguese) or "Ava" and "Maria"
Avito m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Avitus.
Awaq f Quechua
Means "weaver" in Quechua.
Awkustu m Quechua
Quechua form of August.
Awqa f Quechua
Means "warrior" in Quechua.
Axael m & f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish (Mexican)
Combination of Axel and Asael or other names ending in -ael.
Áxel m Spanish
Spanish form of Axel.
Aya f Spanish, French (Modern), Basque (Gallicized)
Spanish and Gallicized form of Basque Aia.
Ayán m Asturian (Modern), Spanish (Modern), Catalan (Modern)
Possibly derived from the Germanic name element alls meaning "all".
Ayara f Quechua
Means "wild quinoa" in Quechua.
Áyax m Spanish
Spanish form of Ajax.
Ayde f Spanish (Rare)
Unknown meaning.
Ayleth f Spanish
Meaning- “Free Spirit Original”
Aylín f Spanish
Spanish form of Eileen, or possibly of the Turkish name Aylin. A known bearer is Aylín Mujica (1974-), a Cuban actress.
Ayma f Aymara
Means "music" in Aymara.
Aymara f Spanish
Variant of Aimara. It coincides with the name of an indigenous people of South America.
Aymé f Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Ayme stressed on the last syllable.
Aymê f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Ayme stressed on the last syllable.
Ayni f Aymara
Means "reciprocity" in Aymara.
Ayrampu m Aymara
From the Aymara name for a cactus species with carmine colored seeds.
Ayrton m English, Portuguese (Brazilian), Various
Transferred use of the surname Ayrton, which was originally taken from the place name Airton.... [more]
Ayru f Aymara
Means "plant" in Aymara.
Azaleia f Portuguese (Modern)
Portuguese form of Azalea.
Azaleio m Portuguese (Modern, Rare)
Portuguese masculine form of Azalea.
Azalia f English (American, Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Indonesian
Variant of Azalea. It could also be inspired by the biblical name Azaliah.... [more]
Azela f Spanish (Philippines, Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
This name is borne by Mexican-British actress Azela Robinson.
Azucely f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Perhaps a contraction of Azucena and Aracely.
Azuceno m Spanish
Masculine form of Azucena.
Azul f & m Spanish, Filipino (Rare), History
From Spanish azul meaning "blue". This name was borne by the ninth and last wife of the Apache leader Geronimo. A known bearer is Azul Guaita (2001-), a Mexican television actress.
Azula f Popular Culture, Spanish (Modern, Rare)
Fictional name meant to be derived from Portuguese, Galician, and Spanish azul meaning "blue" (of Persian origin). This is the name of a main antagonist in the television series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender'.
f Portuguese
Diminutive of Bárbara.
Baba m & f Madí
Meaning unknown. Jamamadí language is spoken in Acre and Amazonas State in Brazil.
Babá f Portuguese
Diminutive of Barbara and Sebastião.
Babi f Portuguese
Diminutive of Barbara.
Bábilas m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Babylas.
Bada m & f Madí
Meaning unknown. Jamamadí language is spoken in Acre and Amazonas State in Brazil.
Baka m & f Madí
Meaning unknown. Jamamadí language is spoken in Acre and Amazonas State in Brazil.
Balbi f & m Spanish, Asturian
Short form of Balbina and Balbino.
Baldomera f Spanish (Rare), Polish (Archaic)
Feminine form of Baldomero (Spanish) or Baldomer (Polish).
Baleria f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare)
Variant of Valeria reflecting the Spanish pronunciation of the name.
Balti m Spanish
Short form of Baltasar.
Banesa f Spanish (Rare), Aragonese
Variant of Vanesa, also an Aragonese form.
Baraquiel m Portuguese, Spanish
Spanish and Portuguese form of Barachiel.
Barbarita f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Bárbara.
Bardón m Spanish
Spanish form of Bardo.
Barreto m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese version of the english name Barett.Surname and first name used in Brazil and is derived from the name of several locations in Portugal(Ancient hamlets) .Used rarely on spanol language .... [more]
Barsanúfio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Barsanuphius.
Barsanufio m Spanish, Italian
Spanish form of Barsanuphius, and Italian variant form of Barsanofio.
Bartimeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Bartimaeus.
Bartimeu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Bartimaeus.
Bartira f Tupi, Brazilian
Possibly an archaic variant of Potira. Bartira was the name of the daughter of the chief Tibiriçá, an indigenous leader of great importance for the formation of the city of São Paulo... [more]
Barto m Dutch, Spanish
Short form of Bartholomew.
Bartola f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Feminine form of Bartolo, itself a short form of Bartolomé.
Baruj m Jewish (Hispanicized, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Baruch. A notable bearer was Venezuelan immunologist Baruj Benacerraf (1920-2011), who was of Sephardi Jewish heritage.
Basilia f Anglo-Norman, Medieval English, Spanish, Spanish (Latin American), German (Rare), Italian (Rare), Romani (Archaic)
Feminine form of Basil 1 via its latinized form Basilius. This was borne by an obscure early saint. As an English name it has long been obsolete, but was much used in the Middle Ages; perhaps a reference to Saint Veronica as Basilia in the medieval Mors Pilati (Death of Pilate) was responsible for the name's popularity.
Basílides m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Basileides (see Basilides).
Basílio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Basil 1.
Basilisa f Georgian (Archaic), Spanish, Galician
Georgian and Spanish form of Basilissa.
Basilisco m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Basiliscus (see Basiliskos).
Bastían m Icelandic, Spanish
Icelandic and Spanish form of Bastian.
Bavão m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Bavo.
Bayardo m Spanish
Spanish form of Bayard used by Gabriel García Márquez for a character in his novella 'Chronicle of a Death Foretold' (1981).
Bayron m Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Byron, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Beato m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Galician form of Beatus and masculine form of Beata.
Beatris f Russian (Rare), Medieval Occitan, Medieval Spanish, Medieval Flemish, Czech (Rare), Breton, Provençal, Romansh, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Russian, Breton, Provençal, medieval Spanish and medieval Occitan form of Beatrix, a Czech and Romansh variant of that name and a Brazilian Portuguese variant of Beatriz.
Beatriza f Brazilian (Rare)
Elaborated form of Beatriz.
Bebela f Portuguese
Diminutive of Isabela.
Bebeto m Portuguese
Alternative diminutive of Alberto, Adalberto, Roberto and names ending with "-berto". People with this name includes famous footballer José Roberto Gama de Oliveira, known as Bebeto and volleyball player Paulo Roberto de Freitas, known as Bebeto de Freitas.
Bebiana f Portuguese
Variat of Bibiana.
Beca f Portuguese
Diminutive of Isabela.
Becas f & m Portuguese
Portuguese short form of Isabel, Rebeca, Bernardo, and other names with the "be" sound. It can also come from the word "bebé" (baby).
Beda f & m Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Finland Swedish, Finnish
Form of Bede in various languages. Beda is a feminine name in Sweden and Finland.
Bego f Spanish
Short form of Begoña.
Begonia f English (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Romani (Archaic)
From the name of a flowering plant, which was named for the French botanist Michel Bégon. In some cases it may be a variant of the Spanish Begoña.
Béia f Portuguese
Diminutive of Isabel and Isabela.
Beijamim m Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Variant of Benjamim derived from colloquial pronunciation.
Bel f English, Portuguese
Diminutive of Isabel.
Bel f Galician, Spanish (Rare)
Truncated form of Sabela and Isabel.
Bela f Georgian, Spanish, Portuguese
Georgian short form of Izabela as well as a Spanish and Portuguese short form of Isabela. Also compare the Portuguese adjective bela meaning "beautiful".... [more]
Belarmino m Spanish, Galician, Portuguese
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Bellarmino, the original Italian surname of Saint Roberto Bellarmine (1542-1621), a cardinal who is regarded as a Doctor of the Church... [more]
Belchior m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Melchior.
Beli f Spanish
Diminutive of Isabel.
Belica f Spanish
Diminutive of Isabel.
Belisario m Spanish, Italian (Rare)
Spanish and Italian form of Belisarius.
Belise f English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
English and Brazilian Portuguese adoption of Bélise.
Belita f Portuguese
Diminutive of Anabela.
Belkis f Spanish (Latin American), Spanish, Spanish (Caribbean)
Spanish borrowing of Bilqis. Bearers of this name include the late Cuban artist Belkis Ayón (1967-1999) and Cuban-American writer Belkis Cuza Malé (1942-).
Bella f Spanish
Means "beautiful, fair; lovely" in Spanish, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary, La Virgen de la Bella and Nuestra Señora de la Bella, meaning "The Virgin of the Beautiful" and "Our Lady of the Beautiful" respectively.... [more]
Bellamira f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Theatre
Probably derived from the Latin elements bella "beautiful" and mira "wondrous" (cf. Mirabella). This name belongs to a courtesan in the play The Jew of Malta (written c. 1589 or 1590) by English dramatist Christopher Marlowe.
Bello m Medieval Italian, Spanish
Short form of Jacobello or other names ending in bello. It is also associated with the Italian word meaning "beautiful, handsome".
Belmira f Portuguese
Most likely a version of Elmira 1, which derives from Edelmira, stemming from Adelmar, which combines the Germanic elements adal meaning "noble" and mari meaning "famous"... [more]
Belmiro m Portuguese
Meaning: handsome, good-looking... [more]
Belona f Lithuanian, Spanish, Portuguese
Lithuanian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Bellona.
Beltrán m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Bertram or Bertrand. It is sometimes given in reference to the 16th-century Spanish saint Louis Bertrand (known as Luis Beltrán in Spanish), a Dominican friar who preached in South America; he is called the "Apostle to the Americas".
Bendición f & m Spanish (Rare)
Means "blessing" in Spanish.
Benecio m Spanish
Benecio means blessed and is from Mexico.
Benemérito m Spanish (Archaic)
From Latin benemeritus, a combination of bene ("good") and meritus ("worthy"), meaning "good deserving".
Beni m & f Spanish
Short form of Benito, Benita, Benigno and Benigna.
Benicia f Spanish
Feminine form of Benicio.
Benilda f Filipino, Spanish, Polish (Rare)
Spanish variant and Polish form of the Germanic name Bernhilde, which came into common usage thanks to the martyr and saint Benilde de Córdoba (known as Saint Benildis in English, died circa 853).... [more]
Benilde f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Benilda.
Benja m Dutch, Spanish
Diminutive of Benjamin. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch actor Benja Bruijning (b. 1983).
Benjas m Spanish
Diminutive of Benjamín.
Benón m Spanish
Spanish form of Benno.
Ber m Spanish
Diminutive of Bernardino and Bernardo.
Bere f Spanish
Diminutive of Berenice.
Berenici f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Brazilian form of the name Berenice, reflecting the Brazilian pronunciation.
Berenilde f Portuguese (Brazilian), French (Rare)
Portuguese and French form of Bernhild.... [more]
Berilo m History (Ecclesiastical), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Portuguese form of Beryllus. The name coincides with Portuguese berilo "beryl".
Berna m Spanish
Diminutive of Bernabe.
Berna f Spanish
Short form of Bernardina or Bernarda.
Bernabe m Spanish (Latin American, Americanized, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Filipino (Hispanicized, Rare)
Unaccented form of Bernabé used mainly in America and the Philippines. It's also used in Brazil.... [more]
Bernabea f Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Bernabé.