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The name sounds very hippy and emo to me.
Indigo Diaz is a Canadian professional baseball pitcher for the New York Yankees.
Indigo De Souza is an American-Brazilian singer-songwriter. Her third album, All of This Will End, was released in April 2023. She has been noted for creating "intimate, anxious indie rock songs [that] wrangle with disappointment and relationship challenges," with personal and confessional lyrics.
The Indigo bunting is a small seed-eating bird in the cardinal family, Cardinalidae.
Personally, I like this name more for a boy than a girl.
Indigo was a minor character in the Dorothy Must Die book series.
I really like this name because it's so recent yet fits all ages quite well!
This is my favorite color name. The nickname Indie is very nice too.
Love it for a girl. Love the nickname Indi.
I'm surprised to see so much attention for this name. This is one of the very few names I can see going for a girl or a boy. I think the right girl could carry it off as a first name, but if I used it on a boy, it would be the middle name.
We love it! Pleasant to say and very cool and adventurous feeling. I like it for a boy best.
A very silly name. It is emblematic of today's silly names really. It's not a real name for starters, it's a silly word that has no real meaning (unless you want your child to grow up to be a shade of blue), and it is usually given by narcissists who see their children as ways to show off how "unique" they are.
In the New Age Movement (a creepy movement of spiritual beliefs that comes across as a bit of a cult) an "Indigo child" is a child that is believed to have special, supernatural traits and abilities. These people are odd and I would hate to have my kid's name associated with that cult.Many parents of that cult whose kids have learning disabilities also brand them as special "Indigo children" and avoid getting them help because of that, it is just sad.If this name wasn't associated with this and not trendy among celebrities it might be nice but now I can't help but think that it is creepy because of all those weird associations.
One of those trendy celebrity baby names that is super common among celebs such as Bear, Blue and Bowie.Every celebrity who uses this seems to think they are super unique even though it was used by 20 celebrities before them. It must be about as exciting in celebrity circles as Emma is in the regular world.
Fire name! The colour is really pretty too.
My son's name is Roran Indigo. We wanted an adventurous sound to our little boy's name and we love what we chose.
I love this name— it’s cute and unique! Although I personally don’t like it on a boy :/
Hip and artsy sounding name.
I actually knew a girl called Indigo Rose. I think Indigo Rose as a combination is probably popular. I know 2 Indigo’s.
One was an old lady called Indigo Rae who lived next door to me and someone from school called Indigo Rose.
A character with this name is Indigo Casson (male) from the Casson Family books by Hilary McKay. The book from his point of view is the second one, Indigo's Star.
Ugly, tacky name.
I named my daughter Indigo Elise, but she prefers to be called Indi. I love her name!
My cousin and his wife named their daughter Indigo Rose. I personally think it’s a very pretty name and it fits her well. She is a very smart, creative and spunky little girl with a happy disposition. I also like that her name is unique.
I adorable Indigo as a name. I prefer in on a girl, but I still think it totally works for a boy. Overall, I think it works amazingly on a character, but I probably wouldn't use it on a real person because it requires just the right temperament.
One of my favorite color names, alongside Violet, Emerald, Scarlet, Jade, Sapphire and Ruby.
Indigo is a pretty color, but a really weird name. Ai would probably be better for a name meaning 'Indigo'.Also, masculine? This name sounds pretty feminine.
Indigo is a color that I think doesn't sound good as a name.
I absolutely love this name, but I prefer it on a girl. Personally, I think this name sounds too feminine for a boy despite the “o” at the end. Indigo is the combination of violet and blue or purple and blue, either way is predictable. A lot of color names would seem weird on a boy. For a girl, it’s beautiful and elegant and I would pair Indigo with the middle name Rose because Indigo Rose rolls of the tongue just nicely.
I think Indigo sounds a lot more feminine, but I don't really like it that much. It is just not appealing.
My name is Indigo and my middle name is Rose (that's my grandma's first name) I identify as female and most of your comments are interesting. This is kind of weird to see everyone commenting such different thoughts. By the way, my nicknames are Indi which is often and Inky which is quite rare, but my best friend calls me Inky.
My name is also Indigo Rose. It's strange to see so many comments about people with my same name when I've never met anyone else named Indigo, even though I've always wanted to. In my experience, people mention how beautiful or uncommon of a name it is. I've never really thought of it as a boy's name, probably because I'm a girl and I think it would be weird for a boy to have my name. My mom named me Indigo after the color, not the architect and Rose was my great-grandmother's name. I've never really had any nicknames that stick, my mom calls me Indigirl sometimes and one of my friends calls me Indy, but that's it.
When I was little my dad always played "Closer to Fine" because it's by the Indigo Girls.
I suggested Inigo to my daughter (as in the 18c British architect Inigo Jones).. but she preferred the similar sounding Indigo., and used it when she gave birth to my granddaughter last month... I see from above that someone else has opted for a middle name Rose... snap.. perhaps there are two Indigo Roses now, unless me and the other grandparent are talking about the same child.
This is an incredible coincidence but another person mentioned the architect Inigo Jones and I can't help but comment! My name is Indigo, but my mum was going to name me Inigo (after the architect) until she found out I would be a girl and decided that Inigo would probably get me teased at school when I grew up, so she settled on Indigo.
I've had many people say "What a beautiful name!" and I have never met anyone with the same name. I personally cannot imagine a boy named Indigo, but I suppose that is because I'm a girl and have always considered my name to be feminine until I came here.
This is a nice name for both genders and to the people that said only guy names end in o there are lots of nice girl names that end in o- Calypso, Flo, Cleo etc. A nickname for the boys could be Diego maybe and for the girls it could be Indi, one of my friends name is Indi and she's a girl which is why I think the nickname Indi is for girls.
The actor Lou Diamond Phillips has a daughter named Indigo.
The name Indigo was given to 119 girls born in the US in 2015.
The earliest use of Indigo as a name was in England in 1598, on a boy.
I think of cold weather or harsh climates where dark blue stands out in Alaska. Indigo as a color is pretty. It would make a great name and middle name, but I would prefer Iguana for a female. It seems warm and bright, like a green hot summer.
I love this name for both boys and girls, especially girls. It would be the name of a spunky girl with dark hair :). I also love the colour.
My grandaughter is called Indigo Rose. I love it, we call her inni and indii.
My name is INDIGO but, its spelled ENDIEGO and I am a girl! I love my name but, I do not see it as a boys name.
I LOVE the name Indigo! It's such a cool colour name! It works well on both genders! :D.
"Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
I have always thought of the name as a girl's name because one of the characters of "Rainbow Brite" was a girl named Indigo. I also think of the "Indigo Girls". I haven't heard of it as a boy's name until I came to this forum. I don't think it is that bad for a boy, but I still see it as slightly more feminine than masculine.
I've changed my name to Indigo due to comfort reasons in being bigender. Indigo is a very gender neutral name so people saying it isn't a boy's/girl's name are incorrect. To me this name gives a caring yet laid back feel for the person before someone who hasn't greeted them yet.
Also stop gender categorizing names, lol. It's inconsiderate for the people who like that name of the opposite gender. Although people are entitled to their own opinions, it doesn't always count for an uneducated one.
I can imagine a tender girl bearing this name. It's not like "the best of" in my opinion, but it's a really refreshing, cute name with some poetry included. I think it also fits a mature woman's image, but I can't imagine it on an elder lady. So overall, I like it, but I wouldn't use it.
Since it ends in O, I can't really see it as a girl's name. Also, I've heard too many stories with boys named Indigo. Great name, but for a boy.
Indigo is one of the color kids in the Rainbow Brite franchise from The Eighties.
We named our first born son Indigo. Occasionally we call him Indi for short. It suits him very well and our family and friends are very fond of him. We like to think he'll have less difficulties in the future finding things like usernames and such, which will certainly become a part of life even more so than it is now.I also contacted the national statistics in the UK regarding the popularity of the name. In 2010, 3 boys were named Indigo. In 2011, there were 8.
My friend has a younger sister named Indigo, and I think it's a perfectly good name. I especially like it on her because she has fiery red hair and I think the name is a nice contrast. :) However I think this would be a good name for any girl regardless of their physical appearance.
It's almost as bad as naming your daughter India. It's not the worst name ever, but it's bad enough.
For some reason, and I will never know why, I like this name a lot. I'd never actually use it on a child, but I would use it on a pet or character. I prefer this on males.
This really isn't a bad name in itself, but it is so strongly associated with the New Age movement and the bogus concept of "Indigo children" (a trendy way of ensuring your kids grow up to be utter brats with the most ridiculous sense of entitlement ever concocted) that it has too much of an ideological stamp on it.Maybe in 20 or 30 years it will be okay to use again.
Maite Petersen and Carl Della Badia have a son Indigo August, born in August 2009.
Lovely name. I would never ever name a boy this, though, that may be partly influenced by the fact that I knew a nice girl named Indigo.
I wouldn't use this on either sex. Indigo sounds weird as a name, since it's just a color. It also sounds like a hippie name.
I like this name. It's interesting, spunky and quite cool for both sexes, though I slightly prefer it on a girl. Despite the -o ending, I would only ever use colour names on females, sorry. Also, it sounds similar to the Welsh name Indeg, which makes Indigo seem more feminine to me. However, I think Indigo is one of those names you would have to have the right personality to pull off.
I love this name for a boy. A girl with this name would be teased because of the O at the end. At least at my school she would.
I think this would be bad for a person, but I can still like it.
Interesting, but I would never name anyone this.
Even with the masculine sounding O at the end, I would never use this on a boy.
A lot of our associations with names come from people whom we know who have them. I have a good friend who uses the name "Indigo" instead of her actual birthname, and as a result I've always considered it a girl's name, appropriate for someone who is witty, creative and fiercely independent.
This one sounds a bit strange as a name. For a girl, it sounds masculine with the 'o' at the end, and boys might get teased over having a color name, which seems to be something more often done to girls. Of course, it could well be that the child will not even like the color.
I dreamt I had a baby named Indigo Violet. Very nice name.
A very cool name.
I love this name for either gender. I would really consider using it.
Liberty Phoenix has a son named Indigo Orion, born November 9, 1999.Tom Bailey, and Allanah Currie, have a daugther named Indigo born in 1988.
I would never name a girl Indigo, but I think it's a wonderful name for a boy. An "o" ending often designates a boys' name (such as in Indigo). I know one boy named this, and he sometimes goes by the nickname Indy.
I don't like this one for a name.
The Indigo Girls are a band made up of Emily Saliers and Amy Ray. They first started performing in 1984, but it wasn't until 1989, with the release of their self-titled album, that their great songwriting and fantastic harmonies gained national attention. They have been nominated for several Grammy awards and won one for Best Contemporary Folk Recording.Their most recognizable singles include "Closer to Fine," "Kid Fears," and "Least Complicated."
I love this name and I want my son's name to be this when I have children one day. Also, this name was used in Hilary McKay's books 'Saffy's Angle', 'Indigo's star' and 'Permanent Rose' for the boy Indigo Casson.
A friend of mine has a daughter called Indigo. Only about ten people in Sweden have this name. I think it's gorgeous.
I, too, am surprised at how unpopular the name Indigo is, though I think of it more as a girl's name. I reminds me of the deep, dark depths of the ocean and dark shadows of fish passing by. Like the color, aquamarine, it makes me think of the alienish peacefulness of the sea, though aquamarine makes me think more of tropical, light-filled waters.
I think this is a wonderful name for a boy. I like the way it sounds, and I like the meaning. I'm actually surprised it's not more popular.

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