Swiss Submitted Names

Swiss names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ilizia f Italian
Italian form of Ilithyia.
Ilke f & m East Frisian (Archaic), German (Rare)
Variation of Elke recorded as a feminine name in the 16th, 18th and 19th century and as a masculine name from the 15th to 17th century in East Frisia.
Ilko m Bulgarian, Ukrainian, German (Rare)
Bulgarian diminutive of Iliya. Since the 1960s it has been in occasional use in German-speaking countries.
Ilme f German
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Ilsabe f German (Archaic)
Old German variant of Elisabeth (see also Elzebe).
Ilsabeth f German (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Obsolescent variant of Elisabeth and Ilsabe, traditionally predominantly found in the north of Germany as well as in Denmark.
Ilsebill f German, Swedish (Rare)
German variant of Elisabet and Ilsebet.
Ilsegard f German (Rare, Archaic)
A blend of Ilse with Hildegard or another name ending in -gard.
Ilsetraut f German
A blend of Ilse and names ending in -traut like Irmtraut.
Iltrude f Italian
Italian form of Hiltrud.
Ilva f Italian, German (Modern)
Adoption of Ilva, the Latin name of the island of Elba. The island's name has been speculated to be of Etruscan origin and as such to be derived from a word meaning "iron".
Ilvy f German (Modern), Dutch (Modern)
Variant of Ylvi. This is the most commonly used spelling in the Netherlands.
Ilyana f French (Modern)
Feminine form of Ilyan.
Imbert m French (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Derived from the Germanic elements irmin "immense, vast" and beraht "bright". In former times, the name was occasionally confused with Humbert.
Imeria f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Imerio, ultimately from Greek Himerios.
Imier m French (Archaic), French (Swiss, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Himerius. While this name is archaic in France, it is still occasionally used in French-speaking Switzerland.
Imka f Dutch, Afrikaans, German
Diminutive of Ime 2.
Immakulata f German
German form of Immacolata.
Incoronata f Italian
Means "crowned" in Italian. This name is given in reference to the Virgin Mary in her role as queen of heaven.
Indiano m Spanish (Modern, Rare), Italian (Modern, Rare)
Spanish and Italian masculine form of Indiana.
Indila f French (Modern, Rare)
Notably borne by singer and songwriter Indila, born Adila Sedraïa (1984-).... [more]
Indro m Indian, Italian
Possibly a form of Indra. In was popularized in Italy as well by Indro Montanelli (1909-2001), Italian journalist, historian and writer.
Ineka f English (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Most likely a variant of Ineke.
Ineke f Dutch, Limburgish, German (Rare), East Frisian
Diminutive form of Ine as well as an East Frisian feminine form of masculine Ine.
Ingall m German (Rare), English (Rare)
A German name meaning “angel”, or possibly transferred use of the surname Ingalls.
Ingeliese f German, Danish
German variant of Ingelise.
Ingelore f German (Rare)
Combination of Inge and Lore 1.
Ingfried m German (Rare)
The name is made from the two Germanic name elements Ing (the name of a Germanic god) and fridu "peace".... [more]
Ingfriede f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Ingfried.
Inghard m German
German younger form of Ingohart.
Inglina f Romansh
Derivative of Angela via Angiolina.
Ingrun f German (Rare), Norwegian, Swedish
Formed from the Germanic name elements Ing (the name of a god) and run "secret; rune".
Ingvelde f German (Rare), Literature
The name is probably an invention by the Austrian writer Joseph Christian Von Zedlitz (1790–1862) who wrote a novel titled "Ingvelde Schönwang".... [more]
Innegrit f German (Modern, Rare)
Probably a blend of Annegret and Ingrid.... [more]
Innico m Italian
Italian form of Íñigo or Eneko.
Innocente f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Innocent.
Innocente m Italian
Italian form of Innocent.
Innocenz m Romansh
Romansh form of Innocent.
Innocenza f Italian
Feminine form of Innocenzo.
Innozent m German
German form of Innocent.
Innozentia f German
Feminine form of Innozenz.
Innozenz m German
German form of Innocent.
Iny f German (Modern, Rare)
Variant and diminutive of Ina.
Iochebed f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Jochebed.
Ioiachin m Italian
Italian form of Jehoiachin.
Ioiakim m Italian
Italian form of Jehoiakim.
Iolantha f French
Variation of Violante
Iotapiano m Italian
Italian form of Jotapianus.
Ipazia f Italian
Italian form of Hypatia.
Ipazio m Italian
Italian form of Hypatius.
Iperione m Italian
Italian form of Hyperion.
Ipparco m Italian
Italian form of Hipparchus.
Ippazia f Italian
Variant form of Ipazia.
Ippazio m Italian
Variant form of Ipazio.
Ippocrate m Italian
Italian form of Hippocrates.
Ipponatte m Italian
Italian form of Hipponax.
Ipseo m Italian
Italian form of Hypseus.
Irenäa f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Irenäus.
Irenäus m German
German form of Irenaeus.
Irenea f Italian, Corsican, Catalan, Spanish
Italian and Spanish feminine form of Ireneo and Catalan and Corsican feminine form of Ireneu.
Ireno m Italian
Masculine form of Irene.
Iride f Italian
Italian variant of Iris.
Iriseo m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
masculine form of Iris Means "rainbow" in Greek.
Irm f German (Rare)
Short form of Irmgard.... [more]
Irmbert m German (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the Germanic elements ermen "whole, universal" and beraht "bright".
Irmchen f German
Diminutiv of Irma or other names beginning in Irm- like Irmtraud.... [more]
Irmela f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Irma.
Irmeli f Finnish, Estonian, German (Swiss)
A Finnish diminutive of Irmela, Swiss German diminutive of Irma and Estonian combination of Irma and the syllable -li-, most commonly derived from Eliisabet.
Irmfried m German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name from the German name elements irmin "whole, universal" and fridu "piece".
Irmgund f German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the Old High German name elements irmin "whole, great, universal" and gunda "battle".
Irmi f German
Diminutive of names beginning with Irm-, such as Irmgard, Irmhild or Irma. Rarely used as a given name in its own right.
Irmin m German (Rare)
Short form of names derived from the Germanic name element irmin "whole, universal".... [more]
Irmina f Polish, Italian, German (Rare), Sicilian, Slovene
Feminine form of Irmin or a diminutive of Irma.
Irminburg f German
German form of Erminburg.
Irmine f French, German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French form of Irmina as well as a German variant.
Irminfrid m Germanic, German
Variant spelling of Erminfrid.
Irminfried m German
German variant of Irminfrid.
Irmingild m German
German form of Ermingild.
Irmintrud f German
German form of Ermintrud.
Irmlind f German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the name elements irmin "whole, great" and lind "lime-tree, linden tree; linden spear-shaft; (protective shield of) linden wood"
Irmrun f German (Modern, Rare)
Formed from the Germanic name elements irmin "whole, universal" and runa "secret; rune".
Isabellina f Italian, English
Elaborated form of Isabella.
Isabetta f Italian
Truncated form of Elisabetta.
Isaïah m French
French from of Isaiah.
Isalia f Spanish (Mexican), Spanish (Latin American), French (Modern, Rare), Flemish (Archaic)
Spanish diminutive of Isabel and French and Flemish variant of Isalie.
Isaltina f Italian (Rare, Archaic)
Archaic elaborated form of Isolde.
Isang m Korean, German (Rare)
Isang is a traditional Korean name arbitrarily formed of two syllables. The hanja used are 伊 (i) "he, she, it" and 桑 (sang) "mulberry tree".... [more]
Isbert m Germanic, German
The first element is derived from îs "ice", but it might also be a short form of isan (see Isanbert). The second element is derived from Old High German beraht "bright."
Ischirione m Italian
Italian form of Ischyrion.
Isée m & f French (Rare), Dutch (Modern, Rare)
French form of Isaios via Isaeus.... [more]
Iselda f Italian
Italian variant of Isolda.
Isella f Italian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), American (Hispanic)
Italian diminutive of Isa 2 as well as a Latin American variant of Isela.
Isengard f Medieval German, German (Rare)
The name Isengard is formed from the Germanic name elements isarn "iron" and gard "enclosure".
Iseo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Isaios via Isaeus.
Isetta f Italian
Diminutive of Isa 2.
Isfrido m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Isfrid.
Isfried m German (Rare)
German form of Isfrid.
Isidorina f Italian
Feminine form of Isidoro.
Isifile f Italian (Rare)
Italian variant of Hypsipyle.
Ismar m Germanic, German
The first element is derived from îs "ice", but it might also be a short form of isan (see Isanmar). The second element is derived from Old High German mâri "famous."
Isnel m French (Rare)
Derived from Old French isnel, meaning "swift, agile".
Iso m Romansh
Of debated origin and meaning; theories include a derivation from the Germanic element isan "iron".
Isola f English (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Popularly claimed to be derived from the Italian word isola "island", this name might actually rather be a variant of Isolda.... [more]
Isoletta f Italian, Theatre
Diminutive of Isola. This name is borne by a character in Vincenzo Bellini's opera La straniera (1828).
Isolina f Italian, Catalan, Galician
Diminutive of Italian Isola and Catalan and Galician Isolda.
Isoline f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Theatre
French form of Isolina. This name was used in André Messager's opera Isoline (1888), where it belongs to a princess.
Israël m Dutch, French
Dutch and French form of Israel.
Issio m German (Modern, Rare)
The given name of the Afro-German journalist Issio Ehrich.
Istieo m Italian
Italian form of Histiaios via Histiaeus.
Italia turrita f Obscure, Italian (?)
Means "turreted Italy" in Italian. She is the national personification of Italy, which is represented with a woman wearing a turret crown. She might be a reference to the Greek goddess Cybele, whose represented wearing a wall crown... [more]
Italino m Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Italo.
Itta f German (Rare), Low German
Variant of Ida.... [more]
Iulscha f Romansh
Diminutive of Elisabet and Giulia, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Ivania f Italian
Italian feminine form of both Ivan and Yvain.
Ivanne f French, French (Belgian)
Feminine form of Ivan.
Ivanoe m Italian
Variant of Ivanhoe; a famous bearer was Ivanoe Bonomi, that was Prime Minister of Italy three times (one in 1921-1922, and other two, short lived, in 1944 and 1945).
Iven m German, Literature, Low German
Iven is a variant of the Gemanic name Ivo 1 which is traced to a word meaning "yew" (the wood of the yew was used for building good bows).... [more]
Ivon m Medieval Breton, French, Provençal
Provençal and Medieval Breton form and French variant of Yvon.
Iwajla f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Iwajlo. The German film director Iwajla Klinke bears this name.
Iwajlo m German (Rare)
German transcription of Ivaylo.
Iwen m German
Variant spelling of Iven.
Izara f Basque (Rare), French (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
In the Basque country and French-speaking areas, this name is now generally considered a variant of Izar and Izarra... [more]
Izïa f French (Rare)
A famous bearer is Izïa Higelin (b.1990), a French rock singer, guitarist and actress. Her patents claimed to be inspired by Mzia but changed the spelling because it was too complex.
Jachem m Romansh
Variant of Jachen.
Jachen m Romansh
Variant of Giachen, traditionally found in Lower Engadine, a valley in southeast Switzerland.
Jachiam m Romansh (Archaic)
Archaic Romansh form of Jacob via Iacomus.
Jachien m Romansh
Variant of Jachen.
Jacobé f Romansh
Variant of Jacobea.
Jacobea f German (Archaic), Romansh
Feminine form of Jakob and Jacob via the Latinization Jacobus.
Jacobée f French (Rare, Archaic)
French feminine form of Jacobaeus, Iacobus (see Jacob).
Jacom m Romansh
Variant of Jacum.
Jacopa f Italian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Jacopo.
Jacos m French (?)
Likely derived from "Jacob".
Jacotte f Medieval French, French (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Medieval French feminine form of Jacquot.
Jacquie m French
Diminutive of Jacques.
Jacquis m French
Variant of Jacquie.
Jacquotte f French (Rare)
Feminine form Jacquot. Jacquotte Delahaye was a 17th-century female pirate or buccaneer from Haiti, whose father was French and mother Haitian.
Jacquy m French
Variant of Jacquie.
Jacuan m Romansh
Variant of Jaquan, traditionally found in Val Müstair.
Jacum m Friulian, Romansh (Archaic)
Friulian and Romansh form of Iacomus (see James).
Jacun m Romansh
Variant of Jacum.
Jaele f Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), Italian (Rare), Theatre
Brazilian Portuguese variant of Jael and Italian variant of Giaele. Debora e Jaele (1922) is an opera in three acts composed by Ildebrando Pizzetti who also wrote the libretto... [more]
Jahvis m English (Modern, Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Of unknown origin and meaning, although it might simply be a variant of Javis. ... [more]
Jaicque m French (Archaic)
Local form of Jacques found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1600s.
Jaïro m Dutch (Modern, Rare), Dutch (Antillean), French (Modern, Rare)
Dutch and French form of Jairo. This name is borne by Dutch footballer Jaïro Riedewald.
Jaki m German (Rare)
Of unknown origin and meaning, maybe a hypochoristic form of Joachim.... [more]
Jakobäa f German (Rare, Archaic)
Rare feminine form of Jakob.
Jakobea f German (Swiss)
Feminine form of Jakob.
Jale f German, North Frisian
Short form of (now extinct) names whose first element was derived from Proto-Germanic *gailan meaning "jovial".... [more]
Janick f & m Breton (Gallicized), French
Gallicized form of Janig as well as a variant of Yannick.
Jann m Romansh, Medieval Baltic
Romansh variant of Jan 1 and medieval Latvian variant of Jane 3.
Jannäus m German
German form of Jannaeus.
Jannelo f French (Archaic)
Archaic diminutive of Jeanne found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region as late as the 1700s.
Jannes m Dutch, Flemish, German (Rare), Limburgish, East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian, Danish (Rare), Finnish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Medieval Dutch
Dutch, Flemish, Frisian, Limburgish and (Low) German short form of Johannes, which has also seen some use in Scandinavia.
Janni m Greek, Italian
Variant transcription of Gianni.
Jannika f Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), German (Modern)
Scandinavian variant of Jannike and German feminine form of Jannik.
Janno m Estonian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), West Frisian (Rare), German (Rare)
Estonian variant of Jaan as well as a Dutch and West Frisian variant of Janne 1, all of which are names that are ultimately derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan (see John).
Janosch m German (Modern), Transylvanian Saxon
German borrowing of János. Today it is mostly known as the pseudonym of the German children's book author and illustrator Horst Eckert (creator of Tigerente).
Janto m German (Modern, Rare)
Maybe a German form of Ianto.
Jänu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German version of Jan 1.
Januot m Romansh
Diminutive of Jan 1.
Janut m Romansh
Diminutive of Jan 1, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Jany f German (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Jana 1.... [more]
Jaquan m Romansh
Variant of Giachen, traditionally found in the Lower Engadine region.
Jaquen m Romansh
Variant of Jaquan.
Jaro m Slovak, German (Modern)
Short form of Jaroslav and Jaromír. Since the 1960s, the name has found occasional usage as a stand alone name in German-speaking countries.
Jaronas m Romansh
Romansh form of Jerome, traditionally used in the Engadine valley.
Jascha m Russian (Dutchified), Russian (Germanized), Dutch (Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Dutch and German transliteration of Яша (see Yasha). This name was borne by the violin virtuoso Jascha Heifetz.
Jasmeen f English (American, Modern, Rare), Italian (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jasmine also occasionally used in Italy.
Jeanina f French (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Romanian (Rare), English (American, Rare), Filipino
Variant of Jeannina (French) or Jeanine (Swedish and Danish). This was borne by a daughter of Christine Stampe (1797-1868), a Danish baroness and patron of the arts.
Jeanique f French (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Blend of Jeanne with any feminine name ending in -ique, such as Monique and Véronique... [more]
Jeannotte f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Jeannot.
Jeanny f French, English
Diminutive of Jean 2 or Jeanne
Jeantat m French (Swiss, Archaic)
Local diminutive of Jean 1 found in the Montreux region up until the late 1600s.
Jelika f German (Rare)
Short form of Angelika.
Jella f West Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), Dutch (Rare), German (Rare), Hungarian (Rare, Archaic)
Frisian feminine form of Jelle and German short form of Gabriella as well as a Hungarian borrowing of both names.... [more]
Jelscha f Romansh
Variant of Elisabet.
Jénie f French (Archaic)
Local diminutive of Eugénie found in the Poitou-Charentes region of France.
Jeri m Alsatian (Archaic), Romansh
Alsatian vernacular form of Georg and Romansh variant of Gieri.
Jerk m German (Swiss)
Swiss German form of George.
Jérome m French
Variant of Jerome.
Jerôme m French
Variant of Jerome.
Jérômée f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Jérôme, perhaps via its other feminine form Jérômie.... [more]
Jéromette f French (Archaic), Literature
Feminine form of Jérôme, which is the modern French form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).... [more]
Jérômie f French (Rare), French (Swiss, Rare), French (Belgian, Archaic), French (Quebec, Archaic)
Feminine form of Jérôme, which is the modern French form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).... [more]
Jeromin m German (Rare)
Masculine form (backformation) of Jeromine.... [more]
Jeromina f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Jérôme.
Jéromine f French (Rare), French (Quebec), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Swiss, Rare)
Feminine form of Jérôme, which is the modern French form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).... [more]
Jeruscha f German (Modern, Rare), Biblical German
German form of the biblical name Jerusha.
Jesco m German
Short form of Slavonic names like Jaromir or Jarosław.... [more]
Jesko m German (Rare)
Variant spelling of Jesco.
Jesta f German (Rare)
Of unknown meaning
Jesuardo m Italian
A rare given name, Latin spelling. Was found in Leonforte, Enna, Sicily in 1764 (right side). It can be a given name or a surname... [more]
Jettchen f German (Rare)
Pet form and diminutive of Henriette.... [more]
Jette f Scandinavian, German
German and Scandinavian short form of names ending in -iette, most commonly Henriette, as well as a Norwegian diminutive of Gjertine.... [more]
Jetti f German
Short and familiar form of Henriette, rarely used as an officially registered given name.
Jeune m French, French (Caribbean)
Means "young" in French. It is mostly used as a nickname designating a young person. It is rarely used as an official name.
Jiska f Biblical Danish, Biblical Dutch, Biblical German, German (Rare), Biblical Finnish
Form of Iscah used in the Dutch, Danish, Finnish and German translations of the Bible.
Joachin m French
French form of Joachim.
Joannice m French (Rare)
French form of Ioannikios via Joannicius.
Joanny m French (Rare)
French variant of Joannes.