Feminine Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Eilberta f Dutch
Feminine form of Eilbert.
Éile f Irish Mythology
Name of the sister of queen Méadbh(from irish mythology)
Eiléanóir f Irish
Irish form of Eleanor.
Éileictre f Irish
Irish form of Electra used in Irish translations of Greek myth.
Eileitija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ilithyia.
Eilen f Norwegian, Faroese
Norwegian and Faroese variant of Eileen or Elin.
Eilena f English (Rare)
Latinized form of Eilene.
Eiley f Scots
Variant of Eily.
Eileyn f American
Variant of Eileen.
Eili f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a borrowing of Norwegian Eili or Finnish Eila.
Eili f Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Norwegian dialectal variant of Eila or Eli 3.
Eilian m & f Medieval Welsh, Welsh
Welsh form of Aelian. A noted bearer is St. Eilian, a Catholic saint who founded a church in North Wales around the year 450. The Parish of Llanelian is named after him... [more]
Eilika f German (Rare, Archaic), Medieval German
This name is derived from the Germanic name stem agil "edge (of a sword)".
Eilika f Estonian
Diminutive of Eila, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Eilike f Estonian
Variant of Eilika.
Eilin f Norwegian, Faroese
Norwegian and Faroese variant of Elin as well as a Norwegian and Faroese adoption of Eileen.
Eiliosaibeit f Irish
Irish form of Elizabeth.
Eilir f & m Welsh
Derived from Welsh eilir "butterfly; regneration; spring".
Éilís f Irish
Irish form of Elizabeth.
Eilíse f Irish
Variant of Eilís.
Eiliswintha f Medieval German
A dithematic name containing the Germanic name elements agil "edge (of a sword)" and swind "strong".
Eiliwedd f History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a 5th-century Welsh saint, also known as Eluned.
Eilke m & f East Frisian, West Frisian, Low German
For a man, it is the diminutive form of Eile - but for a woman, it is the feminine form of Eile.
Eilley f Scottish (Archaic, ?)
In the case of the Scottish-born American frontier figure Eilley Bowers (c.1827-1903), it was presumably an anglicized form of Eilidh.
Eilo f & m Medieval Spanish, Medieval Basque
Medieval Spanish and Basque name of uncertain meaning and origin. Very common name during the middle ages, specially in the Álava province of the Basque country. In other regions of Spain it has been found mainly as a female name, probably a contraction of Eulalia or Eloísa... [more]
Eilov m & f Norwegian (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Eilev, as well as an archaic feminine form.
Eily f Scots
Scots form of Eilidh.
Eilyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Eileen, using the popular name suffix lyn.
Eimi f Finnish
Variant of Amy.
Eimi f Japanese
From Japanese 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 営 (ei) meaning "occupation, camp, perform, build, conduct (business)", 影 (ei) meaning "shadow, silhouette, phantom", 映 (e, ei) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 栄 (ei) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor", 永 (ei) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 瑛 (e, ei) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 頴 (ei) meaning "heads of grain, cleverness", 英 (ei) meaning "England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx", 衛 (ei) meaning "defense, protection", 詠 (ei) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 鋭 (ei) meaning "pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh" or 榮 (ei) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honour, glory, splendour", 伊 (i) meaning "Italy, that one", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to" combined with 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 見 (mi) meaning "see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake or serpent", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 己 (mi) meaning "self", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, spirit", 光 (mi) meaning "light", 扇 (mi) meaning "fan, folding fan", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 未 (mi) meaning "un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac" or 笑 (mi) meaning "laugh"... [more]
Eimija f Latvian (Modern)
Latvian borrowing of English Amy.
Eimíle f Irish (Archaic)
Irish form of Emily.
Eimyrja f Norse Mythology
Means "ember" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology she is one of the two beautiful daughters of the fire god Logi and the mother of Viking by Vífil.
Einara f Old Norse
“Bold warrior”. Feminine form of Einar.
Einat f Hebrew
Means "spring of water" in Hebrew.
Einav m & f Hebrew
Variant transcription of Enav.
Eindís f Icelandic
From the Old Norse elements ein "one, alone" and dís "goddess".
Eindra f Burmese
Alternate transcription of Eaindra.
Eine f Finnish
Feminine form of Eino.
Einés f Galician (Rare)
Galician form of Agnes.
Eingana f Indigenous Australian Mythology
Eingana is the name of an Aboriginal snake goddess, the mother of all things but also a symbol of death. In the legend, she gave birth to all things, and sustains life through her umbilical cords, but whenever she cuts a cord, the thing bound to it dies.
Einikki f Finnish (Rare)
Feminine form of Eino.
Éinín f Irish
Directly taken from the Irish word éinín meaning "little bird". This is a modern Irish word name that has only been used in recent years.
Einmyria f Norse Mythology (Anglicized)
Form of Eimyrja. In Norse mythology this was the name of the daughter of Logi and Glut... [more]
Èinsa f Emilian-Romagnol
Emilian form of Enza. The name coincides with the name of the river Èinsa.
Eione f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἠϊών (eion) meaning "shore, beach, sea-bank". This was the name of one of the Nereids in Greek mythology.
Eirá f Sami
Sami form of Eira 2.
Eiram f Urdu
Variation of the Arabic Iram, meaning “garden in Heaven”
Eirdís f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eir "protection; peace; calm; help; mercy; benignity" and dís "goddess; woman, lady; sister" or dis "wise woman, seeress; woman, virgin".
Eiresa f Guarani
It means "clear eyes" in Guaranì.
Eirfinna f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eir "protection; peace; calm; help; mercy; benignity" and finnr "a Finn; a Lapp".
Eiria f English
Possibly a transferred use of the surname Eiria.... [more]
Eiriana f Welsh
Strictly feminine form of Eirian.
Eirianedd f Welsh
Means "splendour, brightness" in Welsh.
Eirianwen f Welsh
From Welsh eirian "shining, bright" and gwen "holy, white, pure".
Eiríka f Icelandic
Feminine form of Eiríkur.
Eiril f Norwegian
Modern name invented in the 20th century composed of Old Norse ei "ever, always" (possibly taken from Eirik) and hildr "battle".
Eirill f Norwegian
Variant of Eiril.
Eirin f Japanese
From Japanese 永 (ei) "eternal" and 琳 (rin) "jewel."
Eirin f Norwegian
Elaborated form of Eir as well as a variant Airin, a (rare) Nordic name reflecting the English pronunciation of Irene.
Eirina f Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ειρήνα (see Irina).
Eirinn f Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of the Norwegian name Eirin.
Eirny f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Eirný.
Eirný f Old Norse, Icelandic
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eir "protection; peace; calm; help; mercy; benignity" and "new moon, waxing moon" or nýr "new; young; fresh".
Eirun f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Eyrún, first used in the 1920s.
Eirunn f Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Eyrún.
Eiry f Welsh
Older form of Eira 1.
Eirys f Welsh
Cymricised variant of Iris.
Eisa f Norse Mythology
Means "glowing embers" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology this was the name of the daughter of Logi and Glut.
Eisabello f Provençal
Provençal form of Isabelle.
Eisabèu f Provençal
Provençal form of Elizabeth.
Eisele f English (American)
Transferred use of the German surname Eisele.
Eisha m & f English
Possibly a variant of Aisha.
Eisha f Sanskrit
Variant of Esha.
Eisia m & f Scottish
This name was found etched onto a silver vessel in East Lothian, Scotland. It was accompanied by the names Bri, Camulogeni, Con and Frymiacus. Its meaning is unknown and whether the name was Eisia alone or Eisia with something else following it is also unknown as it was barley legible.
Eisibél f Medieval Irish
Medieval Irish variant form of Isabel, or possibly Elizabeth.
Eisinbjørg f Faroese
Faroese combination of ėisa "fire", "pyre" and bjarga "to help, save, rescue".
Eisley f Popular Culture
Possibly popularized by the town Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine in the 'Star Wars' universe.
Eistear f Irish
Irish form of Esther.
Eistir f Medieval Irish, Irish (Archaic)
Irish form of Esther. This name used to be "given to children born about Easter".
Eistla f Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from eist "oast", a kiln used for drying hops. This is the name of a Jǫtunn in Norse mythology.
Eita f Tongan
Tongan form of Edith.
Eitana f Hebrew
Feminine form of Eitan.
Eithel f English
Variant of Ethel.
Eithna f Irish
Variant of Eithne.
Eiðný f Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eiðr "oath" and nýr "new; young; fresh" or "new moon; waxing moon".
Eithrig f Scottish Gaelic
Variant of Oighrig via the older form Aithbhreac. This name used to be Anglicized as the etymologically unrelated names Effie, Euphemia, Erica and Africa 2.
Eiðunn f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Eidunn.
Eiðvør f Faroese
Combination of the Old Norse name elements eiðr "oath" and vár "spring (the season); woman (in a poetic context); truth".
Eivina f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Eivin.
Eivør f Faroese
Variant of Eiðvør and Eyðvør as well as a younger form of Eyvǫr... [more]
Eiza f Spanish (Latin American)
Possibly a variant of Aiza, or a form of Elsa or Eliza... [more]
Eiženija f Latvian (Rare)
Latvian form of Eugenia.
Eja f Croatian (Rare)
Croatian form of Eos.
Eja f Malagasy
Means "elegance, beauty" in Malagasy.
Ejan f Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Swedish pet form of Eja, itself a variant of Eija.
Ejatu f Western African, Fula
Sierra Leonean name, allegedly derived from Arabic eja ati meaning "movement", or perhaps a form of Aïchatou.
Ejdit f Silesian
Silesian form of Edyta.
Eje f Turkmen
Turkmen form of Ece
Ejebay f Turkmen
Feom eje meaning "lady, mother" and baý meaning "rich, wealthy"
Ejia f Chinese
From the Chinese 蛾 (é) meaning "moth" and 嘉 (jiā) meaning "fine, good, excellent, auspicious".
Ejigayehu f Amharic, Ethiopian
Means "I have seen a lot good/better" in Amharic. This was the name of a famous singer Ejigayehu Shibabaw, better known as Gigi.
Ejimmadu m & f Igbo
I am with human being
Ejita f Sanskrit
MEANING - to shine... [more]
Ejjegayyahu f Amharic
Means "I have seen much" in Amharic.
Ejlejtyja f Polish
Polish form of Ilithyia.
Ejovwokoghene m & f African
Ejuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 婀 (ē) meaning "be beautiful, graceful" and 绢 (juàn) meaning "thin silk" or 娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful".
Ejvor f Swedish
Variant of Eivor.
Ekʼ f Classic Mayan
Means "star", deriving from the Classic Maya element ek’ ("star").
Eka f Eritrean (Modern)
Matchless, incompatible, first,
Ekaa f Sanskrit
MEANING - union, one of its kind (Unique ), pre-eminent, chief, excellent, single, one , Name of goddess Durga... [more]
Ekaete f Western African, Ibibio, Efik
Means "father's mother". It is given in honor of one's paternal grandmother.
Ekai m & f Basque
Ekaitza f Basque (Modern, Rare), Basque Mythology
Feminine form of Ekaitz, meaning "storm", that had long been forgotten and was eventually rediscovered at the beginning of the 20th century.... [more]
Ekanamsha f Hinduism
The name of a Hindu goddess, which may mean "the single, portionless one" or be derived from the Sanskrit एकांत (ekant) meaning "secluded, private, secret". This is also the name of the new moon.
Ēkara f & m Maori
Means "eagle" in Maori.
Ekari f Burmese
Means "queen" in Burmese.
Ekashtaka f Hinduism
From Sanskrit एक (eka) meaning "one; happening only once, that one only" and अष्टका (ashtaka) meaning "eighth day after a full moon", possibly referring to the eighth day after the full moon of the month of Magha... [more]
Ekav f Koryak (?)
Koryat form of Yelizaveta.
Ekavali f Indian, Punjabi, Nepali, Telugu
Possibly means "necklace" or "single string."
Ekavi f Greek
Modern Greek form of Hekabe.
Ekawati f Indonesian
From Indonesian eka meaning "one, first", ultimately from Sanskrit एक (eka), combined with the feminine suffix -wati.
Ekecheiria f Greek Mythology
From Ancient Greek ἐκεχειρία (ekekheiria) "truce, armistice". In Greek mythology, this was the name of the personification of truce, armistice, and cessation of hostilities. She was honoured during the ancient Olympic Games, when an armistice was called between city states for the duration of the games.
Ekei m & f Efik
Ekeka f Hawaiian
Variant of Ekika.
Ekekela f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Esther.
Ekekheiria f Greek Mythology
Variant transcription of Ekecheiria.
Ekela f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Ethel.
Ekele f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Estelle.
Ekena f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Edna.
Ekeshvari f Sanskrit
MEANING - supreme goddess, supreme queen. Here एक means chief, supreme + ईश्वरी means goddess, queen... [more]
Ekhiñe f Basque
Feminine form of Ekhi.
Ekhoe m & f Western African, Edo
Means "mind" in Edo language.
Eki f Sanskrit, Tamil, Indian, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhalese, Indian (Sikh), Hindi
Means "unite; combine; associate" in Sanskrit, Nepali, Sinhalese and many Indian languages.
Ekia f Basque
Derived from Basque eki "sun".
Ekika f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Edith.
Eĸilana f Greenlandic
Greenlandic name of unknown meaning, maybe a combination of Eĸilat and -na, a Greenlandic suffix indicating a personal name.
Eĸilat f Greenlandic
Meaning unknown.
Ekiñe f Basque
Feminine form of Eki.
Ekiwina f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Edwina.
Ekklesia f Indonesian
From Greek εκκλησία (ekklesia) meaning "church".
Ekʼ-naah f Classic Mayan
Means "star house", deriving from the Classic Maya elements ek' ("star") and na' ("house, structure"). Name borne by a prominent Maya queen of Kaan (fl. 520 CE).
Eko f Georgian
Short form of Ekaterine.
Eko f Japanese
From Japanese 響 (eko) meaning "echo, sound" or other kanji pronounced in the same way.... [more]
Ekpa f & m Efik
Ekpedeme m & f Western African, Ibibio
Means "who should share?" in Ibibio.
Ekram f & m Arabic, Bengali
Arabic alternate transcription of Ikram as well as the Bengali form. It is only used as a masculine name in Bangladesh.
Ekta f Indian
Means "unity" and "identity" in Sanskrit.
Ekuna f Georgian
Diminutive of Ekaterine and its short forms Eka 2 and Eko, as it contains the Georgian diminutive suffix -უნა (-una).
Ekuseni f Zulu
Means "in the morning" in Zulu.
Ekusha f Georgian
Diminutive of Ekaterine and its short forms Eka 2 and Eko, as it contains the Georgian diminutive suffix -უშა (-usha).
Ekwunife m & f Igbo
Means "don't make a secret open" in Igbo.
Ekwutosi m & f Igbo
Means "don't cause slander" in Igbo.
Ela f Slovak
Originally a diminutive of Helena and Eleonóra, now used as a given name in its own right.
Ela f Sanskrit, Indian
Derived from Sanskrit एला (elaa) which means "the earth; cardamom".
Ela f Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Elizabeth via Elżbieta.
Ela-a f Mao
From the Mao elo meaning "welcome".
Elabel f American (Rare)
Combination of Ella 1 and the common suffix -bel.
Eladia f Spanish
Feminine form of Eladio.
Elaf f Arabic (Rare)
Means "familiarity" in Arabic.
Elah f English (Rare)
Variant of Ella 1 or Ella 2. This name was given to 33 girls born in the United States in 2015.
Elahe f Persian
Variant of Elaheh.
Elaïa f Basque (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Elaia.
Elaide f American (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a diminutive of Adelaide.
Elaila f Brazilian (Modern, Rare)
Elaborated form of the name Laila 1, perhaps with the influence of names like Eloise.
Élaine f French
French form of Elaine.
Élaingne f Picard
Picard form of Elaine.
Elaís f Brazilian (Rare, ?)
Possibly an elaboration of Laís.
Eláj f & m Pwâla
One of the first Pwâla names assigned originally to Pwâ-Eláj. The name translates directly to “scholar” but also suggests “curiousity” and “intelligence”.
Elämä m & f Finnish
Means "life" in Finnish.
Elamie f Arthurian Cycle
In Wirnt von Grafenberg’s Wigalois, a Queen of Tyre who entered a kind of sparrowhawk tournament and won, for she was the most beautiful.
Elan f Medieval Irish (Anglicized)
Archaic Irish form of Helen and Ellen 1 (via the archaic Gaelic spelling Oilen).
Elan f Welsh, Welsh Mythology
One of the daughters of Dôn, a type of mother goddess and the Welsh equivalent of Irish Danu, in Welsh mythology. ... [more]
Elan f Chinese
From the Chinese 娥 (é) meaning "be beautiful, good" and 兰 (lán) meaning "orchid".
Elana f English, Jewish
Feminine form of Elan.
Eland m & f Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare)
Dutch and West Frisian contracted form of Edelland, which is a variant form of Adelland. Also compare Aland.... [more]
Elandria f African American
Elandria seems to be an American name, more utilized by Black Americans/African-Americans. Notable individuals named Elandria are Elandria Williams, former Co-Moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Elania f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Elana or Elane.
Elanora f Indigenous Australian (Rare)
Australian locational name. Derived from an Australian Aboriginal word meaning "home by the sea" or "home by the water".
Elantia f Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish elantia "doe, hind".
Elanur f Turkish (Modern)
Combination of Turkish ela meaning "hazel (colour)" and Arabic نور (nur) meaning "light".
Elaphia f Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek name known from various limestone inscriptions in the vicinity of Nevinne, Laodicea Combusta, Phrygia in Asia Minor.... [more]
Elaphiaia f Greek Mythology
Alteration of Alpheiaia, influenced by Greek ἔλαφος (elaphos) "deer". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Artemis, under which she was worshipped in Elis.
Elaphina f Ancient Greek
Apparently derived from Greek ἔλαφος (elaphos) meaning "deer".
Elara f Breton
Feminine form of Elar.
Elaria f English, Medieval English
A medieval English form of Eulalia. ... [more]
Elayne f English
Variant of Elaine.
Elayokon f Ijaw
Means "take what reaches you" in Ijaw.
Elba f Italian
Directly taken from the name of the island of Elba. The island's modern name has developped from Medieval Italian Helba and Ilba and is ultimately derived from Latin Ilva.
Elbee m & f English (American, Rare)
Phonetic spelling of the initials LB.
Elbegbayan m & f Mongolian
Means "plentiful riches" in Mongolian, from элбэг (elbeg) meaning "abundant, plentiful" and баян (bayan) meaning "rich, wealthy".
Elbegbayar m & f Mongolian
Means "abundant joy" in Mongolian, from элбэг (elbeg) meaning "abundant, plentiful" and баяр (bayar) meaning "joy, celebration".
Elbegbuyan m & f Mongolian
Means "abundant virtue" or "plentiful fortune" in Mongolian, from элбэг (elbeg) meaning "abundant, plentiful" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
Elbegsaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian элбэг (elbeg) meaning "rich, abundant" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "beautiful, nice, handsome, fine".
Elbegzaya f & m Mongolian
Alternate transcription of Mongolian Cyrillic Элбэгзаяа (see Elbegzayaa).
Elbegzayaa f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian элбэг (elbeg) meaning "rich, abundant" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "fate, destiny".
Elberen f East Frisian (Rare, Archaic)
The name is formed from the two Germanic name elements AGIL "edge (of a sword)" (via Eil-) and BERIN "she-bear".
Elbereth f Literature
Means "queen of the stars" in Sindarin, composed of êl "star" and bereth "queen, spouse". In 'The Lord of the Rings' (1954) by J. R. R. Tolkien, this was an epithet of Varda, the deity to whom the Elvish hymn 'A Elbereth Gilthoniel' was directed.
Elbetel f Ethiopian
the house of god
Elbibi f Uzbek
From the Uzbek el meaning "people, nation, country" and bibi meaning "mother, learned woman, authoritative woman".
Elbika f Chechen
Either from Proto-Semitic *ʾil- meaning "deity, god" (see El or Allah) or Turkic el meaning "people, country, nation" (see Elnur or Eldar) combined with Turkic bika meaning "lady, girl, mistress".
Elbira f Medieval Basque, Basque
Basque form of Elvira. Elbira Zipitria Irastorza (1906–1982) was an innovative Spanish-Basque educator who pioneered home schools as a means of reviving use of the Basque language at a time when it was prohibited.
Elbire f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Elvira and Elvire.
Elbmá f Sami
Sami form of Elma.
Elbrich f West Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
West Frisian form of Adalburg via its variant spelling Adelburg.
Elbur f & m Popular Culture, Literature
Used by the popular British novelist Eleanor Burford (1906-1993) as a pen name, in which case it was formed from a contraction of her birth name, i.e., by combining the initial syllables of Eleanor (El) and Burford (-bur)... [more]
Elchechak f Uzbek
From the Uzbek el meaning "people, nation, country" and chechak meaning "sweet".
Elci f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Apparently a Brazilian Portuguese borrowing of Elsie, or else a variant of Erci.
Elcia f Polish
Diminutive of Elżbieta.
Elda f Danish, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish (Rare)
Short form of names containing the element eld, from Old Norse eldr, "fire".
Eldalótë f Literature
Means "elven flower" in Quenya from elda meaning "elf" and lótë meaning "flower". It was used by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Eldana f Kyrgyz
From Medieval Turkic el meaning "country, society" and Persian دانا (dana) meaning "wise".
El'danqız f Karachay-Balkar (Archaic)
Means "girl from the village" in Karachay-Balkar. This name was found in records from the 18th-19th centuries.
Eldar m & f Hebrew
Most sources state that this name means "God resides" in Hebrew. This could be correct, as the first element is indeed clearly derived from Hebrew el meaning "God". However, I can't find any Hebrew verb that means "to reside" and looks physically similar to the second element... [more]
Eldbjörg f Icelandic, Swedish (Rare)
Icelandic and Swedish form of Eldbjørg.
Eldee f & m English (American, Rare)
Phonetic spelling of the initials LD or a form of Elda.