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Gender Feminine
Scripts ꦤꦶꦁꦫꦸꦩ꧀(Javanese) ᮔᮤᮀᮛᮥᮙ᮪(Sundanese) ᬦᬶᬂᬭᬸᬫ᭄(Balinese) نيڠروم‎(Acehnese Jawi)
Pronounced Pron. /ˈniŋ.rum/  [key·simplify]

Meaning & History

Means “inside the soul” in Indonesian. Alternatively, it comes from the Javanese suffix –rum means ‘beauty, loveliness, charm, attractiveness, sweetness, gentleness,
fragrance’ (Zoetmulder 1982: 1569) (see Arum).
Added 6/17/2023 by jfifles
Edited 10/1/2023 by jfifles