81%RatingSave Gender Feminine & Masculine Usage English (Modern) Pronounced Pron. /ˈɪn.dɪ.ˌɡoʊ/ [key·simplify] Meaning & History From the English word indigo for the purplish-blue dye or the colour. It is ultimately derived from Greek Ἰνδικόν (Indikon) meaning "Indic, from India". Related Names User SubmissionÍndigo PopularityDetails Last ranked #558 in 2023 England and Wales Last ranked #963 in 2023 United States People think this name isRate·Details modern youthful informal upper class natural strong refined strange Categories album titles, baseball players, blue, colors, countries, English adjectives, English nouns, Flipline Studios characters, flora, flowers, hair, India, Joni Mitchell songs, nature, One Piece characters, plants, Prince songs, purple, rare English, Tori Amos lyrics, Wings of Fire characters, word names