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Gender Masculine
Scripts Ὀθρυονεύς(Ancient Greek)

Meaning & History

The meaning of this name is a bit uncertain. If it is derived from only one element, then it possibly basically means "of Mount Othrys", derived from Greek Όθρυς (Othrys), the name of the mountain. In Greek mythology, Mount Othrys was the base of the Titans during the ten-year war with the Olympian gods. The mountain's name is possibly derived from the obscure Greek verb ὀθρεῖν (othrein) meaning "to lead". But if the name Othryoneus is a compound name, then the etymology of the first element is ultimately the same as just described, although it would then be more likely to refer to just the verb othrein, rather than the mountain. The second element would possibly have been derived from Greek ὀνή (onē) meaning "help", which would then give the whole name roughly the meaning of "leading help" or "helpful leading". In Greek mythology, Othryoneus was a suitor of princess Cassandra of Troy during the Trojan War.
Added 3/10/2013 by Lucille