Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Fejsal m Bosnian
Bosnian form of Faysal.
Fejzi m Albanian
Variant of Fayiz or Fevzi.
Fel m Catalan
Diminutive of Rafel.
Fel m & f English
Short form of Felix, Felicia, Felicity, or other names beginning with a similar sound.
Fela f Polish, Kashubian
Polish diminutive of Felicja and Felicyta and Kashubian diminutive of Felicjana and Felicjô.
Fela m Yoruba, Nigerian
Diminutive of Olufela
Felacha f Spanish
Diminutive of Felicita.
Felcia f Polish
Diminutive form of Felicja.
Fele m Spanish
Diminutive of Felipe.
Fele m & f German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of either Felix (masculine) or Felicitas (feminine).
Felė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Felicija.
Feleci m Romansh
Variant of Felici.
Felecita f Asturian
Asturian form of Felicitas.
Felek m Polish
Diminutive of Feliks and Felicjan.
Felelolie f Arthurian Cycle
Sister of Sir Urre of Hungary.... [more]
Feles m Sami
Sami form of Felix.
Felgeda f Guanche
From Guanche *fəlɣăd-(a), meaning "clear-headed". This was the name of a woman who was baptized in Seville around 1427.
Fèli m Provençal
Provençal form of Félix.
Feli f & m Spanish
Diminutive of Feliciano and Feliciana.
Feli m Aragonese
Variant of Felis.
Felia f Italian
Truncated form of Ofelia.
Felia f Russian
Russian hypochoristic form of Felizata.
Felias m German
Maybe a masculine form to Felia. The name can also be interpreted as a blend of Felix and Elias.
Felibert m Provençal
Provençal form of Filibert.
Feliç m Occitan
Masculine form of Feliça.
Feliċ m Maltese
Maltese Form Of Felix
Feliça f Occitan, Catalan (Rare)
Occitan and Catalan cognate of Felisa as well as a derivation from Catalan feliç "happy, glad; lucky, fortunate".
Félice f French
French variant of Félicie (see Felicia).
Felice f English (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval English, Medieval Italian
Variant of Felicia. A notable bearer is Felice Bauer (1887-1960), fiancée of author Franz Kafka. His letters to her were published in the book Letters to Felice.
Felicëta f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felicitas.
Félicette f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French feminine form of Félix and probably also a diminutive of Félicité.... [more]
Felici m Romansh, Corsican (Modern)
Corsican variant of Filice and Romansh variant of Felix.
Félicia f French, Corsican
French form of Felicia, also used in Corsica.
Feliciaan m Dutch (Archaic)
Predominantly archaic Dutch form of Felicianus. In 2010, there were 6 bearers of this name in The Netherlands.
Felicián m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Felicianus.
Felicianu m Corsican
Corsican form of Felicianus.
Felicidat f Aragonese
Aragonese form of Felicidad.
Felicija f Lithuanian, Croatian
Lithuanian and Croatian form of Felicia.
Felicijan m Croatian (Rare), Slovene (Rare)
Croatian and Slovene form of Felicianus.
Felicijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Felicius.
Felicing f Filipino
Diminutive of Felicisima.
Felicio m Galician
Galician form of Felicius.
Felicis m Medieval Latin, Medieval French (Latinized)
Form of Felix recorded in a 9th-century Latin document from Marseille, France.
Felicisima f Spanish
Spanish form of Felicissima.
Felicisimo m Spanish
Spanish form of Felicissimus.
Félicitaé f Norman
Norman form of Felicity.
Felícitas f Spanish
Spanish form of Felicitas.
Felicitász f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Felicitas.
Felicitat f Catalan
Catalan form of Felicitas. The name coincides with Catalan felicitat "happiness, bliss".
Feliciti f English (American)
Variant of Felicity
Felicjana f Polish, Kashubian
Polish and Kashubian form of Feliciana.
Felicjô f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felicia.
Felicjón m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felicianus (compare Felicjan).
Felicula f Ancient Roman, Spanish (Philippines, Rare)
Menas "kitten" in Latin. A bearer of this name was St. Felicula, who was probably fourth-century Roman martyr.
Felicya f English
Variant of Felicia.
Felicyja f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish form of Felicja.
Felicytas f Polish (Latinized, Rare)
Variant of Felicyta, influenced by the Latin and German form Felicitas.
Felien f Dutch
Dutch variant of Feline, with its spelling phonetical in nature.
Felies f Dutch
Short form of Felicia, which is comparable to Felice.... [more]
Felikite f Basque (Rare)
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a variant of Pelikite.
Féliks m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Felix.
Féliksa f Kashubian
Feminine form of Féliks.
Feliksa f Polish (Rare)
Feminine form of Feliks.
Feliksas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Felix.
Fēlikss m Latvian
Latvian form of Felix.
Felimon m Filipino
Probably a variant of Philemon
Felina f Asturian
Diminutive of Ofelia.
Féline f French (Rare), Dutch
French feminine form of Felinus.
Feline f German (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Of uncertain origin and meaning. The most common theory sees this name as a quasi-feminine form of Felix.... [more]
Felinete f Arthurian Cycle
An enchantress who was the daughter of Lady Felinors. She was served by a dwarf named Canain.... [more]
Feling f Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Felisa, Felicia, Felicidad and similar names.
Felipina f Provençal, Gascon
Feminine form of Felip.
Felipoun m Provençal
Diminutive of Felip.
Felipus m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Philip.
Félis m Norman
Norman form of Felix.
Fèlis m Provençal
Provençal form of Félix.
Felis m Medieval Breton, Aragonese
Breton and Aragonese form of Felix.
Felishia f English
Variant of Felicia.
Felisindo m Galician
Combination of Félix and the Gothic name element sinþs "time".
Felismena f Literature
Perhaps derived from Felisa combined with the Greek noun μένος (menos) meaning "mind" as well as "spirit" and "power, strength, force", or an altered form of Filomena (compare Felisberto)... [more]
Felismina f Portuguese
Possibly a diminutive of Felicissima.
Feliso f Provençal
Provençal form of Félicie.
Felissa f English
Possibly a variant of Felicia inspired by Alyssa.
Félisse m Walloon
Walloon form of Felix.
Felitia f American
Variant of Felicia.
Felitsata f Russian
Russian form of Felicitas.
Felitsia f Bulgarian (Rare)
Bulgarian form of Felicia.
Felitsiya f Russian
Russian form of Felicia.
Felitsyiana f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Feliciana.
Felitze m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Felix.
Feliua f Catalan (Archaic)
Feminine form of Feliu. Compare Felisa.
Fèlix m Catalan, Lengadocian, Provençal
Catalan, Languedocian and Provençal form of Felix.
Felixe m Ligurian
Ligurian form of Felix.
Feliza f Spanish, Filipino
Variant of Felicia. It could be an elaborated form of the Spanish adjective feliz meaning "happy" or also a diminutive of Felizitas.
Felizata f Russian
A Russian form of Felicitas.
Felizes m Aragonese
Variant Aragonese form of Felix.
Felizian m German
German form of Feliciano.
Félk m Kashubian
Diminutive of Féliks and Felicjón.
Felka f Polish
Diminutive of Felicja and Feliksa. This name was borne by painter Felka Platek, the wife of the painter Felix Nussbaum.
Fella f Sardinian
Sardinian short form of Raffaella.
Felle m Sardinian
Short form of Raffaele.
Fellony f & m Obscure
Variant of Felony.
Felmai f Welsh
Variant of Valmai.
Feló m Catalan
Diminutive of Rafel.
Félonise f French (Quebec, Archaic)
Possibly a feminization of the French surname Félon, which is derived from the medieval French legal term félon "perjured", ultimately from Latin fallere "to deceive; to cheat; to disappoint; to fail".... [more]
Felonius m Popular Culture
This was the first name of Gru from the Despicable Me movies. He is often referred to by his surname Gru. His name was possibly taken from the word felonious which means "of, relating to, or involved in crime".
Feloniz f American (South, Rare, Archaic)
Variant of Félonise, possibly influenced by Spanish feliz "happy".
Felton m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Felton.
Felunia f Polish
Diminutive of Felicja, Feliksa or Felicyta.
Feluś m Polish
Diminutive of Feliks or Felicjan.
Felya m Russian
Diminutive of Feliks.
Felypp m Anglo-Norman
Anglo-Norman form of Philip
Fem f Dutch, West Frisian
This name can be a short form of Eufemia (Dutch) or a feminine form of Femme (Frisian).
Femcia f Polish
Diminutive form of Eufemia.
Femi f Romani (Archaic)
Almost certainly a corruption or short form of Euphemia. This name has been in use from at least the early 1800s onward.
Fèmia f Sardinian
Short form of Eufèmia.
Femia f Dutch, Italian (Rare)
Variant spelling of Phemia (Dutch) and short form of Eufemia (Italian).
Femistiy m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Themistios.
Femıy f Circassian, Kabardian, Adyghe
Circassian version of Behime
Femja f Danish (Rare), Faroese
Danish and Faroese short form of Eufemia.
Femm f Dutch
Variant of Fem.
Femmeke f West Frisian
Strictly feminine form of Femme, where the diminutive suffix ke has been added to the name.
Femmy f Dutch
Short form of Eufemia or a feminine form of Femme.
Feña f & m Spanish
Diminutive of Fernanda and Fernando.
Fenan f & m Chinese
Combination of the names Fen 1 and An 1.
Fenareti f Greek
Modern Greek form of Phaenarete.
Fenchurch f Literature
Means "church in the fenny or marshy ground". Fenchurch is a character in So Long, And Thanks For All the Fish by Douglas Adams.
Fender m Dutch (Rare), Popular Culture
First seen in the Dutch naming statistics in 1993 (when 16 baby boys were given this name), the name Fender has since enjoyed a stable presence in the naming statistics (with 16 births each year) until a sudden increase in popularity in 2008 (20 births), which it has maintained so far... [more]
Fendi m Indonesian
Short form of Effendi.
Fendri m Indonesian
Possibly a variant of Fendi or Hendri.
Fendy m Indonesian, Malay
Short form of Effendy.
Fenena f Theatre
Variant of Fenenna used in the opera Nabucco (1842) by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901).
Fenenna f Biblical Latin, History, Medieval Hungarian, Medieval Polish
Form of Peninnah used in the Latin Old Testament.... [more]
Fenfei f Chinese
From the Chinese 芬 (fēn) meaning "fragrance, perfume" and 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow and rain".
Fenghou m Chinese, Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From the characters 风 (fēng, meaning “wind”) and 后 (hòu, meaning “after”). Fenghou was the prime minister during the reign of the Yellow Emperor (Xuanyuan)... [more]
Fengur m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Fengr.
Fenia f Greek
Greek diminutive of Foteini, which is a variant form of Fotini.
Fenia f Russian (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Fenja.
Fenika f Sanskrit
MEANING : a kind of pastry, foamy... [more]
Fenimore m English
Transferred use of the surname Fenimore, an English surname which was originally a nickname derived from Old French fin "fine, splendid" and amour "love".
Fenise f Arthurian Cycle
In Durmart le Gallois, the Queen of Ireland, Sir Durmart fell in love with her after hearing of her great beauty. At the city of Landoc, Durmart won a sparrowhawk tournament and presented the prize to Fenise without knowing her identity.... [more]
Fenisia f Italian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include a variant of Fenicia and a variant of the Latin name Finitia.
Fenissa f Old Swedish
Possibly a diminutive of names starting with F-, Fe-/Fi-, or Fen-/Fin- (compare Rikissa).
Fenix m English
Variant of Phoenix and Fennix.
Fenja f West Frisian, German, Danish
Variant form of Fenje. Also compare Fenna. You might also want to take a look at the other entry for Fenja, which is a name from Norse mythology (but has a completely different etymology) that could also have been the inspiration for the parents of some of the modern-day bearers of the name.
Fenja f Norse Mythology, Literature
Derived from Old Norse fen meaning "moor, marsh, swamp". Also compare Fenrir, which is etymologically related.... [more]
Fenja f Russian
Diminutive of Feodora.
Fenje f West Frisian
Variant form of Fen 2.
Fenke m & f East Frisian (Archaic)
Variant of Fenne recorded in the 19th and 20th centuries for men and from the 16th to 21th centuries for women in East Frisia
Fenley m & f English (Rare)
Transferred used of the surname Fenley.
Fenn f & m English
Unisex variant of the Dutch names Fen 2 and Fenne.
Fennäus m East Frisian (Archaic)
Variant of Fenne recorded in the 19th century in East Frisia.
Fenne f & m East Frisian (Archaic)
Majorily feminine, meaning girl or maiden. For boys it's a version of Ferdinand.
Fenneke f Dutch, West Frisian, East Frisian
Strictly feminine diminutive of Fenne.
Fenneken f Dutch (Rare)
Diminutive of Fenna.
Fenner m English
Transferred use of the surname Fenner.
Fenning m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Fenning.
Fennix m Romani (Archaic)
Variant of Phoenix which was used as a masculine name among the English Romani community in the 1800s.
Fennore f Irish (Anglicized, Rare, Archaic)
Anglicized form of Fionnúir, a modern shortening of Finnabhair (see Findabhair).
Fenny f Literature
Diminutive of Fenchurch.
Fenray m Literature
This is the name of the father of one of the main characters, Conor, from the Scholastic book series Spirit Animals.... [more]
Fenrik m English
Refers to the rank of ‘Second Lieutenant’ in the Norwegian military.
Fenris m Norse Mythology, Literature
Short form of the Old Norse Fenrisúlfr (literally "Fenrir-wolf"). The form Fenris Ulf was used for a talking wolf (originally named Maugrim) in the now defunct American edition of C. S. Lewis' 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'.
Fenrisúlfr m Norse Mythology
Derived from Fenris, an Old Norse genitive case of Fenrir, combined with úlfr "wolf". The Prose Edda sometimes refers to the monstrous wolf Fenrir as Fenrisúlfr.
Fenway m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Fenway. The first recorded use of the name in the United States was in 1923, but it briefly increased in usage after the Red Sox won the world series in their home, Fenway Park, in 2013.
Fenwick m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Fenwick.
Fenya f Armenian, Russian
Russian diminutive of Agrafena, Feodosiya, Feofaniya, Ifigeniya, Trifena and possibly also Yevgeniya... [more]
Feo m Russian
Either a Russian form of Theo or a short form of Feodor, Feofil, Feofilakt, Feofan or other names that begin with "Feo".
Feodóra f Hungarian
Variant of Fedóra, meaning "gift of God".
Feodore f English, German (Rare)
English and German form of Feodora. ... [more]
Feodorit m Medieval Russian, Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Theodoretos via its modern Greek form Theodoritos.... [more]
Feodorowna f English (British, Rare, Archaic)
From the Russian patronymic Feodorovna meaning "daughter of Feodor". A notable bearer was English aristocrat Lady Feodorowna Cecilia Wellesley (1838-1920).
Feodosia f Moldovan
Moldovan form of Theodosia.
Feodosija f Latvian, Lithuanian
Latvian and Lithuanian form of Theodosia.
Feodot m Russian
Russian form of Theodotos.
Feodota f Russian
Russian form of Theodota.
Feodul m Russian
Russian form of Theodulus.
Feodula f Russian
Russian form of Theodula.
Feodulia f Medieval Russian
Variant transcription of Feoduliya.
Feoduliya f Medieval Russian
Russian form of Theodulia, which is the latinized form of Theodoulia.
Feofaniya f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Theophania.
Feognost m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Theognostos.
Feoktist m Russian
Russian form of Theoktistos.
Feolept m Russian
Russian form of Theoleptos.
Feona f Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Theona.
Fer m Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Ferdinand.
Fer m Spanish
Diminutive of Fernando.
Fera f Indonesian
Possibly a variant of Farah.
Ferah f Turkish
Turkish form of Farah.
Feral f & m English (Rare, Archaic)
Etymology: Medieval Latin feralis, from Latin fera "wild animal", from feminine of ferus "wild" ... [more]
Feras m Arabic
Variant transcription of Firas. Known bearers of this name include the Syrian soccer player Feras Esmaeel (b. 1983), the Syrian bodybuilder Feras Saied (1981-2015) and Feras Bugnah (b... [more]
Ferb m Popular Culture
Ferb Fletcher is one of the two main protagonists in Disney's animated TV series 'Phineas and Ferb' (2007-2015). According to the series showrunner, Ferb is short for "Ferbs". It may have been originally coined in resemblance of names like Ferd and Herb.
Ferbs m Popular Culture
Supposedly a diminutive of Frank. In the Disney show 'Phineas and Ferb' (2008-2015), this is Ferb's given name, though this was only confirmed by show creator Dan Povenmire after the show's run had concluded.
Fercho m Spanish
Diminutive of Fernando.
Fercos m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s warriors and son of Poch.... [more]
Ferd m English (American), Luxembourgish
English and Luxembourgish short form of Ferdinand.
Ferda m Vilamovian
Vilamovian form of Ferdinand.
Ferdau f West Frisian
The first element of this name, which has been metathesized, is derived from Old High German fridu "peace." The second element is derived from wîh "holy" or Old High German wîg "warrior."
Ferdaus m & f Bengali
Bengali form of Firdaus.
Ferdausi f Bengali
Bengali feminine variant of Firdaus.
Ferdek m Polish
Diminutive of Ferdynand.
Ferdia m Irish Mythology
From Fer Diad, which is of uncertain meaning. The first element is Gaelic fear "man"; the second element could be related to dïas "two persons" ("man of the pair") or an element meaning "smoke" ("man of smoke")... [more]
Ferdiad m Irish Mythology
Irish name likely meaning "warrior of the pair". In Irish mythology, Ferdiad was the best friend and foster brother of Cú Chulainn, whom he is eventually forced to fight and subsequently killed by.
Ferdibrand m Literature
Ferdibrand Took was a hobbit of the Shire. He attended Bilbo's Farewell Birthday Party on September 22, 3001.
Ferdinan m Indonesian
Indonesian form of Ferdinand.
Ferdínand m Icelandic (Rare)
Icelandic variant of Ferdinand.
Ferdinandas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ferdinand.
Ferdinannu m Sicilian
Variant of Firdinandu via Ferdinandu.
Ferdinant m Breton, Friulian
Breton and Friulian form of Ferdinand.
Ferdinônd m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Ferdinand.
Ferdulf m Germanic, History
Variant of Fardulf. Ferdulf was the name of an 8th-century duke of Friuli (Italy).
Ferdzinand m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Ferdinand.
Fere f & m West Frisian
Short form of Germanic names that contain the Old High German element fridu meaning "peace", such as Frederik and Frederika.
Ferecide m Italian
Italian form of Pherecydes.
Ferécides m Galician, Spanish, Portuguese
Galician, Spanish and Portuguese form of Pherecydes.
Ferecrate m Italian
Italian form of Pherecrates.
Ferécrates m Spanish
Spanish form of Pherecrates.
Fereidoon m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدون (see Fereydoun).
Fereidoun m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian فریدون (see Fereydoun).
Ferekid m Croatian
Croatian form of Pherecydes.
Ferekidis m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek transcription of Pherecydes.
Ferekrat m Serbian, Ukrainian
Serbian and Ukrainian form of Pherecrates.