Esenmendm & fMongolian Means "healthy, safe" in Mongolian, from эсэн (esen) meaning "healthy, good health" and мэнд (mend) meaning "health, well-being".
EstomihimEastern African, Indonesian The name is derived from the name of the sunday 50 days before easter. The Latin words Esto mihi are the first two words of Psalm 31:3 and mean "Thou art to me".
EstragonmTheatre Estragon is one of the two protagonists in Samuel Beckett's play Waiting for Godot. Estragon is a normal French word meaning "tarragon".
EteandermAncient Greek (Latinized), History Latinized form of the given name Ἐτέανδρος (Eteandros). This was the name of a king of the city-kingdom of Paphos (located on the Greek island of Cyprus), who lived in the early 7th century BC... [more]
EteoclusmGreek Mythology A son of Iphis, was, according to some traditions, one of the seven heroes who went with Adrastus against Thebes. He had to make the attack upon the Neitian gate, where he was opposed by Megareus. (Aeschyl... [more]
EteoklesmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "true glory", derived from Greek ἐτεός (eteos) "true, genuine, real" combined with Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory".
EternityfEnglish (Modern, Rare) From the English word eternity meaning "existence without end; infinite time", ultimately from Latin aeternitas. Use of the name has been influenced by the brand of perfume called Eternity, which was introduced by Calvin Klein in 1988.
EðellosfLiterature Eðellos was the wife of Angrod, second son of Finarfin, and grandmother of Finduilas and Gil-galad, the last High King of the Ñoldor in the Second Age.
Ethelwynm & fEnglish Derived from the Old English masculine name Æðelwine. When many Old English names were revived in the 19th century, it saw use as a feminine name, probably due to its similarity to the popular name Ethel... [more]
EthiopiafAfrican American, English From the name of the African country. From Greek Αιθιοπια (Aithiopia), derived from αιθω (aitho) meaning "to burn" and ωψ (ops) meaning "face", referring to the skin colour of the inhabitants.
EthodaiafGreek Mythology Possibly related to ἦθος (êthos) meaning “character; custom, habit” in Ancient Greek.
EthylenefEnglish (Rare) Elaboration of Ethel using the popular suffix -ene. See also Etheline. Unfortunately, this spelling is also the spelling of the chemical compound ethylene, a plant hormone.
EtruscusmAncient Roman A Roman nomen meaning "Etruscan" in Latin, with the etymology uncertain. It could be related to Latin Etruria, an ancient country in the Italian Peninsula, the home of Etruscans. Herennius Etruscus (220-251) was briefly Roman emperor in 251, ruling jointly under his father Decius.
EtsunorimJapanese From Japanese 悦 (etsu) meaning "ecstasy" combined with 敬 (nori) "respect, honor, reverence" or 象 (nori) meaning "elephant". Other kanji combinations can be used.
EtsuyasumJapanese From 悦 (etsu) meaning "delight, pleasure, rejoicing" or 越 (etsu) meaning "crossing" combined with 也 (ya) meaning "to be", and 寿 (su) meaning "longevity, long life"... [more]
EtsuyukimJapanese From 越 (etsu) meaning "crossing" or 悦 (etsu) meaning "joy, pleased", and 通 (yuki) meaning "pass through", 千 (yuki) meaning "thousand", 晋 (yuki) meaning "to proceed, Jin of China" or 進 (yuki) meaning "advance, make progress, enter"... [more]
EtthipulmKhmer Means "greatness, power, influence" in Khmer.
EuagorasmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek verb εὐαγορέω (euagoreo) meaning "to praise formally", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek verb ἀγορεύω (agoreuo) meaning "to orate, to speak publicly".... [more]
EuanthesmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from Greek εὐανθής (euanthês) meaning "blooming, flowery". It is the masculine equivalent of Euanthe. This name occurs in the 'Odyssey' belonging to the father of Maron, a priest of Apollo at Ismarus in Thrace.
EuboulosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὔβουλος (euboulos) meaning "well-advised, prudent", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek noun βουλή (boule) meaning "counsel, advice" as well as "will, determination".... [more]
EucharesmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὐχαρής (euchares), which is a rare variant of the Greek adjective εὔχαρις (eucharis) meaning "charming, gracious" (see Eucharis).
Eucharisf & mAncient Greek, Literature, Nigerian (Rare) Derived from the Greek adjective εὔχαρις (eucharis) meaning "charming, gracious". It consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek noun χάρις (charis) meaning "grace, kindness" (see Chares).... [more]
EuchenormAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun εὐχή (euche) meaning "prayer, wish" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man".... [more]
EudaimonmGreek Mythology, Late Greek Derived from Greek ευ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with Greek δαίμων (daimon) meaning "god, goddess, divine power, spirit". Also compare Greek εὐδαιμονία (eudaimonia) (derived from the same two roots), which is the name for the Greek concept of happiness... [more]
EuddogwymMedieval Welsh Euddogwy is the name of a 6th century male Welsh saint. His name is sometimes Latinized as Oudoceus.
EukarpiafAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun εὐκαρπία (eukarpia) meaning "fruitfulness", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" and the Greek noun καρπός (karpos) meaning "fruit".... [more]
EukarposmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὔκαρπος (eukarpos) meaning "fruitful", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek noun καρπός (karpos) meaning "fruit".
EukeladefGreek Mythology, Astronomy The name of one of Jupiter's moons. It was named in 2005, allegedly after a mythological character described by some Greek writers as one of the Muses.
EukratesmAncient Greek Means "power of good", derived from Greek ευ (eu) "good, well" combined with Greek κρατος (kratos) "power."
EulabeiafGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek noun εὐλάβεια (eulabeia) meaning "discretion, caution". In Greek mythology, Eulabeia was the spirit and personification of discretion, caution and circumspection.
EulabiosmLate Greek, History (Ecclesiastical) Derived from the Greek noun εὐλάβεια (eulabeia) meaning "discretion, caution" (see Eulabeia). Also compare the Greek adjective εὐλαβής (eulabes) meaning "taking hold well, holding fast, clinging" as well as "discreet, cautious, undertaking prudently".
EulimenefGreek Mythology Eulimene ( Eulimenê means 'she of good haven' or 'good-harbour-woman') was the name of two characters in Greek mythology.... [more]
EumolposmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὔμολπος (eumolpos) meaning "sweetly singing", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" and the Greek noun μολπή (molpe) meaning "song, dance".
EunapiosmAncient Greek Means "person from the good glen" in Greek, from Ancient Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good" combined with νάπη (nape) meaning "woodland vale, dell, glen" and suffix -ιος (ios).
EunapiusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Eunapios. This was the name of a 4th-century Greek sophist, rhetorician, and historian from Sardis in the region of Lydia in Asia Minor.
Eun-byeolfKorean From Sino-Korean 恩 (eun) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" or 銀 (eun) meaning "silver" combined with Korean 별 (Byeol) meaning "star".
EunchangmKorean From 恩 (eun) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" or 銀 "silver" and Sino-Korean 昌 "light of sun; good, proper".
Eun-gwangmKorean From Sino-Korean 恩 "kindness, mercy, charity" and 光 "light, brilliant, shine; only".
EunoicusmLate Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Eunoikos. This name is best known for being the name of one of the forty martyrs of Sebaste (which is nowadays Sivas in Turkey), who all died in 320 AD.
EunoikosmLate Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὐνοικός (eunoikos) meaning "well-disposed, kindly, favorable". Also compare the very similar-looking Greek adjective ἔνοικος (enoikos) meaning "inhabitant", which is derived from the Greek verb ἐνοικέω (enoikeo) meaning "to dwell in", itself ultimately derived from the Greek noun οἶκος (oikos) meaning "house".... [more]
EuphemosmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Means "reputable" or "uttering sounds of good omen" in Greek, ultimately derived from εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" and φήμη (pheme) meaning "rumour, fame, reputation" or "prophetic voice, oracle".
EuphoniafEnglish From the name of the Euphonia bird, a tanager of the genus Tanagra.
EuphoriafEnglish (American, Modern, Rare), Obscure From the English word meaning "feeling of intense happiness, state of joy", originally a medical Latin term meaning "condition of feeling healthy and comfortable (especially when sick)". It comes from Greek εὐφορία (euphoria) "power of enduring easily", from εὔφορος (euphoros) "bearing well, able to endure, patient", ultimately from εὖ (eu) "good, well" and φέρω (phero) "to bear".... [more]
EupleiosmAncient Greek Derived from Greek ἐύπλειος (eupleios) meaning "well-filled", which is derived from Greek ευ (eu) meaning "good, well" and Greek πλεῖος (pleios) or πλέως (pleos), which both mean "full, filled"... [more]
EuploionmAncient Greek Essentially means "good ship", derived from Greek ευ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with Greek πλοῖον (ploion) meaning "floating vessel, ship, boat".
EupomposmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὔπομπος (eupompos) meaning "well-conducting", which consists of Greek εὖ (eu) meaning "good, well" combined with the Greek verb πομπεύω (pompeuo) meaning "to conduct, to escort"... [more]
EurycleafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Eurykleia. In Greek mythology, Euryclea was the wet nurse of Odysseus' son Telemachus. She was the first to recognize Odysseus when he returned to Ithaca after the Trojan War.
EuryclesmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Eurykles. Known bearers of this name include the Olympic victor Eurycles of Laconia (6th century BC) and the Spartan ruler Gaius Julius Eurycles (1st century BC).
EurycydafGreek Mythology (Latinized) Derived from Greek εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "broad" and κῦδος (kydos) meaning "glory". This was the name of an Elean princess in Greek mythology, the daughter of King Endymion of Elis.
EuryklesmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
EuryleonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun λέων (leon) meaning "lion". This name was borne by a Spartan tyrant of Selinus, who lived in the 6th century BC.... [more]
EurymedefGreek Mythology Feminine form of Eurymedes. In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the daughters of king Oeneus of Calydon.
EurynomefGreek Mythology Feminine form of Eurynomos. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, including a sea deity and a queen.
EuryphonmAncient Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun φωνή (phone) meaning "voice" as well as "sound, tone".... [more]
EurypylefGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective εὐρύς (eurys) meaning "wide, broad" combined with the Greek noun πύλη (pyle) meaning "gate, entrance".... [more]
EurytionmGreek Mythology Derived from Greek εὐρὺς (eurys) meaning "wide". This name was borne by at least four characters in Greek mythology, one of them being a son of Ares and two others being centaurs.
EustolosmLate Greek Derived from the Greek adjective εὔστολος (eustolos), which is equivalent to the Greek adjective εὐσταλής (eustales) meaning "well-equipped". Also compare the Greek nouns στολή (stole) and στόλος (stolos), which both mean "equipment".... [more]
EutharicmGermanic, History The meaning and origin of the first element is rather uncertain: we know that it comes from eutha, but we don't exactly know where eutha itself comes from. But there are a few possibilities... [more]
EutheniafGreek Mythology Derived from Greek εὐθηνία (euthenia) meaning "prosperity, plenty, abundance". In Greek mythology Euthenia was the personification of abundance and plenty.
EutychesmGreek Ancient greek name given to a presbyter and archimandrite of a monastery near Constantinople, first mentioned in 431. Eutyches was famous for his teachings about Jesus Christ devine nature.
EvabellefEnglish A combination of Eva and the ending -belle popular in feminine names
EvaechmefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Εὐαίχμη (Euaichme), which was composed of Greek εὐ- (eu-) meaning "good" and αἰχμή (aichme) "point of a spear, battle". In Greek mythology this name was borne by a daughter of Herakles' son Hyllos.
EvagriusmAncient Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Εὐάγριος (Euagrios), which was derived from Greek εὔαγρος (euagros) meaning "lucky in the chase, blessed with success".
EvalottefSwedish (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare) Combination of Eva and Lotte. The variant Eva-Lotta was used by Swedish author Astrid Lindgren in her Kalle Blomkvist series of books (1946, 1951, 1953), where it belongs to a friend of the central character.