Swiss Submitted Names

Swiss names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Cuno m Dutch, German
Variant of Kuno.
Cuore f Italian
The Italian language word for "heart". It's the name of the last surviving Maenad in ''Final Fantasy IV: The After Years''.
Curadin m Romansh
Variant of Conradin.
Curau m Romansh
Contracted form of Cundrau, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Curd m German (Rare)
Variant of Kurt. This name was borne by Curd Jürgens (13 December 1915 – 18 June 1982), a German-Austrian stage and film actor. He was usually billed in English-speaking films as Curt Jurgens.
Curdegn m Romansh
Variant of Curdin.
Curdin m Romansh
Variant of Curadin, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Curo m Romansh
Variant of Curau.
Curzio m Italian
Italian form of Curtius.
Custanzia f Corsican, Romansh
Corsican form of Constantia and Romansh variant of Constanzia.
Cutberto m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Cuthbert.
Cyprille f French
French form of Cyprilla.
Cyprine f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare)
Possibly a contracted form of Cypriane.
Cyr m French (Rare)
French form of Cyrus or Cyriacus.... [more]
Cyrienne f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Cyrien and variant of Cyria.
Cyrill m German (Swiss), Romansh, French (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Swiss German and Romansh form of Cyril as well as a French variant and a Dutch variant of Cyriel.
Cyrine f French, French (Belgian)
Rare French feminine form of Cyrus.
Dacia f Ancient Roman, Italian, Sicilian
Feminine form of Dacius and Dacio.
Daciano m Italian (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Italian and Galician form of Dacian.
Dacio m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Dacius.
Dagarich m German
German form of Dagaric.
Dagomar m Germanic, Dutch, German
Means "famous day", derived from the Germanic element daga "day" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Dajana f German (Modern)
Modern German name of disputed origin.... [more]
Daliana f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Dalia 1 using the popular name suffix -ana.
Dalinda f Italian
Variant of Delinda, particularly found in the Abruzzo region of Southern Italy.
Dalmatius m Late Roman, Dutch (?), German (?)
From Latin Dalmatius meaning "Dalmatian, of Dalmatia". This was the name of a 4th-century Roman emperor who was a nephew of Constantine. It was also borne by several early saints.
Dalmazia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Dalmazio.
Damaride f Italian
Italian form of Damaris.
Damascène m French
French form of Damaskenos via it's Latinized form Damascenus.
Damasceno m Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Damaskenos via it's Latinized form Damascenus.
Damaso m Italian
Italian form of Damasus.
Damasus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Dutch, German
Latinized form of Damasos. This name was borne by a pope from the 4th century AD.
Damatte f French (Archaic)
Archaic local name found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.
Damina f Italian
Truncated form of Adamina.
Damya f French, English (Rare)
Feminine form of Damian.
Danae f Italian
Italian form of Danaë.
Danaé f Czech, German (Rare), Italian, French
Czech, German, Italian and French form of Danaë.
Daniello m Italian
Variant of Daniel or masculine form of Daniela.
Danio m Italian
Short form of Daniele.
Dankegott m German (Rare, Archaic)
Meaning "thank god". Literally made up of the German words Danke meaning "thanks" and Gott meaning "god.
Dankfrid m German
German form of Thancfrid.
Dankhard m German
German form of Thanchard.
Dankman m German
German form of Thancman.
Dankmar m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Thancmar.
Dankmut m & f German (Rare)
The name is made of the word dank- "thanks" and the name element -muot "Sense, Spirit, Soul".
Dankrad m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Thancrad.
Dankward m German
German form of Thancward.
Dankwart m German (Rare, Archaic), Germanic Mythology
Formed from the German name elements DANK "thought" and WART "guard".... [more]
Dänu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Daniel.
Darcia f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Swiss (Rare)
In English-speaking countries, this name is probably a variant of Darcy, one that may have been inspired by the name Marcia.... [more]
Dardano m Italian, Portuguese
Italian and Portuguese form of Dardanos.
Darian m Bulgarian, Croatian, German (Modern), Slovene, French (Modern)
Derived from Slavic dar, meaning "gift". It is sometimes also considered a derivative of Darius.
Dariella f Italian (Rare)
Diminutive of Daria.
Darline f English, French (Modern), French (Belgian, Modern, Rare), Haitian Creole, Dutch (Antillean), Flemish
French and Flemish borrowing of Darlene, as well as an English variant.
Dascha f Russian, Ukrainian, Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
Variant transcription of Dasha (for Russia and the Ukraine) as well as the main form of Dasha in Germany and the Netherlands.... [more]
Dasio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Dasius.
Dävu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of David.
Daytona f English (Modern), German (Modern, Rare)
Possibly from the name of Daytona Beach, a coastal city in northeastern Florida (U.S.), which was founded in 1870 by Mathias Day, Jr., and is famous for its car races. It could also be thought of as a feminine variant of Dayton.
Daziano m Italian
Italian form of Dacian.
Dazio m Italian
Italian form of Dacius.
Dea f Danish, Swedish, Croatian, Slovene, English, Albanian, Italian
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Latin dea "goddess" and a short form of Dorotea, Andrea 2 and Desideria... [more]
Dea m Romansh
Short form of Andrea 1.
Decenzia f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Decenzio.
Decenzio m Italian
Italian form of Decentius.
Decia f Italian
Italian feminine form of Decius.
Decimo m Italian
Italian form of Decimus.
Décio m Portuguese, Italian, Spanish
Corrupted form of Décimo, variant of Decimus.
Dedalo m Italian
Italian form of Daedalus.
Dederica f Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic), English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Dederico (Italian and Spanish), English variant of Dedericka and Dutch variant of Diederika.
Dederico m Italian (Archaic), Spanish (Archaic)
Italian and Spanish form of Dederick. Also see Teodorico.
Dédric m French
Short form of Dédéric, a variant form of Didéric. Also compare Déric.
Defendente m Italian
Italian form of Defendens.
Degenhard m German
German form of Theganhard.
Degenolf m German
German form of Theganolf.
Degna f Italian (Archaic), Sardinian (Archaic)
Italian and Sardinian form of Digna. In modern Italian, degna also means "worthy, deserving".
Deifobo m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Deiphobus.
Deile m French (Archaic)
Local form of Deicolus found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1800s.
Deilotte f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Deile found in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region up until the 1800s.
Deioneo m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Deioneus.
Deita f Romansh
Romansh short form of Margareta, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Déjanire f French (Rare), French (Cajun, Archaic), Theatre
French form of Deianeira (or Deïanira, Dejanira). Déjanire (1911) is an opera (tragédie lyrique) in 4 acts composed by Camille Saint-Saëns to a libretto in French by Louis Gallet and Camille Saint-Saëns.
Delfino m Italian
Italian form of Delphinus.
Deline f French (Archaic)
Truncated form of Adeline found in the Poitou-Charentes region of France.
Delisa f Italian
Truncated form of Adelisa.
Deliso m Italian
Masculine form of Delisa.
Delizia f Italian (Modern, Rare)
Italian form of Delicia, from Italian delizia meaning "delight".
Delmore m French
A boy's name of French origin meaning "of the sea." Poet Delmore Schwartz
Delphin m French
French form of Delphinus.
Demarato m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Demaratus.
Demian m Literature, German (Modern, Rare), Dutch, Ukrainian (Polonized)
German variant of Damian (via the Ukrainian form Demyan). Since the 1980s, it has been in occasional use in German-speaking countries.... [more]
Democrito m Italian
Italian form of Democritus.
Demofilo m Italian
Italian form of Demophilus.
Demoiselle f French
Meaning "young lady" or "girl" in French.
Demokratius m German (Rare)
Latinization of the German word "Demokrat" meaning democrat.
Demostene m Italian
Italian form of Demosthenes.
Deodata f Italian
Italian feminine form of Deodatus.
Deograzia f Italian
Means "grace of God" or "gratitude, thanks to God", from Latin Deus "God" and gratia "grace".
Déric m French
French form of Derek, but it can also be a short form of Frédéric.
Desiré f Swedish, Italian (Modern), Spanish (Modern)
Swedish, Italian and Spanish variant form of Désirée.
Desirée f Spanish, Swedish, Dutch, German
Spanish and Swedish form of Désirée as well as a Dutch and German variant.
Desolina f Italian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Current theories include an adoption of title of the Virgin Mary La Madonna Desolata and a derivation from the Latin name Desolinus.
Despena f Italian
Italian form of Despoina.
Dessippo m Italian
Italian form of Dexippos via its latinized form Dexippus.
Deta f Romansh
Short form of Margareta.
Detg m Romansh
Short form of Benedetg.
Deti f German (Swiss)
Variant of Dete.
Detta f German (Swiss), Romansh
Romansh short form of Margaretha, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Detthold m German
Variation of Diethold.
Dettlef m German
Variant of Detlef.
Deuthold m German (Rare, Archaic)
Variant of Dietwald. The name is traditional in the von Gaudecker family.
Devid m German (Modern, Rare)
Variant of David. The spelling is chosen to enforce an anglicised pronounciation.
Dexipp m German
German form of Dexippos via its latinized form Dexippus.
Diadoco m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Diadochos via Diadochus
Diadumeniano m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Diadumenian.
Diamante f Italian, Judeo-Italian
Directly from the Italian word diamante meaning "diamond".
Dianica f German (Rare)
Form Latin dianicus "Dianic, belonging to Diana".
Dianora f Italian, Literature, Medieval Italian
Meaning uncertain. It could be a Medieval Italian variant of Diana influenced by Teodora or Eleonora... [more]
Didaco m Italian
Italian form of Didacus.
Didéric m French (Archaic)
French form of Diederik (also compare Diderich and Diderik)... [more]
Didérique f French
Feminine form of Didéric.
Didimo m Italian
Italian form of Didymus.
Didine f French
French pet form of Léopoldine.
Didone f Italian
Italian form of Dido.
Didyme f & m Ancient Greek, Literature, French (Rare, Archaic)
As a feminine Ancient Greek name, this is the feminine form of Didymos. It was borne by a mistress of the 3rd-century BC Egyptian king Ptolemy II Philadelphus... [more]
Diègue m French (Archaic)
French form of Diego, used alongside the equally archaic Didace.
Dienegott m German (Rare, Archaic)
A pietist coinage with the literal meaning "serve god".
Diéric m French (Archaic)
Shorter form of Didéric, thus making it a more archaic form of Thierry. Compare also Déric.
Dierry m French (Archaic)
Variant form of Thierry.
Diéry m French (Archaic)
Variant form of Diéric.
Dietbald m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Theudebald.
Dietbert m Dutch, German
Dutch and German form of Theudebert.
Dietburg f German
German form of Theudeburg.
Dietgard f German
German form of Theudegard.
Dietger m German (Rare, Archaic)
A dithematic name formed of the name elements diota (from earlier þeudō) "people" and ger "javelin, spear".
Dietgrim m German
The name is made up of the name elements diot meaning "people" and grima meaning "mask, helmet".
Dietgulf m German (Rare)
The name is made up of the name elements diot meaning "people" and gulf of unknown meaning.
Dietgund f German
German form of Theudegund.
Diethild f German
German form of Theudehild.
Diethold m German
Variation of Dietwald.
Dietholf m German
Variation of Dietwolf or Dietlof.
Dietke f German
Short version of names with Diet- or diminutive of Dieta.
Dietlana f German
Possibly a combination of the name element diet meaning "people" and the slavic element -lana (such as in Swetlana.
Dietland m German (Rare)
Modern coinage of the the German name elements DIET "people" and LAND "land".
Dietleib m German
The name is made up of the name elements diot meaning "people" and #leiba" meaning "inheritance". A more popular variation of this name is Detlef.... [more]
Dietmund m German
German form of Theudemund.
Dietmut f & m German
The name is made of the name elements diot meaning "people" and muot meaning "sense, spirit, soul".
Dietolf m German
German form of Theudolf.
Dietrad m German
German form of Theuderad.
Dietram m German
German form of Theuderam.
Dietrolf m German (Rare)
A new coinage created from the German name element diota (see þeudō) "people" and the given name Rolf.... [more]
Dietwald m German
German form of Theudewald.
Dietwig m German (Rare)
The name is made up of the name elements diot meaning "people" and wig meaning "battle"
Dietwin m German
German form of Theudewin.
Dietz m Medieval German, English (American), German (Modern, Rare)
A German short form of Dietrich that survived as a surname and was revived as a given name in the USA.
Digna f Dutch, German (Archaic), Latvian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare), Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Galician
Derived from the Latin adjective dignus meaning "dignified, worthy."
Dilia f Italian
Truncated form of Edilia.
Dilmer m German, Spanish (Latin American)
It is a variant of the name Delmer, which is composed by the Ancient English words "dell", meaning "valley" and "mer", meaning "pond".
Dimanche f French (Archaic)
Means "Sunday" in French.
Dimitry m French
Variant of Dimitri.
Dimmy m French
Diminutive of Dimitri.
Dinfna f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Dymphna.
Dinostrato m Italian
Italian form of Dinostratus.
Dio m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian
Latinized form of Dion. In modern-day Italy, this name is also a short form of Diodato, Dionisio and other names starting with Dio-.... [more]
Diocleziano m Italian
Italian form of Diocletian.
Diodoro m Italian, Galician
Italian and Galician form of Diodoros.
Diogene m Italian, Romanian
Italian and Romanian form of Diogenes.
Diokletian m German, Russian, Ukrainian
German, Russian and Ukrainian form of Diocletian.
Diomede m Italian
Italian form of Diomedes.
Diomira f Italian
Italian feminine form of Theodemar.
Dionis m Albanian, Romansh
Albanian variant of Dionisi and Romansh variant of Dionys.
Dionisodoro m Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian form of Dionysodoros.
Diophant m German
German form of Diophantus.
Diotaleva f Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotalevo m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings. It was borne from the nobleman Diotalevo Diotalevi.
Diotalleva f Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotallevi m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotallevia f Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotallevio m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings. It was borne from the painter Diotallevio D'Antonio.
Diotallevo m Italian
Medieval name given to foundlings or infants with precarious health, probably at the basis of the Italian surname Diotallevi, in turn given to foundlings.
Diotima f Ancient Greek, German, Literature
Feminine form of Diotimos. Greek seer and philosopher Diotima of Mantinea was Socrates' teacher in Plato's 'Symposium'. The name also belonged to characters in Robert Musil's 'The Man without Qualities' and Hölderlin's novel 'Hyperion', the latter of which inspired a score by Italian composer Luigi Nono: 'Fragmente-Stille, an Diotima' (1980).
Diovanni m Italian, Brazilian
Dio means god... [more]
Dirik m German (Rare), English (American, Rare)
Shortned form of Dietrich, compare also Dirk.
Disma m Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Δυσμάς (Dysmas) (see Dismas).
Disnomia f Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Dysnomia.
Dita f Dutch, German, Latvian
Dutch and German short form of names beginning with diet-, such as Dietlinde. This name also got adopted into Latvian usage.
Ditta f Italian, Hungarian
Truncated form of Editta as well as a Hungarian short form of Edit and Judit, used as a given name in its own right.
Ditte f Dutch (Rare), German (Rare)
Variant form of Diede. This name can also be a Dutch pet form of Edith via Ditje and Dittje. Also compare Didi, Ditty and Dietje.
Diviana f Italian
An ancient form of Diana.
Divo m Italian (Rare)
Derived from Latin divus meaning "god".
Dizière f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Dizier found up until the 1700s.
Dodo m German
German pet form of Dominik. It is only used informally, meaning: it is not used as an official name on birth certificates.
Dolcelina f Italian
Italian form of Douceline via its latinized form Dulcelina.
Dolcelino m Italian
Italian form of Doucelin via its latinized form Dulcelinus.
Dolcina f Italian
Italian form of Dulcina.
Dolcino m Italian
Italian form of Dulcinus.
Dolcissima f Italian (Rare)
Italian form of Latin name Dulcissima, meaning "sweetest", "very sweet" (superlative adjective from dulcis - "sweet"). Saint Dolcissima is a virgin and martyr, a patron saint of Sutri.
Dolf m Dutch, German, Swedish
Short form of names that end in -dolf, such as Adolf, Ludolf and Rudolf.
Dolfi m & f Czech (Rare), German
For men, this name is a diminutive of Dolf. For women, it is a diminutive of feminine names that contain -dolf- and -dolph-, such as Adolphine and Rudolfina.... [more]
Dolfo m Asturian, Filipino, Italian (Archaic)
Asturian form and Italian variant of Adolfo.... [more]
Dolinde f French (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans (Rare)
Archaic French vernacular form of Adelinde found in the Poitou-Charentes region. Today, the name is occasionally found in the Netherlands and in Afrikaans-speaking South Africa... [more]
Dolorata f Italian
Truncated form of Addolorata.
Domecio m Spanish (Archaic), Italian (Archaic)
Spanish and Italian form of Dometius.
Domeng m Romansh
Variant of Dumeng.
Domeni m Romansh
Variant of Dumeni.
Domenicantonio m Italian
Contraction of Domenico and Antonio.
Domenichino m Italian, History
Diminutive of Domenico. Domenico Zampieri (1581-1641), known by his diminutive, Domenichino after his shortness, was an Italian Baroque painter of the Bolognese School of painters.
Domenig m Romansh
Variant of Domenic.
Domezio m Italian
Italian form of Dometius.
Domina f Romansh
Variant of Dumina.
Dominatore m Italian
Italian form of Dominator.
Dominico m Italian
Italian form of Dominic.
Dominikus m German
Latinized form of Dominik.
Domizia f Italian
Italian form of Domitia.
Domiziana f Italian
Feminine form of Domiziano.
Domiziano m Italian
Italian form of Domitian.
Domizio m Italian
Italian form of Domitius.
Donate f French (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
French form of Donata. This French given name is also in use in the Netherlands, where it is about equally rare.
Donatuccia f Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare)
Medieval Italian diminutive of Donata, as -uccia is an Italian feminine diminutive suffix.
Donja f Russian (Rare), Dutch, German (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Russian Доня (see Donya). In languages other than Russian, the name Donja can also be derived from the Spanish word doña meaning "lady", in which case it is a more phonetical spelling of the word.... [more]
Donnino m Italian
Italian form of Domninus.
Doralba f Italian
Combination of Dora and Alba 1, with the overall meaning of "gift of dawn" or "white gift".
Doralice f Carolingian Cycle, Literature, Theatre, Italian (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Name used by the Italian poets Matteo Maria Boiardo and Ludovico Ariosto in their epic poems Orlando innamorato (1483-1495) and Orlando furioso (1516-1532), where it belongs to a Saracen princess.... [more]