South American Submitted Names

South American names include those from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ygnacio m Spanish (Archaic)
Medieval Spanish form of Ignacio.
Ygnés f Spanish (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Inés.
Yimi m & f Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Jimmy.
Ylvis m Spanish
Variant of Elvis.
Yma f Quechua (?)
Yma Sumac was the stage name of Peruvian soprano Zoila Augusta Emperatriz Chávarri del Castillo (1922-2008). She based it on her mother's name, which was derived from Quechua ima shumaq meaning "how beautiful!", although in interviews Sumac claimed it meant "beautiful girl" or "beautiful flower".... [more]
Yndiara f Brazilian
Yndiara Asp is a Brazilian skateboarder who participated in the Olympic Games, Tokyo 2021.
Yocasta f Greek Mythology (Hispanicized), Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish form of Jocasta, particularly used in the Dominican Republic.
Yodanis m & f Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Invented name, possibly combining Yolanda and Dani 2 or other names.
Yodiel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly of Hebrew origin - if it is, then the last element is derived from Hebrew el "God". Alternatively, this name may be made up from existing elements in the Spanish language, like Yotuel is... [more]
Yoduel m Spanish (Caribbean, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Probably a variant form of Yodiel or perhaps even of Yotuel.
Yohana f Indonesian, Amharic, Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Indonesian feminine form of Yohanes, Amharic form of Johanna, Spanish variant of Johana and Portuguese variant of Joana.
Yola f Spanish, English, Dutch
Short form of Yolanda and some of its variants (such as Yolande and Yolanthe).... [more]
Yolandita f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Yolanda.
Yolando m & f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Rare)
Masculine form of Yolanda. Known bearers include Yolando Mallozzi (1901-1968), a Brazilian artist, and Yolando Pino (1901-1992), a Chilean folklorist and academic.... [more]
Yoli f Spanish
Diminutive of Yolanda.
Yomar m & f Spanish (Latin American)
Invented name, possibly as a combination of the popular elements yo and mar, as a variant of Omar 1 or as a masculine form of Yomara.
Yónatan m Spanish (Modern)
Spanish form of Jonathan reflecting the English pronunciation.
Yone f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Brazilian Portuguese form of Ionia.
Yoneil m Spanish
A Dominican name.
Yoniel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Joniel. Also compare Yonuel. A known bearer of this name is Yoniel García, a Cuban life coach.
Yonier m Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning unknown. It may possibly be a variant form of Yanier or is otherwise related to it. Also compare Yoniel.... [more]
Yonuel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant spelling of Jonuel. Also compare Yoniel.
Yorbe m & f Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
This given name is strictly masculine in Flanders and the Netherlands, where it is a variant form of Yorben.... [more]
Yordano m Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Variant spelling of Jordano. A known bearer of this name was the Dominican professional baseball player Yordano Ventura (1991-2017).
Yordi m Spanish
Diminutive of Jorge or a variant spelling of Jordi.... [more]
Yoriel m Spanish (Caribbean, Rare), Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly of Hebrew origin - if it is, then the last element is derived from Hebrew el "God". Alternatively, this name may be made up from existing elements in the Spanish language, like Yotuel is.... [more]
Yorleny f Spanish (Latin American)
Apparently from the English phrase Yours Lenny, signed at the end of letters by a sailor named Lenny Smith to his Costa Rican wife, hence why usage of this name is mainly concentrated in that country.... [more]
Yosgart m Spanish (Rare)
Famous bearer: Mexican goalkeeper Yosgart Gutiérrez.
Yosua m Indonesian, Spanish (Modern)
Indonesian and Spanish form of Joshua reflecting the English pronunciation.
Yosuel m Spanish (Latin American)
Variant spelling of Josuel. Also compare Yosiel.
Yotuel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Mainly seen in Cuba, where there is a clear trend for parents to be creative with names. One might think one element of this name is derived from Hebrew el "God", but that is not so: rather, this name is made up of the Spanish pronouns yo "I", "you" and el "he"... [more]
Yovana f Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Spanish form of Giovanna, making it the feminine form of Yovani.
Yovany m Spanish
Spanish form of Giovanni.
Yoya f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Gloria.
Yoyi f Spanish
Diminutive of Yolanda.
Ysa f Spanish, Filipino
Diminutive of Ysabel, Ysabelle, and Ysabella.
Yucy f & m Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Chinese (Rare)
Variant transcription of Yuci.
Yudiel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
This name is most likely a combination of two given names, such as Yudith and Daniel (or an other Hebrew name that ends in -iel)... [more]
Yudier m Spanish (Latin American)
Meaning unknown. It may possibly be a variant form of Yadier or is otherwise related to it.... [more]
Yudith f Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Variant spelling of Judith. A known bearer of this name is Yudith Águila (b. 1972), a Cuban women's basketball player.
Yuli f Spanish (Latin American)
Spanish and Indonesian form of Julie reflecting the English pronunciation.
Yulimar f Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of Yuli and the suffix -mar, common in other names such as Gladimar, Leomar and Lilimar... [more]
Yulio m Indonesian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Indonesian variant of Yulius as well as a Spanish variant of Julio.
Yuna m Brazilian
In Brazilian Portuguese, it means "dark river", and is derived from Tupi 'y, water, + un, black.
Yupa f Aymara
Means "dear, appreciated" in Aymara.
Yupanqui m Quechua
Means "he who honours his ancestors" in Quechua.
Yupaycha f & m Aymara
Means "adore" in Aymara.
Yurac m & f Quechua
Means "white" in Quechua.
Yuraqmayu f Quechua
Means "white river" in Quechua.
Yurema f Spanish (Modern)
Spanish form of Jurema or possibly a variant of Yurena.
Yureymi f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Meaning uncertain, possibly an invented name based on the sounds found in other names such as Yeimy and Yurema.
Yurfa f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Possibly a transferred use of the surname Giurfa. This name is mainly used in Peru.
Yuri f Quechua
Means "dawn" in Quechua.
Yurith f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare)
Variant of Yurit. This name was present in the 1958 Atlantic Hurricane Season naming list, but remained unused.
Yusiel m Spanish (Caribbean), Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly of Hebrew origin - if it is, then the last element is derived from Hebrew el "God". Alternatively, this name may be made up from existing elements in the Spanish language, like Yotuel is.... [more]
Yusney m Portuguese (Brazilian, Americanized, Modern)
Uma pessoa que carrega consigo a graça de Deus e ilumina a vida daqueles ao seu redor
Yuvielka f Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Elaboration of Vielka with the prefix Yu-, used mainly in Nicaragua.
Zafiro f Spanish (Modern)
Spanish feminine name derived from the word zafiro meaning "sapphire". This is a modern coinage.
Zagreo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Zagreus.
Zagreu m Catalan, Portuguese
Catalan and Portuguese form of Zagreus.
Zaqueo m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Zacchaeus.
Zaqueu m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Zacchaeus.
Zaquiel m Spanish
A form of Zachaël (Zachael).
Zarco m Spanish (Rare)
This first name is predominantly found in South America, although it is not very common there: one is much more likely to encounter the name as a surname there instead. Because of that, it is possible that the bearers' parents were inspired to give their sons the surname as a first name, just like it is done in English-speaking countries these days... [more]
Zayra f Spanish
Variant of Zaira.
Zebedeo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Zebedee.
Zeca m Portuguese
Diminutive of José or the double name José Carlos.
Zedequias m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Tzidqiyyahu (see Zedekiah) via its hellenized form Zedekias.
Zedu m Portuguese
A diminutive of the composed name José Eduardo, formed by combining and Du.
Zeferina f Spanish (Mexican), Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Zephyrine.
Zéfiro m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Zephyr.
Zelia f Basque (Rare), English (Rare), Portuguese
Basque form and English variant of Celia as well as a Portuguese variant of Zélia. It may also be the Latinate form of Zélie.
Zelmira f Theatre, Italian (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Form of Želimira and a feminine form of Gelmir. This name belongs to the title character of a Rossini opera; Zelmira (1822) was based on the play Zelmire (1762) by the French playwright de Belloy, about a princess of Lesbos who must save her father and husband from evil political machinations.
Zemi f Portuguese
A diminutive of the composed name José Maria, formed by combining and Mi.
Zenadia f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Possibly an altered form of Zenaida.
Zenão m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Zeno or Zenon.
Zenilda f Portuguese (Brazilian), Portuguese (African)
Combination of and Nilda or else a variant of Zeneide.
Zenobio m Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (Rare)
Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian masculine form of Zenobia.
Zenodoro m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Zenodorus.
Zenón m Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Galician (Rare), Aragonese, Kashubian
Spanish, Galician, Aragonese and Kashubian form of Zenon.
Zequinha m Portuguese
Portuguese diminutive of José.
Zétó m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed name José António, formed by combining and .
Zetta f Italian (Archaic), Portuguese
A diminutive of Rosetta or for names such as Lizette and Suzette.
Zeuxipo m Spanish
Spanish form of Zeuxippus.
Zevi m Portuguese
Diminutive of the composed names José Vítor or José Vicente, formed by combining and Vi.
Zeza f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria José.
Zezinho m Portuguese
Diminutive of Jose.
Zico m Brazilian
Nickname (stage name?) of soccer coach and footballer Arthur Antunes Coimbra.
Zilma f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Variant of Zilmar. Alternatively, it may be derived from Persian zilmat "dark, darkness".
Zilmar f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Variant of Solimar or Celimar or possibly formed from azul and mar, in which case it would literally mean "blue sea".
Zinaíde f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Zenaida.
Zípora f Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Zipporah.
Zito m Italian, Brazilian
Male form of Zita 1.
Zoa f English (Rare), Spanish (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinate variant of Zoe. The Christian martyr Zoe of Rome is sometimes referred to as Saint Zoa.
Zohemy f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Central American (Rare)
Possibly an invented name, rhyming with Nohemi.
Zonda f Spanish (Latin American), Indigenous American
Name of a specific type of fast, dry mountain wind in Argentina. The name comes from a valley in San Juan Province, Argentina. Both the valley and the wind are related to an Indigenous people Ullum-Zonda similar to the Huarpe people.
Zoraima f Spanish (Latin American)
Invented name combining Zoraida and Moraima.
Zorimel f Spanish (Latin American)
Derived partly from the name Zoraida. The name Zorimel originated in Puerto Rico and means "mesmerizing golden light."
Zósimo m Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
Spanish, Galician and Portuguese form of Zosimos via Zosimus.... [more]
Zótico m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Zotikos (via Zoticus).
Zotico m Italian (Archaic), Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Zotikos (via Zoticus).
Zózimo m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Zosimus.
Zuleica f Spanish (Rare), Portuguese, Italian
Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of Zuleika.
Zuleide f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Likely a variant of Zuleica.
Zulia f Spanish (Latin American)
One of the 23 states of Venezuela. Zulia can also be used as a variant to the name Julia.
Zulieth f Spanish (Latin American, Modern, Rare)
Invented name, likely inspired by names such as Zulema and Julieth.
Zulimar f Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of the given names Zuli or Zulema with the suffix -mar, present in other names such as Gladimar, Yulimar and Lilimar.
Zully f Spanish (Latin American)
In the case of the Argentine actress Zully Moreno (1920-1999), it was a diminutive of Zulema.
Zurisadai m & f Biblical Spanish, Spanish (Mexican), Biblical Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Spanish and Portuguese form of Zurishaddai. In Latin America it is unisex, though predominantly feminine.
Zury f Spanish (Latin American, Modern)
Variant of Zuri used predominately in Latin America.