Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the description contains the keywords prince or of or all or men.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Gomme m Danish (Rare)
Danish short form of Gudmund.
Gon m Spanish
Diminutive of Gonzalo.
Gon m Korean
Variant transcription of Geon.
Ġona m Maltese
Maltese form of Jonas 2.
Gonaria f Sardinian
Feminine form of Gonario.
Gonario m Italian, Sardinian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Possibly related to the Late Greek name Gunnarius meaning "fur trader" or related to the Medieval Italian name Gunnari derived from Gunnar... [more]
Gonça m Portuguese
Diminutive of Gonçalo.
Gonçaluo m Medieval Galician
Medieval Galician form of Gonzalo.
Gonçalve m Provençal
Provençal form of Gundisalvus.
Gonças m Portuguese
Diminutive of Gonçalo.
Gonçau m Gascon
Gascon form of Gundisalvus.
Gonchi m Spanish
Diminutive of Gonzalo.
Gonda f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Aldegonda and Hildegonda.
Gondar m Galician
Variant of Gundar.
Gondilio m Dutch (Surinamese, Rare)
Possibly a combination of a name that contains the Germanic element gunda meaning "war" (such as Aldegonda and Gonzalo) combined with a name that ends in either -dilio or -ilio, such as Odilio and Cecilio.... [more]
Gondophares m Middle Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Middle Persian Gundafarr.
Gǫndul f Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Meaning unknown. Possibly derived from gandr "magic, magic wand" or gǫndul "magical animal; werewolf". This is the name of a Valkyrie in Norse mythology.
Gondulf m Dutch
Variant of Gundulf.
Gondulphus m Dutch
Latinized form of Gondulf.
Gonerill f Theatre
Variant of Goneril which occurs in some copies of 'King Lear' (1606) - perhaps a misprinting.
Gong m Korean, History
Meaning unknown. This was the personal name of Sunjo (1790-1834), twenty-third king of Joseon.
Gongas m Portuguese
Diminutive of Gonçalo.
Gongju f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the Korean word 공주 (Gong-Ju), which comes from Sino-Korean 公主. The character 公 (Gong (공)) primarily means "Honorable" and "Just" but also means "Public," and the character 主 (Ju (주)) means "Master" or "Host." The name means "Princess," but can also be interpreted in a more literal sense as "Honorable Master" or "Public Host." This name can also be spelled with the Hanja 空 meaning "Empty," "Sky," or "Zero," or 恭 meaning "Respectful" and "Polite" for Gong (공), and 朱 meaning "Vermillion" or "Cinnabar," 珠 meaning "Pearl" or "Gem," or 姝 meaning "Beautiful woman," for for Ju (주).
Goni m & f Hebrew
Possibly taken from the word gavan (גוון) which means "tone" or "shade (of a color)" in Hebrew.
Goniko m Georgian (Rare)
Diminutive of Goneri.
Gonnery m Medieval French
Gallicized form of Goneri.
Gonnie f Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish pet form of Aldegonda and Hildegonda.
Gonoriy m Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Honorius.
Gonsalve m Louisiana Creole (Rare)
Louisiana Creole form of Gonzalo.
Gonsalwy m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Gonzalo.
Gontiero m Italian
Italian form of Gunther and variant of Guntero.
Gontram m Lengadocian
Languedocian form of Guntram.
Gontrán m Galician, Spanish
Galician and Spanish form of Guntram.
Gontrano m Italian
Italian form of Guntram.
Gontrão m History
Portuguese form of Guntram.
Gontrodo f Medieval Spanish
Alternative form of Guntroda.
Gontzal m Basque
Basque form of Gonzalo.
Gonza m Spanish
Diminutive of Gonzalo.
Gonzague m French, French (Belgian)
Transferred use of the surname Gonzague. The name is usually used in honour of Louis de Gonzague (1568-1591, known in English as Aloysius Gonzaga), an Italian aristocrat who became a member of the Society of Jesus... [more]
Gonzala f Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Gonzalo.
Gonzalbo m Aragonese
Aragonese form of Gonzalo.
Gonzalez m American (Hispanic)
Transferred use of the surname Gonzalez.
Goo f Korean
Variant transcription of Ku.
Goober m English
Meaning "peanut", originating from Bantu languages. In English, this is sometimes used as a word to describe a silly or foolish person.... [more]
Goodarz m Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian گودرز (see Goudarz).
Good-gift m English (Puritan, Rare)
Referring to James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
Goodman m English (Rare, Archaic)
From Middle English gode "good" and man "man", in part from use as a term for the master of a household. In Scotland the term denoted a landowner who held his land not directly from the crown but from a feudal vassal of the king... [more]
Goodwill m Literature, English (African), Southern African
From the English word goodwill, derived from Middle English gode meaning "good" and will "wish, will, volition", which was originally a nickname applied to an amiable person with a favourable disposition towards others... [more]
Goody m & f English (Rare), African American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Goody.
Goof m Dutch (Rare), Limburgish (Rare)
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Godfried via the form Govert. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch hockey player Goof van der Kamp (b... [more]
Goomaral f Mongolian
Variant form of Guamaral.
Goor m Dutch, Limburgish
Dutch and Limburgish short form of Gregorius.
Goos m Dutch
Short form of Goswin and its variants, such as Gooswijn, Gosewijn, Goswijn and Gozewijn.
Gopalan m Malayalam, Tamil
Malayalam and Tamil variant of Gopala.
Gophera m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Ophrah, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Gopi m Indian
Gopi is a word of Sanskrit originating from the word Gopala referring to a person in charge of a herd of cows.
Gorán m Hungarian
Variant of György, meaning "farmer".
Gorane f Basque
Coined by Sabino Arana Goiri and Koldo Elizalde as a Basque equivalent of Exaltación. The name was probably based on Basque gora "up; (as an interjection) long live" or goratze "rise, exaltation".
Goratze f Basque
Derived from Basque goratze "rise, exaltation", this is a Basque equivalent of Exaltación.
Gordafarid f Persian Mythology
The name of one of the heroines in the Shahnameh.
Gordei m Estonian
Estonian transcription of Russian Гордей.
Gordiaan m Dutch (Rare)
Dutch form of Gordianus (see Gordian).
Gordiana f Italian, Polish (Rare)
Italian feminine form of Gordiano and Polish feminine form of Gordian.
Gordiano m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Gordian.
Gordias m Ancient Greek
Means "city" from Phrygian Gordum. This was the name of at least two members of the royal house of Phrygia.
Gördis f Swedish
Variant of Hjördis.
Gordiusz m Polish (Rare)
Polish form of Gordias.
Gordo m English
Diminutive of Gordon.
Gorecho m Galician
Hypocoristic of Gregorio.
Görel f Old Swedish, Swedish
Swedish form of Gerhild.
Gorge m Spanish
Diminutive of Jorge.
Görgen m Swedish
Variant of Jörgen.
Gorgidas m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Gorgias/Gorgos" in Greek, derived from the name Gorgias or Gorgos combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Gorgippos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek adjective γοργός (gorgos) meaning "grim, fierce, terrible" or the Greek verb γοργεύω (gorgeuo) meaning "to move rapidly, to hasten"... [more]
Gorgippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Gorgippos. This was the name of a Spartocid king of the Bosporus (4th century BC).
Gorgitione m Italian
Italian form of Gorgythion.
Gorgo f Ancient Greek, History
Most likely derived from Greek γοργός (gorgos) meaning "grim, fierce, terrible". However, it's also possible that the name is derived from the Greek verb γοργεύω (gorgeuō) meaning "to move rapidly, to hasten", which itself is related to the Greek noun γοργία (gorgia) meaning "agility, nimbleness, mobility"... [more]
Gorgonia f Late Greek, History (Ecclesiastical), Spanish (Philippines)
Feminine form of Gorgonios. This was the name of a daughter of Saints Gregory the Elder and Nonna, also venerated as a saint.
Gorgonio m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Gorgonius.
Gorgonios m Ancient Greek
This name derives from the Ancient Greek “gorgos (γοργώ)”, meaning “dreadful, terrible, terrifying, very ugly, like a gorgon, relating to Gorgon”. ... [more]
Gorgonius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Gorgonios. This was borne by 5 saints, including Gorgonius of Nicomedia, who was martyred in 304 during the persecutions of the Roman emperor Diocletian.
Gorgoniusz m Polish
Polish form of Gorgonius (see Gorgonios).
Gorgophone f Greek Mythology
Means "grim murder", derived from Greek γοργός (gorgos) "grim, fierce, terrible" (also compare Gorgo) combined with Greek φονη (phone) "murder, slaughter, carnage"... [more]
Gorgus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Gorgos. In Greek mythology, this was the name of an uncle of king Periander of Corinth.
Gorgyra f Greek Mythology
From the Greek word γόργυρα (gorgyra) which referred to an underground sewer or drain, also used as a dungeon. Gorgyra, also called Orphne, was a nymph goddess of the Underworld (Hades) and the wife of the potamos (river-god) Acheron in Greek mythology... [more]
Gorgythion m Greek Mythology
The meaning of this name is surrounded by uncertainty. The one thing that can be stated for certain about this name, is that it contains the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). For the rest of the name, there are several possibilities available... [more]
Göri m Romansh
Romansh form of George, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Gori m Catalan
Short form of Gregori.
Gorian m Macedonian, Slovene
Means "mountain" or "wood". Derived from south Slavic gora "mountain" and is a variation of name Goran
Goriana f Bulgarian
Variant transcription of Горяна (see Goryana).
Gorice m Literature
The name of the main antagonist in the novel "The Worm Ouroboros" by Eric Rücker Eddison.
Gorik m Flemish
Flemish form of Gaugerich.
Gørild f Norwegian
Norwegian variant of Gerhild.
Gorimir m Croatian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". The name Goran is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace".
Gorio m Spanish
Diminutive of Gregorio.
Goriola m Yoruba
Means "climbed to the top of wealth" in Yoruba.
Goris m Greek
Diminutive of Grigorios.
Gorislav m Croatian, Russian
The first element of this name is derived from Proto-Slavic gora "mountain". Also see Goran, which is of the same etymology. The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory".
Gorislava f Croatian, Russian
Feminine form of Gorislav.
Gorm m Danish, Old Danish, Norwegian
Danish form of Guðþorm. Gorm the Old (also known as Guðrum and Guthrum) was the first christened king of Denmark. He took the name Æthelstan when he converted to Christianity in 878.
Gorman m Manx (Archaic)
Manx form of Irish Gormán, itself derived from Irish gorm "blue" and the diminutive suffix -án.
Gormelia f Scottish (Archaic)
Latinate form of Gormal. This became the usual form of the name in the 19th century, along with Gormilia and Gormula.
Gormely f Medieval Irish (Anglicized)
Early Anglicization of Irish Gormlaith.
Gormla f Irish (Anglicized)
Modern anglicized form of Gormlaith
Gormundur m Faroese
Faroese name with the combination of gorr "wet, soft" and mund "protection".
Gornemant m Arthurian Cycle
The name of a character in Arthurian tales.
Goron m Cornish
Said to be derived from Proto-Celtic *kawaro- "hero, champion" (compare Breton kaour, Welsh cawr "giant, champion"). Saint Goron or Goronus is the patron saint of St Goran, a coastal parish in Cornwall.
Gorōta m Japanese (Rare)
This name combines 五 (go, itsu, itsu.tsu) meaning "five" or 吾 (go, a-, waga-, ware) meaning "I, my, one's own" & 郎 (ryou, rou, otoko) meaning "son" or 朗 (rou, aki.raka, hoga.raka) meaning "bright, cheerful, clear, merry" with 太 (ta, tai, futo.i, meaning "big, plump, thick."... [more]
Górr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Possibly means "three-sided field". In Norse mythology Górr (also spelt Gór) is the son of Þorri and brother of Nórr and Gói... [more]
Gorry m Manx
Manx form of Guðrøðr. This name was traditionally Anglicized as Orry and Godred... [more]
Gortra f Faroese
Faroese form of Gertrude.
Goryana f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Goryan.
Goryanka f Bulgarian
Diminutive of Goryana.
Goryo m Filipino, Tagalog
Diminutive of Gregorio.
Gòrzëmira f Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gniewomira.
Gosalyn f Popular Culture
In the case of the character Gosalyn Mallard (Disney's DuckTales) and Gosalyn Waddlemeyer (Darkwing Duck), it is a play on the word "gosling".
Gòsamu m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Cosmas.
Gosantine m Sardinian
Sardinian form of Constantine.
Gosca f Russian
Variant of Gosta.
Goscha f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Gosta.
Gościmir m Medieval Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish gość "guest", which is ultimately derived from Slavic gost "guest". The second element is derived from Slavic mir "peace"... [more]
Gościsław m Polish
The first element of this name is derived from Polish gość "guest", which is ultimately derived from Slavic gost "guest". The second element is derived from Slavic slav "glory"... [more]
Gościsława f Polish
Feminine form of Gościsław.
Goscja f Russian
Variant of Gosta.
Gosdantin m Armenian
Armenian form of Constantine.
Gose f Russian
Variant of Gosta.
Gòsgiu m Sardinian
Short form of Gòsimu.
Gosha m Russian
Diminutive of Georgiy.
Goshamida f Circassian (Rare)
Of unknown meaning.
Goshchti m Karelian
Karelian form of Kostya.
Goshefizh f Circassian (Russified)
Means "white princess" in Adyghe (West Circassian), derived from гуащэ (g°āš̍ă) "lady, princess" and фыжьы (fəž̍ə) "white".
Gòsimu m Sardinian
Gallurese form of Cosmas.
Gośka f Polish
Diminutive of Małgorzata.
Gosław m Polish
Contracted form of Godzisław, Gorzysław and Gościsław.
Gosława f Polish
Feminine form of Gosław.
Gospatric m Medieval Scottish
Means "servant of Saint Patrick", derived from a Cumbric element meaning "servant" (cognate with Old Breton uuas, guas "servant" and Middle Welsh gwas "servant, vassal") combined with the name of the saint Patrick... [more]
Gospatrick m Manx (Archaic)
Cognate of Gospatric. Since the names of saints were considered too holy for everyday use, they were usually prefixed until the 17th century.
Gospodinka f Bulgarian
Feminine form of Gospodin.
Gossamer f Theatre
From the English word, which means "spider threads spun in fields of stubble in late fall" (apparently derived from Old English gos "goose" and sumer "summer"). A fictional bearer is Gossamer Beynon in Dylan Thomas' 1954 play 'Under Milk Wood' (Butcher Beynon's schoolteacher daughter).
Gosschalk m Medieval Baltic
Medieval Latvian form of Gottschalk.
Gossuin m Medieval French
French form of Goswin.
Gøsta m Danish
Danish form of Gösta.
Gosta f Russian
Feminine form of Gost.
Gostanza f Aragonese
Aragonese form of Constantia.
Goštāsp m Kurdish, Pashto, Balochi
Most likely means "whose horses are let loose (for the race)". It was the name of a Kayanian king of Iranian traditional history and patron of Zoroaster.
Gostautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Gostautas.
Gostauus m Old Swedish
Latinized form of Gustaf.
Gostimira f Russian
Meaning "guest of peace and earth". Combined with gost "guest" and miru "peace, world".
Gost'ka m Russian
Diminutive of Gost.
Gostko m Russian
Diminutive of Gost.
Gòsza f Kashubian
Diminutive of Małgorzata via Małgòsza and Małgòszka.
Göt m & f Swedish
Swedish form of Gautr.
Gøt m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Gautr.
Götar m Old Swedish, Medieval English
Swedish modern form of Gautarr.
Gotard m Polish
Polish form of Gotthard.
Gøte m Norwegian, Old Swedish
Norwegian form of Göte.
Gotey m Gascon (Archaic)
Gascon cognate of Gauthier.
Gotfrid m Hungarian (Rare), History
Hungarian form of Gottfried. Gotfrid (c. 650–709) was the Duke of Alemannia in the late 7th century and until his death. He was of the house of the Agilolfing, which was the dominant ruling family in the Frankish Duchy of Bavaria.
Gotfryd m Polish
Polish form of Gottfried.
Gotham m English
Transferred use of the surname Gotham.
Gothárd m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Gotthard.
Göthe m Swedish
Variant of Göte.
Gothel f Literature, Popular Culture, Folklore
Gothel is a Hessian dialect word meaning "godmother". ... [more]
Goðen m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Goðvini.
Gotherum m Medieval Scottish
Shetlandic variant of Guðþorm.
Gothia f Baltic Mythology
Lithuanian goddess of cattle, recorded by 17th-century historian and ethnographer Matthäus Prätorius in his work Deliciae Prussica (published in 1703).... [more]
Gothicus m Ancient Roman
Transferred use of the surname Gothicus. There was a Roman Emperor called Claudius Gothicus. After a victory, he had earned the surname of "Gothicus" meaning he was the "conqueror of the Goths".
Göthild f Swedish (Rare)
Younger form of Götilda.
Gothmog m Literature
Gothmog is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. He is featured in The Return of the King, the third volume of the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings as originally printed.
Goðmundur m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Guðmundur.
Gotholia f Hebrew (Hellenized), Biblical Greek
Greek form of Athaliah, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Gotholias m Hebrew (Hellenized), Biblical Greek
Greek form of Athaliah, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Gothoniel m Hebrew (Hellenized), Biblical Greek
Greek form of Othniel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Goðvini m Old Norse
Nordic form of Godwine.
Gøti m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Gautr.
Goti m Old Norse, Old Danish, Icelandic
From Old Norse goti meaning "Gotlander." Gotland is an island in the Baltic sea about 60 miles off the southeastern coast of Sweden.
Götilda f Swedish (Archaic)
Younger form of Gauthildr via the variant Giöthilda.
Gotlíb m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Gottlieb.
Gotlibas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Gottlieb.
Götmar m Swedish (Archaic), Old Swedish
Combination of the Old Norse name elements gautr "Geat, Goth" and marr "famous".
Goto f Medieval Spanish (Rare), Medieval Basque (Rare)
Medieval Spanish and Basque name of Visigothic origin, meaning "Goth", commonly used in combination with Andere "lady", in the form Andregoto.
Gōtoku m Japanese (Rare)
This name can be used as 高徳 or 剛徳 with 高 (kou, taka.i, taka, -daka, taka.maru, taka.meru) meaning "expensive, high, tall", 剛 (gou) meaning "strength, sturdy" and 徳 (toku) meaning "benevolence, commanding respect, goodness, virtue."... [more]
Gotonyal m Amharic
Amharic form of Othniel.
Götrik m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish modern form of Gautrekr.
Gotse m Bulgarian
Diminutive of Georgi.
Gottardo m Italian
Italian form of Gotthard.
Gottbert m German
German form of Godbert.
Gottfrida f Swedish (Rare)
Feminine form of Gottfrid.
Gotthild f German
German form of Godehild.
Gottliebe f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Gottlieb.
Gottmar m German
German form of Godemar.
Gotto m Medieval Italian
Short form of Arrigotto, Rigotto, Ugotto and other pet forms that end in -gotto.... [more]
Gottoleva f German (Bessarabian)
Bessarabian German form of Godeliva.
Gotton f Guernésiais
Truncated form of Margotton.
Gottskálk m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Gottschalk.
Gottsveinn m Icelandic (Rare)
Possibly from Old Norse guð "god" (cognate with Old High German, Old Dutch got) and sveinn "boy"... [more]
Gottvertrau m German (Rare, Archaic)
Means "Trust in God!" in German. This is one of the so-called pietistic names coined in the 18th century.
Gottwald m German
German form of Godewald.
Gottwin m German (Archaic)
German form of Godwin. Also compare Godwine.
Gotty f Swedish (Rare)
Diminutive of names beginning with the Germanic element god, such as Gottfrida and Gotthild.
Götz m German
Shortened form of German names beginning with Gott- like Gottfried.
Gou f Japanese
From Japanese 江 "inlet." This was the name of a prominent female figure (also known as "Oeyo") during the Sengoku Period in Japan.
Goud m Dutch (Rare)
Derived from the Dutch word goud meaning "gold".... [more]
Goudarz m Persian
Modern Persian form of Gotarzes.
Goudiel m Biblical Greek
Greek form of Gaddiel and Geuel, as it first appeared in the Septuagint.
Goueznou m Medieval Breton, History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a 7th-century Breton saint of Cornish origin.
Gough m Welsh (Rare), Irish (Rare)
Welsh: nickname for a red-haired person, from Welsh coch ‘red’.... [more]
Goulc'han m Breton
Variant of Goulven.
Goulielmos m Greek
Greek form of William via Gulielmus.
Goulven m Breton
The name of a Bishop and Saint from the 7th century.
Goulvena f Breton
Variant of Goulwena.
Goulwen m Breton
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Goulwena f Breton
Feminine form of Goulwen.
Goum f Korean (Modern, Rare)
From the verbal noun of adjective 곱다 (gopda) meaning "beautiful, pretty, fine, soft."
Goumang m Chinese Mythology, Far Eastern Mythology
From a combination of the characters 句 (gou, meaning “hooked”) and 芒 (mang, meaning “awn”). Goumang is the Chinese god of wood who oversees the spring and the east, especially the rising place of the sun... [more]
Goun f & m Korean (Modern)
From the present determiner form of adjective 곱다 (gopda) meaning "beautiful, pretty, fine, soft." It can also be written with hanja, combining a go hanja, e.g. 高 meaning "high, tall," with an un hanja, e.g. 雲 meaning "cloud."
Goun-byeol f Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Goun and Byeol (compare Goeun-byeol).
Gourgon m Breton
Variant of Gorgon.
Gourmaelon m Medieval Breton, History
According to the Celtic linguist Joseph Loth, this name would mean "the one with the brown eyebrows" or "the prince, the chief". This was the name of the Count of Cornouaille and de facto ruler of Brittany from 907 – c. 914.
Goushou m Japanese
From Japanese 剛 (gou) meaning "sturdy" combined with 昌 (shou) meaning "good, prosper". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Goustan m Breton, History (Ecclesiastical)
The name of a saint from the 10th century. He is considered the patron saint of sailors and fishers.
Goustavos m Greek (Rare)
Hellenized form of Gustavus.
Goutham m Indian, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam
Variant transcription of Gautam.
Goutom m Bengali
Bengali transcription of Gautama.
Govaert m Medieval Dutch
Short form of Godevaert. A known bearer of this name was the Flemish astronomer Govaert Wendelen (1580-1667), who is known as Godefroy Wendelin in English.
Ġovanna f Maltese
Maltese form of Joanna.
Ġovanni m Maltese
Maltese form of John (via Italian Giovanni).
Goven m Georgian (Archaic)
Meaning and origin unknown. Perhaps it is related to the Turkish name Güven. Another possibility might be the Latin adjective iuvenis meaning "young, youthful" and its Middle Persian cognate ǰuwān meaning "young"... [more]
Governor m English
From the English governor, a public or executive official that exercise some form of sovereignty to an area.
Govert m Medieval Dutch, Dutch
Medieval Dutch variant form of Govaert. This name has never truly gone out of fashion and is still in use to this day. Known bearers of this name include the Dutch painter Govert Flinck (1615-1660) and the Dutch astronomer Govert Schilling (b... [more]
Gövhər f Azerbaijani (Rare)
From Persian گوهر (gowhar) meaning “jewel, gem, essence” (cognate of Jawahir and Gohar).
Govindarajan m Indian, Tamil
From गोविन्दराजन् (govindarajan), "king of the cow finders" in Sanskrit... [more]
Gowan m & f Scottish, Medieval English
From a Scots name for the daisy and other golden or white field flowers, perhaps ultimately from Old Norse gollinn "golden". Robert Burns' poem "To a Mountain Daisy" (1786) was originally titled "The Gowan"... [more]
Gowon m African, Ngas, Nigerian
A common name used among the Jos Plateau people of Nigeria.
Gowtham m Indian, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu
South Indian form of Gotama.
Goya f Spanish
Spanish diminutive of Gregoria.... [more]
Goying m Filipino
Diminutive of Gregorio.