68%RatingSave Gender Feminine & Masculine Usage English Pronounced Pron. /ˌɪn.di.ˈæn.ə/ [key·simplify] Meaning & History From the name of the American state, which means "land of the Indians". This is the name of the hero in the Indiana Jones series of movies, starring Harrison Ford. Related Names RootIndiana (place name)User SubmissionIndíana PopularityDetails Last ranked #88 in 2019 Australia (NSW) Last ranked #996 in 2015 (m) #813 in 2023 (f) England and Wales Last ranked #955 in 1893 United States People think this name isRate·Details youthful informal natural wholesome strong strange Categories American states, ballerinas, celebrity babies, colleges or universities, currently out of the US top 1000, ends in -ana, fictional characters, film titles, heroes, India, movies, place names, song titles, TV show titles, US states