LetummRoman Mythology Μeans "death, annihilation, destruction, ruin" in Latin. Letum was a personification of death in Roman mythology.
LetushimmBiblical A name of Biblical origin meaning ‘hammermen’ or ‘filemen’. It was mentioned in Genesis 25:3 as the name of De’dan’s son. He was also married to Saul’s daughter Michal.
LeuciusmLate Greek (Latinized) Latinized form of Leukios. This name was borne by a martyr and saint from the 3rd century AD and by Leucius Charinus, the author of the so-called "Leucian Acts".
LeukadiosmGreek Mythology Meaning uncertain. There are currently two possibilities available for the meaning of this given name.... [more]
LeukiosmLate Greek Derived from the Greek adjective λευκός (leukos) meaning "white" as well as "bright, clear, brilliant" (see Leukos), which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun λύκη (luke) or (lyke), which can mean "light" as well as "morning sunshine".
LeukonmAncient Greek, Greek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective λευκός (leukos) meaning "white" as well as "bright, clear, brilliant" (see Leukos), which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun λύκη (luke) or (lyke), which can mean "light" as well as "morning sunshine".... [more]
LeukosmGreek Mythology Derived from the Greek adjective λευκός (leukos) meaning "white" as well as "bright, clear, brilliant", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun λύκη (luke) or (lyke), which can mean "light" as well as "morning sunshine".... [more]
Levantem & fItalian Means "levant (wind); East" in Italian.
Levardism & fEnglish (Rare) This name is borne by actor Levardis Robert Martyn Burton Jr. (LeVar Burton). Burton himself says that name comes from the Latin veritas, meaning "truth."
Levenm & fFrisian (Rare) Masculine variant and one of the feminine forms of Leve. As a masculine, is has been recorded since the 16th century, as a feminine name since the 17th century.... [more]
LevijnmDutch Variant form of Lieven via its latinization Levinus. Although quite rare in modern times, it has at least managed to survive into modern times, unlike its counterpart Livijn.
LevormNorwegian Modern form of Old Norse Liðvarðr. The first element is liðr which literally means "joint", but in this case have the meaning of "generation, family connection" (compare modern Norwegian slektsledd composed of slekt "family" and ledd "joint, link")... [more]
LevoslavmSlovak Derived from Slovak lev "lion" and the Slavic name element slava "glory".
Lewesm & fMedieval English Early Modern English form of Louis or sometimes Louisa. Also compare Lewis. A known bearer was Sir Lewes Lewknor (c.1560-1627), an English courtier, writer, soldier and member of Parliament, in whose case Lewes was his mother's maiden name.
LexanormGreek Mythology Either a variant of Alexanor or an independent name in its own right, in which case the name is derived from the Greek noun λέξις (lexis) meaning "speech" as well as "word, phrase" combined with the Greek noun ἀνήρ (aner) meaning "man"... [more]
Leyleyf & mVarious Variant of Lele 2. In the case of one of the protagonist in controversial video game The Coffin of Andy and Leyley, Ashley Graves, it is short for Ashley.
Leylinm & fEnglish Exuberant passion for life. To bring goodness to. Leylin has a talent for finding goodness in all and a talent for for joy, laughter, and imaginative minds.
LeynmMedieval Dutch, Dutch (Rare) Short form of Gisleyn. This medieval name has survived into modern times, but barely. In 2010, there were less than 10 bearers in all of The Netherlands... [more]
LeynaertmMedieval Dutch, Medieval Flemish Medieval form of Leonard. It was used in all areas where Dutch was spoken, but the name appears to have been most prevalent in what was then the County of Flanders... [more]
LežimirmSerbian Derived from Serbo-Croatian ležati "to lie (down), to recline, to repose" combined with Slavic mir "peace". As such, the meaning of this name is roughly "one in which the peace lies".
Lhawangm & fTibetan, Bhutanese From Tibetan ལྷ་དབང (lha-dbang) meaning "power of the gods", derived from ལྷ (lha) meaning "god, deity" and དབང (dbang) meaning "power".
Liadm & fHebrew (Rare) Combination of the names Li 2 and Ad , the word Ad in Hebrew means "forever". and when you add the word Li it's means "forever mine"
Liamm & fHebrew (Modern) Means "my people" or "my nation" from Hebrew לִי (li) "my" and עַם ('am) "people, nation". It is also a modern Hebrew acronym for לא ידע עמי מלחמה which means "my nation did not know war".... [more]
Liangm & fChinese Means "a beam", "a bridge", "an elevation", or "a mast". Traditionally a surname common in East Asia. A famous bearer of this name is Liang Na (formally Empress Shunlie), who was an empress during the Han Dynasty.
Liangbingm & fChinese This name is a combination of 梁 (Liang) meaning "Mast, Bridge, Elevation, Beam", or 良 (Liang) meaning "Beautiful, Good, Auspicious", and 冰 (Bing) meaning "Ice, Cold".Other combinations are possible.
Liangchunf & mChinese From the Chinese 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, brilliant, radiant, enlightened" and 纯 (chún) meaning "pure, clean, simple".
LiangfumChinese A combination of the characters 良 (liang, meaning “good, pleasant, beneficient”) and 夫 (fu, meaning “adult man, husband”). This was the given name of King Xuan of Chu (楚宣王), a ruler of the state of Chu during the Chinese Spring and Autumn Period (770 - 473 BCE).
Liangjim & fChinese From Chinese 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, radiant, light" or 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" combined with 吉 (jí) meaning "lucky, good", 基 (jī) meaning "base, foundation, basis" or 骥 (jì) meaning "good horse"... [more]
Liangliangm & fChinese From Chinese 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, radiant, light" combined with itself, as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
Lianglingf & mChinese This name is a compound of the names 梁 (Liang) meaning "Elevation, Bridge, Beam, Mast", 亮 (Liang) meaning "Radiant, Bright, Brilliant, Light", 凉 (Liang) meaning "Refreshing, Cool", or 良 (Liang) meaning "Virtuous, Auspicious, Beautiful, Respectable, Good", and 灵 (Ling) meaning "Spirit, Soul", 铃 (Ling) meaning "Bell, Chime", 鈴 (Ling) meaning "Boll, Small Bell, Bud", or 綾 (Ling) meaning "Damask, Thin Silk".
Liangyanm & fChinese liang means "elevation, beam, mast, bridge" and yan can mean "beautiful, gorgeous" and "rocks, cliff".
Liangyum & fChinese From Chinese 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, light", 梁 (liáng) meaning "mast, bridge, elevation, beam", or 良 (liáng) meaning "auspicious, good, beautiful" combined with 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 愉 (yú) meaning "pleasant, delightful", 裕 (yù) meaning "abundant, opulent, rich", or 宇 (yǔ) meaning "house, eaves, universe"... [more]
Lianhaof & mChinese From the Chinese 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily" and 号 (hào) meaning "mark, sign, symbol".
Liath Luachraf & mIrish Mythology Means "gray of Luachair" in Irish. It was the name of two characters in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology, which both appear in The Boyhood Deeds of Fionn.
LiaudasmLithuanian Derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin).... [more]
LiaudgintasmLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaudmantasmLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaudminasmLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaudvilasmLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaudvydasmLithuanian The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaugaudasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb liautis meaning "to stop, to cease" or from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaugedasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb liautis meaning "to stop, to cease" or from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiaugintasmLithuanian The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb liautis meaning "to stop, to cease" or from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
LiavmHebrew Combination of the name Li 2 means "to me" / "mine" and the word av means "father" in Hebrew. Usually masculine, rare as feminine. the meaning of this name is "my father" / "I have a father".
LibanmArabic, Somali The name Liban, meaning persevere in ancient arabic is prodominatley used in the northern region of Somalia (now Somaliland). Usually given to boys who are seen as handsome at birth.
LibertinemEnglish (Rare) This name is derived from Libertinus meaning "member of a class of freedmen", which is itself originated from libertus meaning "one's freedmen" (from liber meaning "free").... [more]
LibertomItalian, Spanish, Portuguese Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of Libertus, often associated to Latin libertus "freedman, freed slave". Known bearers include Uruguayan boxer Liberto Corney (1905-1955) and Portuguese footballer Liberto dos Santos (1908-?).... [more]
LibertusmHistory (Ecclesiastical) This name is probably best known for being the name of Libertus of Saint-Trond, a Belgian saint from the 8th century AD. There are two possibilities for the etymology of his name: it is either derived from Latin libertus meaning "freedman" (though the name could also be considered to be a masculinization of the feminine Latin name Libertas) or it is a latinization of his original Germanic name... [more]
LibranmArthurian Cycle A king who battled and killed an unnamed uncle of Perceval, forcing Perceval’s aunt into seclusion in the Vulgate "Queste del Saint Graal" 1215-1230.