Gender Feminine
Usage Roman Mythology, Romanian, Italian
Meaning & History
Meaning unknown, probably of Etruscan origin. In Roman legend Lavinia was the daughter of King Latinus, the wife of Aeneas, and the ancestor of the Roman people. According to the legend Aeneas named the town of Lavinium in honour of his wife.
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People think this name is
American Horror Story characters, blues musicians, Charles Dickens characters, civil rights, Cthulhu Mythos characters, currently out of the US top 1000, Dishonored characters, Downton Abbey characters, Elder Scrolls characters, ends in -nia, Etruscan, Ghosts characters, Hunger Games characters, lawyers, legend, literature, mythology, princesses, Shakespearean characters, Shining characters, uncertain etymology, Ursula K. Le Guin characters