Submitted Names Starting with M

Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Maclou m History (Ecclesiastical)
French form of Malo via the Latinization Maclovius.
Maclovi m Catalan
Catalan form of Malo.
Macmillan m English (African)
Transferred use of the surname MacMillan.
Macmod m Maranao, Maguindanao
Maranao and Maguindanao form of Mahmud.
Macnelly m South American (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Macnelly.
Macob m Arthurian Cycle
A fearsome Irish knight.... [more]
Macon m & f American (South, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Macon.
Macpalli m Nahuatl
Means "palm (of the hand)" in Nahuatl.
Måcrawe m Walloon
Walloon form of Macarius.
Macrian m Germanic
Macrian was the king of the Bucinobantes, an Alemannic tribe, in the late fourth century and the brother of Hariobaudes. Macrian tried to confederate all the north Germanic and Alemannic tribes together against Rome... [more]
Macrina f Late Roman, Spanish, Romansh (Archaic), Romanian, Moldovan, History (Ecclesiastical)
Feminine form of Macrinus. This name was borne by two saints, namely saint Macrina the Elder and her granddaughter saint Macrina the Younger.
Macrino m Italian, Spanish, Portuguese
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Macrinus.
Macrinus m Late Roman, History
Roman cognomen, which because of the -inus suffix must be a diminutive, probably of what should be macrus. Macrus is either derived from Latin macer "thin, meagre", or a latinized form of Greek makros "large, long"... [more]
Macris f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Μακρις (Makris), which is possibly derived from Greek μακρός (makros) "large, long; far, distant" or μάκαρ (makar) "blessed, happy" (compare Makarios).
Macrobi m Catalan
Catalan form of Macrobius.
Macróbio m Portuguese
Portuguese form of Macrobius.
Macrobio m Italian, Spanish
Italian and Spanish form of Macrobius.
Macrobius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Makrobios. This name was borne by a Roman grammarian and philosopher from the 5th century AD.
MacRoy m English
Transferred use of the surname MacRoy.
Macs m Welsh
Diminutive of Macsen
Macsi m Walloon
Walloon short form of Maximilien.
Macsyna f English
Variant of Maxina in the style of Macsen.
Macu f Spanish
Diminutive of Inmaculada.
Macuex m Nahuatl
Means "bracelet (of precious stones)" in Nahuatl.
Macuilcozcacuauhtli m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "Five Vulture" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl mācuīlli "five" and cōzcacuāuhtli "vulture". Macuilcozcacuauhtli was one of the members of Ahuiateteo, a group of five Aztec gods of excess and pleasure... [more]
Macuilcuetzpalin m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "Five Lizard" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl mācuīlli "five" and cuetzpalin "lizard". Macuilcuetzpalin was one of the members of Ahuiateteo, a group of five Aztec gods of excess and pleasure... [more]
Macuilhuehue m Nahuatl
Derived from Nahuatl macuilli "five" and huehue "elder, old man".
Macuilmalinalli m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "Five Grass" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl mācuīlli "five" and malinalli, a twisted or braided grass stalk used as a building material. Macuilmalinalli was one of the members of Ahuiateteo, a group of five Aztec gods of excess and pleasure... [more]
Macuiltochtli m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "Five Rabbit" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl mācuīlli "five" and tochtli "rabbit". was one of the members of Ahuiateteo, a group of five Aztec gods of excess and pleasure. He is the god of drunkenness.
Macuilxochitl m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "Five Flower" in Nahuatl, from Nahuatl mācuīlli "five" and xochitl "flower". Macuilxochitl was one of the members of Ahuiateteo, a group of five Aztec gods of excess and pleasure... [more]
Macunaíma m Literature
Macunaíma is the main character in the 1928 novel Macunaíma, o herói sem nenhum caráter (Macunaíma in English) by Brazilian writer Mário de Andrade. The novel is considered one of the founding texts of Brazilian modernism.
Macyn f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant or feminine form of Mason.
Mada f Spanish
Diminutive of Magdalena
Mada f Arabic
Possibly from Arabic مادة (madda) meaning "matter, substance".
Madá f Portuguese
Short form of Madalena.
Madaert m Medieval Dutch
Variant form of Medaert.
Madaglan m Arthurian Cycle
The pagan king of Oriande in Perlesvaus.... [more]
Madaha f Swahili
Swahili feminine name meaning "grace".
Madaihín m Irish
Derived from the word madadh "dog, mastiff"
Madalaingne f Medieval French
Medieval French form of Magdalene.
Madalbald m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Madalbert m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Madalberta f Germanic
Feminine form of Madalbert.
Madalbod m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Gothic biutan "to offer" or Old High German boto "bid, offer."
Madalburg f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place." The second element is derived from Gothic bairgan (bergan in Old High German) "to keep, to save, to preserve", or from Old High German burg "fortress."
Madalee f American
An invented name, a combination of Madeleine and Lee.
Madalenn f Breton
Variant of Madalen.
Madaleno f Provençal
Provençal form of Madeleine.
Madalfrid m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old High German fridu "peace."
Madalgar m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place." The second element is derived from Gothic gairu (gêr in Old High German) "spear", or from garva (garo in Old High German, and gearu in Anglo-Saxon) "ready, prepared."
Madalgard f Germanic
The first element of this name is derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place." The second element is derived from gardan "to hedge in, to enclose, to fence in" or from Gothic gards "house, garden, (court)yard."
Madalger m Medieval, Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval French
Old High German, Old Saxon mahal "council, meeting" + Old High German, Old Saxon gēr "spear".
Madalgild f Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Gothic gild "sacrifice."
Madalgrim m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old Norse grîma "mask."
Madalgude f Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German, Old Saxon mahal "council, meeting" + Old High German guot, Old Frisian, Old Saxon gōd "good".
Madalhaid f Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with haidu "figure, person" (see Adelaide).
Madalhard m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Madalhild f Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old Norse hildr "battle."
Madalhilde f Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German, Old Saxon mahal "council, meeting" + Old High German hiltja "battle".
Madalin m Romanian (Expatriate)
Variant of Mădălin used by Romanians abroad or in informal contexts (for example on the internet). Note that this is not the standard spelling of the name.
Madalina f Romanian (Expatriate)
Variant spelling of Mădălina used by Romanians abroad or in informal contexts (for example on the internet). Note that this is not the standard spelling of the name.
Madalinde f Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German, Old Saxon mahal "council, meeting" + Proto-Germanic linþaz "gentle, sweet, mild".
Madalrad m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old High German rât "counsel."
Madalric m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Madaltrud f Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with þruþ "strength."
Madaltrude f Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German, Old Saxon mahal "council, meeting" + Proto-Germanic þrūþ "strength" or Proto-Germanic trut "maiden".
Madalulf m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German, Old Saxon mahal "council, meeting" + Old High German wolf, Gothic wulf "wolf".
Madalwin m Germanic
Derived from Gothic mathl "meeting place" combined with Old High German wini "friend."
Madama f Japanese
From Japanese 真 (ma) meaning "true, reality" combined with 玉 (dama) meaning "ball". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Madanapriyā f Sanskrit
Means "beloved of Madana" in Sanskrit, from the name of the Hindu god of love Madana combined with प्रिय (priya) meaning "beloved, dear to". This Sanskrit name occurs in a Cambodian inscription from 611 AD.
Madani m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Derived from Arabic مَدَنِيّ (madaniyy) meaning "city dweller, civilian, citizen", chiefly found in Algerian and Moroccan Arabic.
Madarejúwa m Tenharim
A Tenharim name (the Tenharim live in the Amazonas region in Brazil)
Madars m Latvian
Masculine form of Madara.
Madawg m Welsh
Welsh form of Madoc
Madaya f Guanche, Berber (Archaic)
From Guanche *madăyya, meaning "beautiful thing to see". Besides the Canary Islands, this name was also used in Northern Africa.
Maddan m Arthurian Cycle
The son of King Locrinus and Queen Gwendolen of Britain, and thus grandson of Corineus.... [more]
Madde f Swedish
Swedish diminutive of Madeleine.
Maddelene f Medieval Baltic
Medieval Latvian form of Magdalena.
Madden m & f Irish
Transferred use of the surname Madden.
Maddi f English
Variant of Maddy.
Maddisen f & m English
Variant spelling of Madison
Máddjá f Sami
Sami form of Mary.
Máddji f Sami
Sami form of Maja 1/Maja 2.
Maddux m American
Variant of Maddox.
Maddý f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Maddy.
Maddye f English
Variant spelling of Maddie.
Maddyn f & m English (Modern)
Feminine or alternative spelling of Madden.
Máde m Sami
Sami form of Matti.
Made f Scots (Archaic), Medieval Scottish
Medieval Scots form of Maude.
Madé m & f Balinese
Variant of Made.
Madea f American (South, Rare), Filipino (Rare), Popular Culture
In the case of the Tyler Perry character, the name was taken from a phrase (madea or madear) used in the American south meaning "mother dear". It may also be a variant spelling of Medea.
Madeeh m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مديح (see Madih).
Madeeha f Arabic, Urdu
Alternate transcription of Arabic مديحة or Urdu مدیحہ (see Madiha).
Madeg m Breton
Breton cognate of Madoc.
Madeha f Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic مديحة (see Madiha).
Madeinusa f Spanish (Latin American)
This Peruvian-Quechua (mis)interpretation of products labeled "Made In USA" resulted in this name of the main character, a young village girl in Madeinusa, a 2005 Peruvian-Spanish drama film.
Madelaide f English
Variant of Madeline. Using the -laide suffix from Adelaide.
Madelayne f Hebrew
meaning "woman from Magdala"
Madelbert m Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Madalbert.
Madelberta f Dutch, German
Variant spelling of Madalberta.
Madeleene f Medieval Dutch
Late medieval Dutch form of Magdalene.
Madeleina f English (Rare)
Elaborated form of Madeleine, influenced by cognates such as Italian Maddalena.
Madelena f Medieval Portuguese, Medieval Spanish
Medieval Portuguese and medieval Spanish variant of Magdalena.
Mâdelène f Norman
Cotentinais Norman form of Madeleine.
Madelène f Norman
Norman form of Madeleine.
Madelene f Swedish, Norwegian, English (Archaic), Romani (Archaic)
English and Scandinavian variant of Madeleine (in the latter case reflecting the French pronunciation).
Madelenne f Norman
Norman form of Madeleine.
Madelgar m Germanic
Variant spelling of Madalgar.
Madelgard f Germanic, Dutch, History
Variant spelling of Madalgard. Madelgard was the name of one of Charlemagne's concubines.
Madelheid f German
German form of Madalhaid.
Madelies f Dutch (Rare)
Possibly a blend of Madelief and Lies.
Madelric m Germanic
Variant spelling of Madalric.
Máđen m Sami
Sami form of Matti.
Maden m Breton
Of uncertain origin and meaning. One theory derives this name from Breton mad "good; goodness".
Madenn f Breton
Derived from Breton mad "good; goodness". This name is occasionally considered a Breton equivalent of Saint Bona.
Maderic m Germanic
Variant spelling of Matharic.
Madern m Medieval German
Maybe a variant of Maternus.... [more]
Madern m Cornish
Variant of Madron.
Madero m Spanish
Spanish form of WOODROW.
Mádes m Sami
Sami form of Mattes.
Madesh m & f Hindi, Marathi
Meaning Unknown.
Madgie f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Madge.
Madhavan m Malayalam, Tamil
Malayalam and Tamil form of Madhava.
Madhavilata f Indian
An Indian girl's name meaning "A flowering vine". Could also be a feminine form of Madhava.
Madhi f Tamil
Means "moon" in Tamil.
Madhil m Dinka
Means "born on the way" in Dinka. This name is given to a male that’s born on the way, for example while the mother is traveling and gives birth on the way to her destination.
Madhiya f Uzbek
Means "written tribute, eulogy, ode" in Uzbek.
Madhumalati f Indian
Means "flowering vine".
Madhumati f Hindi, Bengali
From Sanskrit मधुमती (madhumatī) meaning "rich in honey", composed of मधु (madhu) "honey" and the suffix‎ -मती (-matī) "-ful, rich".
Madhup m Hindi, Sanskrit
It means a male bee. Categorically, a completel7y black bee which is known to collect nectar from lotus flowers.
Madhuranath m Indian (Rare)
Derived from Sanskrit मधुर (madhura) "sweet, delicious" (itself from मधु (madhu) "honey, mead, nectar, any sweet liquid") and नाथ (natha) "lord".
Madhurasenā f Sanskrit
Means "sweet courtesan" in Sanskrit, from मधुर (madhura) meaning "sweet, pleasant, charming" (itself from मधु (madhu) "sweet, honey") and सेना (sénā), a kind of title suffixed to the names of courtesans.
Ma'di m & f Nilo-Saharan
A name that may means "a person," "let's settle here," or "here I am."... [more]
Madi m Kazakh
Short form of Muhammad.
Madian m Muslim (Arabized, Rare)
Madian is a geographical place mentioned in the Torah and Quran. William G. Dever states that biblical Madian was in the "northwest Arabian Peninsula, on the east shore of the Gulf of Aqaba on the Red Sea", an area which he notes was "never extensively settled until the 8th–7th century B.C."
Madiar m Kazakh
Alternate transcription of Kazakh Мадияр (see Madiyar).
Madie f English, Scots
Variant of Maddie. As a Scots name, a diminutive of Madlin.
Madiea f Arabic
Variant transcription of Mahdiyya. A notable bearer of this name is the Dutch athlete Madiea Ghafoor (b. 1992), who is of Pakistani descent (Baloch, to be precise).
Madigan f & m English (American), Literature
Transferred use of the Irish surname Madigan or from the Gaelic given name Madagán or Madadhán means "little dog".... [more]
Madih m Arabic
Means "praise" in Arabic.
Madiha f Arabic, Urdu
Feminine form of Madih.
Madihah f Arabic, Malay
Alternate transcription of Arabic مديحة (see Madiha) as well as the usual Malay form.
Madija f Latvian
Latvian short form of Madeline.
Madin m Dinka
Means "speckled bull" in Dinka.
Mädinä f Tatar, Bashkir
Bashkir and Tatar form of Medina.
Madina f Georgian
Contracted form of Magdalina, which is now used as an independent name in Georgia.
Madinah f Arabic
Variant of Madina.
Madinakhon f Uzbek
From the given name Madina combined with khan meaning "king, ruler"
Madini f Swahili
Means "gem" in Swahili.
Madinia f English (Rare, Archaic)
Meaning uncertain. Dr John Dee gave it to his daughter in 1590, allegedly naming her for one of the Enochian angels ("the spiritual creature who on 28 May 1583 appeared to Dee and Sir Edward Kelley and entered into a mysterious conversation with them", according to Méric Casaubon in his 'True & Faithful Relation…' (1659)).... [more]
Madit m Dinka
Means "masculine twin" in Dinka.
Madiyar m Kazakh
From the given name Madi (a diminutive of Muhammad) combined with Persian یار (yār) meaning "friend, companion".
Madiyne f Circassian
Circassian form of Madina.
Madjene f Walloon
Contraction of Mareye and Djene, intended as an equivalent to Marie-Jeanne.
Madjid m Arabic (Maghrebi)
Alternate transcription of Majid chiefly used in Northern Africa.
Madla f Czech (Rare)
Diminutive of both Magdaléna, Magdalena and Marie. The confusion of the name being a diminutive of Marie might have arisen due to the figure of Marie Magdalena.
Madlaina f Romansh
Romansh form of Magdalena, traditionally found in the Engadine valley.
Madlaïne f Guernésiais
Guernésiais form of Madeleine.
Madlaingne f Picard
Picard form of Madeleine.
Madleen f Estonian
Contracted form of Magdaleena.
Madleina f Romansh
Variant of Madlaina, traditionally found in the Surselva region.
Madlen f Croatian (Rare), German (Rare), Bulgarian, Medieval German, Alsatian, Hungarian, Welsh
Bulgarian, Croatian, Alsatian, and German variant of Madeleine as well as a Hungarian borrowing of this name as well as a medieval German contracted and the Welsh regular form of Magdalena.
Madléna f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Madlena.
Madlena f Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian, German, Serbian, Sorbian, Romansh
Bulgarian, Croatian, German and Serbian variant of Magdalena as well as the standard Sorbian and Romansh form of the name.... [more]
Madlene f Alsatian
Variant of Madeleine reflecting the French pronunciation of this name.
Madleńka f Sorbian
Variant of Madlenka. Madleńka Šołćic is a Sorbian writer, editorial journalist and dramatic advisor.
Madlenka f Sorbian
Sorbian diminutive of Madlena.
Madli f Estonian
Originally a vernacular form of Magdaleena, now used as a given name in its own right.
Madlin f Scots
Variant of Maidlin.
Madline f German (East Prussian)
East Prussian German form of Madeleine.
Madlinne f Walloon
Walloon form of Madeleine.
Madlon f Guernésiais
Diminutive of Madlaïne.
Madlong f Alsatian (Archaic)
Alsatian form of Madelon reflecting the French pronunciation.
Mado f Georgian
Short form of Madina, Madlena and Madona.
Mado f French
Diminutive of Madeleine
Madò f Occitan
Diminutive of Madalena.
Madoa f Swahili
This name means ''freckle''.
Madoine f Arthurian Cycle
A fairy companion of Morgan le Fay.... [more]
Madok m Medieval Welsh
Medieval form of Madoc.
Madoka f & m Japanese
This name can be used as 円 (en, maru(.i), mado(.ka), maro.yaka) meaning "round, tranquil." It, along with 窓 (sou, su, (ten)mado, kemudashi) meaning "window" or 真 (shin, ma(-), makoto, mana, mado) meaning "real, true," can be combined with 香 (kou, kyou, ka, kao.ri/u) meaning "incense, smell, perfume," 花 or 華 (ka, ke, hana), both meaning "flower," or 佳 (ka) meaning "beautiful, good, excellent​."... [more]
Madolas m Arthurian Cycle, Literature
This name belongs to a character appearing in the Lancelot-Grail Cycle, also known as the Vulgate Cycle or the Pseudo-Map Cycle, an early 13th-century French Arthurian literary cycle.
Madolina f Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian variant of Maddalena.
Madolyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant form of Madeline via Madoline. A known bearer of this name is the American actress Madolyn Smith (b. 1957).
Madon m Arthurian Cycle
King of Bulgaria and one of the allys of Emperor Thereus of Rome.... [more]
Madona f Japanese
From Japanese 円 (mado) meaning "circle, yen, round" or 窓 (mado) meaning "window, pane" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree" or 凪 (na) meaning "calm". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Madone f French
French form of Madonna.
Madonna f Japanese
From Japanese 聖 (mado) meaning "holy, sacred" or 美 (ma) meaning "beautiful", 女 (do) meaning "female, woman, wife" combined with 母 (na) meaning "mother" or 娘 (na) meaning "daughter". Other kanji combinations are possible... [more]
Madore m Medieval Italian
Meaning unknown. Possible variant of Madora. This name was used in the Italy Renaissance.
Madragana f Medieval Portuguese (Rare)
A famous bearer was Madragana Ben Aloandro a mistress of king Afonso III of Portugal.
Madrid f & m English (American, Rare)
From place name Madrid.
Madrigal f & m American (Hispanic, Rare)
Transferred from the Spanish surname Madrigal... [more]
Madron m History (Ecclesiastical)
Saint Madron was a Pre-Congregational Saint, monk and hermit who was was born in Cornwall and a disciple of Saint Ciarán of Saigir. Both the village of Madron and St Maddern's Church in Cornwall are named for him... [more]
Madrona f Catalan (Rare), Spanish (Rare), Medieval Jewish
Variant of Matrona 1. This is the name of a saint who is venerated in Barcelona as well as the name of a woman mentioned in the Talmud.
Madrox m American
Of unknown meaning. ... [more]
Madsen m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Madsen.
Madsie f English
Diminutive of Madison
Madteos m Armenian
Variant of Matthew.
Madule f Arthurian Cycle
Wife of Nicoraut.... [more]
Maduras m Arthurian Cycle
A knight in the service of Leriador who lays siege to le Chastel des Mares.... [more]