Feminine Submitted Names

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Enòuna f Emilian-Romagnol
Emilian form of Oenone.
Enqi f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 绮 (qǐ) meaning "fine silk, elegant".
Enqian f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 倩 (qiàn) meaning "beautiful, lovely".
Enqiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, clever, skillful".
Enqiong f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".
Enri f Japanese
From Japanese 円 (en) meaning "circle, ring" combined with 利 (ri) meaning "profit, benefit". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Enrieto f Provençal
Provençal form of Henriette.
Enrika f Lithuanian, Albanian (Rare)
Lithuanian variant of Henrika and Albanian borrowing of Italian Enrica.
Enriketa f Albanian
Albanian form of Henrietta (compare Enrichetta)
Enrong f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Enrui f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower bud".
Ensa f Uzbek
Means "the back of the head" in Uzbek.
Enshu f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle".
Enshuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost".
Ensi f & m Finnish
A short form and/or variant of Ensio.
Ensis m & f Astronomy
Means "sword" in Latin. This is the name of a star in Orion, also known as Saiph and Algjebbah.
Ensley f English
Variant of Ainsley.
Enslie m & f English
Variant of Ensley.
Entela f Albanian
Possibly derived from Greek enteles "complete, full, perfect".
Enthanou f Khmer
Means "rainbow" in Khmer.
Entian f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful".
Enting f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 婷 (tíng) meaning "pretty, graceful".
Entla f Polish, Yiddish
Eastern Yiddish form of Jentl.
Enu f Estonian (Archaic)
Older form of Ene, recorded in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Enula f Italian (Rare)
Italian word for the Elecampane (Inula helenium), a widespread plant species in the sunflower family Asteraceae.
Enuo f Chinese
From the Chinese 婀 (ē) meaning "be beautiful, graceful" and 娜 (nuó) meaning "elegant, graceful".
Envela f Breton
Feminine form of Envel.
Envera f Bosnian, Turkish
Feminine form of Enver.
Envy f & m Popular Culture, Literature
Middle English (also in the sense ‘hostility, enmity’) from Old French envie (noun), envier (verb), from Latin invidia, from invidere ‘regard maliciously, grudge’, from in- ‘into’ + videre ‘to see’.
Enwen f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns".
Enxhi f Albanian
Variant of Inxhi.
Enxia f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
Enxiang f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense".
Enxiu f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 秀 (xiù) meaning "beautiful, elegant, excellent, refined, graceful".
Enxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade, star".
Enyah f English
Variant of Enya. This name was given to 5 girls born in the USA in 2010.
Enyan f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
Enyao f Chinese
From the Chinese From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Enyd f Welsh
Variant of Enid.
Enye f Yiddish
Means "grace" in Yiddish.
Enyi f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 旖 (yǐ) meaning "romantic, charming".
Enying f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water; lucid, glossy" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf".
Enyonyam f Western African
Means "it is good for me" in Ewe.
Enyuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman".
Enza f Italian, Sicilian
Originally a feminine form of Enzo, this name is also used as a diminutive of names ending in -enza, such as Vincenza, Lorenza or Fiorenza.
Enzeru f Japanese
From Japanese 天使 (enzeru) meaning "angel". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Enzhu f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, gem".
Enzi f & m Swahili
Means "powerful" in Swahili.
Enzi f German (Rare)
Hypochoristic form of Enzia.
Eodez f Medieval Breton
Breton form of Aude.
Eodum f & m Korean
Means "darkness" in Korean
Eoife f English
Variant of Aoife.
Eoinícé f Irish
Irish form of Eunice.
Eo-jin m & f Korean
Means "compassionate, benevolent" in Korean.
Eon m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Ean.
Eone f Greek Mythology, American (South, Archaic), English (Australian, Archaic)
In Greek mythology, Eone was a Thespian princess as one of the fifty daughters of King Thespius.
Eonne f Medieval Breton
Semi-Gallicized feminine form of Eon.
Eopsin f Korean Mythology
The name of the goddess of storage and wealth in traditional Korean religion, who traditionally takes the form of a snake or weasel and protects the home. Her name is derived from 業 (eop) meaning "profession, work, job" and 神 (sin) meaning "god, goddess, spirit"... [more]
Eorcengota f Anglo-Saxon
It perhaps means "Genuine Geat", it likely comes from the Ancient Germanic elements erkan meaning "Genuine" and gaut meaning "Geat, Goth", referring to the tribes.... [more]
Eormenburh f Anglo-Saxon
From Old English eormen meaning "whole, great" and burg "fortress" (making it a cognate of Erminburg).
Eormengyð f Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English eormen "whole, great" and guð "battle". This name was borne by a daughter of Eormenred of Kent, son of Eadbald, who ruled as King of Kent from 616 until his death in 640.
Eormenthryth f Anglo-Saxon
Old English cognate of Ermendrud.
Eos f Welsh
Means "nightingale" in Welsh.
Eostre f Anglo-Saxon Mythology
Eostre, or Ostara; Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility. Foundation of the name Easter.
Éovin f Literature (?)
Hungarian form of Éowyn, a character created by J. R. R. Tolkien for his 'Lord of the Rings' books, meaning "horse lover".
Eowynn f English (Modern)
Variant of Éowyn, which J. R. R. Tolkien invented using the Old English elements e(o)h "horse" and wynn "joy".
Eozena f Breton
Feminine form of Eozen.
Eozenez f Breton
Variant of Eozena.
Epainista f Ancient Greek
Epainos "commendation, praise" + istes "concerned with, one who is"
Epaphrodita f Ancient Greek (Latinized, ?)
Possibly a Latinized form of Greek Επαφροδιτη (Epaphrodite), a feminine equivalent of Epaphroditos.
Eparchis f Ancient Greek
Epi "over, above" + archos "ruler"
Epemia f Georgian
Georgian form of Euphemia.
Eper f Hungarian
Means "strawberry" or "mulberry" in Hungarian.
Eperjes f Medieval Hungarian
Older form of Eperke. The name coincides with (current) dialectal Hungarian eperjes "strawberry patch".
Eperke f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian eper "strawberry (on the ground); mulberry (on a tree)" (ultimately from Proto-Ugric *äppärĕ-kə “strawberry”).
Eperulo m & f Bandial
Means "to scream at the top of one's voice" in Bandial.
Ephah m & f Biblical Hebrew
In the Hebrew Bible, Ephah was the name of three people: one of Midian's five sons (a descendant of Abraham via Keturah), a son of Jahdai (a descendant of Judah), and a concubine of Caleb.
Ephemera f English
Any transitory written or printed matter not meant to be retained or preserved. The word derives from the Greek, meaning things lasting no more than a day.
Ephesia f Greek Mythology, Late Roman, Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Ephesius. Also see the Italian form Efisia. In Greek mythology this was an epithet of the goddess Artemis meaning "of Ephesus", Ephesus being a city in Asia Minor famous for a temple dedicated to her, which was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Ephigenia f History (Ecclesiastical)
Variant of Iphigenia. Saint Ephigenia of Ethiopia (also known as Iphigenia of Ethiopia; 1st century), is a folk saint whose life is told in the Golden Legend as a virgin converted to Christianity and then consecrated to God by St... [more]
Ephraimia f Hebrew
Feminine form of Ephraim.
Ephrasie f Norman
Norman form of Euphrasia.
Ephy f English
Variant of Effie.
Ephyra f Greek Mythology
The name of a nymph of the town of Ephyraia (Corinth) on the Isthmos. The name is either taken from that place or means "fiery", from the element φυρα (phyra).
Epianassa f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἐπί (epi) meaning "on, upon" and ᾰ̓́νασσᾰ (anassa) meaning "queen" (feminine form of ἄναξ (anax) "lord, master").
Epic m & f English
From epic (adj.) 1580s, "pertaining to or constituting a lengthy heroic poem," via French épique or directly from Latin epicus, from Greek epikos, from epos "a word; a tale, story; promise, prophecy, proverb; poetry in heroic verse" (from PIE root *wekw- "to speak")... [more]
Epicaste f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Possibly derived from Greek ἐπί (epi) meaning "on, upon, over" and κέκασμαι (kekasmai) meaning "to surpass, to excel, to shine" (pluperfect κέκαστο (kekasto))... [more]
Epicelena f Medieval English (Rare)
Possibly related to Greek epikeleusis "cheering, exhortation" and epikeleuo "to exhort, encourage, cheer on".
Epicharis f Ancient Greek, French (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from Greek ἐπίχαρις (epicharis) meaning "pleasing, charming". This was the name of a 1st-century Roman freedwoman who was a member of the Pisonian conspiracy against the emperor Nero... [more]
Epifánia f Hungarian
Cognate of Epiphany, meaning "manifestation".
Epifanía f Spanish
Spanish form of Epiphania.
Epifania f Spanish (Rare), Galician (Rare), Italian (Rare), Corsican, Polish (Rare)
Spanish, Galician, Italian, Corsican and Polish feminine form of Epiphanius. A fictional bearer is Epifania Fitzfassenden, a central character in George Bernard Shaw's play 'The Millionairess' (1936).
Epikasta f Serbian
Serbian version of Epicaste (Ἐπικάστη), a name attributed to five women in Greek mythology, for example Epicaste, mother of Homer by Telemachus (son of Odysseus).
Epiktesis f Ancient Greek
Means "further acquisition, fresh gain" in Greek, from ἐπῐ́ (epi) "in addition" and κτήσις (ktēsis) "possession, acquisition".
Epimeleia f Ancient Greek
From Greek ἐπιμέλεια (epimeleia) meaning "care, attention".
Epinike f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Epinikos.
Epione f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ἤπιος (epios) meaning "soothing". In Greek mythology this was the name of a goddess of healing. She was the wife of the medicine god Asklepios.
Epiphania f History (Ecclesiastical), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of the Greek name Ἐπιφάνεια (Epiphaneia), a feminine form of Epiphanes. This name was borne by an 8th-century Italian saint from Pavia... [more]
Épiphanie f French (Rare), French (African)
French form of Epiphania. It coincides with French épiphanie meaning "realisation, epiphany" and the French form of the Western Christian holiday known as Epiphany in Anglophone countries.
Epipole f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Epipole was a daughter of Trachion, of Carystus in Euboea. In the disguise of a man she went with the Greeks against Troy. When Palamedes discovered her sex, she was stoned to death by the Greek army.
Episteme f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Derived from Ancient Greek ἐπιστήμη "knowledge, understanding; skill". Saint Episteme was a 3rd-century Syrian Christian martyred under the reign of Decius.
Epistheneia f Ancient Greek
Epi "over, above" + sthenos "vigour, strength"
Epistimi f Greek, History (Ecclesiastical)
Modern Greek form of Episteme as well as a Romanian variant of Epistimia used in the Orthodox Church... [more]
Epistinia f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Epistheneia.... [more]
Epitychia f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Epityches.
Epixena f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Epixenos.
Eponin f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Eponine.
Epp f Estonian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Estonian hepp "lively" and a variant of Ebe.
Eppie f Scots
Diminutive of Elspeth.
Eppow f Cornish
Cornish form of Elizabeth
Eppu m & f Finnish
A Finnish diminutive of such names as Emil and Erik. Famous bearers are the Finnish band Eppu Normaali, author and actress Eppu Nuotio (born Eija-Riitta Nuotio) and actor Eppu Salminen (born Jarmo Juhani Salminen)... [more]
Epraksia f Armenian, Georgian (Rare)
Armenian and Georgian form of Eupraxia (see Yevpraksiya).
Epro f Finnish
Finnish short form of Efrosiina.
Eprosine f Georgian
Georgian form of Euphrosyne.
Epsie f English
Diminutive of Hepzibah.
Eqilana f Greenlandic
Younger form of Eĸilana.
Eqilat f Greenlandic
Younger form of Eĸilat.
Eqqaaraq f Greenlandic
Younger form of Erĸâraĸ.
Era f Italian
Italian form of Hera.
Era f Greek (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Greek Ήρα (see Ira 1). It may also be used as a short form of Irini.
Eraide f Italian (Archaic)
Italian form of Herais.
Eraj f & m Arabic
Eraka f Sanskrit
Name : Eraka एरका... [more]
Eraki f Sanskrit
Name : Eraki एरकी... [more]
Eralda f Albanian, Italian
Albanian feminine form of Erald and Italian feminine form of Eraldo.
Eran f Japanese
From Japanese 瑛 (e) meaning "luster of gem" combined with 蘭 (ran) meaning "orchid". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Erana f Maori
Maori form of Ellen 1.
Eranda f Albanian
Feminine form of Erand.
Erandi f & m Purépecha
Means "dawn, sunrise" in Purépecha.
Eranuhi f Armenian
Means "full of energy" in Armenian.
Erasmia f Greek, Late Greek
Derived from Greek ερασμιος (erasmios) meaning "beloved" (compare Erasmos). This name was borne by one of 40 virgin martyrs who were tortured and killed with their teacher Ammon under Licinius, the ruler of Thrace.
Erata f Ancient Greek
Eratos "the lovely one, beloved" (see Erastus)
Erathipa f Indigenous Australian Mythology
A huge boulder in the shape of a pregnant woman bears this name (in Australia). It is said that the souls of dead children reside within it, and that if a woman of child-bearing age walks by a soul slips from the boulder and into her womb to be reborn.
Eratonassa f Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἐρατός (eratos) "lovely, beloved" (compare Erato) and ἄνασσα (anassa) "queen, lady" (the feminine form of ἄναξ (anax) "master, lord").
Eratsune f Basque
16th-century coinage derived from Basque eraitsi "to decrease, to reduce, to lower". This name was intended as a Basque equivalent of Modesta.
Erazik f Armenian
From the Armenian երազ (eraz) meaning "dream".
Erazma f Polish
Feminine form of Erazm.
Erblina f Albanian
Derived from Albanian erë "wind; scent; fragrance; smell" and bli "linden tree; lime tree".
Ercanburg f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from Old High German ercan "native, freeborn, honest." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Ercanhild f Germanic
Derived from Old High German ercan "native, freeborn, honest" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
Ercantrud f Germanic
Derived from Old High German ercan "native, freeborn, honest" combined with þruþ "strength."
Erchana f English (Australian)
The given name of Erchana Murray-Bartlett who set a world record with 150 Marathon runs in 150 consecutive days.
Erculina f Sicilian
Feminine form of Erculi.
Erdenebayar m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and баяр (bayar) meaning "celebration, joy".
Erdenebolor f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and болор (bolor) meaning "crystal".
Erdenebulgan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and булган (bulgan) meaning "sable".
Erdenebüren m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and бүрэн (büren) meaning "complete, entire".
Erdenebuyan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and буян (buyan) meaning "good deed, virtue, charity" or "fortune, blessing".
Erdenechuluun m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and чулуун (chuluun) meaning "stone".
Erdenedalai m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and далай (dalai) meaning "ocean, sea".
Erdenedelger f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure"and дэлгэр (delger) meaning "vast, wide" or "prosperous, abundant".
Erdenegerel f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
Erdenekhishig f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and хишиг (khishig) meaning "blessing, favour".
Erdenemandakh m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and мандах (mandakh) meaning "ascent, rising".
Erdenemönkh m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and мөнх (mönkh) meaning "eternal".
Erdenenyam m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and ням (nyam) meaning "Sunday".
Erdene-Od m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and од (od) meaning "star".
Erdene-Oyuun f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and оюун (oyuun) meaning "wisdom, intellect".
Erdenesaikhan m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Erdenesoyol f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and соёл (soyol) meaning "culture, the arts".
Erdenesuvd f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" or "precious" and сувд (suvd) meaning "pearl".
Erdenetögs m & f Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and төгс (tögs) meaning "perfect, complete".
Erdenetsagaan f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white".
Erdenetsetseg f Mongolian
Means "precious flower" or "jewel flower" in Mongolian, from эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, gem, precious" and цэцэг (tsetseg) meaning "flower".
Erdenetungalag f Mongolian
Means "clear as a jewel" in Mongolian, from эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and тунгалаг (tungalag) meaning "serenity, clarity" or "clear, unclouded, transparent".
Erdenetuya f Mongolian
From Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and туяа (tuya) meaning "ray, beam".
Erdenezhargal f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and жаргал (jargal) meaning "happiness, blessing".
Erdenezul f & m Mongolian
Derived from Mongolian эрдэнэ (erdene) meaning "jewel, treasure" and зул (zul) meaning "light, lamp".
Erdeni f Buryat
Buryat form of Erdene.
Erdeni m & f Manchu
From the Middle Mongolian ᡝᡵᡩᡝᠨᡳ (erdeni) meaning "precious, gem, jewel".
Erdeta f Albanian
Feminine form of Erdet.
Erdiñe f Basque
Derived from Basque erdi "to give birth; middle, center; half".
Erdita f Albanian
Feminine form of Erdit.
Erdmanna f German (Rare, Archaic)
Rare feminine form of Erdmann.
Erdme f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Erdmuthe influenced by Lithuanian Erdmė.... [more]
Erdmė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from Lithuanian erdmė "space".
Erdmut f & m German (Rare, Archaic)
There are different theories about the etymology. ... [more]
Erdmuthe f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Erdmuth or Erdmut, derived from German Erde "earth" and Mut "courage, bravery" or "mood" (compare Hartmut)... [more]
Erdonja f Bosnian (Archaic)
Possibly derived from the Spanish word doña, meaning "lady".
Ere f Estonian (Rare)
Directly taken from Estonian ere "bright".
Erea f Galician
Galician form of Irene.
Erebi f Ijaw
Means "the beauty of womanhood" in Ijaw.
Ered f Hebrew
Means "rose" in Hebrew.
Erekay f Mordvin
Means "live, alive" in Moksha.
Erel m & f Hebrew
Possibly derived from Hebrew אֶרְאֵל (erel), a word found in the Old Testament (in Isaiah 33:7) which means "hero, valiant one" or possibly "angel" (related to 'Er'ellı̄m, a post-biblical name of the angels, and perhaps originally a contracted form of Ariel: אריאל).... [more]
Erel f Breton
Variant of Erell.
Erela f Hebrew (Rare)
Feminine form of Erel.
Ereleuva f Gothic
Ereleuva was the mother of the Ostrogothic king Theoderic the Great. She is often referred to as the concubine of Theoderic's father, Theodemir, although that Gelasius refers to her as regina ("queen") suggests that she had a prominent social position despite the informality of her union with Theodemir.
Erelieva f Gothic, History
Derived from Old High German era "honour, respect" and Old High German liob "dear, beloved". Erelieva was the wife of Theodemir, king of the Ostrogoths (in the 5th century AD), and mother of Theodoric the Great.
Erell f Breton
Of uncertain origin and meaning, although a connection to Old Irish er "high; noble; great" has been suggested.
Eremiemi f & m Ijaw
Means "my name shall survive" in Ijaw.
Eremita f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Derived from Portuguese eremita "hermit".
Eren f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection" combined with 恋 (ren) meaning "love". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Erena f Japanese
From Japanese 愛 (e) meaning "love, affection", 英 (e) meaning "hero, outstanding", 衛 (e) meaning "defense, protection", 詠 (e) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 鋭 (e) meaning "pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness", 慧 (e) meaning "wise" or 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 令 (re) meaning "orders, ancient laws, command, decree", 怜 (re) meaning "wise", 玲 (re) meaning "the tinkling of jade", 麗 (re) meaning "beautiful, lovely", 礼 (re) meaning "salute, bow, ceremony, thanks, remuneration", 鈴 (re) meaning "bell" or 澪 (re) meaning "water route, shipping channel" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens" or 那 (na) meaning "what"... [more]
Erenay f Turkish
From Turkish eren "saint, mystic, dervish" (cf. Eren) and ay "moon".
Eréndira f Purépecha, Spanish (Mexican)
Derived from P'urhépecha iréndira meaning "the one who smiles" or "smiling, cheerful".... [more]
Erendis f Literature
Possibly means "lonely bride". In Tolkien's "Unfinished Tales", Erendis was the wife of Tar-Aldarion, the sixth king of Númenor. They were in love at first, but then it turned to hate and resentment.
Erendiz m & f Turkish
The word used for planet Jupiter in the terminology of ancient Turkish astronomy.
Erenia f Spanish (Rare), Aragonese (Rare)
Variant of Herenia, also an Aragonese form.
Erenita f Portuguese (Brazilian)
Apparently a variant of Eremita.
Ereonora f Sardinian
Sassarese form of Eleanor.
Eretria f Popular Culture
Eretria is a town in Euboea, Greece, facing the coast of Attica across the narrow South Euboean Gulf.... [more]
Erfa f Muslim (Rare)
A variant of Irfa.
Erfana f Indian (Muslim)
A feminine form of Erfan.
Ergane f Greek Mythology
From Greek ἐργάνη (ergane) meaning "worker" (or "artisan"), a derivative of ἔργον (ergon) "work". This was an epithet of the Greek goddess Athena.
Ergashgul f Uzbek
From the Uzbek ergash meaning "to follow" and gul meaning "flower, rose".
Ergashoy f Uzbek
From the Uzbek ergash meaning "to follow" and oy meaning "moon".
Ergesa f Albanian
Feminine form of Erges.
Ergin m & f Turkish
Means "Judas tree" in Turkish.
Ergisa f Albanian
Feminine form of Ergis.
Ergysa f Albanian
Feminine form of Ergys.
Erhime f Chuvash
Chuvash form of Rahima.
Erhondu f Ottoman Turkish
Name bared by Ottoman princesses: Erhondu Hatun, daughter of Bayezid the first.
Eri f Japanese
This name combines 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 絵 (e, kai) meaning "drawing, picture, painting, sketch", 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet" or 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosperity, splendour" with 理 (ri, kotowari) meaning "arrangement, justice, logic, reason, truth", 里 (ri, sato) meaning "league, parent's home, ri (unit of distance - equal to 3.927 km), village" or 利 (ri, ki.ku) meaning "advantage, benefit, profit."
Eria f Japanese
From Japanese 映 (e) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 永 (e) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch" or 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli", 里 (ri) meaning "village" or 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic" combined with 愛 (a) meaning "love, affection" or 亜 (a) meaning "second, Asia"... [more]
Eriala f Estonian (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Means "speciality" in Estonian
Eriana f Japanese (Japanized, Modern, Rare)
Japanese transliteration of Ariana and this from the greek Ariadna
Eriang f Filipino
Diminutive of Gliceria.
Erianthe f Obscure
Popularly claimed to mean "lover of flowers" (apparently due to association with Greek eran "to love, to be in love with"), it may actually mean "woolly-haired flower" from the botanical name eriantha, ultimately from Greek ἔριον (erion) "wool" and ανθος (anthos) "flower".
Eriayomi f Yoruba
My testimony of joy, "Ayomi" being "my joy."... [more]
Ericalyn f English (Modern)
Combination of Erica and the popular suffix lyn.
Ericca f English
Variant of Erica.
Erice m & f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Presumably a Brazilian form of Eric.
Eridana f Albanian (Rare)
Probably a feminine form of Eridanos.
Eridani f & m Spanish (Mexican, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare), Astronomy
Epsilon Eridani is the fifth-brightest star in Eridanus, a constellation in the southern sky.
Erie f & m English (American, Rare)
Possibly a transferred use of the name of Lake Erie or of the famous Erie Canal. In rare use in the US from the late 1800s to the 1910s and again briefly in the 1960s and 1970s.
Erie f Japanese
From Japanese 絵 (e) meaning "picture", 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 恵 (e) meaning "favour". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Erien f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Unisex version of "Erienne".