“I must say, you look as LAVish as the LAVender.”
“Okay, that was my pickup line inspired by your name.”
So prettyyy
Also, Vinnie would be such a cute nickname on a little girl.
Very pretty.
The name Lavinia has also been in use in the English speaking world particularly in Britain since the 17th century it has always been adored by the aristocracy and by the Victorian period was used throughout British society from countesses to parlour maids.
The name Lavinia has several possible etymologies. One theory suggests that it is derived from the Latin word “lavare,” which means “to wash.” Another theory suggests that it is derived from the Etruscan word “lau,” which means “daylight.” Yet another theory suggests that it is derived from the Sabine word “lahin,” which means “maiden”.
Reminds me of lavatory.
Rhoda Lavinia Goodell (1839 – 1880), known as Lavinia Goodell, was an American attorney. She was the first woman licensed to practice law in Wisconsin and the first woman admitted to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. In 1880, she also became the first to litigate (and win) an appeal to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. She was a strong proponent of women's suffrage, abolition, temperance, and prison reform. She was also the first woman to run for city attorney.
I think it's not meaning of Lavinia is purity. It maybe derived from the Latin word lavo which means "wash". In Italian word lavare means "to wash".
Gorgeous ❤❤.
Lavinia is one of the sisters in Frances Burney’s classic novel from the late 1700s, Camilla. She’s a very nice namesake.
There's a character called Lavinia in my favourite book series, Murder Most Unladylike. She isn't really a main character but I quite like her and I LOVE her name. I think it's really pretty and a very nice name. I've never met anyone with that name as far as I know.
This is a stunning and classic name to anyone giving it consideration. There is a large history of use and positive associations. Do not be swayed by a simple association with A Little Princess because there are so many wonderful real life Lavinias that existed that shouldn't be discounted to a single fictinal character. Let this lovely classic be resurrected please! As for myself it is one of my favorite choices if I ever have a few daughters and I am standing by that :) I've loved it ever since middle school since reading about a Lavinia in English class. It reminds me of an elegant and kind duchess or princess, this is what I imagine Princess Diana's name to have been had she exited 100-300 years previously. This is a name for parents that want something gorgeous and truly something special for their daughter.
Lavinia Swire is the name of a side character in Downton Abbey! She is Matthew Crawley's fiancee until she dies of the Spanish Flu. She was a redhead and a super sweet character, so I always associate this name with a sweet personality.
I don't like this name at all. I picture a rude, 14 yr old girl who bullies others and has her own clique.
Stunning, classic name. Discovered it as a teenager who was obsessed with Emily Dickinson, when I learned that Emily had a sister named Lavinia. The name has stuck with me since.
Lavinia is the name of a character in "Clockwork Angels: The Novel" by Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart.
I find the name Lavinia very original. It is elegant, classic and denotes a certain sensuality. Perhaps for a girl it is a bit mature, but as it is long it can be given different nicknames. I've barely heard it, I discovered it while I was reading different Agatha Christie books and I think it should start to be heard more. I prefer it a thousand times more to other super typical names like Chloe, Mia, Olivia, Sophia, etc.
My name is Lavinia. I love my name because it's unique. All through grade school I was called Lavidia. When they could not get Lavinia right, I asked if they would call me Vinnie. They began to call me Viddy. So as beautiful as my name is... I have just begun to really enjoy it. I took me 51 years to really appreciate it.
I think the name is honestly beautiful but because of the famous movie where the girl Lavinia is a mean mean and horrible person I don’t like it anymore. Again it’s a beautiful and graceful yet strong name, but the movie Little Princess ruined it.
I named my 6 year old daughter Livinia, pronounced Liv-in-eea and I’m so glad I did as it’s unique and literally everyone that hears it comments on what a beautiful name it is!
For me at least, it conjures up an image of grace, intelligence and strength!
Lavinia is a new character in the newest Trials Of Apollo book, The Tyrants Tomb. She has pink hair.
I think the name Lavinia is beautiful, I am so thankful my mother chose this name for me. It was not as popular where I grew up, however, I learned that it in fact is a very popular name all throughout history, even a book named "Lavinia".
I myself think the name Lavinia is beautiful, but will admit to being more than a little biased. My grandmother on my father's side was named Lavinia May and she passed away of Cystic Fibrosis before I was born. When I was born, my father and mother made Lavinia my middle name and I have sworn to myself since I was a little girl that should I ever have a daughter of my own, I would name her Lavinia May in honour of my late Grandmother.
My name is Lovinia. Most people's names aren't spelt like mine and my name is commonly mispronounced but I agree with everyone that Lavinia is a great name! Also to the person who said that Lavinia sounds snobby I can assure you I am not :)
Lavinia is the name of a character in the show, Penny Dreadful.
There is a character in 'A Little Princess' named Lavinia. She is the mean girl. I used to like this name, but everyday it keeps on sounding more and more like lasagna.
This name is great! Not only is it pretty and easy to pronounce, it has a history but doesn't seem too out there. I don't see any teasing opportunities and the sound of it is somewhat reminiscent of Lavender. A great name.
The name Lavinia was give to 67 girls in the US in 2017.
Something about this name I just love! It has so many different cute nickname opportunities and it works so well as an adult too!
I don't know if it counts as a famous bearer, but Lavinia is a famous (at least in Turkey) poem by Turkish poet Ozdemir Asaf.
Lavinia is a character in A Little Princess. She is the mean girl of the book.
My name is Lavinia and I have grown to appreciate it over the years. The pronunciation is Lu-vi-nee-uh. It is the classical pronunciation that is the most popular and the one I have heard on TV. It is a perfect name for the times since there is a current trend of using old fashion names. How many Emilys, Hannahs, Olivias, Sophias can a classroom have? Those names, though timeless can also date a person as to what names were popular in a particular decade. Lesser used names cannot. Jennifers were all the rage in the 1980s along with the Ashleys. I am not telling people to name their daughter Lavinia, but a more unique name would break up the Sophia monopoly.
I absolutely love the name and cannot wait to name my daughter Lavinia.
My name is Lavinia and I love it, lol. It Is a bit unusual but that's okay by me!
Lavinia was given to 63 baby girls born in the USA (2015).
My sweet baby girl Lavinia (la-ven-ya) was born November 30 before I was even admitted to hospital. I love this name- you don't hear it as much and I like the uncommon names especially since I was one of 4 in my class with the same name.
Lavinia (Fisher) is also the name of a Hotel owner in Charleston SC during the 1800's who poisoned guests and was hanged. She is America's first female serial killer. It is reported that she still haunts the area. I can see why some feel this name has a southern ring to it. I still think this name is lovely and underused. A cute nickname could be Vinnie.
My name is Luvenia which is a derivative of the name Lavinia and it is very unique and uncommon; however, when I was younger I didn't appreciate the name as much as I do now. Especially with the change in spelling, it was very hard for people to pronounce my name for some reason. I was made fun of terribly because of it. I wanted to change my name when I was old enough to, until I started to research the name. I have learned so much about my name and have grown to love it. There are many unique names but none quite like mine and I'm so glad for that.
The name Lavinia was given to 63 girls born in the US in 2015.
I love this name, but not my favourite.
Very pretty and mellifluous name! The first place I heard it was in the movie The Banger Sisters (with Susan Sarandon & Goldie Hawn), and I remember thinking how unique, interesting, uncommon, and nice it was.
Lavinia Swire was a character on Downton Abbey. I love the name. Very pretty and reminds me of someone who is gentle and gracious.
My name is Lavinia and my nickname is Liv. It is pronounced LAH-VI-NEE-AH.
British writer Lavinia Cohn-Sherbok.
There are actually two INfamous bearers of the name from the US- Lavinia Fisher and Lavinia Burnett. Both were murderers hanged for their crimes. Despite this, I absolutely love this name. I'm a big fan of Lovecraft's stories and like the association, even though it is a bit sinister also.
Something about the look/ spelling and the feel of this name reminds me of Art Deco, don't know why... also some pastel colors like lavender and creamy peachy pink. Very soft, refined, classy, feminine and ethereal. Ending as -ye is a better option than -nea.
Lavinia was the middle name of the iconic American actress, Ava Gardner.
Lavinia is the name Brad Townsend's lunatic wife in the Thoroughbred book series. She's pretty much the ultimate crazy rich girl.
I think this name sounds really Southern. I don't know why.
I don't really get the appeal of this name or why everyone loves it, no offense. I don't like the "La-" prefix, and it's not even that pretty either.
So beautiful and so unique. It reminds me of a girl with a genuine heart. I love the way Lavinia Juliette sounds. It's so poetic and so classic.
My name is Cristina Lavinia but I like to present myself as Lavinia.
In Italy some people that I meet pronounce it Lavigna, which means ''vineyard'' and this makes me smile all the time that happens to hear my calling like that.
The nickname is ''Lavi''. This nickname has another significance in Italian language and it means ''to wash'' heheh.
Anyway I love my name because it's particular, rare and it gives me the sense of something pure and sincere. And I love to see that a lot of people here, likes it too.
You can pronounce this name as "lə-VIN-ee-ə" or "lə-VIN-yə", depending on your preference.Forget Ophelia or Desdemona - Lavinia was Shakespeare's most tragic heroine. She was ravished (not ravaged!) by her father's enemies, mutilated (her hands and tongue were cut off so she could not speak or write the names of her attackers), and was finally euthanised by her grief-stricken father after enduring much suffering. However, Lavinia is usually played with great beauty, dignity, elegance and fortitude, making it an inspiring choice.
Yes, indeed a princess name. Lavinia is a character from the animated tv show "Jane and the Dragon" who is the little princess of the castle. I love that show and I love this name.
Another mythological name that I love! But unlike other myth names that I normally lean towards, Lavinia seems like it would be more usable or common in the real world. Nonetheless, I think it's a lovely name. :) Very classic and British sounding to me, and obviously beautiful.
Also Romanian. [noted -ed]
Lavinia is a gorgeous name that you don't hear often, so if you used it, your daughter wouldn't be Ava M. or Emily G. or Madison R. (those names being among the most popular today). I've always liked Lavinia, and the liking increased when I heard it in Shakespeare's "Titus Andronicus". Granted, Lavinia is a very tragic character in it, but that doesn't mar the beauty of the name. Rather, I feel it magnifies it. I also think Lavinia is possibly the most beautiful name Shakespeare used in his works (up there with Juliet, Viola, and Miranda).
This beautiful name enjoyed some popularity in aristocratic circles in 18th century England owing to publication of the poem "Lavinia and Palemon" by James Thomson, a retelling of the biblical story of Ruth and Boaz.
I think the name deserves more attention today. It's glorious.
Beautiful and sombre. Lavinia is an ancient wilted lily of a name. I think it's gorgeous, but I'd be hesitant to actually use it. Lavinia is old-fashioned, but not in a bad way. It makes me think of girls from another time. But I don't see how it couldn't work on a girl today. Her nickname could be Liv. I love Lavinia. It's a beautiful, classic, dignified name.
Lavinia Lyte is a snobbish and mean-spirited character in 'Johnny Tremain'.
This is a really pretty name! It's unique, yet so elegant! Love it! (:
I think this is a lovely name, and it's really a shame it's not used more often. It reminds me of a really decent and dignified person. :)
Lavinia is the name of a character in the HP Lovecraft story "The Dunwich Horror."
This name makes me think of lavender. It's such a pretty name.
I love this name, it's an old family name for me. I would use it with the nickname Vina (another old family name for me!)
I quite like this name, it's classic and feminine but I prefer Livinia, with Liv as a nickname.
Lavinia Fenton (1708-60) was an English actress who married well, becoming Duchess of Bolton.Lady Lavinia Mary Strutt (1916-95) was an English baron's daughter; she became Duchess of Norfolk.
I really love this name! Personally, I love the combo Isabella Lavinia, it sounds like a royal name.
Lavinia was the name of pretty much all the women in the Lyte family in the book Johnny Tremain.
My taste in names being very classic, I love this name. I don't know why, but I always have trouble pronouncing it right. I know how to pronounce it, but I always end up saying Lava-nia!
Lavinia Wilfer is Bella Wilfer's younger sister in "Our Mutual Friend" by Charles Dickens.
Famous bearer - Lavinia Nixon.
Lavinia could mean "purity" in Latin. It's a gorgeous name.
I pronounce it LA-VIN-EE-A.
Literary: Lavinia is the name of the queen of Frandia in "The DeFord Chronicles, Part I."
I don't know if this is correct or not, but I pronouce Lavinia: LUH-VIN-YUH.
Lavinia is a beautiful, classic name that you never hear. I would love to meet a little girl named Lavinia.
Gorgeous name with lots of history!
Lavinia Fontana (1552 - 1614) was an Italian painter.
Lavinia is the most beautiful name ever. I adore it, it's literary, gorgeous, enchanting and stalwart.
Lavenia is another common American spelling of this name, and it means love or joy.
Lavinia Dickinson was the younger sister of Emily Dickinson.
This is also the name of Titus's daughter in Shakespeare's tragedy Titus Andronicus. She's a beautiful young maiden who gets raped by Tamora's sons and has her tongue and hands cut off so that she could neither speak the name of her ravagers nor point them out.
I think this name is very pretty. (It was the name of the mean girl in "A Little Princess").
Lavinia was actress Ava Gardner's middle name.
The usage of Lavinia is Spanish, English, Italian and Romanian (among other languages). In Portuguese this name is written Lavínia (with accent). Lavínia Vlasak (b. 1976) is a Brazilian model and actress.

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