BrisenfArthurian Cycle The name of a witch in Arthurian legend. One theory connects it to Old Norse brisinga "glowing, twinkling" (a word-forming element associated with Freya's famous necklace, the brísingamen).
BrontefGreek Mythology From Ancient Greek βροντή (brontḗ) meaning "thunder". She is the Greek goddess of thunder and the sister of Astrape. She was one of the Cyclops, who forged Zeus' thunderbolts/lightning bolts.
Bronzem & fEnglish Bronze is a yellowish-brown alloy of copper with up to one-third tin. It is a modern first name. In the US, 5 girls and 9 boys were given this first name in 2018.
BrownemEnglish (Rare, Archaic) Variant of Brown. Notable namesake is Henry Browne Blackwell, an English born publisher and social reformer who was one of the founders of the Republican Party in the US... [more]
BrugmofTibetan From the Tibetan འབྲུག ('brug) meaning "dragon, thunder" and མོ (mo) meaning "female, woman".
BruistmDutch (Archaic) Short form of Bruisten. This name is unlikely to ever be used/revived in modern times, due to its similarity to the Dutch verb bruisen "to fizz", which may have some teasing potential.
BrunormArthurian Cycle Likely derived from the Germanic element brunna "armour, protection" or brun "brown". This is the name of several characters in Arthurian tales, including the father of Sir Galehaut and the Knight of the Ill-Fitting Coat.
BruriafHebrew, Ancient Aramaic (?) Allegedly means "pure" in Aramaic. This was the name of a 2nd-century female scholar; she was the wife of Rabbi Meir, one of Rabbi Akiva's disciples. It was also borne by Israeli theoretical physicist Bruria Kaufman (1918-2010).
BryherfEnglish (British, Rare), Cornish From the name of an island off the southwestern coast of Cornwall, one of the Isles of Scilly. This was adopted as a pen name by the English novelist Annie Winifred Ellerman (1894-1983).
BubonafRoman Mythology In ancient Roman religion, Bubona is thought to have been a goddess of cattle, but she is named only by Saint Augustine. Georg Wissowa thought that a festival of cattle (ludi boum causa) mentioned by Pliny must have been dedicated to Bubona... [more]
BuddugfWelsh Derived from Welsh budd "profit, advantage". It is a cognate of Boudicca, the name of a 1st-century queen of the Iceni (a Celtic people) who is known as Buddug in Welsh, and is sometimes considered a Welsh equivalent of Victoria.
BudeiafGreek Mythology Means "oxen-yoker" in Greek. It is the name of a daughter of Lycus in Greek mythology.
BuichimJapanese From Japanese 武 (bu) meaning "military, martial" combined with 一 (ichi) meaning "one". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
BuintafKalmyk Means "goodness, virtuousness" in Kalmyk.
BulingfChinese (Rare) From Chinese 歩 (bù) meaning "step" combined with 鈴 (líng) meaning "bell, chime". Other character combinations can form this name as well. Also comes from 布丁 (bùdīng), meaning "pudding". One fictional bearer of this name is Buling Huang/Fong from Tokyo Mew Mew.
BunyotmThai From Thai บุญ (bun) meaning "merit" and ยอด (yot) meaning "top, best, excellent".
Bun'yuumJapanese From Japanese 文 (bun) "sentence" combined with 右 (yuu) meaning "right", 熊 (yuu) meaning "bear", 勇 (yuu) meaning "brave", 有 (yuu) meaning "exist", 雄 (yuu) meaning "hero, manly" or 融 (yuu) meaning "melt"... [more]
BuroinmArthurian Cycle The duke of the White Lake. He raised and educated Tybalt, the youth who became Lancelot’s first squire. He gave lodging to Lancelot one night as he traveled to Arthur’s court.
BurokumJapanese The name Buroku consists of the kanji's 武 and 禄. 武 means military or martial, and 禄 means blessing; happiness or prosperity.
BvumaimShona Bvumai means "Admit". This may be a name given to say to adversary admit that you were wrong, you were defeated or that you committed the offence
ByaainfAlaskan Female given name created by Alaskan Native Eskimo Baayin Asiksick in the early 1900s.
ByakkomJapanese (Rare) From 白虎 (byakko), referring to a white tiger, also one of the Four Symbols of the Chinese constellations which represents the west and the autumn season. This makes it cognate with Korean Baek-ho.... [more]
Byambam & fMongolian Means "Saturday" in Mongolian, derived from Tibetan སྤེན་པ (spen pa) meaning "Saturn (planet)" or "Saturday" (see Pemba).
ByblisfGreek Mythology In Greek mythology, Byblis was the daughter of Miletus, who fell in love with her twin brother Caunus and subsequently killed herself... [more]
Bylethm & fPopular Culture Variant of Beleth. This is the name of an avatar character in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.
BylgjafFaroese, Icelandic, Norse Mythology Feminine name taken from the Old Norse word bylgja meaning "billow, wave". In Norse Mythology, Bylgja was one of the nine daughters of the sea deities Ægir and Rán.
CabellmAmerican (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Cabell. A notable bearer is jazz musician and bandleader Cabell "Cab" Calloway III (1907-1994).
CabezafSpanish (European) From cabeza "head", after the Marian title Virgen de la Cabeza, venerated in many points of Spain, specially in Andalusia. Legend has it that a shepherd found a statuette of Virgin Mary in La Cabeza hill in Sierra Morena.... [more]
CaddiefEnglish (Archaic) Diminutive of Caroline. This name is borne by the titular character of Carol Ryrie Brink's children's historical fiction novel Caddie Woodlawn.
CadhanmOld Irish, Irish Mythology Gaelic byname meaning "barnacle goose". In Irish legend Cadhan was a hero who slayed a monster with the help of his hound.
CadigafArabic (Latinized), Literature Archaic transcription of Khadija. This form is mostly used in older English translations of the Koran, as well as early translations of the Arabian Nights. A notable bearer of this name is the titular character's wife from the Arabian Nights-inspired novel "The History of Nourjahad" (1767) by Frances Sheridan.
CadwalmMedieval Welsh, Breton (Rare) From Old Welsh cad "battle" and gwal "leader". This occurs in Shakespeare's play 'Cymbeline' (1609) as the name of Arviragus while in hiding in Wales.... [more]
CælinmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Cælin was an Orthodox priest in England in the seventh century, and brother of St. Cedd of Lastingham. The name Cælin is a spelling variant of the name of a West Saxon king Ceawlin, and is of Celtic rather than Anglo-Saxon derivation.
CaelummAstronomy The name of a faint constellation in the southern sky, which is from Latin caelum meaning "heaven, sky" (compare Caelius) or (allegedly) "burin" (a tool for engraving on copper or other metals).
CaelusmRoman Mythology Means "sky" or "the heavens" in Latin (related to the word caelum). Caelus is the Roman god of the sky, the equivalent of the Greek god Uranus.
CaenisfGreek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Roman Latinized form of Kainis. In Greek mythology, Caenis was a woman who was raped by the god Poseidon. Afterwards, he promised her that he would grant her a single wish... [more]