AllurafPopular Culture Apparently based on the English word allure. This was the name of a princess in the 1980s anime television show 'Voltron'.
AllurefEnglish (Modern, Rare) From the name of a 1996 Chanel perfume, derived from the English word allure (which also has French roots) meaning "fascination, charm, appeal".
AllyremFrench (Rare, Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical) Possibly of Germanic origin. This was the name of a 4th-century Gallo-Roman saint praised by Gregory of Tours. Also known as Illidius, he was a bishop of Clermont in Auvergne, France, which he worked to establish as a center of religious teaching and devotion... [more]
AlmaazmAstronomy This is the name of the star Epsilon Aurigae in the Auriga constellation. The name comes from Arabic Al Maʽaz meaning "the billy goat".
AlmachmAstronomy The star Gamma Andromedae in the constellation Andromeda is called Almach. Almach was the traditional name (also spelt as Almaach, Almaack, Almak, Almaak, or Alamak), derived from the Arabic العناق (al-‘anāq), "the caracal" (desert lynx).
AlmanafLithuanian Derived from aliai vienas "everyone; every last one" and either manyti "to think; to suppose" or sumanus "quick-witted; astute".
AlmarrmOld Norse Old Norse name from the combination of the name elements ALM "elm" and HER "army." It is the Nordic form of the Old High German name Athalmar and a variant form of Álmgeirr.
AlmilafTurkish Derived from Turkish al "red" and elma "apple".
AlminafEnglish Possibly a diminutive form of Alma 1 or a variant form of Elmina. This name was borne by the English aristocrat Almina, Countess of Carnarvon (1876-1969) - she was the wife of George Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon (1866-1923), who was involved in the discovery and excavation of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun.
AlnairfAstronomy This is the name of Alpha Gruis in the constellation Grus. It bore the traditional name Alnair or Al Nair (sometimes Al Na'ir in lists of stars used by navigators), from the Arabic al-nayyir meaning "the bright one", itself derived from its Arabic name, al-nayyir min dhanab al-ḥūt (al-janūbiyy), meaning "the bright one from the (southern) fish's tail" (see Aldhanab).
AloeusmGreek Mythology Probably derived from Greek ἀλοάω (aloaō), which can mean "to thresh, to tread" as well as "to crush, to smash". In Greek mythology, Aloeus was the son of Poseidon and Canace, and husband to Iphimedeia... [more]
AlpanafBengali From the name of a Bengali folk art form consisting of coloured motifs painted on floors and walls using rice flour paint. The word is ultimately derived from Sanskrit आलिम्पन (alimpana) meaning "whitening, painting".
AlpanufEtruscan Mythology The Etruscan goddess of the underworld, associated with rebirth, revenge, and triumph out of suffering.
AlqamamArabic Alqama is an Arabic name for boys that refers to a fruit of a plant known al-ḥanẓal (known as bitter apple and desert gourd in English, scientific name Citrullus colocynthis). It is also used to mean “bitterness”.
Al-razimOld Persian (Rare) Razi (Persian: رازی) or al-Razi (Arabic: الرازی) is a name that was historically used to indicate a person coming from Ray, Iran.A person described as being superior to everyone in every stat possible... [more]
AlreemfArabic From ريم (rim) meaning "gazelle, antelope". This is a variant of Reem.
Alrichm & fEast Frisian Variant of Ahlrich or Alarich recorded from the 15th to 20th centuries for men and in the 17th century for women in East Frisia.
AlríkrmOld Norse Possibly a variant of Alarik, Adalrik or Alfríkr. Alternatively, it may be derived from the Old Norse elements ǫl "ale" and rikr "mighty, distinguished".
AlrunafGerman, Medieval German Germanic name, in which the second element was derived from Old High German runa or Old Norse rún meaning "secret lore, rune" (Proto-Germanic *rūnō)... [more]
AlsafifAstronomy This is the name of the star Sigma Draco is in the constellation Draco. It bore the traditional name Alsafi, derived from the Arabic Athāfi, itself erroneously transcribed from the Arabic plural Athāfiyy, meaning "the cooking tripods"... [more]
AlthammEnglish Transferred use of the surname Altham. A locational name from the parish and village of Altham on the river Henburn in North East Lancashire.
AlulimmSumerian Mythology Means "horn of the red deer" or "seed of the red deer" in Sumerian, deriving from the elements 𒀉 a ("arm, wing, horn") and 𒇻𒅆 lulim ("red deer stag"). This was the name of the legendary first king of Sumer, who is thought today to be a mythological figure... [more]
AluochfLuo Means "born on overcast morning" in Luo.
AluonafLithuanian Direct adoption of the name of the river Aluona whose name is derived from alėti "to flow; to run (referring to water); to trickle; to drip".
AluredmManx, English This is a Manx name, said to be a cognate of Alfred via its latinized form Aluredus, a variant of Alvredus.... [more]
AlvicefMedieval French Old French name derived from the continental Germanic name Adelwidis, which was composed of Old High German adal meaning "noble, well-bred" and wit meaning "wide"... [more]
AlwenafBreton Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include an adoption of the Welsh name (which is unlikely as the Breton name seems to be older than the Welsh name in question), a younger form of Breton Alc'houen and a variant of Anglo-Norman Alfwena.
AlwoldmMedieval English Variant of Ælfweald. This spelling is used in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle to refer to Ælfwald I, king of the Northumbrians from 778 or 779 to 788.
AlypiafAncient Greek Feminine form of Alypios. This name was borne by a 5th-century Roman noblewoman, the daughter of Western Roman Emperor Anthemius.
AlyposmAncient Greek The literal meaning of this name is "no grief" or "not sad", and as such, one could say that it actually means "happy". Derived from the Greek negative prefix ἄ- (a) combined with Greek λύπη (lype) meaning "grief, pain, sorrow"... [more]
AlzirefTheatre, Literature Used by Voltaire for the heroine of his tragic play 'Alzire, ou les Américains' (1736), about a young indigenous Peruvian woman, daughter of a powerful chief. The heroine is named Alzira in Verdi's opera based on the play... [more]
AmadánmCeltic Mythology A figure in Irish and Scottish Gaelic folklore who may assume both benevolent and malevolent roles. Amadán Mór, the Great Fool, is the Perceval-like hero of several Irish folk narratives and a sometime leader of the fairy host in narrative and poetry... [more]
Amaiurf & mBasque (Modern) From the town of Amaiur in Spain. The fortress of Amaiur was one of the last fortresses in Navarre to make a stand against the Castilian invasion of 1512. In the 20th century it was reclaimed by Basque nationalists as a symbol of resistance of the Basque, thus its usage as a name for people.
AmanatfChechen Derived from Arabic أَمَان (ʾamān) meaning "security, safety, peace".
Amanatm & fPersian Means "trustworthiness" in Persian.
AmanayfSpanish (Canarian) Derived from place name Amanay, itself derived from Guanche *amănay, meaning "visual". The place name refers to a port in the municipality and city of Pájara, in the island of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands.
AmanetfUyghur Means "entrustment" via Arabic أمانات amanat. In the Quran (33:72) the word is used to describe God entrusting humans with free will. See also Emanet and Amanat.
AmaralfSpanish (European, Modern, Rare) Transfered use of the surname Amaral. It began to be used after the Spanish rock duo Amaral, whose singer Eva Amaral also goes by the mononym Amaral.