MaiconmBrazilian Maicon is a variant of Michael originally referring to, and made popular in reference to, American singer Michael Jackson in the 1980s.
MaidrosmLiterature Maidros was the father of Bruithwir and the grandfather of Fëanor, according to the early version of the legendarium in The Book of Lost Tales.
Maikuf & mJapanese From Japanese 麻 (mai) meaning "hemp, flax, linen" or 舞 (mai) meaning "dance" combined with 久 (ku) meaning "long time" or 郁 (ku) meaning "fragrance, perfume". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Maimunm & fArabic, Malay, Indonesian Means "auspicious, blessed, favourable" in Arabic. It is used as a masculine name in Arabic-speaking countries and Indonesia while it is feminine in Malaysia.
MainemEnglish There is no definitive explanation for the origin of the name "Maine", but the most likely origin is that the name was given by early explorers after the former province of Maine in France. Other theories mention earlier places with similar names, or claim it is a nautical reference to the mainland... [more]
Maisaf & mGeorgian (Rare) Derived from Georgian მაისი (maisi) meaning "May" (see May). This name literally refers to the fact that the child in question was born in May.... [more]
MaitomJapanese This name combines 舞 (bu, mai, ma.u, -ma.u) meaning "circle, dance, flit, wheel" with 人 (jin, nin, -to, hito, -ri) meaning "person" or 斗 (to, tou) meaning "Big Dipper."... [more]
MaitreyamBuddhism Means "friendly, benevolent" in Sanskrit, ultimately derived from मित्र (mitra) meaning "friend". In Buddhist tradition this is the name of a bodhisattva who will succeed SiddharthaGautama and become the next Buddha... [more]
Maitrim & fThai, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada Means "friendship, friendliness" in Sanskrit. It is used as a masculine name in Thailand while it is feminine in India.
MaiulfmOld High German, Medieval, Medieval French Old High German mag, mak "parent" or a truncated form of Old High German megin, magan "strength, might, power" + Old High German wolf, Gothic wulf "wolf".
MaïusmProvençal Meaning unknown. It has been in use in Provence since at least the late nineteenth century.
MaiwandmPashto From the name of the village of Maiwand in Afghanistan, which was the site of a major battle between British and Afghan forces during the Second Anglo-Afghan War.
MaiyarmArabic Maiyar is an old Arabic MALE name means the person who brings Mera( Meara is an Arbic word means the hoard collected from rich and given to poor people. In early days of Islamic states there was a job in the government called ( MAIYAR) and he was responsible to distribute Aids and hoards to poor people... [more]
Maizef & mEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) From the alternative name of the cereal grain of the species Zea mays, known primarily as "corn" in North America and many other English-speaking countries. The English word is ultimately derived from Taíno (Arawakan) mahiz... [more]
MajayamShona Given to the last male born of the the family born in the same year. If families have male children in a given year the last to be born normally carries the name. The year of boys.
Majdm & fArabic Means "glory, magnificence, splendour, honour" in Arabic, from the root مجد (majada) meaning "to be glorious".
Majd ad-DinmArabic Means "glory of the religion" from Arabic مجد (majd) meaning "glory, magnificence, splendour, honour" combined with دين (dīn) meaning "religion, faith".
MajorianusmLate Roman Variant spelling of the Roman cognomen Maiorianus, which is ultimately derived from the Latin word maior meaning "greater, larger".
MakaimHawaiian Makai is an adverb in the Hawaiian language combining the directional particle ma with Hawaiian kai meaning "ocean". It literally means "toward or by the sea, seaward". It is sometimes used as a given name, particularly within the Hawaiian Islands but is also found within the continental United States.
MakaidosmLiterature Makaidos is the name of the king of dragons in Bryan Davis' book series Oracles of Fire.
MakaselamTsonga Means "go, crawl to towards one's goal" in Xitsonga.
MakataimeshekiakiakmAlgonquian Name means Black Hawk. This was the name of a Sauk leader who lived from 1767 to 1838 in the Midwestern United States.
Makatendekam & fShona Means "you are faithful (to God)" in Shona.
MakavelimEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) Derived from the surname of Florentine author and philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli. This spelling was popularized by American rapper Tupac Shakur (1971-1996) after being used for one of his albums in 1996.
MakedonmGreek Mythology Related to Greek μακεδνός (makednos) meaning "tall, slim". This was the name of the legendary eponymous ancestor of the ancient Macedonians.
MakemakemPolynesian Mythology From the Rapa Nui mythology of Easter Island, was the creater of humanity and the god of fertility. A notable use of the name is for the fourth dwarf planet from the Sun and the third dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt.
MakeomHawaiian A rare or alternative name to Mako or Makko.
Makepeacem & fEnglish (Rare) Transferred use of the surname Makepeace. A famous bearer is William Makepeace Thakeray, English novelist and author of Vanity Fair.
MakhachmAvar (Russified) Means "our hajj", derived from Persian ما (ma) meaning "we, our" combined with Arabic حج (hajj) meaning "hajj, pilgrimage". This was the nickame of Dagestani revolutionary Magomed-Ali Dakhadaev (1882-1918), the namesake of the city of Makhachkala.
MakharbekmOssetian From Persian ماهر (maher) meaning "skilled, adept" and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".
MakharemGeorgian (Rare) Basically means "you make me happy" in Georgian. Also compare Georgian მიხარია (mikharia) meaning "I rejoice!" and the related name Khareba.
Makilingf & mPhilippine Mythology, Tagalog Means "uneven, crooked, bent" in Tagalog. In Tagalog mythology, Maria Makiling is a spirit who is said to protect Mount Makiling, a volcano in the Philippines.
Makishim & fJapanese From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" combined with 紫 (shi) meaning "purple; violet". Other kanji combinations are possible.
MakitomJapanese From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality", 喜 (ki) meaning "rejoice" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
MakkenyūmJapanese (Modern, Rare) This name is used as 真剣佑 with 真 (shin, ma, ma-, makoto, ma') meaning "real, true," 剣 (ken, tsurugi) meaning "blade, sabre, sword" and 佑 (u, yuu, tasu.keru, suke) meaning "assist, help, save."... [more]
MaklenmSerbian The Serbian name of the Acer monspessulanum, the Montpellier maple, a species of maple native to the Mediterranean region from Morocco and Portugal in the west, to Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel in the east, and north to the Jura Mountains in France and the Eifel in Germany.
MaksatbekmKyrgyz From Kyrgyz максат (maksat) meaning "goal, purpose, intention" combined with the Turkic military title beg meaning "chieftain, master".