AbabuofAfrican Ababuo means a child that keeps coming back. This name is mainly used in Ghana
AbacilfHungarian (Archaic) Found in the Arvisurák (Arvisuras), an eclectic system of myths and a book summarising the beliefs contained in them, written down by Zoltán Paál. Not supported by scholars.
AbadiafPortuguese (Brazilian) Derived from Portuguese abadia "abbey", this name is usually used in reference to the title of the Virgin Mary Nossa Senhora da Abadia "Our Lady of the Abbey". The title itself goes back to a Marian apparition near the Abadia do Bouro in Braga, Portugal... [more]
AbaeusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἀβαῖος (Abaios) meaning "of Abai", an epithet of the Greek god Apollo, given because the ancient town of Ἄβαι (Abai) (see Abae) in Phocis was the site of an oracle of the god and of a temple dedicated to him.
AbagbefNigerian The meaning of Abagbe is we begged to have this one to lift up
Abahaif & mManchu A short Manchu form of Tiancong, meaning “Heavenly Ruler”. Best known as one of the Manchu titles of HongTaiji.
AbalammPopular Culture, Judeo-Christian-Islamic Legend Meaning unknown. In demonology, Abalam is a king of Jinnestan and one of the assistants of Paimon. This demon was featured in the 2010 film 'The Last Exorcism'.
AbarismGreek Mythology Meaning unknown. In Greek mythology Abaris was a sage, healer and priest of Apollo who came to the Athenians as envoy from the Hyperboreans when famine was affecting Greece.
AbaturmJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend, Near Eastern Mythology, Arabic (Archaic) Means literally, "father of the Uthre" in Mandaean, which translates roughly to "father of the angels," derived from aba "father" combined with uthra ('utria) "angel". In the Mandaean Gnostic cosmology, Abatur is "the third of four emanations from the supreme, unknowable deity", and the father of Ptahil, the Mandaean demiurge.
AbdiahmBiblical Greek variant of Hebrew Obadiah. Meaning, "servent of Yahweh" which differs slightly from the Hebrew meaning of, "worshipper of Yahweh."
AbeliafSpanish (Rare), Catalan (Rare) Feminine form of Abel. Abelia is also a type of flowering shrub in the honeysuckle family, named after British surgeon and naturalist Clarke Abel (1780-1826).
AbellafSpanish From the Spanish surname, which originated in the region of Galicia. The name was originally a Catalan nickname for a bee-keeper or person with bee-like behaviors. It is derived from the Spanish word ‘abeja,’ meaning "bee," which itself is derived from Latin apicula.
AbequefOjibwe Possibly means "she stays at home" in Ojibwe, from Ojibwe abi "s/he is at home, sits in a certain place" and ishkwii "s/he stays behind" or nazhikewabi/anzhikewabi "s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone".
AberfafWelsh Means "from the mouth of the river" in Welsh.
AbestifBasque (Rare) Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri who based the name on Basque abes "to sing" and the suffix -ti. According to R. M. Azkue, by 1927 abesti had acquired the meaning "song" and has been in everyday use as a synonym for the older kanta ever since.
AbibusmHistory (Ecclesiastical) Latinized form of Ἄβιβος (Abibos) or (Habibos), which is also found written as Ἄββιβος (Abbibos) or (Habbibos). It is a hellenization of the Hebrew name Aviv, and not of the Arabic name Habib, which most people would think at first glance.... [more]
AbidinmIndonesian, Malay, Turkish Derived from Arabic عابدين ('abidayn) meaning "worshippers", the plural of عابد ('abid) meaning "worshipper, servant".
AbigormJudeo-Christian-Islamic Legend In Christian demonology, this was an upper demon ("great duke") of hell. Allegedly Abigor (also known as Eligor and Eligos) was the demon of war, in command of 60 legions, portrayed riding a winged or skeletal steed... [more]
AbihudmBiblical Means "the father is glory" or "father of glory". It is the name of two characters in the Bible.
AbijammBiblical, Biblical Hebrew, Hebrew Means "father of the sea" or "my father is the sea" in Hebrew. This name was borne by the second king of Judah (who was also known as Abijah).
AbilanmArthurian Cycle An Arthurian knight who was unsuccessful in the Perilous Passage (Passage Perilleux) adventure.
AbilasmArthurian Cycle One of four brothers who aided their uncle, Duke Calles, in a revolt led by Calles’ sons.
AbilyxmAncient Roman Abilyx was a Roman nobleman from Hispania who appeared in The Histories of Polybius.
AbinosmGreek Variant diminutive form of Albinos (Ἀλβῖνος) primarily used in Italy. (Archaic)
Abionaf & mYoruba Means "born during a journey" or "born into the arts" in Yoruba, from bí "to give birth, be born" and sí "to, on" combined with either ọ̀nà "way, road, journey" or ọ̀nà "art, artistry, craftsmanship"... [more]
ÁbiǫrnmOld Norse Derived from the Germanic name element agi "awe, terror", or egg "edge, sharpness (of a weapon)", or ana, an emphasizing prefix, or anu "ancestor" with Björn.
AbnobafCeltic Mythology The name of an obscure Gaulish goddess, thought to be connected to Celtic abona "river" (source of Avon). The second element may be derived from either Proto-Indo-European nogʷo-, meaning "naked, nude" or "tree", or the verbal root *nebh- "burst out, be damp".
AbnodymRussian (Rare, Archaic) Abnody (Russian: Абно́дий) is an old and rare Russian male first name. The patronymics derived from this first name are "Абно́диевич" (Abnodiyevich), "Абно́дьевич" (Abnodyevich; both masculine); and "Абно́диевна" (Abnodiyevna), "Абнодьевна" (Abnodyevna; both feminine).
AbreasmAncient Greek Possibly derived from Greek ἁβρός (habros) meaning "delicate, graceful, refined" or "splendid". This was the name of a Macedonian soldier who died defending Alexander the Great.
AbreeafAmerican Possibly an elaboration of Bree, using a as both a prefix and a suffix.
AbylaymKazakh Combination of Abyl with the Kazakh noun ай (ay) meaning "moon". As such, the meaning of this name is basically "father of the moon".... [more]
AbyzoufNear Eastern Mythology Appears to be a corrupted form of the Greek ἄβυσσοςábyssos "abyss", the Greek itself was borrowed from Akkadian Apsu or Sumerian Abzu.
AbzarimArabic, Urdu Means "seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows" in Arabic.
AbzyanfUdmurt Derived from Arabic أَب (ab) meaning "father" and Persian جان (jan) meaning "soul".
AcacusmGreek Mythology (Latinized) From Greek ἄκακος (akakos) meaning "harmless, guileless, innocent", ultimately derived from ἀ (a), a negative prefix, combined with κάκη (kake) meaning "evil" (see Akakios)... [more]
Acamarm & fAstronomy Derived from Arabic Ākhir an-nahr, meaning "end of the river". This is the traditional name of the star Theta Eridani in the constellation Eridanus.
AcastefGreek Mythology (Latinized) Latinized form of Greek Ἂκαστη (Akaste), which is the feminine form of Akastos (see Acastus). This name is borne by two characters in Greek mythology... [more]