Feminine Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Donja f Russian (Rare), Dutch, German (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Russian Доня (see Donya). In languages other than Russian, the name Donja can also be derived from the Spanish word doña meaning "lady", in which case it is a more phonetical spelling of the word.... [more]
Donja f Esperanto
Spelling variant of Donya.
Donjeta f Albanian, Kosovar
Derived from Albanian don "will; desire" and jetë "life".
Dónka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Aldona via Aldónka and Donata.
Donkira f African American
Combination of Dawn and Kira 2.
Donnae f English (Rare)
Meaning uncertain. It might possibly be a feminization of Donnie, or a combination of Donna with a feminine name ending in -ae... [more]
Donnalyn f Filipino
Combination of Donna and the popular suffix -lyn.
Donnamarie f English
Combination of Donna and Marie.
Donnamira f Literature
Combination of Donna and Mira. This is the name of a hobbit mentioned in Tolkien's legendarium. Donnamira is one of the daughters of Gerontius Took, who married into the Boffin family... [more]
Donnarae f English
Combination of Donna and Rae.
Donnetta f American
Possibly a coined as a diminutive of Donna by way of adding the diminutive suffix -etta.
Donni f & m English (Rare)
Variation of Donnie
Donogo‘zal f Uzbek
Derived from dono meaning "wise" and go'zal meaning "beauty".
Donojamol f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek dono meaning "wise" and jamol meaning "beautiful".
Donoma f Omaha-Ponca
Means "sight of the sun" in Omaha–Ponca, from Omaha dóⁿbe "to see, look at, perceive" and miⁿ "sun, moon".
Dontrelle m & f African American (Modern, Rare)
A modern invented name of unknown meaning.
Dön’ya f Tatar
Tatar form of Dunya.
Donya f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Avdotya and Yevdokiya. Also compare Dunya.
Donya f Persian
Means "world".
Donyell m & f English (American), Dutch (Rare)
Variant form of Daniel (for men) and Danielle (for women), which was perhaps influenced by the name Don and its diminutive Donny... [more]
Donyella f African American
Probably a variant of Daniella, or possibly Donella
Donzaleigh f African American (Rare, ?)
Borne by US activist Donzaleigh Abernathy (1957-).
Dooakpo f & m Ijaw
Means "peaceful world" in Ijaw.
Doon f & m English, Literature
Transferred use of the surname Doon. Known bearers of this name include the American writer Doon Arbus (b. 1945) and the British comedian Doon Mackichan (b... [more]
Doona f Manx
Derived from Manx doo "black; black-haired, black headed".
Doo‘-pu‘un m & f Kelabit
Means "good from the beginning" in Kelabit.
Door f Literature
One of the main characters in Neil Gaiman's novel Neverwhere.
Door f & m Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish variant form of Dora (when borne by a female bearer) or a short form of Isidoor or Theodoor (when borne by a male bearer).
Doora f Estonian (Rare)
Estonian form of Dora.
Doorke f & m Limburgish
Limburgish diminutive form of Door. Although seen on both genders, it is most often used on females.
Doornroosje f Folklore, Literature
Dutch calque of Dornröschen. It consists of the Dutch words doorn meaning "thorn" and roos meaning "rose" combined with the Dutch diminutive suffix -je.
Doortje f Dutch
Dutch diminutive form of Door.
Dor m & f English (Modern)
Short form of Dorian, Doris and other names that starting with dor.
Dora f Romanian
Feminine form of Doru.
Dora f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Marathi, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Sinhalese, Nepali, Gujarati
MEANING : A fillet of thread or cord tied round the arm or wrist; it is also applied to the string tying a packet or parcel; string... [more]
Dora f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of Dor.
Dorabella f Theatre, American (South, Rare, Archaic)
Dorabella is a character in Così fan tutte, ossia La scuola degli amanti (All Women Do It, or The School for Lovers; 1790 ), an opera buffa in two acts by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Doraci f & m Portuguese (Brazilian)
Combination of Dora and Juraci.
Doralba f Italian
Combination of Dora and Alba 1, with the overall meaning of "gift of dawn" or "white gift".
Doraldina f American (?)
This was the invented stage name of actress and dancer Dora Saunders (1888–1936), though she basically adapted this name for her everyday life.
Doralice f Carolingian Cycle, Literature, Theatre, Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Name used by the Italian poets Matteo Maria Boiardo and Ludovico Ariosto in their epic poems Orlando innamorato (1483-1495) and Orlando furioso (1516-1532), where it belongs to a Saracen princess.... [more]
Doraline f English (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Elaboration of Dora combining it with the productive name suffix -line or else a combination of Dora and Line.
Doralis f Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a Hispanic variant of Doralice or simply an elaboration of Dora using the popular name suffix lis (which in turn is derived from Lisbeth or a related name).
Doralise f French (Cajun), American (South), Louisiana Creole, French (Acadian)
Variant of Doralice as well as an 18th- and 19th-century elaboration of Dora using the then-popular name suffix lise.
Doralyn f English (Rare)
Combination of Dora and the popular name suffix -lyn.
Doranda f Italian (Rare)
Truncated form of Adoranda.
Dorann f English (Rare)
Combination of Dora and Ann, perhaps used as a variant of Doreen or a feminine variant of Doran.
Dorarta f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Dorart.
Dorastella f French (Rare)
Combination of Dora and Stella 1.
Doratea f Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian variant of Dorotea.
Dorathia f Scottish (Archaic)
Variant of Dorothea recorded in the 1600s.
Dorathy f English
Variant of Dorothy.
Doraura f Italian, Literature
Possibly a contraction of names Dora and Aura. It appears in tragicomedy "L'Armelindo" (1664) by Francesco Maria de Luco Sereni and in a novel "Il Floridoro ò vero Historia del conte di Racalmuto" (1703) by Gabriele Martiano.
Doray f Filipino
Diminutive of Dolores, Isadora and Teodora.
Dorcasina f Literature, English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Elaboration of Dorcas used by American author Tabitha Gilman Tenney for the title character in her novel 'Female Quixotism, Exhibited in the Romantic Opinions and Extravagant Adventures of Dorcasina Sheldon' (1801).
Dorcha f & m Irish
Means "dark", from Irish and Scottish Gaelic (dorcha) meaning “dark, dusky, enigmatic”, from Old Irish (dorchae) "dark, gloomy, obscure". Compare to Feardorcha.
Dordei f Norwegian (Archaic)
Norwegian dialectal variant of Dordi recorded in Buskerud.
Dordi f Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Diminutive of Dorede, which was a variant of Dorete, the Old Swedish form of Dorothea. It has been used in Sweden since at least the 16th century.
Dore f & m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch short form of given names that contain the Greek element δῶρον (doron) meaning "gift", such as Isidore and Theodora.
Dore f German
Variant of Dora.
Doreida f Spanish (Latin American)
Of unknown meaning; possibly inspired by Nereida.
Dorel m & f Hebrew (Modern)
Combination of the names Dor and El means "God's Generation" in Hebrew.
Dorela f Romanian
Feminine form of Dorel.
Dorelia f Romanian, Romani
Elaboration of Dorela.
Doremi f Japanese
From Japanese 一 (do) meaning "one" or 瞳 (do) meaning "pupil of the eye", 二 (re) meaning "two", 麗 (re) meaning "beautiful, lovely", 憐 (re) meaning "pity, sympathize" or 澪 (re) meaning "waterway, channel" combined with 三 (mi) meaning "three" or 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful"... [more]
Dorene f English
Variant of Doreen.
Dorenia f Romani
Romani name of uncertain origin, most likely an elaboration of Dora or a corruption of a similar name, like Dorina 1, Doreen or Dorinda... [more]
Doresa f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Probably an elaboration of Doris.
Doreta f Swedish (Archaic)
Contracted form of Dorotea.
Doretha f English
Likely a variant of Doretta.
Dorethy f Medieval Irish
Variant of Dorothy, recorded in late medieval Ireland on women born into English and Anglo-Norman families.
Dóri f Hungarian
Diminutive of Dóra.
Dori f English
Variant of Dory.
Doriani f Brazilian
Brazilian phonetic variant of Doriane.
Dorica f Croatian, Slovene
Diminutive of Dora.
Dorie m & f Scots
Short form of both Theodore and Theodora.
Doriel m & f Hebrew, Literature
Possibly means "God's generation" in Hebrew, in which case it would be derived from Hebrew dor "generation" (see also Dor) combined with Hebrew el "God"... [more]
Dorien f Dutch, Flemish
Dutch form of Dorine, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Doriet f Dutch (Rare)
Dutchification of Dorita and perhaps also of Dorit 2. There are likely also cases where this name is a combination of the names Dora and Riet.
Doriette f Maltese
Diminutive of Doria by way of combining it with the French diminutive ending -ette.
Dorigen f Literature
Meaning unknown, probably of Celtic origin. This is the name of the faithful wife in 'The Franklin's Tale', one of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.
Dorija f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene feminine form of Dorian.
Dorijana f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene feminine form of Dorian.
Dorilea f Theatre
Dorilea is a shepherdess in the 17th-century play "Granida" by Dutch playwright Pieter Cornelisz.
Dorimène f French (Archaic), Theatre
Meaning unknown. It was used by Molière for a character in his play 'Le Bourgeois gentilhomme'.
Dori-mu m & f Japanese
From Japanese 夢 (dori-mu) meaning "dream", 童 (do) meaning "juvenile, child", 莉 (ri) meaning "pear" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream". Other kanji or kanji combinations can form this name as well... [more]
Dorin f Hebrew (Modern)
Popular girls name in Israel, it is came from the name Doron
Dorina f Romansh
Romansh diminutive of Dora.
Dorinka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Dorina 2.
Dorissa f English
Elaboration of Doris.
Dorisz f Hungarian
Variant of Dorottya, meaning "gift of God".
Doritha f Swedish
Variant of Dorita.
Doriya f Hebrew (Rare)
Combination of the names Dori (or Dor), means "(my) generation" with the letters יה (which are part of the name of God).
Dorja f Croatian, Slovene
Croatian and Slovene short form of Doroteja.
Dorjana f Croatian, Slovene
Feminine form of Dorjan.
Dorje m & f Tibetan
Alternate transcription of Dorji. This is the Tibetan name for the vajra, a Buddhist ritual weapon.
Dorjee m & f Tibetan, Bhutanese
Variant transcription of Dorji.
Dorjsüren m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian дорж (dorj) meaning "diamond, vajra" combined with Tibetan ཚེ་རིང (tshe ring) meaning "long life, longevity".
Dorkȧ f Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Dorothy.
Dorkada f Greek
Modern Greek form of Dorcas.
Dorkás f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dorcas.
Dorla f English (Modern)
A combination of Dora and Darla.
Dorle f German
Diminutive of Dorothea.
Dorleta f Basque
Derived from the name of the sanctuary of Our Lady of Dorleta which is located in the town of Leintz Gatzaga in the Gipuzkoa province of the Basque Country in Spain. She is considered the patron saint of cyclists in Spain.
Dorli f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Dora and Dorothea.
Dorliska f Theatre, English (American, Archaic)
Torvaldo e Dorliska (1815) is an operatic dramma semiserio in two acts by Gioachino Rossini based on the novel Les Amours du chevalier de Faublas (1787–1790) by the revolutionary Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvrai, whose work was the source of the Lodoïska libretto set by Luigi Cherubini (1791), and Lodoiska set by Stephen Storace (1794), and Simon Mayr (1796).
Doro f German
Diminutive of Dorothea, typically used as a nickname, not as a given name in its own right. It is used as a stage name by the German hard-rock singer Dorothee Pesch.
Dorocia f Polish
Diminutive of Dorota.
Dorofeia f Medieval Russian
Feminine form of Dorofei.
Dorofeya f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Dorothea.
Dorona f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Doron. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch singer Dorona Alberti (b. 1975).
Dorotèa f Provençal, Gascon
Provençal and Gascon form of Dorothea.
Doroteea f Romanian
Romanian form of Dorothy.
Dorotêye f Walloon
Walloon form of Dorothea.
Dorotha f English
Variant of Dorothy.
Dóróthea f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Dorothea.
Dorothye f German (Silesian, Archaic), Medieval German
Medieval and Silesian German variant of Dorothea.
Doroti f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian borrowing of Dorothy.
Dorotia f Hungarian (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Dorottya.
Dorotka f Czech, Kashubian, Polish
Diminutive of Dorota.
Dorra f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Dorra Ibrahim Zarrouk (born January 13, 1980) is a Tunisian actress living in Egypt.
Dorraine f English (American)
Possibly a blend of Doreen and Lorraine.... [more]
Dorreen f English
Variant of Doreen.
Dorrie f English, Dutch
Diminutive of Dorothy, Doris, or other names containing the dor sound.
Dorrin f Manx
Manx form of Doireann. This name used to be Anglicized as the etymologically unrelated Dorothy.
Dorrit f English, Literature
Transferred use of a surname deriving either from Durward or Dorothy. Made famous by Charles Dickens in his novel Little Dorrit (1855-7) and first-name usage probably derives from it... [more]
Dorry f English
Variant of Dory.
Dorsa f Persian
Means "pearl-like" in Persian.
Dorsaf f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Means "pure pearls" in Arabic, derived from Persian در (dorr) meaning "pearl" combined with Arabic صَافٍ (ṣāfin) meaning "pure, clear", chiefly used in Tunisia.
Dorsille f Louisiana Creole
Possibly a Creole variant of French Drusille.
Dorta f Swedish (Archaic)
Contracted form of Doreta (see also Dorthe and Dörthe).
Dortchen f German (Archaic)
German diminutive of Dorothea. This was the name of the wife of Wilhelm Grimm, the younger of the Brothers Grimm.
Dörte f Low German (Rare), East Frisian
Low German and East Frisian short form of Dorothea.
Dorthelia f American (South, Archaic)
Possibly a combination of Dorothy and Celia.
Dorthia f American (Rare)
Contracted form of Dorothia.
Dortlies f German (Rare)
Combination of Dort, a diminutive of Dorothea and Lies a diminutive of Elisabeth.
Doruntina f Albanian, Folklore
This name is best known as that of the heroine in the Albanian legend and ballad Kostandini dhe Doruntina (Constantin and Doruntine in English).
Doruntinë f Albanian
Doruntinë is the female protagonist of the Albanian folk ballad (also existing in a prose version) 'Constantine and Doruntinë'.
Dorvina f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Possibly a contracted form of Dorvalina.
Doryda f Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Doris.
Dorys f English
Variant of Doris.
Doryss f English
Variant of Doris.
Doryty f Cornish
Cornish form of Dorothy.
Dose f Latvian (Archaic)
Recorded in Latvia in the 17th-century
Doshia f English (American)
Possibly a diminutive of Theodosia. (Cf. Docia.)
Doshie f American
Diminutive of Theodosia.
Dosi f & m Galician
Galician short form of Eudosia and Eudosio.
Dosie f English
Diminutive of Dorothy or Theodosia.
Dositea f Galician (Rare)
Feminine form of Dositeo.
Dossie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Dorothy, Eudoxia, Theodosia, and other names with a similar sound.
Dostana f Serbian (Rare), Croatian (Rare)
Derived from the word for "enough" (dosta). Given to a child whose parents wish for that child to be their last, as there are already too many children in the family.
Dota f German (Modern, Rare)
German short form of the name Dorothea.
Dota f Medieval Basque
Medieval Basque name of uncertain origin and meaning, first recorded in the 1400s.
Dotan m & f Hebrew (Rare)
The Bible tells us that Joseph found his brothers in a place named Dotan, which is possibly means "pit" or "hole" in Hebrew.
Dotir f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Dóttir.
Dotis m & f Greek Mythology
Dotis (male), son of Asterius and Amphictyone (herself daughter of Phthius)... [more]
Dotschy f Romani
The name of the Jazz singer and Sinti activist Dotschy Reinhardt.
Dotsi f English
Variant of Dotsie.
Dotsie f English
Diminutive of Dorothy.
Dotsy f English
Variant of Dotsie.
Dótta f Old Danish
Possibly an Old Danish form of Dóttir. The name appears in the epic work 'Heimskringla' written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson.
Dóttir f Old Norse
From Old Norse dóttir meaning "daughter".
Dottye f English
Alternative spelling of Dotty.
Dou m & f Chinese
From the Chinese character 豆... [more]
Douae f Arabic
A variant of Doua.
Douangchanh f & m Lao
Means "moon" in Lao.
Douangchay m & f Lao
From Lao ດວງ (douang) meaning "star, circle, sphere" and ໃຈ (chay) meaning "mind, heart".
Douangdeuane f Lao (Rare)
Means "moon" in Lao.
Doubča f Czech
Diminutive form of Doubravka.
Doubra m & f Ijaw
Means "will" or "desire" in Ijaw.
Doubravuše f Czech
Diminutive of Doubravka.
Doubruše f Czech
Diminutive form of Doubravka.
Douce f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Judeo-French
Derived from French douce, the feminine form of the adjective doux "sweet; soft; mild, gentle" (ultimately from Latin dulcis "sweet" via Old French dous "soft; tender"), this name is a cognate of Dulcie.
Douceline f Medieval French, French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
Feminine form of Doucelin. This name was borne by Douceline of Digne, a 13th-century Provençal mystic and Roman Catholic saint.
Doucette f Judeo-French
Diminutive of Douce.
Dóufino f Provençal
Provençal form of Delphine.
Doukissa f Greek
Means "duchess" in Greek.
Doula f Greek (Rare)
Perhaps originally a short form of Spyridoula, Theodoula or another name ending in doula. This was borne by Doula Mouriki (1934-1991), a Greek art historian and Byzantinologist.
Doulce f French (Rare), Medieval French
Medieval French form of Douce.
Dounia f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Dunia used in Morocco and Algeria.
Dour f & m Breton
Breton meaning "water"
Dousonna f Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish dous- "forearm". The (additional) meaning "hand" has been suggested.
Doutzen f West Frisian, Dutch
Feminine form of Douwe, which possibly started out as a patronymic meaning "son of Douwe". The name has been rising in popularity since 2007, because of the Frisian model Doutzen Kroes (who rose to fame that year).
Douze f Judeo-French
Variant of Douce.
Dova f Yiddish, Hebrew
Feminine form of Dov.
Dova f Shona
Meaning "dew".
Dovaidė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Dovaidas.
Dovainė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Dovainas.
Dovaldė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Dovaldas.
Dovė f Lithuanian
Short form of feminine names that start with Dov-, such as Dovainė, Dovilė and Dovydė.
Dovesary f Literature
The name of one of the main characters in Tamora Pierce's books Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen.
Dovie f American (South)
Diminutive of Deborah, or sometimes simply from the English word dove. (See also Dove.)
Doviltė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Doviltas. Also compare Dovilė.
Dovima f Popular Culture (Rare)
Nom de plume adopted by American supermodel Dorothy Virginia Margaret Juba. The name is a portmanteau of the first two letters of Juba's three given first names, and was the first single name ever used by a model.
Dovydė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Dovydas.
Dowanhowee f Sioux
Means “singing voice” in Lakota.
Dowsabel f Medieval English
Medieval English vernacular form of Dulcibella. It was taken from the affectionate French phrase douce et belle meaning "sweet and beautiful".