Swiss Submitted Names

Swiss names are used in the country of Switzerland in central Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Largias m Romansh
Romansh form of Hilarius, traditionally found in the Surselva region and Central Grisons.
Laria f Medieval Italian, Italian (Rare), Romanian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a truncated form of Ilaria.
Lätitia f German (Rare)
German form of Laetitia (see Letitia).
Laudomia f Italian (Rare), Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian variant of Laodamia.
Lauras m German (Modern)
Modern German masculine form of Laura.
Laureline f French, French (Belgian), Flemish (Rare), Popular Culture
Medieval diminutive of Laura. This name was used for a character in the French series of science fiction comics Valérian et Laureline (1967-2010) as well as the 2017 movie adaptation Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets.
Laurenti m Italian
Italo-Swiss form of Laurentius especially in the northern part of Italy at the border with Switzerland. (see LAURENCE (1))
Laurenza f Italian
Variant of Lorenza.
Laurenzia f Italian (Rare), Romansh
Italian and Romansh form of Laurentia.
Lauria f Italian
Elaboration of Laura.
Laurian m English, Romanian, French, Provençal
English, French, Provençal and Romanian form of Laurianus.
Laurianna f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), English (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French variant of Laurianne. Outside of the francophone world (such as in English-speaking countries), this given name tends to be either a variant of Lauriana or a combination of the names Laura or Laurie with Anna.
Laurienne f French (Rare), French (Quebec, Rare), Afrikaans (Rare), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Lauriana, which is occasionally used in non-francophone countries.
Laurin m German, Germanic Mythology
Old German name of uncertain origin. In recent years it has been debated that Laurin might be derived from Latin laurinus "crowned with laurels".... [more]
Laurino m Italian
Italian form of Laurinus.
Laurisa f Italian
Elaboration of Laura (compare Laurissa).
Lavanda f Croatian, Russian, Italian
Means "lavender" in Croatian, Italian and Russian.
Lawrence f French (Rare)
Variant of Laurence 2 with the spelling influenced by the English masculine name Lawrence.
Lazarette f French (Archaic)
Feminine diminutive of Lazare.
Lazarine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Lazare.
Leandrina f Italian
Possibly a feminine form of Leander. This is the name of a Italian distance runner born in 1912, Leandrina Bulzacchi.
Léanne f French (Modern), French (Belgian, Rare)
Contraction of Léa and Anne 1. Folk etymology occasionally considers this name a variant of Léonne.
Learca f Italian
Feminine form of Learco.
Learco m Italian
Italian form of Learchus. In Italy this name was popularized by the cyclist Learco Guerra (1902-1963).
Lebefromm m & f German (Rare, Archaic)
Means "live piously" from German lebe "live" and fromm "pious". This name was created in the 17th century.
Lebrecht m German (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Leberecht.
Lebuino m Italian
Italian form of Leobwin via it's Latinized form Lebuinus.
Lebwin m Germanic, German
Contracted form of Leobwin and modern German variant of Levin.
Leci m Romansh
Surselvan Romansh form of Lucius.
Léger m French (Rare), Haitian Creole
French form of Leutgar. Saint Léger, Bishop of Autun was a 7th-century Frankish martyr.
Leïa f French (Modern)
French form of Leia.
Lele m Italian
Pet name of several italian names ending with "ele", such as: Gabriele, Emanuele, Ezechiele, Michele and so on
Leliano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Laelianus.
Lélie f French (Rare)
French form of Laelia.
Lella f English (Rare), American (South), Italian, Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian diminutive of names ending in ella. It can also be used as a diminutive of Elena and other names beginning with or containing el. This was borne by Italian opera singer Adelaide 'Lella' Ricci (1850-1871) as well as Italian actress Elena 'Lella' Fabrizi (1915-1993), Italian designer Elena 'Lella' Vignelli (1934-2016) and Italian racing driver Maria Grazia 'Lella' Lombardi (1941-1992).... [more]
Lemmy m & f English (Modern), German (Modern, Rare)
The nickname of Motorhead's Ian Fraser Kilmister, in his case coming from the phrase "lend me ...".
Lemuele m Italian
Italian form Lemuel.
Lénaïc m & f French
Variant of Lénaïk.
Lénaïk f & m French (Rare)
Gallicized form of Lenaig.
Lenchen f German
Diminutive of Helene.... [more]
Lenelotte f German (Rare)
A contraction of Helene or Magdalene with Charlotte.... [more]
Lenja f German (Modern), Dutch (Rare)
Most likely a German invention, created by combining the popular name Lena with other names that were popular in Germany such as Anja, Maja 1, Tanja or Katja... [more]
Lenne m German (Rare)
Probably a short form of Lennard.
Lennert m German
Shortened form of Leonhard.
Lennet m German (Rare)
Regional short form of Leonhard.
Lénore f French (Rare)
French form of Lenore.
Lény m French (Modern)
French form of Lenny.
Lenza f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Lenz.
Lenzo m Italian, French
Diminutive of Lorenzo.
Leobino m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Leobin via it's Latinized form Leobinus.
Leodegar m History (Ecclesiastical), Romansh
Variant of Leutgar via the Latinized form Leodegarius. Leodegar of Poitiers (c. 615 – October 2, 679 AD) was a martyred Burgundian Bishop of Autun... [more]
Leodegario m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Leodegar via Latinized form Leodegarius.
Leofanto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Leophantos.
Leofranco m Italian
Leofranco is a given first name combining two names Leo and Franco. The name is said to be derived from Italy and the name can be used around the world. Leofranco is said to translate to “Free Lion”
Leofried m German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
The first element of this name is either derived from Old High German liub "dear, beloved" or from Old High German leiba "remnant, remains" (see Bernlef)... [more]
Leokadie f Czech (Rare), German (Rare)
Czech and German form of Leocadia.
Léona f French
French form of Leona.
Léonarde f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Léonard.
Léonardo m French
French form of Leonardo.
Léoncie f French (Rare)
French form of Leontia.
Leonella f Italian
Feminine form of Leonello.
Léonelle f French (Rare), French (African, Rare)
Feminine form of Léonel, predominantly found in French-speaking African countries.
Leonello m Italian (Rare)
Originally a medieval diminutive of Leone 1, now used as a given name in its own right.
Léonet m French (Archaic)
Archaic diminutive of Léon.
Leonetto m Italian
Diminutive of Leone 1, sometimes used as a given name in its own right.
Leoni f German
Variant of Leonie.
Leoniano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Leonianus.
Leonilda f Italian
Italian form of Leonichildis. This name was borne by the daughter of Casanova to whom he proposed to and slept with.
Leonille f German (Rare)
An elaboration of Leonie.
Léonin m Medieval French, French (Modern)
French form of Leoninus. Léonin (fl. 1135s–1201) was the first known significant composer of polyphonic organum. He was probably French, probably lived and worked in Paris at the Notre Dame Cathedral and was the earliest member of the Notre Dame school of polyphony and the ars antiqua style who is known by name... [more]
Léonine f French (Rare)
Feminine form of Léonin.
Leoninus m Medieval Latin, French (Rare)
He is a music master in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. He is better known under the name Léonin. This name can still be worn by some men.
Léoniu m & f French, Portuguese (Brazilian)
Leoní Portuguese (Brazilian), Léonide French, Leanid Belarusian, Leonidas Greek, Leonida Italian, Leonius Latin/Late Roman
Leonnato m Italian
Italian form of Leonnatus.
Léonora f French, French (African)
French form of Leonora. This name is borne by Léonora Miano (1973-), an award-winning Cameroonian writer.
Leontine f German (Rare), Estonian (Rare)
German and Estonian form of Léontine and Leontina.
Leonus m French (Rare, Archaic)
Latinate elaboration of Leon.
Leonz m German (Swiss)
Swiss German form of Leontios.
Leonzia f Italian
Italian form of Leontia.
Leopardo m Spanish, Portuguese, Italian
Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish form of Leopardus.
Leopoldina f German (Rare), English (Rare), Portuguese (Rare), Galician, Romanian, Slovene, Hungarian
German, Portuguese and English variant and Galician, Romanian, Hungarian and Slovene form of Leopoldine. Leopoldina of Austria (1797 – 1826) was the first Brazilian empress.
Leostrato m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Leostratus.
Lepreo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Lepreus.
Leron m Dutch, German
Variant transcription of Liron.
Lessia f Ukrainian (Gallicized), Italian, English
French transcription of Lesya.
Lestan m French (Rare, Archaic), Louisiana Creole (Rare)
Shortened form of a Norman personal name, either Leodstan or Leofstan. The involved name elements are LEOD "people", LEOF "love", and STAN "stone".
Leta f Romansh
Romansh form of Laetitia.
Létice f French (Archaic)
Archaic French form of Laetitia (compare English Lettice).
Letta f Romansh
Variant of Leta.
Letteria f Italian
Italian name derived from a title of the Virgin Mary in Messina, St. Mary of the Letter (Madonna della Lettera).
Letterio m Italian
Masculine form of Letteria.
Leu m French, History (Ecclesiastical), Walloon
French variant and Walloon form of Loup.
Leucio m Italian
Italian form of Leukios via its latinized form Leucius.
Leucippo m Italian
Italian form of Leukippos via its latinized form Leucippus.
Leufredo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Liutfrid via it's Latinized form Leutfridus.
Leukipp m German
German form of Leukippos via its latinized form Leucippus.
Lévanah f French
French from of Levanah.
Levante m & f Italian
Means "levant (wind); East" in Italian.
Leviatano m Italian
Italian form of Leviathan.
Levina f German (Rare), Hungarian
Feminine form of Levin.
Levke f East Frisian, German
Younger form of Leefke and feminine form of Leve.
Lewe m German (Modern, Rare)
Variant spelling of Leve.
Lewisia f English (British, Rare), Italian (Rare)
Derived from the name of a genus of flowering plants used as garden plants. The genus itself is named after the explorer Meriwether Lewis 1.
Lexu m German (Swiss)
Bernese German form of Alexander.
Leza m Romansh
Romansh form of Lucius, traditionlly found in central Grisons.
Lezi m Romansh
Variant of Leci.
Lézin m French (Archaic), French (Cajun), Louisiana Creole, History (Ecclesiastical)
This name was/is usually given in honor of Saint Lézin, a 6th-century bishop of Angers, France. His name is said to be derived from Latin Licinius.
Lianetta f Italian
Italian diminutive of Liana.
Libera f Italian
Feminine forms of Libero.
Liberale m Italian
Italian form of Liberalis.
Libère m French
French form of Liberius.
Liberio m Galician, Italian, Spanish
Galician, Italian and Spanish form of Liberius.
Libero m Italian
Means "free" in Italian, from Latin liber.
Liberto m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of Libertus, often associated to Latin libertus "freedman, freed slave". Known bearers include Uruguayan boxer Liberto Corney (1905-1955) and Portuguese footballer Liberto dos Santos (1908-?).... [more]
Librat m Romansh
Romansh form of Liberatus.
Librata f Romansh
Feminine form of Librat.
Librecht m Dutch (Rare), German (Archaic)
Variant of Liubbert or Leudoberct (see Lubbert).
Libuscha f German (Rare), Prague German
German borrowing of Libuše or a diminutive of German names starting with Lieb- like Liebgard. See also Libusch
Licia f Italian
Italian form of Lycia.
Licida m Italian (Archaic), Theatre
Italian form of Lycidas. It is chiefly used in the opera libretto L'Olimpiade (1733), which was written by the Italian poet and librettist Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782).
Licinia f Ancient Roman, Italian, Emilian-Romagnol, Spanish (Rare)
Feminine form of Licinius. A known bearer of this name was Licinia Eudoxia, a Roman empress from the 5th century AD.
Licinio m Italian, Spanish, Galician
Italian, Galician and Spanish form of Licinius. A known bearer of this name was the Italian composer Licinio Refice (1883-1954).
Licio m Italian
Italian form of Lykios.
Liduina f Spanish (Rare), Italian, Corsican, Dutch (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Spanish, Italian and Corsican form and Dutch variant of Lidwina.
Lidvina f German (Rare), Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon, Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
German variant and Portuguese, Languedocian, Provençal and Gascon form of Lidwina. Saint Lidwina of Schiedam is considered the patron saint of the disabled.
Lidwina f Dutch, German
Dutch and German variant of Ludwina, a feminine variant of Leutwin. It was borne by Lidwina (or Lydwina) of Schiedam, a Dutch mystic and Roman Catholic saint of the 15th century.
Lidwine f Dutch, German, French
Dutch, German and French form of Lidwina.
Lie f German (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Probably a short form of names ending with -lie, like Annelie and Emilie.
Liébert m French
French form of Leutbert via it's Latinized form Lietbertus.
Liebert m German, Dutch
German form and Dutch variant of Leutbert via it's Latinized form Lietbertus
Liebgard f German (Rare)
Containing name elements liob and gard.
Lienard m Romansh
Variant of Linard.
Lienhard m German, German (Swiss), Upper German
Upper German and Alemannic German form of Leonhard.
Lienhardt m German (Archaic)
Archaic variant of Lienhard.
Lienne f French (Rare), Flemish (Rare)
Truncated form of Julienne which has found some usage as a stand alone name in recent years. ... [more]
Lientsch m Romansh
Short form of Linard.
Lieschen f German (Archaic)
Nickname for names containing lis, lies, lise, liese or lisa such as Elisabeth. Not used as a full first name in Germany.
Lieserl f Upper German
Diminutive form of Elisabeth. Supposedly, the name of Albert Einstein's speculated illegitimate daughter.... [more]
Liesgret f German (Rare)
Contraction of Liese and Grete.
Lietta f Italian
Diminutive of Lia 1.
Ligière f French (Archaic)
Feminine form of Ligier.
Liham m French (Modern)
Possibly a variant of Liam.
Lilas f French, French (Belgian)
Derived from French lilas "lilac".
Lilette f French (Rare)
Likely a diminutive of Lily and its various international variants.
Lilie f German
Directly derived from the German word Lilie meaning "lily". This can also be used as a spelling variant of Lily.
Lilitte f French (Rare)
French variant of Lilith.
Lillà f Italian (Rare)
Means "lilac (the plant)" in Italian.
Lille f German (Swiss, Rare)
Hypochoristic form of Alice.... [more]
Liloïe f French (Rare), Gascon (Gallicized)
Gallicized form of Gascon Liloia.
Liloye f French
Gallicized form of Liloia.
Lilyan f & m English (Modern), French (Modern, Rare)
English variant of Lilian, as well as a French masculine form.
Lilyane f French
Variant of Liliane.
Lin m Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, French, French (Belgian, Rare)
Bulgarian, French, Russian and Ukrainian form of Linus.
Linard m Romansh
Romansh form of Leonhard and Lienhard.
Linceo m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Lynceus.
Line f French
Generally considered a short form of names ending in -line, first and foremost Caroline. However, it is also the feminine form of Lin, i.e. the French feminine form of Linus... [more]
Linelle f French (Rare), English (Rare)
French diminutive of Lina 2 and Line, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -elle.
Linetta f Italian, Hungarian
Diminutive of Lina 2.
Linette f French, Danish, Dutch (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
French diminutive of Lina 2 and Line, as it contains the French feminine diminutive suffix -ette.
Linita f Spanish, Italian
Diminutive of Lina 2, sometimes functioning as a double diminutive of names ending in or otherwise containing lina.
Linon f French, Occitan
Diminutive of Line.
Lintrude f German (Rare), Medieval French (?), Frankish (?)
A dithematic Germanic name formed from the name elements linta "linden tree, lime; shield (made of lime wood); gentle, soft" and drud "strength."... [more]
Lioba f History, German
Short form of Liobgetha, Latinized form of Leofgyð. She was an 8th-century English saint active as a missionary in Germany.... [more]
Lionello m Italian
Variant of Leonello and cognate of Lionel.
Liothan m Literature, German (Modern, Rare)
From the Wedora series of books by the German fantasy writer Markus Heitz.
Lisabeth f German, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Alsatian
German and Alsatian truncated form of Elisabeth and Scandinavian variant of Lisabet.
Lisabetta f Medieval Italian, Italian, Sicilian, Corsican, Sardinian, Romansh, Literature
Medieval truncated form of Elisabetta. Lisabetta da Messina is a character in Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (14th century).
Lisann f German
Variant of Lisanne.
Lisel f Upper German (Rare)
Variant of Liesel, more frequently used as a diminutive and rarely used as a given name.
Lisetta f Italian
Diminutive of Elisabetta.
Lisi f German (Swiss)
Variant of Lisy.
Lisigna f Romansh
Diminutive of Elisa.
Lisippo m Italian
Italian form of Lysippos via its latinized form Lysippus.
Lissie f German
Variant of Lissy.
Lissy f German
Diminutive of Elisabeth and Melissa.
Lisy f German (Swiss)
Diminutive of Elisabeth.
Litta f Romansh
Variant of Lita.
Liun m Romansh, Judeo-Anglo-Norman
Romansh form and Judeo-Anglo-Norman variant of Leon. As a Judeo-Anglo-Norman name, it is also a direct derivative of Old French liun, itself a variant of leun "lion", while as a Romansh name, it coincides with Romansh liun "lion"... [more]
Liuna f Romansh (Rare)
Feminine form of Liun.
Liutprando m Italian
Italian form of Liutbrand.
Live m French
French form of Livius and masculine form of Livie (see Livy 1).
Liviano m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Livianus.
Livietta f Italian
Diminutive of Livia 1.
Lix m English, French, German, Spanish
Diminutive of Felix and Félix.
Lizza f Italian, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Swedish and Danish form of Lissa and English variant of Lizzie.
Loana f Breton, French (Modern), French (Belgian, Modern)
Feminine form of Loan 1. This name saw a boost in popularity in 2001 thanks to Loana Petrucciani (1977-) when she appeared in the first season of Loft Story (the French adaptation of Big Brother).
Locaie f French (Archaic), History
Archaic French form of Leocadia (compare Norman Lliocadie). Spanish child saint Leocadia, the subject of an ancient and popular cultus in Toledo, was known in French as Léocadie or Locaie.
Lodebert m German
Combination of hlud "famous" and berht "bright".
Lodo m & f Italian
Short form of Lodovico or Lodovica.
Lodoïska f Theatre, French (Rare), Louisiana Creole, French (Quebec, Archaic)
Lodoïska is a French opéra comique (1791) by Luigi Cherubini. It was inspired by an episode from Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Couvrai’s novel Les amours du chevalier de Faublas and is considered one of the first Romantic operas... [more]
Lodoletta f Italian, Italian (Tuscan), Theatre
Probably coined by Pietro Mascagni for the titular character of his "dramma lirico" or lyric opera Lodoletta (1917), which was based on the novel Two Little Wooden Shoes by Marie Louise de la Ramée, (Ouida).... [more]
Lodovica f Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Lodovico.
Loève f French (Modern, Rare)
Gallicized form of Loeva.
Loïck m Breton, French
Gallicized spelling of a Breton variant of Loïc.
Loïs m French, French (Belgian)
Truncated form of Aloïs.
Loïse f French, French (Belgian, Modern)
Gallicized form of Loïsa as well as a feminine form of Loïs.
Loki f German (Modern, Rare)
Derived as a pet name from Hannelore.... [more]
Lolani f Popular Culture, German (Modern, Rare)
The title character from 'Star Trek Continues' Episode 2.... [more]
Longino m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Longinus.
Loni f German (Archaic), Luxembourgish
Traditional German diminutive of Apollonia and sometimes also used as a diminutive of Eleonore or Ilona.