BędzimirmPolish The first element of this name is derived from Polish będzie "will be"; it is the third-person singular future tense of the verb być "to be". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Beg'amgulfUzbek Derived from the Uzbek beg'am meaning "carefree" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
BegtabegmGeorgian (Archaic) Derived from the Ottoman Turkish gubernatorial title بكلربكی (beglerbegi) meaning "bey of the beys" or "head of the beys". In turn, it is derived from the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".... [more]
BehechiomTaíno Name of the king,cacique of the kingdom of Xaragua in Hispaniola. He was the older brother of Anacaona.
BeheshtafAfghan Derived from the Persian noun بهشت (behesht) meaning "paradise, heaven". A known bearer of this name is the Afghan news anchor Beheshta Arghand.
BekbolatmKazakh From the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master" combined with Kazakh болат (bolat) meaning "steel" (of Persian origin).
BekbolotmKyrgyz From the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master" combined with Kyrgyz болот (bolot) meaning "steel".
BekmuratmKyrgyz, Kazakh From the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master" combined with the given name Murat.
BeksoltamChechen Derived from the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master" combined with the Arabic title سُلْطَان (sulṭān) meaning "sultan, king, ruler".
BektemirmKyrgyz From the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master" combined with Kyrgyz темир (temir) meaning "iron".
BelacquamLiterature Possibly from a contraction of Bevilacqua, an Italian surname that was originally a nickname derived from the expression bevi l'acqua meaning "drinks water", probably applied ironically to a heavy drinker of alcohol... [more]
BelaynehmEastern African, Amharic It is an Amharic expression, which means "the new child is above all others". From the Amharic elements በላይ (belay) meaning "above" and ነህ (Neh) means "you".... [more]
BelcalisfCaribbean (Rare) Possibly an elaboration of Belkis. This is the real name of American rapper, songwriter and television personality Cardi B (1992-), born Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar to Caribbean immigrants (a Dominican father and a Trinidadian mother).
BelendiamAmharic Means "say it out loud" or "do it right" in Amharic.
Belet-ilifNear Eastern Mythology Means "lady of the gods" or "mother of the gods" in Akkadian, deriving from the elements beltu ("lady, mistress") and ilu ("god, deity"). It is another name for the mother goddess Ninhursag.
BelfantemMedieval Italian Derived from Italian bel fante meaning "fair child", which consists of the Italian adjective bello meaning "fair, beautiful" and the Italian noun fante, a medieval variant of the (now dated and rare) Italian noun infante meaning "infant, child"... [more]
BelisamafCeltic Mythology Belisama was a goddess worshipped in ancient Gaul and Britain, associated with lakes and rivers, fire, crafts and light, who was identified with Minerva in the interpretatio romana... [more]
BelislavmBulgarian From old Slavic bělъ meaning "white", possibly also idiomatically "good", and slava meaning "glory".
BellariafLiterature Perhaps derived from Latin bellare meaning "to fight". This name was used by Robert Greene for a character in his prose romance 'Pandosto: The Triumph of Time' (1588). It was also used by Henry Fielding in his play 'The Temple Beau' (1730), and by Aaron Hill (1685-1750) in his poem 'Bellaria, at her Spinnet'.
BellottefLiterature, French (Rare, Archaic) Derived from French belle meaning "beautiful". This is the name of Laidronette's sister in Madame d'Aulnoy's fairy tale The Green Serpent.
Bēl-ṣarbimNear Eastern Mythology, Akkadian Means "lord of the poplar", deriving from the Akkadian elements bēlu ("boss, chief, master, lord") and ṣarbat (deriving from a place name, that presumably later became associated with groves of trees... [more]
BeneathafTheatre Meaning unknown, possibly invnted from the English word "beneath" and the feminine suffix "a". Beneatha Younger is character in the play "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry.
BeneharomSpanish (Canarian) The name of a late 15th-century Guanche king of Anaga on the island of Tenerife (present-day Canary Islands, Spain) according to the epic poem Antigüedades de las Islas Afortunadas de la Gran Canaria (1604) by Antonio de Viana... [more]
BenemiasmArthurian Cycle A knight saved from the prison of Eskalibon of Belamunt (Eskilabon) by Arthur’s Sir Garel. In return, he served Garel in the war against King Ekunaver of Kanadic, and was eventually awarded a seat at the Round Table.
BenihimefJapanese From Japanese 紅 (beni) meaning "crimson" combined with 姫 (hime) meaning "princess". Other kanji combinations are possible.
BenimarumJapanese (Rare) From Japanese 紅 (beni) meaning "crimson" combined with 丸 (maru) meaning "round, circle". ... [more]
BeniosusmArthurian Cycle In the Icelandic Saga af Tristram ok Ísodd, a king who managed to wrest control of Tristan’s homeland, Spain, during the chaos that followed the defeat of Biríng, Tristan’s foster-father, at the hands of King Turnes of Africa.... [more]
BenteinnmOld Norse Originally a kenning (a type of figure of speech used in Norse poetry) composed of Old Norse ben "mortal wound" and teinn "twig, sprout".
BentejuímSpanish (Canarian, Archaic) Bentejuí Semidán was a warrior leader from Gran Canaria, who militarily resisted the conquest of the island by the conquerors sent by the Crown of Castile.... [more]
Beom-seokmKorean Combination of a beom hanja, like 範 meaning "standard, norm; example, model," 凡 meaning "all, everyone" or 汎 "large, big, extensive," and a seok hanja, such as 錫 meaning "tin; copper" or 奭 meaning "big, large, great; thriving, flourishing."
BerglindfIcelandic Combination of the Old Norse name elements borg "stronghold, fortification, castle" or bjǫrg "help, deliverance" and lind "lime-tree, linden tree; linden spear-shaft; (protective shield of) linden wood".
BergüzarfTurkish Famous bearer: Turkish actress Bergüzar Korel
Beri-beramGeorgian Mythology Meaning unknown. Beri-Bera was an agricultural god of fertility, harvests, and animals. He is worshiped in eastern Georgia with a festival held at the end of the year.
BernellefEnglish (Rare) Either a diminutive of names beginning with the element Bern-, such as Bernadette and Bernice, combined with the French feminine ending -elle or a quasi-feminization of the surname Bernell.
BernwaldmGermanic, German Derived from the Proto-Germanic beran or bernu meaning "bear" (bero and bern in Old High German) combined with Gothic valdan meaning "to reign".
BeronicomItalian (Rare) This name is the Italian male equivalent of Veronica, the Latinized form of Berenice. Usage is rare, though there is a Saint Beronico, martyred in Antioch and commemorated on 19th October.
BertismafGermanic, Medieval French Derived from the Old Frankish or Old Saxon element berht, Old High German beraht meaning "bright" (compare Bertha) combined with -isma, a variant of the Latin superlative suffix -issima.
BérylunefTheatre Perhaps an elaborated form of French béryl meaning "beryl", possibly blending it with the word lune "moon". This was used by the Belgian playwright and poet Maurice Maeterlinck for a fairy in his play 'The Blue Bird' (1908).
BerzsiánmLiterature Coined by Ervin Lázár for the title character of his novel Berzsián és Dideki.
BesançonmFrench (Swiss, Archaic) From the surname Besançon. Besançon Hugues (1487-1532) was a Swiss political and religious leader who was a member of the Grand Council of Geneva.