Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Fatine m & f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi variant of Fatin 1 or Fatin 2 (chiefly Moroccan).
Fationa f Albanian
Variant of Fatjona.
Fatjona f Albanian
Feminine form of Fatjon.
Fatlinda f Albanian
Feminine form of Fatlind.
Fatlume f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Fatlum.
Fatmagül f Turkish
Combination of Fatma and Gül.
Fatman f Georgian (Rare)
Variant transcription of Patman.
Fatmaniar f Indonesian (Rare)
Combination of the name Fatma and the feminine suffix -niar.
Fatmanur f Turkish
A compound of Fatma and Nur.
Fatmawati f Indonesian
Combination of Fatma and the feminine suffix -wati. Fatmawati (1923-1980), who did not have a surname, was the first Indonesian First Lady.
Fatmayanti f Indonesian
Combination of Fatma and Yanti.
Fatma Zehra f Turkish
Combination of Fatma and Zehra.
Fatma Zohra f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant transcription of Fatima Zahra primarily used for Algerian Arabic.
Fatme f Circassian
Adyghe form of Fatma.
Fatmira f Albanian
Feminine form of Fatmir.
Fatmiroshe f Albanian
Elaborated form of Fatmire.
Fatna f Arabic (Maghrebi)
Variant of Fatimah chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Fatouma f Western African
Form of Fatimah used in parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Fatoumia f Comorian
Form of Fatimah used in the Comoros.
Fattah m Arabic
Means "opener, victory giver" in Arabic. In Islamic tradition الفتح (al-Fattah) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Fatuhel m Biblical Latin
Form of Pethuel used in the Latin Old Testament.
Fätxiä f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fathiyya.
Fatykh m Mari
Mari form of Fyodor.
Faudzi m Malay
Malay form of Fawzi.
Faudziah f Malay
Malay form of Fawziyya.
Faugel f Yiddish
Either a variant of Faigel or a younger form of Vogel.
Fauke m East Frisian
Variant of Foke recorded in the 19th century in East Frisia.
Faulkner m English
Transferred use of the surname Faulkner. A famous bearer of the surname was William Faulkner (1897–1962), Nobel Prize-winning American author and poet.
Faun f English
Variant of Fawn in the style of Fauna.
Faunia f English (American, Rare)
Elaborated variant of Fauna.
Fauquet m Gascon
Gascon form of Foulques.
Faure m Occitan (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Faure.
Fauresthia f Ivorian
From Cote d'Ivoire, queen of the meerkat tribe in French culture
Faust m Romansh
Romansh form of Faustus.
Faustas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Faustus.
Faustė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Fausta.
Faùstëna f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Faustina.
Faustianus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from Faustus. A bearer of this name was Lucius Mummius Faustianus, a Roman consul from the 3rd century AD.
Faùstin m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Faustinus.
Faustinian m English
English form of Faustinianus. This name was borne by a saint from the 4th century AD.
Faustinianus m Late Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from Faustinus. A bearer of this name was Lucius Iulius Faustinianus, a Roman legate in Moesia who lived during the reign of Septimius Severus.
Faustinu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Faustino.
Faustitas f Roman Mythology
Possibly means "good luck" in Latin. In Roman mythology, the goddess Faustitas had the responsibility of protecting the herd.
Faustsina f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Faustina.
Faustu m Corsican, Sicilian
Corsican and Sicilian form of Faustus.
Faustyn m Polish
Polish form of Faustinus.
Faustynian m Polish
Polish form of Faustinianus.
Fauszta f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Fausta
Fausztina f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Faustina.
Fausztusz m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Faustus.
Fauve f French (Modern, Rare), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare)
Derived from French fauve. As a noun, fauve means "tawny-coloured animal" and, by extension, " big cat (such as a lion or lynx); beast, wild animal (especially fierce, aggressive, or predatory)"... [more]
Fauzi m Arabic, Indonesian, Malay
Arabic alternate transcription of Fawzi as well as the Indonesian and Malay form.
Fäüziä f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fawziya.
Fauzia f Urdu, Bengali
Alternate transcription of Urdu فوزیہ (see Fawzia), as well as the Bengali transcription.
Fauziah f Malay, Indonesian
Malay and Indonesian form of Fawziyya.
Favel m Arthurian Cycle
A Saxon warrior slain by Gareth in a skirmish near Camelot, during the Saxon invasion of Britain.
Favia f Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabia, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabia.
Favian m Ancient Roman
This name is of Latin origin. The direct meaning is unclear but some potential meanings are: "understanding" , "brave man" as well as "man of wisdom." ... [more]
Faviana f Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabiana, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabiana.
Favianos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabianos, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabianus.
Favida f Arthurian Cycle
The name of a lady saved from two giants by Erec in the Norse Erex Saga. She appears in Chrétien’s Erec.
Favios m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabios, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabius.
Faviy m Russian
Russian variant form of Fabiy.
Favonio m Italian
Italian form of Favonius.
Favonius m Ancient Roman, Roman Mythology
Roman family name of disputed origin. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, it is from Latin favere "to favor"; Ernest Klein says, by dissimilation from *fovonius, literally "the warming wind", from fovere "to warm"... [more]
Favorinus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen from Latin favor "goodwill, inclination, partiality", derived from faveo "to favor", with an adjective-forming suffix. Favorinus (80–160) was a Roman sophist and skeptic philosopher who flourished during the reign of Hadrian and the Second Sophistic.
Favrikios m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phabrikios, which is the ancient Greek form of Fabricius.
Favst m Russian
Russian form of Faustus.
Favsta f Greek, Russian, Ukrainian
Modern Greek spelling of Phausta, which is the ancient Greek form of Fausta.... [more]
Favstian m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Faustianus.
Favstin m Russian (Archaic)
Russian variant form of Faustin.
Favstina f Greek, Russian (Archaic)
Modern Greek spelling of Phaustina, which is the ancient Greek form of Faustina.... [more]
Favstinos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phaustinos, which is the ancient Greek form of Faustinus.
Favstos m Greek
Modern Greek spelling of Phaustos, which is the ancient Greek form of Faustus.
Favziyya f Chechen
Chechen form of Fawziya.
Fawad m Urdu
Urdu form of Fuad.
Fawila f Medieval Polish
Polish form of the Latin Favilla, borne by an early Christian martyr. The name is recorded in use in Poland in 1306.
Fawkes m English, Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Fawkes. The name of Dumbledore's phoenix in the Harry Potter series.
Fawna f English (American, Rare)
Either an elaboration of Fawn or a variant of Fauna with the spelling being influenced by Fawn.
Fawnia f English (American), Literature
Elaborated variant of Fauna.... [more]
Fawstina f Maltese (Rare)
Maltese form of Faustina.
Fawziyyah f Muslim (Modern, Rare)
Variant transcription of Fawziyya.
Faxian m & f Chinese
Fa and Xian.... [more]
Faxon m English
Transferred use of the English surname Faxon.
Fəxrəddin m Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Fakhr al-Din.
Fəxrəndə f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Farkhondeh, with the consonants switched either through metathesis, or through association with Azerbaijani fəxr meaning "pride", ultimately from Arabic فخر (fakhr) meaning "pride, honour".
Fäxriä f Bashkir
Bashkir form of Fakhriyya.
Faxrinoz f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek faxr meaning "pride" or faxriy meaning "honourary, of honour", and noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness".
Faxrinur f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek faxr meaning "pride" or faxriy meaning "honourary, of honour", and nur meaning "ray, beam, light".
Faxrioy f Uzbek
Derived from the Uzbek faxr meaning "pride" or faxriy meaning "honourary, of honour", and oy meaning "moon".
Faxriya f Uzbek
Derived from a genre of celebratory poetry expressing pride, ultimately from the Uzbek faxriy meaning "honourary, of honour".
Fay f Greek
Variant of Faii.
Fayanna f English
Earlier form of Fayana
Fayard m French
Transferred use of Fayard.
Fayçal m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Maghrebi transcription of Faysal used Algeria and Morocco.
Faycal m Arabic (Maghrebi, Rare)
Simplified and misleading transcription of Fayçal.
Faydra f English
Variant of Phaedra.
Fayek m Arabic
Variant transcription of Fayiq.
Fayelynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Faye using the popular name suffix lynn.
Fayèn f Dutch
Diminutive of Fayenne.
Fayen f Dutch
Diminutive of Fayenne.
Fayenne f Dutch
Blend of Faye and Anne 1.
Fayeq m Arabic
Variant transcription of Fayiq.
Fayette m & f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Short form of Lafayette, or else from a surname ultimately derived from Old French faie "beech", which originally denoted a person who lived in or by a beech wood, or who was from any of various places in France named with the word.
Fayez m Arabic
Variant transcription of Fayiz.
Fayga f Jewish
Variant of Faiga.
Faylee f English (Modern, Rare)
A combination of Fay and Lee.
Faylene f English
Variant of Feline.
Fayna f Guanche, Spanish (Canarian)
Derived from Guanche *fāh-inaɣ meaning "our light". According to Juan de Abréu Galindo's Historia de la conquista de las siete islas Canarias (published 1632), this was the name of the wife of Zonzamas, a Guanche king on the island of Lanzarote... [more]
Fayre f American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Fayre.
Fayrene f English (Archaic)
Elaboration of Fay.
Fayrouz f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic فيروز (see Fayruz).
Fäyrüzä f Bashkir
Variant Bashkir form of Fairuza.
Fayyatia f Arabic
Feminine form of Fayyaz.
Fayyaz m Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Fayaz.
Fayzi m & f Arabic, Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Faizi as well as an Arabic variant transcription of the name.... [more]
Fayzimurod m Tajik (Rare), Uzbek (Rare)
Combination of the names Fayzi and Murod.
Fayzulla m Bashkir, Tatar
Bashkir and Tatar form of Faizullah.
Fayzullah m Muslim
Variant transcription of Faizullah.
Fayzullo m Tajik, Uzbek
Tajik and Uzbek form of Faizullah.
Fazal m Urdu
Urdu form of Fadl.
Fazel m Persian
Persian form of Fadl.
Fazenti f Romani
Variant of Fazenta.
Fazil m Azerbaijani, Urdu
Azerbaijani and Urdu form of Fazl.
Fazila f Medieval Arabic, Urdu
Feminine form of Fazil (see Fadl).
Fazilah f Malay
Feminine form of Fazil.
Fəzilət f Azerbaijani
Azerbaijani form of Fadila.
Fazilyat f Karachay-Balkar
Karachay-Balkar form of Fadila.
Fazladin m Muslim
From Arabic فَضْل الدين (fadhl ud-din) meaning "Excellence of Faith".
Fazli m Arabic, Malay, Albanian
Arabic alternate transcription of Fadli as well as the Malay and Albanian form.
Fazlı m Turkish
Turkish form of Fadli.
Fazliddin m Uzbek, Tajik
Uzbek and Tajik form of Fazladin.
Fazlina f Malay
Feminine elaboration of Fazli.
Fazly m Malay
Malay form of Fadli.
Fazu f Avar (Rare)
Possibly a form of Faiza. A known bearer was Fazu Alieva (1932-2016), a Soviet poet of Dagestani Avar origin.
Feâdar f Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Feodora.
Feadosi m Belarusian
Belarusian form of Theodosius.
Feadosiya f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Theodosia.
Feafaniya f Belarusian
Belarusian form of Theophania.
Feale f American (Rare, Archaic)
Anglicized form of Fial.
Fëanor m Literature
Means "spirit of fire". In The Silmarillion, Fëanor was the mightiest of the Noldor and the creater of the legendary Silmarils.
Fear m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to reverance toward God. A notable bearer was Fear Brewster (1606-1634), who was one of the passengers aboard the Mayflower.
Fearfeasa m Irish (Archaic)
Means "man of knowledge", derived from the Gaelic elements fear "man" and fios "knowledge" (genitive feasa).
Feargal m Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Fearghal.
Feargall m Irish
Variant of Fearghal
Feargna f & m Old Irish
Possibly means "man of knowledge", "man of renown", or "quality man", from Old Irish fer "man" combined with either gnè "kind, sort; disposition, quality" or gnin "to know, to recognise".
Fearn f English
Variant spelling of Fern, coinciding with the Old English word fearn from which the name of the plant is derived.
Fearne f English (British, Modern)
Variant of Fern. This name is borne by British radio presenter Fearne Cotton.
Fear-the-lord m English (Puritan)
Referring to the reverence of God.
Feary m Irish (Rare)
Anglicized form of Fiacra.
Feb m Russian (Rare)
Form of Phoebus, not commonly used.
Féba f Slovak
Slovak form of Phoebe.
Feba f Russian, Bosnian (Rare), English (Rare), Croatian (Rare), Polish (Rare)
Bosnian, Russian, Croatian and Polish form of Phoebe as well as an English variant.
Fébé f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Phoebe.
Febė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Phoebe.
Febèa f Italian
Variant Italian form of Phoebe.
Febechi f Nigerian
It's of African origin. It means, "worshipper of God"
Feberka f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Febronia.
Febi f & m Indonesian
From the name of the month of February (Februari in Indonesian).
Febo m Italian
Italian form of Phoebus.
Febrian m & f Indonesian
From the name of the month of February, typically given to children born in that month.
Febriana f Indonesian
From the name of the month of February, typically given to girls born in that month.
Febriani f Indonesian
From the name of the month of February, typically given to girls born in that month.
Febrianti f Indonesian
From the name of the month of February, typically given to girls born in that month.
Febrianto m Indonesian
From the name of the month of February, typically given to boys born in that month.
Febrinie f English (Rare, Archaic), French (Cajun, Rare, Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
A common Americanized misconstruction of the French given name Fébronie.
Febris f Roman Mythology
Febris is the Roman goddess of fevers, who embodied, but also protected people from fever and malaria. Because of this, Febris was a feared goddess whom people wanted the favor of. Among her characteristic attributes are "shrewdness" and "honesty", according to Seneca the Younger's Apocolocyntosis.
Febrocha f Medieval Polish
Medieval Polish variant of Febronia.
Febron m Polish
Polish form of Febronius.
Febrônia f Portuguese
Portuguese form of Febronia.
Febronius m Late Roman
Masculine form of Febronia.
February f & m English (American, Rare)
The 2nd month of the year. ... [more]
Febrún f Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Icelandic form of Febronia, influenced by the Old Norse name element rún "secret; secret lore".
Februus m Roman Mythology, Etruscan Mythology
Februus is an ancient Italic god of purifications, who was worshipped by both the Romans and Etruscans.
Febus m Gascon (Archaic)
Gascon form of Phoebus.
Feby f & m Indonesian
Variant of Febi.
Feciña f Galician
Diminutive of Fernanda.
Fecunditas f Roman Mythology
Means "fruitfulness, fertility" in Latin. In Roman mythology, Fecunditas was the goddess of fertility, often portrayed as a matron.
Fed m Spanish, Italian
Diminutive of Federico.
Feđa m Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian form of Fedya. A known bearer of this name is the Bosnian writer Feđa Isović (b. 1965).
Fedar m Medieval Russian, Belarusian
Medieval Russian variant of Fyodor (compare Fedor) as well as an alternate transcription of Belarusian Фёдар (see Fiodar).
Fedda f West Frisian
Feminine form of Fedde.
Fedder m Low German, North Frisian
Short form of Germanic names that have fridu "peace" for a first element, such as Frederik. Also compare Fedde and Fedderik.
Fedderik m West Frisian
West Frisian form of Frederik.
Fede m Spanish
Short form of Federico.
Fede f Italian
Means "faith" in Italian, i.e. the Italian form of Fides (cf. Foy). It was borne by Italian Renaissance painter Fede Galizia (1578-1630).
Fedea f Basque (Rare)
Derived from the Basque fede "faith", this name is the Basque equivalent of Fe.
Fedea m Moldovan
Moldovan form of Fedya.
Fedelina f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Fedele.
Fedens f African
Meaning unknown. This was the name of Tatiana Rusesabagina's sister-in-law, portrayed by Leleti Khumalo in 'Hotel Rwanda' (2004).
Federich m Piedmontese
Piedmontese form of Frederick.
Federicu m Corsican, Sardinian
Corsican and Sardinian form of Frederick.
Federika f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Federica.
Federiku m Maltese
Maltese form of Frederick.
Federon m Arthurian Cycle
Father of Tessina, a lady saved by Tristan.
Federoquito m Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Federico.
Fedha f French Creole
Fedha Sinon is the real name of Pinkydoll, viral TikTok user/content creator. She is a resident of Quebec, Canada, allegedly of Seychellois origin.
Fedia f & m Medieval Baltic, Medieval Russian, Bulgarian, Russian
Variant transcription of Fedya, which in medieval times was also used on women. Recorded, among others, in 15th-century Lithuania.
Fedili m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Fidelis.
Fediricu m Sicilian
Sicilian form of Federico.
Fedja m Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Russian, Serbian, Slovene, Danish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German, Swedish (Rare)
Variant transcription of Feđa (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian) and Fedya (Bulgarian and Russian).... [more]
Fedon m Greek
Modern Greek form of Phaidon.
Fedonas m Greek (Rare)
Variant transcription of Φαίδωνας (see Faidonas).
Fedóra f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Fedora.
Fedoro m Italian
Masculine form of Fedora.
Fedosia f Moldovan
Contracted form of Feodosia.
Fédra f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Phaedra.
Fedra f Greek, Azerbaijani, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, Croatian (Rare), Galician, Italian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Sicilian, Slovene, Spanish, Ukrainian, Theatre
Modern Greek form of Phaidra (see Phaedra) as well as the standard form in various other languages.... [more]
Fedro m Galician
Galician form of Phaedrus.
Fedros m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Phaidros (see Phaedrus).
Fedru m Sicilian
Masculine form of Fedra.
Fedude m & f Ijaw
Means "death has ended" in Ijaw. ... [more]
Fedul m Russian
Variant form of Feodul. A known bearer of this name was the Russian prince Fedul Fyodorovich Volkonskiy (1630-1707).
Fedula f Russian
Variant form of Feodula.
Fedyr m Ossetian
Ossetian form of Fyodor.
Fée f Dutch (Modern)
Short form of Felicia. In some cases it might also be a Dutch adaption of Fay.
Feekkat f Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Feoktista.
Feeʹla f Sami (Skolt)
Skolt Sami form of Tekla.
Feeli m Finnish
Finnish variant form of Felix and Finnish pet form of Rafael.
Feemia f Finnish (Rare)
Finnish form of Femja.
Feena f Manx
Allegedly a feminine form of Finn 1.
Feena f Irish (Anglicized)
Anglicized form of Fiadhnait.
Feeti m Finnish (Rare)
Finnish pet form of Ferdinand or names beginning with Fred-. In other words, a rare variant of Veeti.
Feetrikki m Finnish
Finnish variant of Fredrik.
Feetu m Finnish
Finnish variant form of Feeti.
Fefa f & m Portuguese
Diminutive of Fernando and Fernanda.
Fefa f Spanish
Diminutive of Josefa.
Fefene f Walloon
Walloon diminutive of Joséphine.
Fegan m English
Transferred use of the surname Fegan.
Fé-gylfir m & f Old Norse
Possibly a variant of Hé-gylfir.
Fehéra f Hungarian
Old Hungarian name derived from Hungarian fehér "white, fair", originally given in reference to the color of fair hair or fair skin.
Fehére f Hungarian
Variant form of Fehéra.
Fehérke f Hungarian
19th-century diminutive of Fehéra, occasionally used as a given name in its own right.
Fehin m Irish
Anglicized form of Féichín.
Fehmi m Turkish, Albanian
Turkish and Albanian form of Fahmi.
Fehmida f Urdu
Alternate transcription of Urdu فہمیدہ (see Fahmida).
Fei f Upper German (Rare, Archaic), Greek
Very obscure German short form of Sofie, not used as a given name in its own right. This is also a Greek short form of Sofia (sometimes transcribed as Fay).
Feibelmann m Medieval Jewish, Jewish (Archaic)
Diminutive of Feibesch recorded in medieval Frankfurt, Germany.
Feibesch m Yiddish (Archaic)
German-Yiddish variant of Feibush.
Feibing f Chinese
From the Chinese 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow and rain" and 冰 (bīng) meaning "ice".
Feie m West Frisian
West Frisian short form of names that contain the Old High Germanic element fridu "peace" - see also Fedde.
Feifei f Chinese
Combination of the Chinese characters of Fei with themselves. The repetition of the same character twice is often used to underline and strengthen the meaning.... [more]
Feiga f Yiddish
Variant of Faiga.
Feigel f Jewish, Yiddish
Variant of Faigel.
Feigle f Yiddish
Diminutive of Feige.
Feijel m Yiddish
Russian-Yiddish form of Feyel.
Feike f & m West Frisian, East Frisian
Diminutive form of Feie (for males) and feminine form of Feie (for females).
Feilian m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
The name of a creature or deity in Chinese mythology who is consistently associated with the wind. According to one source it has the body of a bird and the head of a deer. Another source says it has the body and horns of a deer, the head of a sparrow, the spots of a leopard and the tail of a snake... [more]
Féilim m Irish (Rare)
Variant form of Feidhelm meaning ”beauty” or “ever good.” Three kings of Munster bore the name. Feidhelm Mac Crimthainn was both a king of Munster and a Bishop of Cashel... [more]
Feimiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 菲 (fēi) meaning "fragrant, luxuriant" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Feiniao f Chinese
From Chinese 飞/飛 (fēi) meaning "to fly", 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow", or 菲 (fēi) meaning "fragrant; luxuriant" combined with 鸟/鳥 (niǎo) meaning "bird". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Feipo m Ligurian
Ligurian form of Philip.
Feirefiz m Arthurian Cycle
The half-brother of Parsifal in Wolfram von Eschenbach's Arthurian poem.
Feirgil m Irish
Variant of Fergal
Feisal m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic فيصل (see Faysal).
Feisui f Chinese
From the Chinese 菲 (fēi) meaning "fragrant, luxuriant" and 穗 (suì) meaning "ear of grain, tassel".
Feitel f Jewish, Yiddish
Yiddish amuletic name, from Italian "vitale". Yiddish form of Judeo-Spanish name Vita.... [more]
Feithfailge f Literature
Used by Anna Johnston McManus (pen name Ethna Carbery; 1864-1902) in her poem Feithfailge, about a beautiful woman named Feithfailge. It is composed of Irish feith "honeysuckle (genus Lonicera)" and failge "ringlet".
Feixu f Chinese
From the Chinese 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow and rain" and 煦 (xù) meaning "kind, gentle, gracious".
Feiyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 菲 (fēi) meaning "fragrant, luxuriant" or 霏 (fēi) meaning "falling of snow and rain" and 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Feiz f Breton
Breton form of Faith.
Feizollah m Persian
Persian form of Faizullah.