Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Gahyeon f Korean
Combination of 佳 meaning "good, auspicious; beautiful; delightful" and 賢 meaning "virtuous, worthy, good".
Gai f English (Rare)
Variant of Gay.
Gai m Catalan (Rare)
Catalan form of Gaius.
Gaia f Late Roman
Feminine form of Gaius.
Gaianos m Late Roman (Hellenized), Late Greek
This name can be the hellenized form of Gaianus as well as an extended form of Gaios.
Gaianus m Late Roman
Extended form of Gaius. This was the name of a martyr in early Christianity.
Gaibrial m Irish
Irish form of Gabriel.
Gaid f Breton
Short form of Margaid.
Gaidebert m Germanic
Derived from Langobardic gaida "sharp point (of a spear)" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Gaidemar m Germanic
Derived from Langobardic gaida "sharp point (of a spear)" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Gaideric m Germanic
Derived from Langobardic gaida "sharp point (of a spear)" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Gaidi f Estonian
Estonian borrowing of Gaida.
Gaidig f Breton
Diminutive of Gaid, itself a short form of Margaid.
Gaidis m Latvian
Masculine form of Gaida.
Gaidoald m Lombardic
Derived from Langobardic gaida "sharp point (of a spear)" combined with Gothic valdan "to reign."
Gaidolf m Germanic
Variant spelling of Gaidulf.
Gaidulf m Germanic
Derived from Langobardic gaida "sharp point (of a spear)" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Gaie f Scottish, English
Scottish variant of Gay.
Gaietà m Catalan
Catalan form of Caietanus (see Gaetano).
Gaietan m Lengadocian, Gascon
Languedocian and Gascon form of Caietanus (see Gaetano).
Gaietana f Lengadocian, Gascon
Feminine form of Gaietan.
Gaige m & f English (American)
Variant of Gage.
Gaignu m Sardinian
Gallurese variant of Gavinu.
Gaije m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Gaige. Gaije was given to 5 boys in 2008 according to the SSA.
Gáiju m Sami
Sami form of Kai 1.
Gaïl m Breton (Gallicized, Rare)
Either a variant of Gaël or a contraction of Gaelig (itself a diminutive of Gael).
Gaila f Medieval Basque
Medieval Basque feminine form of Gailo. It was recorded from the 11th century onwards.
Gailann f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a combination of Gail and Ann, or a variation of Gailene.
Gaile f English
Variant of Gail.
Gailė f Lithuanian
Short form of names ending with gailė or beginning with Gail such as Mingailė, Karigailė and Jogailė, typically from gailas meaning "strong, powerful".
Gailigedas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Gailigedė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gailigedas.
Gailimantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Gailiminas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Gailiminė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gailiminas.
Gailya f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Gail.
Gaine m Sardinian
Nuorese variant of Gabinu.
Gainell f English
Variant of Gaynell
Gaines m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Gaines.
Gaio m Italian
Italian form of Gaius.
Gaiozi m Georgian
Form of Gaioz with the Georgian nominative suffix -ი (-i). It is only used in Georgian when the name is written stand-alone.
Gairat m Uzbek
Variant of Gayrat.
Gairet m American (Rare)
Allegedly a respelling of Garret.
Gaisalaiks m Gothic
Original Gothic form of Giselaic.
Gaisolf m Germanic
Variant spelling of Gaisulf.
Gait m Dutch (Rare)
Short form of names beginning with Ger- like Gerald.
Gaitana f Sicilian
Feminine form of Gaitanu.
Gaitanu m Corsican (Rare), Sardinian, Sicilian
Corsican, Sardinian and Sicilian form of Gaetan.
Gaite f Dutch (Modern, Rare)
Short form of name beginning with Ger- like Gertrude.... [more]
Gaither m English
Transferred use of the surname Gaither.
Gaito m Japanese
From Japanese 凱 (gai) meaning "triumph, victory" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation. Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Gaiwin m Breton (Rare)
Possibly a Breton form of Gawain.
Gaizkane f Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Salvadora.
Gaj m Croatian
Croatian form of Gaius.
Gajána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Gaiana.
Gajana f Polish
Polish form of Gaiana.
Gaje m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Gage. Gaje was given to 10 boys in 2009 according to the SSA.
Gajo m Croatian
Croatian form of Gaius.
Gajus m Lithuanian, Polish
Lithuanian form of Gaius and Polish variant of Gajusz.
Gajusz m Polish
Polish form of Gaius.
Ġakbu m Maltese
Maltese form of Jacob and James (via Italian Giacobo).
Ġakmu m Maltese
Maltese form of James.
Ġakobb m Maltese
Maltese form of Jacob (via Italian Giacobbe).
Gakujirou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Gakujiro.
Gakutarou m Japanese
Variant transcription of Gakutaro.
Gakuya m Japanese
From Japanese 岳 (gaku) meaning "mountain peak" combined with 哉 (ya), an exclamation or 也 (ya) meaning "also". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
Gal f Portuguese
Diminutive of Maria da Graça. This was borne by the Brazilian singer Gal Costa (1945-2022), whose birth name was Maria da Graça Costa Penna Burgos.
Gala f Italian, Popular Culture
Diminutive of Galatea. The name was popularized in Italy by Gala (born Elena Ivanovna Diakonova; 1894–1982), the wife of poet Paul Éluard and later of artist Salvador Dalí.
Galabina f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Galabin.
Galacia f Obscure
Perhaps a variant of Galatia or Gelasia.
Galaction m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Latinized form of Galaktion as well as the Romanian form of this name. It was borne by a saint from the 3rd century AD, who was also known as Galation.
Galactorio m Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish and Portuguese form of Galactorius.
Galactorius m Late Greek (Latinized), History (Ecclesiastical)
Probably ultimately derived from Greek γάλακτος (galaktos) meaning "milk". This name was borne by Galactorius of Lescar, a French saint from the 6th century AD.
Galadhriel f Literature
Means "tree-garland" from Sindarin galadh "tree" and riel "crowned maiden." Within Tolkien's writings, this is essentially a variant of Galadriel, due to those outside of Lórien sometimes mistaking the Sindarin galad "light, radiance" for galadh "tree."
Galador m Literature
A fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. According to legend, Galador was the Half-elven son of Imrazôr the Númenórean and the Elf-maid Mithrellas... [more]
Galaf m Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic
Judeo-Spanish form of Arabic Halif.
Galaida f Arthurian Cycle
Kay’s sweetheart in Heinrich von dem Türlin’s "Diu Crône". She failed two chastity tests, which humbled Kay, who had been making great sport of the other ladies who failed.
Galán m Spanish (Rare)
Masculine form of Gala 2.
Galarr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "screamer" in Old Norse. In Norse mythology this is the name of both a giant and a dwarf. The dwarf and his brother, Fjalarr, murdered Kvasir and brewed the mead of the skalds from his blood... [more]
Galasso m Medieval Italian
Variant form of Galeazzo. Known Italian bearers of this name include the military leader Galasso da Montefeltro (died in 1300), the painter Galasso Galassi (c... [more]
Galâth m Welsh
The Welsh variant of Galahad, the Arthurian knight. This is a modern translation
Galattorio m Italian
Italian form of Galactorius.
Galaxaura f Greek Mythology
Means "milky breeze", from Greek γάλα (gala) meaning "milk" (genitive γάλακτος) and αὔρα (aura) meaning "breeze"... [more]
Galaxia f English (American)
Galaxia is a variation of the name Galaxy. ... [more]
Galaxie f & m English
Variant of Galaxy.
Galaxy f English (American, Rare)
From the English word galaxy, "a collection of star systems", ultimately from from Ancient Greek γαλαξίας (galaxías, "Milky Way"), from γάλα (gála, "milk").
Galba m Ancient Roman
A Roman cognomen of uncertain etymology. It could be from the Latin galba, which the Romans used to describe the Gauls, or galbae, a kind of little worm or larva. This was the name of a Roman Emperor during the Year of the Four Emperors.
Galbart m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". It is possibly derived from Gilbert... [more]
Galbatorix m Literature
Galbatorix is the primary antagonist of Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Trilogy. He is an immensely powerful Dragon Rider and the king of a large portion of Alagaësia.
Galderic m Catalan (Rare)
Catalan form of Walderic.
Galdino m Italian
Of uncertain origin: either a diminutive of Galdo, or a name of Germanic origin, through French Galdin; it may come from gelt ("value") or walt ("power, ruler").
Galdor m Literature
Galdor is an Elf of the Grey Havens, a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Gale m West Frisian (Rare)
This name is the Frisian form of the Germanic given name Gaito, which was ultimately derived from Proto-Germanic *gails meaning "cheerful, jovial". But in addition to that, it is also often a short form of Germanic given names that contain (or are related to) the aforementioned element of *gails, such as Geilhard.... [more]
Gal Eezh f Mythology
Mongolian form of Od Ana.
Galehaut m Arthurian Cycle
Meaning unknown. However, like many given names from Arthurian legend, this name is probably of Celtic origin (either Breton or Welsh, to be precise). It was subsequently gallicized and due to this, it is sometimes thought to be connected to Middle French hault (which is haut in modern French) meaning "high, elevated".... [more]
Galena f English, Bulgarian
Bulgarian variant of Galina and Latinized form of Galene.
Galeno m Spanish, Italian
Spanish and Italian form of Galen.
Galénosz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Galen.
Galēns m Latvian
Latvian form of Galen.
Galeotto m Medieval Italian
Italian form of Galehaut, as it appeared in the fifth canto of Dante Alighieri's Inferno (written between 1308 and 1320) and Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron (written between 1348 and 1353)... [more]
Gal-erda m Caucasian Mythology
Meaning unknown. Gal-Erda was the Vainakh god of cattle.
Galfrid m Anglo-Norman, Manx (Archaic)
Anglo-Norman variant of Geoffrey which was also used on the Isle of Man.
Galfryd m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Galfrid.
Galharda f Occitan
Feminine form of Galhard.
Ğäli m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Ali 1.
Gali m Kazakh
Kazakh form of Ali 1.
Ğäliä f Tatar
Variant of Äliä.
Galia f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Галя (see Galya).
Galian m Medieval German, Medieval English
Medieval German and English form of Galianus / Galienus. As a German name, it was recorded in German-speaking Switzerland in the 1400s.
Galicano m Spanish (Philippines)
Means "gallican" in Spanish. A bearer of this name was Galicano Apacible, a Filipino physician and politician.
Galicia f Galician, Spanish (Latin American)
From the land of Galicia in analogy to other toponymic names like América or África. It is associated to Galician emigration, so this name can be found now in Latin American countries.
Galicius m Medieval (Latinized)
Meaning "of Galicia."
Galiena f Medieval German, Medieval English
Of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory, however, tries to connect this name to Latin Gallus, Galla "inhabitant of Gallia".
Galijotas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Goliath.
G'alil m Uzbek
Uzbek form of Jalil.
Galilaeus m Late Roman
Original Latin form of Galileo, meaning "Galilean, from Galilee". Galilee is a region in northern Israel, mentioned in the New Testament as the site of several of Jesus's miracles... [more]
Galilaia f Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Galilaios.
Galilée m French
French form of Galilaeus (see Galileo).
Galilee f American (Modern, Rare)
From the name of the region in Palestine (see Galilee).
Galileu m Portuguese (Rare)
Portuguese form of Galileo.
Ğälim m Bashkir
Bashkir form of Alim.
Galim m Bashkir, Tatar, Kazakh
Bashkir, Tatar, and Kazakh form of Alim.
Galima f Tatar, Uzbek, Bashkir
Femine form of Galim
Ğälimyän m Bashkir
Possibly the Bashkir form of Alimjan.
Galin m Bulgarian
Bulgarian form of Galen.
Gaļina f Latvian
Latvian borrowing of Galina.
Galinos m Greek (Rare)
Modern Greek form of Galenos.
Galion m Literature
Galion is a fictional character created by J.R.R. Tolkien. Galion is a Nandorin Wood-elf who served as the king's butler within the Woodland Realm of northern Mirkwood.
Galith f Jewish
Variant of Galit.
Galiya f Kazakh, Tatar
Alternate transcription of Aliya 1.
Galiza f Galician (Rare)
Variant of Galicia. Both names are equally valid in Galician for the name of the land, although Galiza is more frequently used by Galician nationalist people.
Galja f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Галя (see Galya).
Gállá m Sami
Sami form of Kalle.
Gállagas m Sami
Sami form of Kaleva.
Gallas m Romansh
Variant of Gallus, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Gallatin m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Gallatin.
Galleria f Literature
Used by American author Deborah Gregory for a character in her 'Cheetah Girls' series of books, first released in 1999. It was possibly inspired by the English vocabulary word (which refers to "a central court through several storeys of a shopping centre or department store onto which shops or departments open at each level").
Gallez f Breton
Variant of Galla.
Gallia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Gallo.
Galliana f Italian
Feminine form of Gallianus, a Late Roman elaboration of Gallus.
Galliano m Italian
Italian form of Gallianus.
Gallien m Late Roman (Gallicized), Guernésiais
French and Guernésiais form of Gallienus.
Gallipoli f & m English (Australian)
Named for the Gallipoli Peninsula in Turkey, whose name comes from the Greek meaning "beautiful city". The site of the infamous Gallipoli Campaign during World War I.
Galloway m English
Transferred use of the surname Galloway.
Gallusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Gallus.
Gallven m English
Variant of Galvin.
Gallvin m English
Variant of Galvin.
Gallyon f & m Dutch (Rare)
This given name is predominantly feminine in the Netherlands. It is not a typical Dutch first name and therefore its meaning is uncertain; it may possibly have been derived from the British surname Gallyon, which is Norman-French in origin (and is found in the spelling Gallion in modern France).... [more]
Galor m & f Hebrew (Modern, Rare)
Combination of the name Gal 1 means "wave" and the name Or means "light".
Gálos m Medieval Hungarian
Medieval Hungarian form of Gallus.
Gal-Sal m Sumerian
Possibly one of the earliest names recorded. It occurs on a tablet dated ca 3200-3100 BC. Gal-Sal was a slave owner.
Galt m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Galti.
Galuh f & m Javanese, Sundanese
Means "gem, diamond" or "daughter, unmarried princess" in Javanese and Sundanese, of Sanskrit origin.
Galushka m Russian
Diminutive of Galusha.
Galuška f Czech
Diminutive of Galina.
Galust m Armenian
Shortening of the Armenian word Հոգեգալուստ (Hogegalust) meaning "Pentecost".
Galván m Spanish, Galician
Spanish and Galician form of Gawain.
Galvano m Italian
Italian form of Gawain.
Galven m English
Variant of Galvin.
Galvon m English
Variant of Galvin.
Galvyn m English
Variant of Galvin.
Galya f Hebrew
Variant of Galia.
Galym m Kazakh
Kazakh form of Alim.
Galymzhan m Kazakh
From Kazakh ғалым (ghalym) meaning "scholar, expert" (of Arabic origin) and жан (zhan) meaning "soul".
Galyn m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Galen.
Galyna f Ukrainian
The origin of the name Galyna is from Ancient Greek and the meaning of the name is "Calm, Healer"
Galyusya f Russian
Diminutive form of Galina.
Gamal m Old Swedish, Old Danish, Medieval English
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Gamall.
Gamalbarn m Anglo-Scandinavian (Hypothetical)
Hypothetical Anglo-Scandinavian name meaning "young Gamall", from a combination of the Old Norse name Gamall and barn "child, young man" (which is cognate with Old English bearn)... [more]
Gamal El-Din m Arabic (Egyptian)
Alternate transcription of Jamal ad-Din chiefly used in Egypt.
Gamalíel m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Gamaliel.
Gamaliël m Dutch
Dutch form of Gamaliel.
Gamaliele m Italian
Italian form of Gamaliel.
Gamalihel m Biblical Latin
Form of Gamaliel used in the Latin Bible.
Gamaliil m Greek
Greek form of Gamaliel.
Gamarias m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Gemariah, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Gambit m Popular Culture
Gambit is the 'mutant' name of the comic book character Remy LeBeau, a member of Marvel's X-Men and King of the Thieve's Guild. He is frequently called both Remy and Gambit, with Gambit being more commonly used by those who don't know him as well, and by teammates while on a mission... [more]
Gambrinus m Obscure
The Name arose from a historic printing error from Gambrivius. The Gambrivii were a historical Germanic Tribe mentioned by Tacitus.... [more]
Gambuu m Gamilaraay
A skin name given to male children of Gabii and Yibadhaa who marries Maadhaa.
Gamelyn m Medieval English, Literature
Anglo-Scandinavian form of Gamall. In literature, The Tale of Gamelyn is a romance written in c. 1350 in a dialect of Middle English, considered part of the Matter of England... [more]
Games m English (American, Rare, Archaic), Medieval English
Old Medieval form or possibly variant of James.
Gamilah f African
Gamilah is the name of one of the daughters of Activist Malcolm X and Betty Shabazz.
Gamill m Alsatian (Archaic)
Vernacular form of Camillus (compare French Camille).
Gamitza f Medieval Basque
Medieval Basque name of uncertain origin and meaning. It was first recorded in 1018.
Gamlet m Russian, Armenian, Georgian
Russian form of Hamlet. Armenians and Georgians who are proficient in Russian will sometimes use this form to transcribe Համլետ (Hamlet) and ჰამლეტ (Hamlet)... [more]
Gamliel m Yiddish
Variant of Gamaliel.
Gamliel m Russian
Russian form of Gamaliel.
Gamling m Literature
In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, Gamling is a Man of Rohan. He appears in The Two Towers, the second volume of The Lord of the Rings.
Gamora f Popular Culture
Gamora is a fictional character that appeared in comic books by Marvel and in the 2014 movie "Guardians of the Galaxy".
Gamuchirai f Shona
Means "accept or receive" in Shona. It is typically given to a child born out of wedlock.
Gamul m Biblical
Gamul, meaning "rewarded" or "recompense," was head of the twentieth of twenty-four priestly divisions instituted by King David. (I Chr. 24:17)
Gamzat m Avar (Russified), Dargin (Russified), Kumyk (Russified)
Russian form of Hamza, used particularly in Dagestan.
Gamzat-bek m Avar
Combination of Khamzat and the Turkish military title beg meaning "chieftain, master". A beater is Gamzat-Bek (1789-1834), an Imam of Dagestan / Caucasian Imamate and of Avar ancestry.
Ġan m Maltese
Maltese form of Giovanni.
Gan m Mongolian
Means "steel" in Mongolian. It also coincides with a Mongolian word meaning "drought, lack of rain".
Ganael m Belgian
Belgian variant of Ganaël.... [more]
Ganapatihridaya f Mythology
A Buddhist epithet of Vinayaki meaning "heart of Ganesha".
Ganau m Hausa
From the Hausa ganī meaning "see". This name is traditionally given to boys born on the night of a full moon.
Gəncəli m Azerbaijani
Combination of Azerbaijani gənc meaning "young" and Əli. It can also mean "a person from the city of Ganja" (Gəncə in Azerbaijani).
Gandalfr m Old Norse
Derived from gandr ("magic, charm, magic wand") and alfr ("elf"). This is the original form of Gandalf.
Gandalv m Old Norwegian
Norwegian form of Gandalfr. This name was used in the Norwegian translation of Tolkien's 'The Lord of the Rings'.
Gandaza f Russian
Means "var of Kandaza" in Russian.
Gandhar m Indian
Transferred use of the surname Gandhar.
Gandolf m Germanic
Variant of Gandulf.
Gandolfo m Italian
Italian form of Gandulf.
Gandulfo m Spanish
Spanish form of Gandulf via it's Latinized form Gandulfus.
Gandwy m Arthurian Cycle
One of Arthur’s gatekeepers.
Ganesa m Hinduism (Rare)
Variant transcription of Ganesha.
Ganesan m Indian, Tamil
Tamil form of Ganesha.
Ganeshan m Tamil
Alternate transcription of Tamil கணேசன் (see Ganesan).
Ganga f & m Hinduism, Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Odia, Assamese, Punjabi
From Sanskrit गङ्गा (ganga) referring to the Ganges River, itself meaning "swift-goer". In Hindu tradition this is the name of the personification of the river Ganges, often depicted as fair-skinned goddess riding a sea creature called the makara... [more]
Gangadhara m Hinduism, Kannada, Telugu
Means "holder of the Ganges" from Sanskrit गङ्गा (ganga) referring to the Ganges River and धर (dhara) meaning "holding, bearing"... [more]
Gangadharan m Malayalam, Tamil
South Indian form of Gangadhara.
Gangalando m Medieval Italian
Italian form of a Germanic given name that consisted of the Germanic elements gang meaning "path" (see Wolfgang) and land meaning "land."... [more]
Gangam m Indian
Masculine form of Gangama.
Gangama f Indian
Means "the goddess of the Ganges" (referring to the Ganges River which runs through India).
Gangan m Chinese (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Gang and An 1.
Gangeya m Sanskrit
It is a male given name which means "The son of the Ganga". The Ganga is another name for the Ganges river that runs through India. In Hinduism the Ganges is believed to be a holy, sacred river, the embodiment of the goddess Ganga... [more]
Ganglati m Norse Mythology
Means "lazy walker" in Old Norse. It is borne by a servant of Hel.
Gangleri m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "the one tired from walking". In Norse mythology this is a by-name for Odin and an alias of the Swedish king Gylfi.
Ganglöt f Norse Mythology
Means "lazy walker" in Old Norse. It is borne by a serving-maid of Hel.
Gangolfo m Italian
Italian form of Gangulf via it's Latinized form Gangulphus.
Gangr m Norse Mythology
Means "traveller" in Old Norse, ultimately derived from Proto-Germanic *gangaz "walking, going". Gangr is a jötunn in Norse Mythology. He is the brother of Iði and Þjazi.
Gangráðr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "he who knows the way" or might be derived from gangr ("walking, motion, path") and ráð ("advice, counsel"). Odin uses this as an alias during his battle of wits with Vafþrúðnir.
Gangulfo m Spanish
Spanish form of Gangulf via it's Latinized form Gangulphus.
Gangulphus m Frankish (Latinized)
Latinized form of Gangulf. This was the name of an 8th-century Frankish saint.
Gani m Albanian, Indonesian, Kazakh
Albanian, Indonesian and Kazakh form of Ghani.
Ganieda f Arthurian Cycle, Literature
According to the Red Book of Hergest, she was the twin sister of Merlin. She is found in both the Vita Merlini and the Welsh poems where she is called Gwendydd.... [more]
Ganifat f Dagestani
Dagestani form of Hanifa.
Ganímedes m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Ganymede.
Ganka f Bulgarian
Originally a diminutive of Gergana (via Gerganka), used as a given name in its own right.
Ġanni m Maltese
Variant of Ġwanni.
Ġannina f Maltese
Feminine form of Ġanni.
Gannon m American
Transferred use of the surname Gannon.
Ganon m Popular Culture
Ganon is a fictional character and a commonly reoccurring antagonist of Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda series.
Ganora f Arthurian Cycle
Latinate form of Gaynor used by Reginald Heber for the character of Queen Guinevere in his unfinished and posthumous 'Morte d'Arthur' (first published in 1830).
Ganore f Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Gaynor used by George Augustus Simcox in his poem The Farewell of Ganore (1869).
Gantuya f Mongolian
Alternate transcription of Mongolian Cyrillic Гантуяа (see Gantuyaa).
Ganya m Russian
Russian diminutive of Gavriil.
Ganya f Mordvin
Mordvin form of Agafya.
Gaon f & m Korean (Modern)
Shortened from 가온대/가온데/가온듸 (gaondae/gaonde/gaondui), archaic variants of the word 가운데 (gaunde) meaning "centre, middle." It can also be written into hanja, combining a ga hanja, e.g. 歌 meaning "song," with an on hanja, e.g. 穩 meaning "comfortable; calm, quiet."
Gaon-bit m Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Gaon and Bit (compare Bit-gaon).
Gaone m & f Tswana
Means "of His (God)" in Setswana.
Gaon-nuri f & m Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Gaon and Nuri.
Gaoter m Breton (Archaic)
Breton form of Walter.
Gapbar m Turkmen
Turkmen form of Ghafir.
Gar m English
Short for Garfield as well as other names with the element of "gar", also can mean "spear" from Old English gar.
Gara f Japanese
From Japanese 雅 (ga) meaning "elegance" combined with 羅 (ra) meaning "lightweight fabric". Other kanji combinations are also possible.... [more]
Gara m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Kara 2.