OthonielmBiblical, Biblical Latin Form of Othniel used in the Douay-Rheims Bible (1582-1610), the Clementine Vulgate (1592) and the Nova Vulgata ("Neo-Vulgate", 1979). The latter two are respectively the former and current official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church.
OttiwellmAnglo-Norman, English (British, Rare) From Otuel, which was a diminutive of the Norman names Otoïs, meaning literally "wealth-wide" or "wealth-wood" (from the Germanic elements aud "wealth, fortune" and wid "wide" or witu "wood"), and Otewi, meaning literally "wealth-war" (in which the second element is wig "war")... [more]
Owisò:konfMohawk Means "under ice" in Mohawk. Mohawk names are created uniquely for each individual and are not to be repeated while the bearer is living. There is currently a living bearer of this name.
OxathresmOld Persian (Hellenized), History Hellenized form of the Ghata Avestan male name Huxšathra, which is said to be a distinct Zoroastrian name. It is probably related to Old Persian Vaxšuvadarva (see Oxyartes), which is why Oxathres (and its variant form Oxyathres) are often confused with Oxyartes (and its variant form Oxartes)... [more]
OxyartesmOld Persian (Hellenized), History Hellenized form of the Old Persian male name Vaxšuvarda (also seen spelled as Vakhshuvarda), which was derived from older Persian Vaxšuvadarva. At the moment, it is still unknown to me what the original meaning of this name was in Persian... [more]
OxymenesmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective ὀξύς (oxys) meaning "sharp, keen, pointed" as well as "quick, swift" combined with the Greek noun μένος (menos) meaning "mind" as well as "spirit" and "power, strength, force".
OxyporosmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective ὀξυπόρος (oxyporos) meaning "passing rapidly". It consists of the Greek adjective ὀξύς (oxys) meaning "sharp, keen, pointed" as well as "quick, swift" combined with the Greek noun πόρος (poros) meaning "passage, passage-way" as well as "ford, strait, ferry" (as in, a means of passing over a body of water).
OxytheusmLate Greek (Latinized), Late Roman Latinized form of the Greek name Ὀξύθεος (Oxytheos), which was derived from the Greek adjective ὀξύς (oxys) meaning "sharp, keen, pointed" as well as "quick, swift" combined with the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god".... [more]
OyabradefIjaw Means "I have forgotten my worries" in Ijaw.
Oybo'stonfUzbek Derived from oy meaning "moon" and bo'ston meaning "garden".
OychamanfUzbek Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chaman meaning "field of flowers, flower garden".
OychehrafUzbek Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chehra meaning "face".
OychevarfUzbek Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and chevar meaning "master seamstress".
OychillafUzbek Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chilla refering to specific days in the year or a person's life - the forty hottest or coldest days of the year, the forty days following a child's birth, the forty days following a person's marriage, or a religious rite involving forty days of seclusion and prayer.
OychiroqfUzbek Derived from oy meaning "moon" and chiroq meaning "lamp, light", also an endearing term for children.
OydavlatfUzbek Derived from Uzbek oy meaning "moon" and davlat meaning "wealth" or "fortune, happiness".
PacatianmHistory From the Roman cognomen Pacatianus of unknown origin. This was the name of the 3rd-Century Roman usurper during the time of Philip the Arab whose full name was Tiberius Claudius Marinus Pacatianus. The 4th-century Roman governor of Britain is also known by this name in the English language.
PacianusmLate Roman, History (Ecclesiastical) Late Latin name, a derivative of Latin pax "peace" (genitive pacis). This name was borne by a 4th-century Spanish saint, a bishop of Barcelona who is mentioned in Jerome's De Viris Illustribus (which is dedicated to Saint Pacianus's son, Nummius Aemilianus Dexter).
PacumenimMormon Son of Pahoran fifth Nephite chief judge (c. 52 BC), brother of Pahoran, the son of Pahoran, and a contender for the judgement-seat over the people of Nephi. After the death of his brother Pahoran, Pacumeni acquired the judgement-seat, but he didn't keep it long; for the land was being invaded by Lamanites, and Coriantumr, a large and mighty man and descendant of Zarahemla and dissenter from the Nephites, caught Pacumeni in his attempt to run away, and killed him at the city walls... [more]
PahlavonmTajik (Rare), Uzbek Tajik and Uzbek form of the medieval Persian name Pahlavan, which was derived from the Persian noun پهلوان (pahlavan) meaning "hero, paladin, champion".... [more]
PahnineemPaiute Of uncertain meaning. This was the original Paiute name of the war leader known to the English-speaking world as Chief Paulina (died 1867).
PäivätärfFinnish Mythology The Finnish goddess of the sun, who is associated with silver, silver yarn and beauty. Her name is derived from päivä meaning "day" and an old poetic term for the sun, and the feminine ending -tar.
PäivikkifFinnish Variant of Päivi, which derives from the Finnish word päivä, "a day".
PalaimonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek verb παλαιμονέω (palaimoneo) meaning "to wrestle, to fight", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb παλαίω (palaio) meaning "to wrestle"... [more]
PamphilefAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Feminine form of Pamphilos. This was the name of a legendary woman who invented silk weaving on the Greek island of Kos. A historic bearer was Pamphile of Epidaurus, a 1st-century historian who was much esteemed in antiquity for her Historical Commentaries... [more]
PampineafLiterature Derived from Latin pampineus meaning "garlanded with vine-leaves, flourishing". The Italian novelist Boccaccio used this name in his work The Decameron (1350), where it belongs to one of the seven young women at the heart of the story (alongside Fiammetta, Filomena, Emilia, Lauretta, Neifile, and Elissa).... [more]
PanchalifIndian Means "from the kingdom of Panchala" in Sanskrit. This is an epithet of Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas in the Indian epic the Mahabharata.... [more]
PandarusmGreek Mythology (Latinized), Literature, Theatre Latinized form of Greek Πάνδαρος (Pandaros), which was possibly derived from παν (pan) "all" and an uncertain second element. This is the name of a mythical archer who appears in stories of the Trojan War, and "who by an arrow-shot violates the truce between the Trojans and Greeks, and is afterwards slain by Diomedes." In Homer's 'Iliad' he is portrayed as an energetic and impetuous warrior, but in medieval literature he becomes a witty and licentious figure who facilitates the affair between Troilus and Cressida... [more]
Pandemosf & mGreek Mythology From Greek πάνδημος (pandemos) meaning "of all people, belonging to all people; public, common", composed of πᾶν (pan) "all" and δῆμος (demos) "the people"... [more]
PandoreafEnglish (Australian) A genus of climbing vines native to Australasia. Named after Pandora from Greek mythology, because the plant's tightly packed seed pod recalls the myth of "Pandora's box".
PandwynafHistory (Ecclesiastical) This was the name of an obscure saint, who may have been a virgin martyr; Pandwyna (died ca. 904) was a nun at Eltisley in Cambridgeshire, England.
PanehesymAncient Egyptian From Egyptian pꜣ-nḥsj meaning "the Nubian" (see Phinehas). This was the name of two ancient Egyptian priests and one vizier.
PanopaeafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Πανοπαία (Panopaia), which is a variant form of Panope. In Greek mythology, Panopaea was the name of one of the Nereids.
PanopeusmGreek Mythology Masculine form of Panope. In Greek mythology, Panopeus and his twin brother Crisus were sons of Phocus.
PantenormAncient Greek The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek adverb πάντῃ (pantei) meaning "(in) every way, on every side" or the Greek adverb πάντως (pantos) meaning "in all ways"... [more]
PanthousmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Πάνθοος (Panthoos), derived from πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and θοός (thoos) meaning "swift" (from the verb θέω (theô) "to run")... [more]
PapnoutemCoptic (Sahidic) Derived from Egyptian pa-ph-nuti meaning "the (man) of God" or "he who belongs to God".
PaquettefLiterature, Theatre, French (Rare) Feminine form of Pasquet or Paquet, medieval French pet forms of Pascal. Folk etymology links the name with modern French paquet (Middle French pacquet) "parcel, package"... [more]
ParadisefEnglish (Rare) From the English word meaning "heaven, the garden of Eden", ultimately from Avestan pairidaēza "enclosure, park" (compare the cognate Firdaus).
ParadzaimShona Paradzai means "destroy". This is possibly addressing an adversary challenging them to destroy what you have if they can".
ParamitafIndian, Sanskrit Means "perfection, completeness" in Sanskrit. In Buddhism, the pāramitās refer to the perfection or culmination of certain virtues. In Buddhism, these virtues are cultivated as a way of purification, purifying karma and helping the aspirant to live an unobstructed life, while reaching the goal of enlightenment.
ParchaoyfUzbek Derived from Uzbek parcha meaning "piece, fragment" or a type of brocade and oy meaning "moon".
PardagulfUzbek Derived from Uzbek parda meaning "screen, curtain" and gul meaning "rose, flower".
ParekuramMaori Means "battle, battlefield" in Maori. A notable bearer of this name is the Maori politician Parekura Horomia (1950-2013) from New Zealand.
ParichatfThai Means "erythrina (a type of flower)" in Thai.
ParidellmArthurian Cycle, Literature Paridell is a knight who appears in Books 3 and 4 of "The Faerie Queene". He briefly falls in love with Hellenore and has a superficial friendship with Blandamour.
ParikhanfArmenian Derived from the Persian word پریخوان (parixân) meaning "a person who summons or conjures a jinn or peri". Used from the 16th century.
PariqushfUzbek Derived from pari meaning "fairy" and qush meaning "bird".
ParjanyamHinduism, Sanskrit Parjanya, according to the Vedas, is a deity of rain, thunder, lightning, and the one who fertilizes the earth. It is another epithet of Indra, the Vedic deity of the sky and heaven.
ParmenasmAncient Greek, Biblical Derived from the Greek verb παρμένω (parmeno), which is a poetic form of the Greek verb παραμένω (parameno) meaning "to stay beside" or "to stand fast, to stand one's ground"... [more]
ParmenonmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek verb παρμένω (parmeno), which is a poetic form of the Greek verb παραμένω (parameno) meaning "to stay beside" or "to stand fast, to stand one's ground"... [more]