Swiss Submitted Names

Swiss names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Haidi f Swedish, Danish, Arabic (Egyptian), Italian (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Variant of Heidi. Haidi Giulani is the mother of Carlo Giulani who was shot dead during the G8 summit in Genova, Italy in 2001. She later became a politician and member of the Senate of Italy.
Hajü m German (Rare)
Short form of Hans-Jürgen.... [more]
Haluka m German (Rare, ?)
Variant transcription of Haruka.... [more]
Hamamelis f German (Modern, Rare)
Hamamelis is the botanical name of a shrub known as "Witch-hazel" or "winterbloom".... [more]
Hammonia f German (Rare, Archaic)
The allegoric personification of the city of Hamburg. Extremely rare as a given name for persons.
Hanaé f French (Modern)
French form of Hanae.
Hani f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Haniela.
Hanina f Romansh
Variant of Hannina.
Hannchen f Afrikaans, German (Rare)
Hannchen is a German diminutive of Johanna, Hanna, Hannelore, or another name containing *hann*.... [more]
Hannelotte f German
Combination of Hanne and Lotte.
Hanning m German (Rare)
Diminutive of Hanno
Hanno m Estonian, German, Finnish (Rare)
Short form of Johannes. In Finnish, Hannu is more commonly used.
Hanno m Medieval German, German (Rare)
A short form of German names containing the name element han. The name element is explained as "cock" (modern German Hahn) or as "Singer".
Hanns m German, Medieval Baltic
Variant of Hans retaining the double n of Johannes.
Hansbert m German (Rare, Archaic), Dutch
A coinage from the given name Hans and the name element bert from Germanic beraht "bright". It may be influenced by Ansbert.
Hänschen m German (Rare)
German diminutive of Hans, as it contains the German diminutive suffix -chen.... [more]
Hansheiri m German (Swiss)
Contraction of Hans and Heiri.
Hansi m German, Scots
German and Shetlandic Scots diminutive of Hans. As a German name, it is rarely, if ever, used as a given name in its own right.
Hansine f German (Rare)
A feminine form of Hans showing Scandinavian influence (compare Danish Hansigne and Hansina).
Hansjoachim m German
Combination of Hans and Joachim
Hansotto m German, German (Swiss)
Combination of Hans and Otto.
Hansruedi m German (Swiss)
Combination of Hans and Ruedi. This was borne by the Swiss surrealist painter Hans Rudolf "Hansruedi" Giger (1940-2014).
Hanß m German (Archaic), Medieval German
Archaic spelling variant of Hans.
Hansueli m German (Swiss)
Contraction of Hans and Ueli.
Hardarik m Germanic, German (Rare)
The name is formed from the name elements HARDA "hard" and RIK "king, ruler".... [more]
Hardi m German, Estonian
Short form of names containing the name element -hard / -hart "hard".
Hardnak m German (Rare, Archaic)
A traditional name in the von Schulenburg family. It is derived from Low German hardenakke "stiff-necked".
Hariolf m German
Containing name elements Her and Wolf.
Harmke f Dutch, German (Rare), West Frisian
Feminine form of Harm. A known bearer of this name is the Dutch journalist and presenter Harmke Pijpers (b. 1946).
Harmonie f French
The french world for "harmony". The popularity of this name was influenced by the european french version of Super Mario where "Rosalina" is called "Harmonie". Also this is the french name of Harmonia.
Harmund m German
Containing name elements Her and Mund.
Harring m German (Rare)
A derivation from Harro with the patronymic suffix -ing
Harro m German, Dutch, Estonian
A short form of Germanic names beginning with Har- like Harald or a direct monothematic name from the Germanic name element heri "army".
Hart m German, English
Either a short form of Hardy, Hartmann, or other name beginning with the element hart or hard, "hardy, strong"; or from the Old English heorot or Middle Low German harte, a male deer... [more]
Harteke m German, Frisian
German and Frisian diminutive of Harto.
Hartfried m German
German form of Hardfrid.
Hartlieb m German (Archaic)
Containing name elements hart and liob.
Harto m German
German short form of names containing the name element hard meaning "hard, strong".
Hasko m German (Rare)
A diminutive of Hasso.
Hasper m Romansh
Romansh form of Caspar, traditionally used in the Surselva region.
Haude f Old Celtic (Gallicized), History (Ecclesiastical), French
Gallicized form of the Celtic name Eodez or Heodez.... [more]
Haug m East Frisian (Rare), North Frisian (Rare), West Frisian (Archaic), Upper German
Frisian and Upper German form of Hugo as well as a short form of other Germanic given names that have hugu meaning "heart, mind, spirit" for a first element.... [more]
Hax m German (Rare)
Of unknown origin and meaning.
Hebert m Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Habert.
Hecke m German (Modern, Rare)
Low German short form of names containing the name element hag "enclosure".
Heda f Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), German (Archaic), Norwegian (Rare), Estonian (Rare), Slovene
Short form of names beginning with the Germanic element hadu "battle, combat".
Heidelen f German (Rare)
A combination of Heide and Lene.
Heidelinde f German
Combination of Heide and Linde, popular in the 1930s and 1940s.
Heidelore f German (Modern, Rare)
A double form created from Heide and Lore 1.... [more]
Heiderose f German
Combination of Heide and Rose
Heikedine f East Frisian, German (Rare)
An elaboration of the name Heike with the clearly feminine suffix -dine.... [more]
Heiland m German (Archaic)
An old german name the title given to Jesus Christ meaning "the healer" or "the savior" or "the redeemer" not allowed anymore as a first name in Germany as it could hurt religious feelings.
Heilfried m German
German form of Heilfrid.
Heilgard f Germanic, German
The first element of this name is derived from Old High German heil "happy, hearty, healthy." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
Heilike f German (Archaic)
19th-century variant of Heilke.
Heilmar m Germanic, German
Derived from Old High German heil "happy, hearty, healthy" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Heimann m German (Rare), Jewish (Rare)
Variant spelling of Heymann. Known bearers of this name include the German Jewish bibliographer Hayyim "Heimann" Michael (1792-1846) and the Prussian-born Romanian Jewish linguist Heimann Hariton Tiktin (1850-1936).
Heime m & f German (Rare, Archaic), East Frisian (Rare, Archaic)
Short version of names with Heim- such as Heimbert or Heimtraut.... [more]
Heimeran m German (Rare)
Variant form of Heimram. A known bearer of this name is Heimeran Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (b. 1936), the son of the German army officer Claus von Stauffenberg (1907-1944), who was one of the leading members of the failed 20 July plot of 1944 to assassinate the German dictator Adolf Hitler (1889-1945).
Heimgard f German (Rare)
It comes from the Germanic elements heim meaning "home", and gard meaning "enclosure".
Heimhild f German (Rare, Archaic)
It comes from the Germanic elements heim meaning "Home", and hild meaning "Battle".
Heimito m German
Heimito is a germanisation of the Spanish name Jaimito, a diminutive of Jaime.... [more]
Heimtraut f German (Rare)
Meaning "home" and "strength"... [more]
Heimtrud f German (Rare)
From the Germanic elements heim meaning "home" and thrud meaning "strength".
Heine m Brazilian, German (Rare, Archaic), Danish, Norwegian
German short form of Heinrich and other names beginning with Hein-.... [more]
Heinemann m German (Archaic), Jewish (Archaic)
Probably a variant of Heymann. A known bearer of this name was the German rabbi Heinemann Vogelstein (1841-1911).
Heinerl m German (Austrian), Upper German
Austrian and Bavarian German diminutive of Heinrich. It is typically only used informally, meaning: it is hardly ever (if at all) used as an official name on birth certificates.
Heinfried m German
German name composed of the elements hagan "enclosure" and frid "peace".
Heini m & f German, Dutch (Rare)
German and Dutch diminutive of given names that contain the Germanic element heim meaning "home", such as Heinrich (German) and Hendrik (Dutch).... [more]
Heinrica f Romansh
Variant of Henrica.
Heio m German
German diminutive of Heinrich.
Heiter m German (Modern, Rare)
From the German word heiter "cheerful".
Hélan m French (Archaic)
Archaic French name found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the late 1600s.
Héléna f French
Variant of Hélène.
Helgard f German (Rare)
Probably a blend of Helga with a name ending in -gard.... [more]
Heliane f German
Feminine form of Helios. This name was used in the German opera "The Miracle of Heliane" in 1927. It has also been used in France.
Hélias m Medieval French, French (Modern)
French form of Helias. The name was revived in the 1990s.
Héliette f French
Diminutive of Hélie (as -ette is a French feminine diminutive suffix). Also compare Éliette.
Helke f German
Low German short form of Germanic names starting in HEL- (dervied from the name element helm "helmet, protection").... [more]
Heller m Upper German
Nickname for Helmut
Hellmut m German
Variant of Helmut
Helme m German (Rare)
Short form of Helmut.
Helmrich m German
German younger form of Helmerich.
Helmtrud f Medieval German, German (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from Old High German helm "helmet, protection" combined with þruþ "strength."
Heloisa f Czech, German, Slovak, English, Spanish
Czech, German, and Slovak form of Eloise.
Hémont m French (Archaic)
Local name of uncertain origin and meaning recorded in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the late 1700s.
Hendri m Romansh
Romansh form of Henry.
Hendrike f German (Modern)
Hendrike is a female form of Hendrik.
Henne m & f German (Rare, Archaic), Medieval German
A short form of Heinrich or Johannes. The name is occasionally also used on females.
Henner m German
Short form of the given name Heinrich. ... [more]
Hennes m German
Western and Northern German short form of Johannes.
Henni f German
Diminutive of Henriette.
Henrica f Dutch, Flemish, Romansh
Dutch feminine form of Henricus and Romansh feminine form of Henric.
Henrielle f English, French
derived from the male name Henry.
Henrion f French (Swiss, Archaic)
Local feminine form of Henri by way of combining the name with the diminutive ending -on (compare names like Marion 1 and Alison) found in Montreux up until the early 1700s.
Heraklit m Armenian (Rare), Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, German, Norwegian, Polish, Slovene, Ukrainian
Armenian, Bosnian, Croatian, Danish, German, Norwegian, Polish, Slovene and Ukrainian form of Herakleitos via its latinized form Heraclitus.
Hercli m Romansh
Romansh form of Härtli, a medieval German diminutive of Hartmann and, to a lesser extent, Hartwig. This name was early on misunderstood as a Romansh short form of Hercules.
Herculine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Hercule and the French form of Herculina. Herculine Adélaïde Barbin, later known as Abel Barbin (1838-1868) was a French intersex person who was assigned female at birth and raised in a convent, but was later reclassified as male by a court of law, after an affair and physical examination.
Herdegen m German (Archaic)
Composed of the ancient Germanic elements Herd, meaning "Hardy" and Degen meaning "young hero".
Herfrid m German (Rare)
Rare spelling variant of the name Herfried.
Herfried m German (Rare)
Formed from the Germanic name elements heri "army" and fridu "peace". A notable bearer of the name is the German political scientist Herfried Münkler.
Héribert m French
French form of Heribert and variant of Herbert.
Herlinde f German (Rare), Medieval German
The name Herlinde is formed from the Germanic name elements heri "army" and linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".... [more]
Hermance f French (Rare), Dutch (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), French (Quebec)
French feminine form of Herman, which was influenced or inspired by Latin, in that French names ending in -ce usually come from Latin names ending in -tius (for males) and -tia (for females)... [more]
Hermande f French (Archaic), Flemish (Rare), Dutch (Rare), French (Quebec, Archaic)
French variant form of Armande, which is ultimately derived from the Germanic masculine name Herman.
Hermanfried m Dutch, German
Dutch and German variant spelling of Hermanfrid.
Hermenegilde f German
Feminine form of Hermenegild.
Herminie f French, French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Herminia. This was borne by French feminist Herminie Cadolle (1845-1926), inventor of the modern bra.
Hermon m English, Romansh
English variant of Herman and Romansh variant of Hermann.
Herodot m Bosnian, Croatian, German, Polish
Bosnian, Croatian, German and Polish form of Herodotus.
Herrmann m German
Variant of Herman.
Herry m German (Rare)
Short form and nickname of Heribert.
Hervée f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Hervé.
Herwart m German (Rare, Archaic)
Modern German form of Hereward.... [more]
Herwig m German
Derived from the Germanic elements heri meaning "army" and wig meaning "war, battle".
Herzeleide f German, Literature, Theatre
From the German word for "heart sorrow, heartache". Herzeloyde was its original form, created by Wolfram von Eschenbach for the Queen of Wales and mother of Perceval in his Middle High German romance Parzival (1200–1210), probably to express the queen’s sorrow for losing her husband and later her son (when Perceval leaves her lands for King Arthur's court, she dies from a broken heart)... [more]
Herzlinde f German (Rare)
New coinage from the German word Herz "heart" and the name element linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft".
Hesso m German (Rare)
Probably derived from Hesse, a German state.
Hessolda f German (Rare)
Composed from the name elements HESS (from Hesso) and walt "to rule".
Hetti f German
Diminutive of Henriette.
Heymann m German (Rare), Jewish (Rare)
German Jewish form of Chayyim (see Chayim). This name could also be the German form of Hagiman in some cases; for this, compare the medieval Dutch name Heyman.... [more]
Hias m Upper German
Diminutive of Matthias. Rarely, if ever, used as an official given name.
Hiéronyme m & f French (Archaic)
French masculine and feminine form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).
Hildburg f German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed from the name elements hild "battle, fight" and burg "protection".
Hildebrecht m German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name created from the Germanic name elements hildiz "fight, battle" and beraht "shining, bright".
Hilderich m German
German form of Hilderic.
Hildo m Germanic, Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
Masculine equivalent of Hilda.
Hildtrud f Germanic, German (Rare)
Variant spelling of Hiltrud.
Hildy f English, Dutch (Rare), German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Hilda or Hilde, or another name beginning with the element hild "battle".
Hilger m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Hildegar.
Hilka f Low German, German (Rare), Frisian, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
Originally a diminutive of names beginning with or containing the element hild-, used as a given name in its own right.
Hilla f German (Modern, Rare)
Short form of German names starting in Hil- like Hiltrud.... [more]
Hille f East Frisian, Estonian, German (Rare), German (Silesian, Rare), Medieval Dutch
Short form of names containing the element hild, for example Mathilda. It was first recorded in the 1300s and is still occasionally used (as opposed to some of its variant forms)... [more]
Hillu f German (Modern)
Short form of Hiltrud.... [more]
Hilperich m German
German form of Hilperic.
Hinz m Medieval German, German (Archaic)
A once very popular short form of Heinrich.
Hippolyt m German (Archaic), German (Swiss, Rare), Alsatian
German form of Hippolytos. A notable bearer is Hippolyt Kempf (born 1965), a Swiss skier and Olympic medalist.
Hisé f French
From Ysé, Which is pronounced the same way.
Hitlerike f German (Rare, Archaic)
A name coined before the onset of the third Reich using Adolf Hitler's surname as a first name. The name was already banned on 3 Juli 1933 because it was unwanted by the Reichskanzler (i.e., Hitler himself) and extant namesakes were required to change their names.
Hitlerine f German (Archaic)
A name coined before the onset of the third Reich using Adolf Hitler's surname as a first name. The name was already banned on 3 Juli 1933 because it was unwanted by the Reichskanzler (i.e., Hitler himself) and extant namesakes were required to change their names.
Hitsch m Romansh
Diminutive of Christian.
Hoara f Italian (Rare)
Mispelling of O'Hara.... [more]
Hoimar m German (Rare)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name element hugu "mind, thought, heart, spirit" and mari "famous".... [more]
Holda f German (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), Spanish (Mexican)
Dutch and Archaic German variant of Hulda, as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name.
Holde f German (Rare)
A rare German name based on names ending in -hold like Berthold. The secondary name element hold is originally derived from wald "to govern, to rule" but has been reinterpreted as derived from the German archaic adjective hold "gainly, lovely, comely, dainty, graceful".
Holdine f German (Rare)
Diminutive of Holda, primarily used in the 19th century.
Homère m French (Rare)
French form of Homer.
Hommebon m French, History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Omobono via it's Latinized form Homobonus.
Honorade f French (Archaic)
Likely related to Honoratus.
Honorat m Catalan (Rare), French (Rare), Polish
Catalan, French, and Polish form of Honoratus.
Honorin m French (Rare)
Diminutive of Honoré.
Horaz m German (Rare)
German form of Horatius.
Horo m Italian
Italian form of Horus.
Hotte m German (Rare)
Dialectal name in the Hunsrück area, probably derived from Horst.
Hubertilde f German (Archaic), French (Archaic)
Combination of Huberta (German) or Huberte (French) with a feminine given name that contains the Germanic element hild meaning "battle", such as Mathilde and Reinhilde.
Hubertine f Medieval French, French (Rare), French (Belgian), Dutch, German (Rare)
Medieval French diminutive of Huberte, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ine. In other words: this name is the feminine form of Hubertin.... [more]
Hubi m & f German
Diminutive of Hubert, Hubertus and to a lesser extent Huberta, Hubertina and Hubertine.
Hubsi m German
Nickname for Hubert.
Hugobert m Germanic, History, German
Variant of Hugubert. A known bearer of this name was the 7th-century Merovingian senechal Hugobert, whose daughter Plectrude was married to the Frankish statesman Pepin of Herstal.
Huldrych m German (Swiss)
Remodelled form of Ulrich to be read as huld-reich "rich of grace, rich of favour".... [more]
Humfredo m Italian
Italian form of Humphrey.
Humfried m German
German form of Humphrey.
Hunerich m German
German form of Huneric.
Hunfredo m Italian
Italian form of Humphrey.
Huno m German (Rare, Archaic)
Short form of names beginning with the Germanic name element hun like Hunold.
Hunold m German (Rare, Archaic), Medieval Polish
Formed from the two Germanic name elements hun "bear cub" and walt "to rule".
Iaele f Italian
Variant of Giaele.
Ianneo m Italian
Italian form of Jannaeus.
Ianni m Italian
Central and southern form of Gianni, itself a short form of Giovanni.
Iapige m Italian
Italian form of Iapyx.
Iara f Italian
Italian form of Yaara.
Icaria f Italian
Feminine form of Icaro.
Icaro m Italian
Italian form of Ikaros (see Icarus).
Icilia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Icilio.
Icke m & f German, Low German (Archaic), East Frisian (Archaic)
Icke is a nickname for people from Berlin alluding to the Berlin dialekt word Icke (High German Ich) "I".... [more]
Idda f German (Swiss)
Variant form of Ida.
Idelette f French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French diminutive of either Ide or Idelinde. This name was borne by Idelette Calvin (ca. 1505-1549), the wife of the French theologian and reformer John Calvin (1509-1564).
Idelma f Italian
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Idomeneo m Italian
Italian form of Idomeneus.
Ierone m Italian
Italian form of Hieron (see Hiero) and variant of Gerone.
Ificrate m Italian
Italian form of Iphicrates.
Ifigenia f Greek (Rare), Polish, Italian, Spanish (Rare)
Modern Greek, Italian, and Polish form of Iphigenia. This is also a Spanish variant of Efigenia, used to refer to the tragic heroine of Greek myth.
Ifito m Italian
Italian form of Iphitus.
Iggie m American, Italian
Variant of Iggy.
Igina f Italian
Italian feminine form of Hyginus.
Iginia f Italian
Feminine form of Iginio.
Iginio m Italian
Variant of Igino.
Ignazi m Romansh
Romansh form of Ignatius.
Ignazia f Sicilian, Sardinian, Romansh
Feminine form of Ignazio and Ignazi.
Ihnke m & f German
Variation of Ihne.
Ilariano m Italian
Italian form of Hilarianus.
Ilarione m Italian
Italian form of Hilarion.
Ilde f Norwegian (Archaic), Italian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Hilde, recorded in the Sunnmøre area, as well as an Italian variant of Ilda.
Ildeberto m Italian
Italian form of Hildebert.
Ildebrando m Italian
Italian form of Hildebrand.
Ildefons m Polish, Romansh
Polish and Romansh form of Hildefons.
Ildegonda f Italian, Corsican
Italian and Corsican form of Hildegund.
Ildibad m Germanic, Dutch, English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, History
Variant spelling of Hildebad. Ildibad was a 6th-century king of the Ostrogoths in Italy.
Ildibaldo m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Ildibad.
Ilduardo m Italian
Italian form of Hildeward.
Ilena f Italian (Modern), German (Modern)
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include a derivation from Hebrew Ilana, a variant of Elena and a simplification of Romanian Ileana.
Ileo m Italian
Italian form of Hylaeus.