names are used in the country of Mexico in southern North America.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Crucificia f Late Roman, Italian, SpanishEarliest known usage stemmed from the mid 4th century in Rome, following the rule of Constantine. The meaning of the name is "Crucifixion."
Cuacuauh m NahuatlMeans "horned", derived from Nahuatl
cuacuahuitl "horns, antlers".
Cuauhatl m NahuatlPossibly means "eagle flood", from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" and
atl "water".
Cuauhcoatl m & f NahuatlMeans "eagle serpent" or "wooden snake" in Nahuatl, derived from either
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cuahuitl "tree, wood" and
cōātl "snake".
Cuauhcopil m NahuatlPossibly derived from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
copil, a kind of conical hat or headpiece.
Cuauhicopi m NahuatlMeans "the eagle closes its eyes" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
icopi "to close the eyes; to blink, to wink".
Cuauhilama m NahuatlPossibly means either "eagle old woman" or "old woman’s head", from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cuaitl "head" combined with
ilama "old woman".
Cuauhnecahual m NahuatlPossibly from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" and
cahua "to leave, abandon something" or "to be left; to remain, survive" (see
Cuauhnenemi m NahuatlMeans "walks like an eagle" or "travelling eagle" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
nenemi "to travel, to go about; to walk, to run".
Cuauhnochtli m NahuatlMeans "eagle cactus fruit" in Nahuatl, derived from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
nochtli "prickly-pear cactus fruit". Could be used to describe the hearts of victims sacrificed to
Huitzilopochtli, or as a judicial title, often involved with execution.
Cuauhpan m NahuatlMeans "eagle banner" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
panitl "banner, flag". Alternatively, the first element could be
cuahuitl "tree, wood".
Cuauhpopoca m NahuatlMeans "smoking eagle" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
popoca "to smoke".
Cuauhquen m & f NahuatlMeans "eagle garment", from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" and
quemitl "garments, clothing; ritual vestments".
Cuauhquiyahuacatl m NahuatlMeans "person from Cuauhquiyahuac" in Nahuatl, a location meaning "eagle door" or "eagle gate".
Cuauhtapalca m NahuatlMeans "eagle covert feathers" in Nahuatl, referring to the tough feathers found on the bird’s neck, back, and wings.
Cuauhtecpan m NahuatlMeaning uncertain. Possibly a combination of
cuauhtli "eagle" and either
tecpan "palace",
tecpantli "twenty", or
tecpana "to put in order, to arrange in a row".
Cuauhtemal m NahuatlPossibly means "Guatemalan, person from Guatemala" in Nahuatl, derived from
Cuahtemallan "Guatemala".
Cuauhtepotzo m NahuatlMeans "hunchbacked eagle" or "crooked tree" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cahuitl "tree, wood" and
tepotzotli "hunchback".
Cuauhtilma m NahuatlMeans "eagle cape" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
tilmatli "cloak, blanket, length of cloth". The
cuauhtilmatli was a garment associated with warriors and nobility, often worn in mourning ceremonies.
Cuauhtin m NahuatlMeans "eagles" in Nahuatl, the plural form of
cuauhtli. This was the name of an Aztec military faction. Alternatively, this name could be the plural form of
cuahuitl "tree, wood".
Cuauhtlamati m NahuatlPossibly means "wise eagle", derived from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" and
tlamati "to know something".
Cuauhtlapetz f NahuatlMeaning uncertain. Possibly derived from
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with
tlapetzolli "burnished, polished", which stems from
petztli "pyrite; something smooth or shiny".
Cuauhtlapeuh m NahuatlEtymology uncertain. Possibly means "wooden plow" or "eagle trap", derived from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with either
tlapehua "to plow (a field, the land)" or
tlapehualli "trap for catching animals; animals or land that have been brought under control".
Cuauhtlatoa m NahuatlMeans "he talks like an eagle", from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" and
tlatoa "to speak; to issue commands".
Cuauhtlatzacuilotl m NahuatlMeans "wooden door" or "eagle gate" in Nahuatl, from
cuahuitl "tree, wood" or
cuauhtli "eagle" combined with
tlatzacuilotl "gate, entrance, bridge".
Cuauhtlaxaya m NahuatlPossibly derived from Nahuatl
cuauhtli "eagle" and
xayacatl "face, mask".
Cuauhtli m & f NahuatlMeans "eagle; fifteenth day-sign of the tonalpohualli" in Nahuatl.
Cuauhtopilli m NahuatlMeans "wooden staff" or "eagle staff" in Nahuatl, from
cuahuitl "tree, wood" or
cuauhtli "eagle" and
topilli "rod, sceptre, staff of office".
Cuauhtziquitl m NahuatlMeans "small tree" in Nahuatl, from
cuahuitl "tree, wood" and
tziquiton "a little bit".
Cuauhtzontecon m NahuatlMeans "eagle head" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
tzontecoma "head, skull".
Cuauhxilotl m & f NahuatlFrom Nahuatl
cuauhxilotl which has two seperate meanings; the first refers to a tropical tree that bears cucumber-like fruit (also called the
cuajilote), derived from
cuahuitl "tree, wood" and
xilotl "green ear of maize, young corncob"; the second refers to the chest and back feathers of the golden eagle, derived from
cuauhtli "eagle" and
Cuauhxoxoc m NahuatlPossibly means "green tree, tree with green leaves" or "new growth", derived from Nahuatl
cuahuitl "tree, wood" and
xoxoctic "green, unripe" or
xoxoctia "to turn green".
Cuauhyollo m NahuatlMeans "eagle heart" or "centre of the tree, pith" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cuahuitl "tree, wood" and
yōllōtl "heart, life".
Cuauhzton m NahuatlMeans "eagle hair" or "wooden head" in Nahuatl, from
cuauhtli "eagle" or
cuahuitl "tree, wood" combined with
tzontli "hair, head". It can also be derived directly from the vocabulary word
cuauhtzontli, meaning either "eagle wig, crown, feathered headdress" (a kind of ornament worn by captains, tied to their backs), or "tree trunk, tree top".
Cuazol m NahuatlPossibly derived from Nahuatl
cuaitl "head" and
zolin "quail".
Cuco m SpanishDiminutive of
Cristóforo. This is also used as a strictly masculine diminutive of
Refugio, as in the case of Mexican singer-songwriter José del Refugio "Cuco" Sánchez (1921-2001)... [
Cuetzpalli m NahuatlMeans "lizard" in Nahuatl, derived from
cuetzpalin, the fourth day-sign of the tonalpohualli.
Cueva Santa f Spanish (Rare)Means "holy cave" in Spanish, taken from the titles of the Virgin Mary,
La Virgen de la Cueva Santa and
Nuestra Señora de la Cueva Santa, meaning "The Virgin of the Holy Cave" and "Our Lady of the Holy Cave" respectively.... [
Cuicanemi m NahuatlDerived from Nahuatl
cuica "to sing" (or
cuicatl "song") and
nemi "to dwell, to live (as)" or "to walk, to go about (like)".
Cuilol m NahuatlMeans "painter" or "a painting, design, decoration" in Nahuatl.
Cuima m NahuatlMeaning uncertain. Possibly derived from Nahuatl
cui "to take, fetch, grasp" combined with either
maitl "hand" or the related elements
ma "to hunt, capture",
ma "as though, as, like", or
-mani "in the manner of".
Cuitláhuac m & f Nahuatl, AztecEtymology uncertain, often interpreted as deriving from Nahuatl
cuitlatl "excrement" and the possessive suffix
-hua combined with the locative suffix
-c. This was the name of the 10th ruler of Tenochtitlan.
Daría f SpanishSpanish form of
Daria. The name coincides with the first-person singular conditional form and third-person singular conditional form of
dar, meaning "I would give" or "he / she would give".
Dariellis f & m Spanish (Latin American)the origins and meaning of this name isn't exact but pretty sure it's of Puerto Rican origins and means "passionate" and/or "faithful"
Delmira f SpanishShort form or variant form of
Edelmira. A bearer of this name is Delmira Agustini (1886-1914), an Uruguayan poetess.
Denís m & f Galician, Gascon, SpanishGalician, Spanish and Gascon form of
Denis. In Spanish it is sometimes used for women too as variant of
Denise, reflecting the French pronunciation.
Deva f Asturian (Modern), Galician (Modern), Spanish (Modern)From the name of several rivers in northern Spain, chiefly river Deva in Cantabria and Asturias and two tributaries of river Minho in Galicia. The name ultimately comes from Proto-Celtic
*dēiwā meaning "goddess".
Dolorosa f SpanishMeans "sorrowful" in Latin, taken from the Latin title of the Virgin Mary
Mater Dolorosa "Mother of Sorrows". As such, it is cognate to Spanish
Dolores and Italian
Donita f Spanish, English (American)Spanish diminutive of
Donata. As an English name, Donita may perhaps have been derived from Spanish
doñita meaning "little lady", which is comparable to how
Donna was derived from Italian
donna meaning "lady".... [
Dulce Nombre f & m SpanishFrom Spanish
dulce nombre meaning "sweet name," referring to the Holy Name of Jesus and the Holy Name of the Virgin Mary, hence why most full names beginning with Dulce Nombre end with either
de María or
de Jesús.... [
Duna f Spanish, CatalanPossibly derived from the Spanish and Catalan word
duna, meaning "dune". Alternatively, it could be a variant of
Dunia or a form of
Dunya... [