EldliljafIcelandic (Modern, Rare) Combination of the Old Norse name elements eldr "fire" and lilja "lily". This is also the Nordic name of a Chinese lily (flower, Lat. Lilium davidii).
EldridgemEnglish From an English surname which was derived from the given name Eldric.
EleanourfEnglish (Rare, Archaic) Variant of Eleanor. This name was borne by Eleanour Sophy Sinclair Rohde (1881–1950), a British gardener, garden designer, and horticultural writer.
Elemmírëf & mLiterature The name Elemmírë was a Quenya word that meant "star jewel", which comes from the words elen, meaning "star" and mírë, meaning "jewel". The form of the word does not specify gender.... [more]
ElerrinafLiterature Sindarin name invented by J.R.R. Tolkien; it is one of the names of the highest mountain in Arda (the Earth). It means: crowned with stars. The other name is Taniquetil. It is mentioned in 'Silmarillion'.
EleuthermGreek Mythology From Greek ἐλεύθερος (eleutheros) meaning "free". In Greek mythology Eleuther was the son of the god Apollo and Aithusa or Aethusa... [more]
ElghaliafArabic (Maghrebi, Rare) Means "the expensive (one)" from Arabic غَالِيَّة (ḡāliyya) meaning "expensive, dear, precious". A known bearer is Elghalia Djimi (1961-), a Sahrawi human rights activist.
EliandromPortuguese (Brazilian) This given name is predominantly used in Brazil. Seeing as it is fairly common in especially Latin-American countries for parents to give their child a name that is a combination of their own names, this name is probably a combination of a name starting with Eli- (such as Elisabete) with a name ending in -andro (such as Leandro).... [more]
EliasaphmBiblical Means "God has added" or "God increases the family" in Hebrew, derived from Hebrew el "God" and yasáph "to add". This was the name of two minor biblical characters; one was a son of Deuel, and the other was a son of Lael.
EliathahmBiblical, Hebrew Means "God comes (to him)" or "to whom God will come", derived from Hebrew el "God" and atháh "to come, to bring". In the bible, this was the name of one of the many sons of Heman the Levite.
ElisannafMedieval French Of uncertain origin and meaning. A current theory considers the name a Romance construction made by truncating Elizabeth arbitrarily to Elis-, and then augmenting with an arbitrary ending.
ElisettafTheatre, Italian (Rare) Contracted form of Elisabetta. It was used for one of the main characters in Cimarosa's opera Il matrimonio segreto (The Secret Marriage) which debuted in 1792.
ElistinafKalmyk From Elista, the name of the capital city of the Republic of Kalmykia in southern Russia. The city's name is ultimately derived from Kalmyk элсн (elsn) meaning "sand, sandy".
Elizoharf & mHebrew (Modern, Rare) Means "my God is brilliant" or "my God is shining" in Hebrew, a combination of Eli 2 and Zohar. Used both as first name and surname.
ElkhasaímOld Persian (Hellenized, Archaic, ?) Meaning uncertain. This was the name of the alleged founder of the Elcesaites, an ancient Jewish Christian sect in Lower Mesopotamia
EllalinefEnglish (Rare) Combination of the name Ella 1 and the suffix -line. This name was borne by popular British actress and singer Ellaline Terriss (born Mary Ellaline Lewin,1871 – 1971).
ElliettefEnglish (Rare) Although this name presumably started out as a borrowing of French Éliette (the spelling being influenced by names such as Ellinor, Ella 1 and, later, Elle), it is now generally understood as a feminine form of Elliott.
EllimerefLiterature Invented by Garth Nix for the Old Kingdom trilogy. Ellimere was the daughter of King Touchstone and Abhorsen Sabriel, and princess of the Old Kingdom.
ElysandefGermanic A medieval Germanic name, meaning "temple path," that likely originates from Visigothic elements: alah, signifying temple or hall, and sind, denoting path, travel, journey, or way. It is among several variants of the name Alasind, with alternative spellings such as Elisende, Elisenda, Elysant, Elisent, and Helisent.
EmanuilomSerbian Emanuilo is variant of Emanuel, one of Jesus Christ names, means God with us.
EmaobongfEfik Means "love of God" in Efik, derived from ema meaning "love" and obong meaning "God".
EmathionmGreek Mythology Derived from the Homeric Greek adjective ἠμαθόεις (emathoeis) meaning "sandy", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun ἄμαθος (amathos) meaning "sand, dust, sandy soil"... [more]
EmayatzyfObscure In the case of American actress Emayatzy Corinealdi (1980-) her name was invented by her Panamanian-born father as a combination of Emma, the name of her maternal grandmother, with Yatzy, allegedly the name of a princess from Panama (perhaps a misunderstanding of Anayansi).
EmerentzfPolabian, German (Archaic) Possibly a German and Polabian form of Emerentiana. A notable bearer was Emerentz Schultze (1668-1756), the last known speaker of the Polabian language.